I. TIMON in his days of prosperity. -FLAVIUS, his steward, grieving over his imprudent generosity. "FLAV. More jewels yet! There is no crossing him in his humour, Else I should tell him,-well, -i' faith, I should; 'Tis pity bounty had not eyes behind, That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind. O my friends, I have one word To say to you:-Look you, my good lord, I must Advance this jewel; Accept, and wear it, kind my lord. 1 LORD. I am so far already in your gifts. ALL. So are we all." Аст І. S. 2. II. TIMON finds out his extravagance. "VARRO'S SERV. One Varro's servant, my good lord. ISIDORE'S SERV. From Isidore ; She humbly prays your speedy payment CAPHIS. If you did know, my lord, my master's wants-VAR. SERV. 'Twas due on forfeiture, my lord, six And past weeks, ISID. SERV. Your steward puts me off, my lord ; And I am sent expressly to your lordship. TIM. Wherefore ere this time Had you not fully laid my state before me, As I had leave of means?" Аст ІI. S. 2. |