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Retrofpect of Spanish Literature.-Law.


en el Regno de Murcia, por D. Aguftin Juan males; Obra dada á luz en Italiano, por el y Poveda, Profefes de Botanica, &c. A abate Lázaro Spalanzani, Profefor de Hif Phyfico-chemical Differtation on the Mi-toria Naturai, en la Universidad de Pavia, neral Waters of the Town of Alhama, in the Kingdom of Murcia, with an Analyfis thereof, by D. Auguftin Juan y Poveda, Profeffor of Botany, &c.

5. Tratado Medico teoretico practico, compuesto por el Dr. D. Antonio Corvella y Fondevila, Profefor de Medicina y Cirugia, retirado, &c un tomo en 8vo. A Medical Treatife, Theoretico-practical, compofed by Dr. Antonio Corvella y Fondevila, Exprofeffor of Phyfic and Surgery, &c. 1 vol. 8vo.

The author, who has dedicated his work to the Prince of Peace, treats on the diftempers of the bowels, gives an anatomical defcription of the cefophagus, and the other digeftive organs, and concludes with pointing out the most proper means for curing each peculiar diforder.

6. Noticia de las Aguas Minerales de la fuente de Solan de Cabras, en la Sierra de Cuenca, efcrita por D Juan Pablo Forner, c. Account of the Mineral Waters of Solan de Cabras, in the Mountains of Cuenca, written by D. Juan Pablo For


This work contains, befides the analyfis of the waters of Solan de Cabras, an, analytical defcription of the waters of Betea, made by order of the Spanish government, by Dr. Domingo Garcia Fernandez.

7. Tratado de las Enfermedades de la Boca fobre todas las Partes del Arte del Dentifta efcrito por D. Francifco Antonio Pelaez, Cirujano en efta Corte, y Dentifta de los Reales Hofpitales. A Treatife on the Difeafes of the Mouth, throughout every Branch of the Art of the Dentift, by D. Francifco Antonio Pelaez, Surgeon of this Place, and Dentist of the Royal Hofpitals.

This work is the refult of 40 years experience and obfervation; it embraces all the diftempers and difeafes of the mouth, and points out the moft proper and efficacious means for preferving the teeth.

8. Difertacion acerca del verdadero Caracter y Método curativo de las Heridas de Armas de Fuego, &c. por D. Agustin Pelaez, primer Adjutante de Cirujano-mayor de los Reales Exercidos. A Differtation on the true Character of Shot-wounds, and the Method of curing them, &c. by D. Aguftin Pelaez, chief Affiftant of the Surgeon-general of the Royal Armies.

9. Experimentos acerca de la Digeftion en el Hombre y en diverfas Expecies de Ani

traducida al Frances por Juan Senebier, Bibliotecario de la de Ginebra, y al Caftellano, con muchas aditiones importantes, recogidas de varios efcritos, por el Lib. D. Jofeph Bonillo. Experiments on Digeftion in Man, as well as in divers Species of Animals; a work published in the Italian language, by the Abbé Lazaro Spalanzani, Profeffor of Natural History in the Univerfity of Pavia, tranflated into French by Jean Senebier, Librarian of the Republic of Geneva, and into Spanifh, with a great variety of important additions, Jelected from feveral authors, by D. Jofeph Bonillo, B.A.


10. Tratado Fifico-médico de las Enfermedades de las Oidos, efcrito por D. Jvan Naval, Medico de Familia de S. M Phyfico-medical Treatife on the Diseases of the Organs of Hearing, by D. Juan Naval, Phyfician to the Royal Family.

The author fets out with a phyfiological and anatomical defcription of the ergans of hearing, then proceeds to an enquiry into the moft proper methods for curing deafnefs, and concludes with an account of feveral inftruments, invented with a view of increafing the fenfibility of the organ, and rendering deafnefs lefs irkfome to the perfons afflicted with this difeafe.

11. Elementos de Veterinaria, que fe ban de enfenér á los Alumnos de la Real Escuela de efta Corte: tomo 1. por D. Segimundo Malats, primer Director de dicha Efcula. Elements of the Veterinary Art, wherein are to be inftructed the Students of the Royal School in this Place; vol. 1ft. by D. Sigifmundo Malats, chief Director of the faid School.

