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ANTIPHOLUS of Ephesus, having gnawed his bonds in sunder, released DROMIO.


Beaten the maids a-row, and bound the doctor,

Whose beard they have singed off with brands of fire;
And ever as it blazed, they threw on him

Great pails of puddled mire to quench the hair :

My master preaches patience to him, while

His man with scissors nicks him like a fool."

Аст V. S. 1.



The Duke, with ÆGEON going to execution, passes the Priory; and while ADRIANA requests his authority to take her husband from the Priory, ANTIPHOLUS and DROMIO of Ephesus, having escaped from PINCH,



The abbess shuts the gates on us,

And will not suffer us to fetch him out,

Nor send him forth, that we may bear him hence :
Therefore, most gracious duke, with thy command,
Let him be brought forth, and borne hence for help.
ANT. Justice, most gracious duke! oh, grant me justice!
ÆGE. Unless the fear of death do make me dote,

I see my son Antipholus and Dromio.

ANT. Justice, sweet prince, against that woman thereShe whom thou gav'st to me to be my wife; That hath abused and dishonour'd me

Even in the strength and height of injury!

Beyond imagination is the wrong

That she this day hath shameless thrown on me."

Аст V. S. 1.

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