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CORIOLANUS going into banishment, taking leave of

his family.

"COR. Come, leave your tears; a brief farewell :-the


With many heads butts me away.-Nay, mother,
Where is your ancient courage?"


Аст IV. S. 1.

CORIOLANUS goes to the house of AUFIDIUS.


If, Tullus,

Not yet thou know'st me, and seeing me, dost not

Think me for the man I am, necessity

Commands me name myself.


What is thy name?

Cor. A name unmusical to Volscian ears,

And harsh in sound to thine.

My name is Caius Marcius, who hath done
To thee particularly, and to all the Volsces,
Great hurt and mischief; thereto witness may

My surname, Coriolanus :

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The cruelty and envy of the people,

Permitted by our dastard nobles, who

Have all forsook me, hath devour'd the rest;

And suffer'd me by the voice of slaves to be

Whoop'd out of Rome.


O, Marcius, Marcius!

Each word thou hast spoke hath weeded from my heart

A root of ancient envy.

1 SERV. What an arm he has! he turned me about with his finger and thumb, as one would set up a top."

Аст IV. S. 5.



CORIOLANUS being appointed General of the Volscian Forces, the Romans send and entreat peace in vain. MENENIUS is then persuaded to go, in hopes that his ancient friendship with CORIOLANUS may prevail.

"COR. Away!
MEN. How! Away?

COR. Wife, mother, child, I know not. My affairs

Are servanted to others; though I owe

My revenge properly, my remission lies

In Volscian breasts.

Yet, for I loved thee,

Take this along; I writ it for thy sake,
And would have sent it."

Аст V. S. 2.

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