The volume before us contains the pathology of the learned author, whofe Anatomy, Materia Medica, and new phyfical Obfervations on the rearing, preferving, and multiplying of Cattle, have obtained confiderable praife.

12. La Práctica moderna de la Inocula

cion, con Obfervaciones y Reflexiones fundadas en un Difcurfo fobre la Utilidad de efta Operacion, y un compendio de ju Origen y eftada actual, particularmente en Efpana, &c. efcrito por el Dr. D. Timetes O-Scalan. The modern Practice of Inoculation, with a brief Account of its Origin and prefent State, particularly in Spain, &c. by Dr. Timetes O-Scalan.


1. El Teatro de la Legislacion univerfal

Vol. V.]


Retrospect of Spanish Literature.-Hiftory,

de Espana Indias, tom. 20 y 21. The Theatre of the univerfal Legislation of Spain, &c.

Thefe are the 20th and 21ft volumes of the voluminous work, which, under the title of "The Theatre of the Univerfal Legiflation of Spain and the Indies," comprizes all the ordinances, edicts, laws, &c. enacted fince the origin of the Spanish monarchy, both for Spain, and the Spanifh poffeffions in America. Subfcriptions are received for the 22d and 23d


2. La Practica criminal por principios, &c. por el Lic. D. Juan Alvarez Pojadilla. The Practice of Criminal Proceedings, founded on Principles, &c. by D. Juan Alvarez Pofadilla.

3. Codigoy Practica Criminal, arreglado à las Leyes de Ejpana, por D. Vicente Vizcaino Perez, tres tomos en 8vo. The Criminal Code and Practice, according to the Laws of Spain, by D. Vicente Vizcaino Perez, 3 vols. in 8vo.


1. El Compendio Cronológico de la Hiftoria de Espana, por D. Jofeph Oftiz, de la Real Biblioteca de S. M. tomo 4to. A Chronological Synopfis of the Hiftory of Spain, by D. Jofeph Oltiz, of the Royal Library of his Majefty, vol. 4.

2. Crónica General de Efpana del Mtrs. Florian de Ocampoy de Ambrofis de Morales, con los tres tomos de Opufculos del mufmo, y las Vidas de los Sres. D. Fernando el Magno, D. Sancho de Zamora, D. Alonzo VI. Dona Urraca, y D. Alonzo VII. que en feguida efcribió D. Fr. Prudencio Sandoval, 15 tomos, en 4to. A General Chronicle of Spain, by Florian de Ocampo and Ambrofis de Morales, with three volumes of the Works of the latter, and the Lives of Ferdinand the Great, of Sancho de Zamora, King Alphonfus VI. Dona Arraca, and King Alphonfus VII. written by D. Fr. Prudencio Sandoval, 15 vols. in 4to.

3. Compendo Hiftorico de los Reyes de Arragon defde fu primer Monarca hafta fu Union con Caftilla, dos tomos en 8.00. mayor. An Hiftorical Summary of the Kings of Arragon, from its first Sovereign down to its Union with Caftile, 2 vols. in great 8vo.

The author has given in this interefting work, the hiftory of one of the most powerful monarchies in Europe, in a concife, yet clear and elegant style.

4. Hiftoria del Canal Imperial de Aragon, defde lo comenzó Carlos v. bafta el estado actual, con la Defcription de todas las obras que eftan conftruidas, accompanada de los planos á laminas, que las manifieftan, 36.


un tomo en 4to. grande. Hiftory of the Imperial Canal in Aragon, from the Time the Emperor Charles V. began its Conftruction down to its Prefent State, with a Defcription of all the Works, which have been conftructed, illuftrated by Plans and Drawings, &c. I vol. 4to.

5. Breve resumen de la Hiftoria de los Judios, de la Revelacion y de la Religion Chriftiana, un tomo en 8vo. An Abridgment of the Hiftory of the Jews, of the Revelation and Christian Religion, vol.


6. Sumario de Hiftoria Eclefiaftica, y de la de Efpana, en verfo Heroyco, por el Padre Jofeph Francifco de Ifla, fegunda edition, An Abridgment of the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, and of that of Spain, in Heroic Verfe, by Father Jofeph Francifco de Ifla, the fecond edition.

