Dork Diaries 6: Tales from a Not-So-Happy HeartbreakerLove—and crushes—are in the air for Nikki Maxwell in this sixth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dork Diaries series! It’s the biggest dance of the year and Nikki Maxwell is hoping her crush, Brandon, wants to be her date. But time is running out. What if he doesn’t want to go with her? Or worse—what if he ends up going with MacKenzie?! |
Section 1 | 4 |
Section 2 | 97 |
Section 3 | 118 |
Section 4 | 144 |
Section 5 | 146 |
Section 6 | 164 |
Section 7 | 178 |
Section 8 | 179 |
Section 13 | 211 |
Section 14 | 226 |
Section 15 | 259 |
Section 16 | 261 |
Section 17 | 265 |
Section 18 | 269 |
Section 19 | 314 |
Section 20 | 329 |
Section 9 | 186 |
Section 10 | 193 |
Section 11 | 196 |
Section 12 | 205 |
Section 21 | 331 |
Section 22 | 333 |
Section 23 | 343 |
Common terms and phrases
actually Anyway ask Brandon bathroom believe BFFs blushed booty-ful Brianna Buttons cell phone Chloe and Zoey Crazy Burger CRUDDY dah-ling Dork Diaries dress eyes FEBRUARY felt finally FOREVER Fuzzy Friends gave giggled girl grabbed guess guys gym teacher hair hand hanging happened horse float-toy thingy jazz hands kids Krebs Cycle lip gloss locker looked Mackenzie Maxine middle school minutes Miss Bri-Bri Miss Maxwell Miss Penelope nervous Okay Oliver pool popped posters pretty Princess Sugar Plum quiz Rachel Renée Russell screamed sea horse float-toy sick skills test smile sock Sorry SQUEEE stared started stuff Suddenly Sugar Plum cereal SUPERCUTE sure surprise Sweetheart Princess swim buddy swim class talk Taylor Swift tell text message Thank thing tickets tooth fairy totally Trevor Chase trying valentine Valentine's Valentine's Day wait Wallabanger want to go WCD SWEETHEART wearing that sea wing-dings yelled