VIII. CORIOLANUS' mother, wife, and child, with another noble lady of Rome, come to entreat for peace. AUFIDIUS' old hate being revived by the admiration of the Volsces for CORIOLANUS, he seeks occasion to destroy him. "VOL. Thou shalt no sooner March to assault thy country, than to tread (Trust to't thou shalt not) on thy mother's womb, That brought thee to this world. VIR. Ay, and on mine, That brought you forth this boy, to keep your name Living to time. VOL. Nay, behold us : This boy, that cannot tell what he would have, But kneels and holds up hands for fellowship, Does reason our petition with more strength Than thou hast to deny it. Aur. I am glad thou hast set thy mercy and thy honour At difference in thee: out of that I'll work Myself a former fortune." (Aside.) Аст V. S. 3. IX. CORIOLANUS accused by AUFIDIUS of having betrayed the trust reposed in him by the Volsces. They rise against him. "AUF. At his nurse's tears He whined and roar'd away your victory; That pages blush'd at him, and men of heart Look'd wondering at each other. Hear'st thou, Mars? AUF. Name not the god, thou boy of tears! Too great for what contains it. Boy! O slave!- CIT. Tear him to pieces!" Аст V. S. 5. |