7. Origenes de la Poefia Caftellana, por D. Luis Jofeph Velasquez, Caballero del Orden de Santiago, de la Academia Real de la Hiftoria, y de la de las Infcriptiones y Bellas Letras de Paris, un tomo en 4to. The Origin of Spanish Poetry, by D. Luis Jofeph Velafquez, Knight of the Order of Santiago, Fellow of the Royal Academy of History, and of the Academy of Inferiptions and Belles Lettres, 1 vol.

in 4to.

This is the fecond edition of the history of Spanish poetry, by Velasquez, which holds a diftinguished rank among the lite rary productions of Spain. We cannot difcern any additions or alterations in the body of the work, but the typographical part has been carefully corrected and confiderably improved in this new edition.

8. Hiftoria del Rebellion y Caftigo de los Morifcos, del Reyno de Grenada, por Luis del Mármont Carvajal, fegunda impresion, dos tomos en 4to. The Hiftory of the Rebellion and Chaftifement of the Moors, in the Kingdom of Granada, by D. Luis del Marmol Carvajal, the fecond edition, 2 vols. in 4to.

The first edition of this important work was published at Malaga, in 1599, in folio, which having become extremely fcarce, this new edition has been publish ed, augmented by two tables of the cities, villages, and mountains, mentioned in the work, and of the most memorable things it contains, and by a topographical map of Granada, by Ambrofio de Vico. The third volume is preparing for the prefs, which is to contain the letters written by D. Juan de Auftria to the King, on the fubject of this conqueft, the originals of which are in the poffeffion of D. Eugenio de Llaguno.



Retrospect of Spanish Literature.-Politics, &c.

9. Memorias para la Hiftoria de la Poefia y Poetas Efpanoles; obra pofuma del Rmo. P. Mro. Fr. Martin Sarmiento, Benedictino, un tomo en 4to. Memoirs relative to the Hiftory of Spanish Poetry and Poets; a pofthumous Work of the Revd. F. Martin Sarmiento, a Benedi&tine Monk, 1 vol. 4to.


1. La Monarquia, por D. Clemente Penafola, Teriente Vicario General del exército de Extremadura, &c. un tomo en 4to. Monarchy, by D. Clemente Penafola, Deputy Vicary General of the Army of Extremadura, &c. 1 vol. in 4to.

This work is divided into three parts; the firft confiders monarchy in an abftract view, the fecond in its relations with the people, and the third with respect to the fovereign.


1. Novifima Edicion del Prontuario Moral del P. Miro. Larraga, adicionado y corrigido por D. Francifco Santos y Grófin. The laft Edition of the Moral Repofitory, by P. Mtro. Larraga, enlarged and corrected by D. Francifco Santos y Grofin.

2. Biblioteca de buena Educacion ó el Amante de la ninez y de la juventud. Obra proporcionada para la bueno Crianza de toda claffe de Perfonas y en especial de la Nobleza, .The Repofitory of Genteel Education, or the Friend of Children and Young Perfons; a Work intended to promote the genteel Education of Perfons of every Rank and Defcription, but especially of the Nobility.

3. El Confervador de los Ninos, por D. Aguftin Ginefta, Catedratico de partos y Enfermedades de Mugeres y de Ninos, del Real Colegio de Cirugia de S. Carlos de efta Corte. The Preferver of Children, by D. Aguftin Ginefta, Profeffor of Midwifery, and of the Difeafes of Women and Chil. dren, of the Royal College of Surgery of St. Carlos, of this Place.

This work contains the most important prefcriptions, for preventing the exceffive mortality which is generally obferved among children, and is peculiarly intended to root cut the pernicious maxims which, from ignorance or prejudice, have crept into the phyfical education of children.

4. Perjuicios, que acarrean al Género bumano y al Estado los Madres que rebufan criar Jus Hijos, y Medios para contener el Abufo de poner los en ania, por D. Fayme Bonello, de varias Academias, un tomo en Svo. The Injuries done to Humankind, and to the State, y Mothers, who refufe to bring up their own Children, and the Means for cl ecking the Abuse of putting them qut to Nurie


The author treats on the most unqueftionable method of bringing up ftrong and healthy children, of preferving them from many phyfical and moral evils, of avoiding the diffentions which difturb domeftic tranquillity, on account of mothers refufing to bring up their own children, and of preferving the beauty and health of the former.

5. Difcernimiento de Ingenios para Artesy Ciencias, un tomo en Svo. The Difcernment of Genius, or of the Natural Difpofition for Arts and Sciences, vol. 8vo.

The author fets out with obferving, that there exifts no human being, however rude it may appear, without fome innate difpofition or talent for fome art or fcience; points out the means of difcerning this talent, and of preferving it in children; enumerates the various talents requifite for theology, philofophy, poetry, &c. and refutes feveral erroneous opinions, advanced by the celebrated Juan Huarte, on this fubject.

6. Plan de Educacion, ó Expoficion de un nuevo Método para eftudiar las Lenguas, Geografia, Cronologia, Hifloria, Matemáticas, Filofofia, Politica,&c. en 4to. por D.Juan Antonio Gonzalez. A Plan of Education, or Expofition of a new Method of ftudying Languages, Geography, Chronology, Hiftory, Mathematics, Philofophy, Politics, &c. in 4to. by D. Juan Antonio Gonzales Canaveras. NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY.

1. Tratado de las Fuentes intermitentes y de la caufa de fus Fluxos y Suprefiones, de la Naturaleza y Ufo del Sifon, &c. por un Monge de la Congregacion de S. Benito de Valladolid. A Treatife on Intermitting Springs, and on the Caufe of their Flows and Suppreffions, on the Nature and Ufe of the Siphon, &c. by a Monk of the Be nedictine Order of Valladolid.

2. Verdadera Relacion y Manifefto Apologético de la Antiguedad de las Batuecas y fu dejcubrimiento, por el Br. Tomas Gonzalez de Manuel, Presbitero. A Faithful and Apologetical Account of the Antiquity and Discovery of the Batuecas (a Species of Savages, living in the Mountains), by B. Tomas Gonzalez de Manuel, Presbiter.

3. Cafimiri Gomegii Ortegae novarum aut rariorum Plantarum Horti Reg. Bot. Matrit. defcriptionum decades, cum nonnullarum Iconibus. Defcriptions of new and fcarce Plants, in the Royal Botanical Gar den at Madrid, with Engravings, reprefenting fome of them, by Cas. Gom. Ortega, &c.

This number contains 40 defcriptions, and 10 plates MATHE

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Vol. V.] Retrospect of Spanish Literature.—Mathematics, &c. 327


1. Tratados de Matemática, compuestos para la Inftruccion teórica de los Aprendices del Taller del Real Obfervatorio de Madrid, tomo 2. por D. Jofeph Radon. Tracts on Mathematics, compofed for the Inftruction of the Pupils of the Academy of the Royal Obfervatory at Madrid, in the theoretical Part of that Science, vol. 2. by D. Jofeph Radon.

2. Lecciones de Aritmética, pueftas en Forma de Diálogo, por Lucas María Romero y Serrano, &c. Leffons of Arithmetic, drawn up in Form of a Dialogue, by Lucas María Romero y Serrano, &c.

This work is an eafy and luminous introduction into the fcience of numbers, and the fecond part is rendered peculiarly ufeful to the Spanish youth, by an exact comparative table of the coins, weights, and measures, of Catalonia, Valencia, Arragon, Navarre, Majorca, and Minorca, and their reduction to the rial de Vellon, and the Caftilian pound and yard. CLASSICAL LITERATURE, CRITICISM.


1. Obras de Safo, Erinna, Alcman, Stefichoro, Alceo, Ibico, Simonides, Bachilides, Archiloco, Alfeo, Pratino y Menalipides, traducidas del Griego en Verfo Caftellano, por D. Jofeph y D. Bernabé Canga Argüelles, un tomo en 4to. The Works of Sappho, Erinna, Alcman, Stefichorus, Alceus, Ibicus, Simonides, Bacchylides, Archilocus, Alpheus, Prutinus, and Menalipides, tranflated from the Greek into Spanish verfe, by D. Jofeph, and D. Bernabé Canga Argüelles, I vol. 4to.

This volume contains the odes and epigrams of the faid authors, which are still extant, preceded by, their lives; at the end are introduced fome of the beft Spanish lyric poems. The tranflation of the remaining Greek lyric poets, is to be continued with the utmost affiduity.



1. Las Poecias de D. Francifco Gregorio de Salas, dos tomos, en 8vo. corregidas y aumentadas con nuevo acopio de Epigramas, Poemas, y Difcurfos Académicos. Poems of D. Francifco Gregorio de Salas, 2 vols. in 8vo. corrected, and enlarged by a new addition of Epigrams, Poems, and Academical Lectures.

This work is the fixth edition of the poems of Salas, known to be peculiar favourites of the Spanish public. They are divided into three parts, the firft of which contains the paftorals, entitled, Obfervatorio ruftico, and Dalmiro y Silvano; the fecond, the eulogiums on Extremadura, and the deceafed Spanish authors, who

flourished in the courfe of this century, the hymn on peace, a poetical defcription of the laft work of Chevalier Mengs, painted for his Spanish majefty, fome fatyrical poems, read before the Royal Academy of S. Fernando, and a variety of epigrains and madrigals; and the third, a paraphrafis of the lamentations of Jeremiah, and feveral other religious poems.

2. Tomo 2d. de las Fábulas en Verfo Caftellano de D. Jofeph Agustin Ibanez de la Renteria. Fables in Spanish Verfe, by D. Jofeph Agustin Ibanez de la Renteria, vol. 2.

3. Obras Poeticas de D. Ignacio de Merás Guerpo de Llano, Ayuda de Cámara del Rey, nueftro Senor, tomo I. en 8vo. The Poetical Works of D. Ignacio de Merás Gueipo de Llano, Groom of the Bedchamber to his Majesty, vol. 1. in 8vo.

This volume contains the following compofitions: Teonea, an original tragedy, in five acts; the Death of Barbaroffa, a famous pirate and ufurper of the kingdoms of Tunis and Tremefen, and of the city of Argel; an heroic poem, in one canto; a variety of fonnets in praise of the kings of Spain, and other perfonages; funeral eulogiums on the Spanish infant D. Luis, on Frederick II. king of Pruffia, on Catherine II. emprefs of Ruffia, and other illuftrious characters; amorous odes, &c.

4. Poefias Elcogidas de Frey Lope de Vega Carpio, &c. un tomo, en 8vo. Select Poems, by F. Lope de Vega Carpio, &c. 1 vol. 8vo.

This collection contains the best compofitions of this celebrated poet, which he published under his own name, as well as under that of Tome de Burguillos, M. A. Prefixed is a fhort account of his life, and a difcourfe on lyric poetry, and the ancient and modern ode, tranflated from Marmontel's works, with fome. additions.

5. Poefias, de D. Jofeph Mor de Fuentes, parte 2. Poems, by D. Joseph Mor de Fuentes, p. 2.


1. Explicacion de las Eftatuas, Fuentes, y Jarrones del Jardin del Real Sitio de S. Ildefonfo, Sucefos y Perfonages, que reprefentan, &c. An Explanation of the Statues, Fountains, and Bafons, of the Royal Seat of St. Ildephonfo; of the Events and Perfonages they reprefent, &c.

2. El juego de les feis Eftampas grandes que reprefentan las principales viftas de las evoluciones y maniobras del combate naval de Cabo Sicié, entre la Squadra combinada de Efpana y Francia, al mando de D. Juan Jofeph Navarro y M. Ducouft, y la Inglefa,



Retrospect of Spanish Literature.-Genealogy, &c. [Sup

del Almirante Mathews, ocurrido en 22 de Febrero en 1744. A Set of the fix large Engravings, which reprefent the principal Views of the Evolutions and Manoeuvres in the Sea-fight off Cape Sicie, between the combined Spanish and French Fleet, commanded by D. Juan Jofeph Navarro, and Mr. Ducouft, and the EngJish, under the Orders of Admiral Matthews, which took place on the 22d of February, 1744.

3. Eftampa de la Refurreccion del Senor, Pintura de Carlos Vanloo, y gravada por D. Mariana Latafa. A Print, reprefenting the Refurrection of our Saviour, after a Picture, by Charles Vanloo, engraved by D. Mariana Latafa.

4.Coleccion de feis Estampas que reprefentan varias Pofitiones y Maniobras de la Artilleria volante ó de á caballo, &c. A Collection of fix Prints, representing various Pofitions and Manoeuvres of the Flying, or Horfe Artillery, &c.


Guaderno 11. de la Coleccion de Retratos de los Espanoles Illuftres, &c. A Col lection of Portraits of Illuftrious Spaniare No. 11.

This number contains the portraits of D. Rodrigo Ximenes, Juan de Torquemada, Francifco Pizarro, Diego Garcia de Paredes, Santo Tomas de Villanueva, and Hernando de Soto.

6.Coleccion de Eftampas de todos los Retratos de los Reyes de Espana, &c. A Collection of Prints, containing all the Portraits of the Kings of Spain, &c.

Under each portrait is a note, pointing out the year of the king's acceffion to the throne, and of his death.

7. Los quatro Libros de Arquitectura Civil de Andrea Paladio, Vicentino, traducidos del Italiano, é ilustrados con Netas, por D. Jofeph Ortizy Sanz, Prefbytero, tomo 1, en folio mayor. The four Books of Civil Architecture, by Andrea Paladio, of Vicenza, tranflated from the Italian, and illuftrated with Notes, by D. Jofeph Ortiz y Sanz, Prefbyter."

This is the first volume of the works of Paladio, which the prefent king of Spain has ordered to be tranflated, in imitation of his father, by whofe orders, and at whofe expence, the works of Vitruvius were tranflated into Spanib. The volume before us contains 96 engravings, including the Portraits of Paladio, and of the Prince of Peace, to whom the work is dedicated.

GENEALOGY AND ANTIQUITIES. 1. Hiftoria cronológica y genealógica del primitivo Origen de la Nobleza de Efpana, fu "Antiguedad, Clafes y Diferencias, con Succe

fiones continuadas de las principales Familias del Reyno, y con la Ilustracion del Principado de Afturias: octo tomos en 410. A chronological and genealogical Hiftory of the Origin of the Spanish Nobility, of their Antiquity, Claffes, and Distinctions; with the Series of Succeffions of the principal Families in the Kingdom, and explanatory Remarks on the Principality of Afturias; 8 vols. in 4to.


1. Compendio Hiftorico de la Vida, Vir tudes, y Milagros del beato Juan de Ribeira, Patriarca de Antioquia, Arzobispo, Virey, y Capitan-general de la Ciudad de Valen cia, &c. An hiftorical Abridgment of the Life, Virtues and Miracles of the late Juan de Ribeira, Patriarch of Antiochia, Archbishop, Viceroy, and Captain-gene ral of the City of Valencia.


2. Vida del Conde de Buffon, traducidą del Frances, y aumentada con Memorias extrangeras pertenecientes á los Hechos y Efcritos ae efte celebrado Naturalifla de nuefto Siglo, y con un Apendice y varias Notas. Life of Count Buffon, tranflated from the French, and augmented with feveral foreign Memoirs, relative to the Achieve menis and Writings of that celebrated Naturalift of this Age, with an Appendix, and grea: Variety of Notes.

3. Vida y Sucevos profperos y adverfos de D. F. Bartolomé de Carranza y Mi anda, Arzobispo de Toledo, &c. por el Dr. Salazar de Miranda: dada á luz por D. Antonio Valladares de Sotomayor. The Life, and the profperous as well as adverfe Events of D: F. Bartolomé de Carranza y Miranda, Archbishop of Toledo, &c. by D. Salazar de Miranda: published by D. Antonio Valladares de Sotomayor.


1. Tratado de la Propagacion general de Pataias: fegunda Edition, que contiene los modernos Experimentos, Progrejos y Efectos en el Norte, tan defconocidas aqui comé necefario para Noticia publica: fu Autor D. Henrique Doyle. A Treatife on the general Propagation of Potatoes; the fecond edition, which contains the modern Experiments, Progreffes, and their Refults in the North, as unknown here, as they de ferve pubic Notice, by Henrique Doyle.

The author points out, in a clear and inftructive manner, the beft methods of cultivating and improving this ufeful root, and trears, in a peculiar chapter, on its cultivation, ufe, and utility in the kingdom of Peru.

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