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such things as by this Act is granted, without Oppression to be done to them, paying the Duties aforesaid."

1700, August 9th.

"An Act for ye better Secureing ye five Nations of Indians in their ffidelity to his Mat'y."

"WHEREAS nothing can more Contribute to ye Safety of this Province than ye ffidelity & ffriendship of ye five Nations of Indians. And Whereas the said Indians have by Reiterated instances to his Excel the Gov'r desired ye building of a ffort amongst them w'ch being thought necessary by ye Representatives in Gener'l Assembly. Bee it therefore ENACTED by his Excel the Gov'r Council & Representatives now in Gener'l Assembly Convened and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the Same That ye Sume of one thousand pounds Currant mony of this province be raised and Levyed in Such way & manner as is hereinafter Exprest for & towards the speedy Erecting building & finishing a ffort amongst ye Indians in Such Convenient part of ye County as by his Excel ye Gov'r by & w'th ye advice of the managers hereinafter named for ye Security of the Indians shall be thought fitt. And be it further Enacted by ye Authority aforesaid that for ye Satisfying & paying the Sum of One thousand pounds aforesaid that there shall be raised Levyed Collected & paid unto his Ma'ty for and Dureing ye Space & Term of one year from & after ye publicacon of this act & no longer ye Severall Rates and Duties hereinafter menconed over & above all other Dutyes Charges Impositions rates & Customes by any former Act and Acts Set Established and Imposed (That is to Say) the rate and Duty of Twenty five shillings Currant mony of this province for each Pipe of Wine that from and after the publicacon hereof shall dureing ye Term aforesaid be Imported into this province or its Dependencies and so proportionable for a greater or lesser quantity two pence half penny on each gall. of Rum Imported as aforesaid the sum of two per Cent to be on ye first Cost of all European goods Imported as aforesaid the Sum of Twenty shillings on each hh'd of Molasses Imported as aforesaid the Sum of three pence on every Empty Barrel Imported as aforesaid the Sum of Two pence on every Empty half barrel Imported as aforesaid the Sum of Three Shillings on each Barrell of Sider Imported as aforesaid, the Sum of Twenty shillings for every ton of Logwood Imported as aforesaid and the Sum of Six pence on each half Barrel of fflower that shall be Exported out of this province to be paid by the Exporter. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid that ye Severall rates and Dutyes hereby Imposed on ye goods wares Merchandizes and Liquors aforesaid, shall be raised Levyed Collected recovered and paid unto his Matys Collector & Receiver Generall or to ye Com'rs for Executing ye office of Collector & Receiver Generall of this province for the time being dureing the terme before menconed in ye Same manner and forme and by Such wayes and meanes and under Such penalties fines and forfeitures as are menconed Expressed and Directed in and by an Act of Generall Assembly made in the Eleaventh year of his ma'tys Reigne Entituled an Act for Granting unto his Maty Severall Dutyes for the defraying the publick Charge of the Governm't after ye time Lymitted in an Act Confirming & Continuing unto their Ma'tys the Revenue Establisht by an Act of Generall Assembly for defraying the publick and necessary charge of the Governm't is Expired in as full and ample manner as if the Same were particularly recited in this Said act anything to the Contrary hereof in any wayes notwithstanding. And be it further enacted by ye Authority aforesaid Hendrick Hansen John Bleeker & Peter Van Burgh Esq'rs bee & are hereby appointed to be managers of the building Erecting & finishing Said ffort and providing materialls for ye Same in Such way & manner as by his Excel the Gov'r by and w'th ye advice of said managers shall be from time to time thought fitt. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that ye Col. or Receiver Generall

of this province or ye Com'r of the Custome of this province for ye time being be and are hereby required to keep a particular book of all the Duties & Rates Accruing & paid by Virtue of this act. And that ye Said Receiver Gener'l or the Com'rs for Executing ye office of Colector and Receiver Generall of this province shall every three months Send up to ye managers aforesaid the Sum or Sumes of mony w'ch he or they have rece'd by vertue of this Act untill the said Sum of one thousand pounds shall be paid unto them & if any Surplusage remaines over or above the one thousand pounds aforesaid in his or their hands the Same is to be disposed of as by ye Generall Assembly shall be thought Convenient And bee it further Enacted that whatever Sum or Sumes of mony shall be paid for any materialls or workmen or any other matter relating to said ffort shall be by warrant from his Excel the Gov'r by and w'th advice of the managers or any two of them aforesaid "

1700, November 2d.

"An Act for the Incouraging of Seamen.”

"Bee it Enacted by the Governor and Councill and Representatives Convened in General Assembly, That whatsoever Tavern-keeper Alehousekeeper Victualler or Victuallers with the City and County of New York, that shall Trust or Creditt any Seaman belonging to any ship or Vessell that is in, or shall hereafter come into the Road or harbour of the said City for any sum of money above the sum of six shillings Currant money of this province shall loose the same, and no writt or process shall go out against any Seaman as aforesaid at the suit of any Tavern keeper, Alehouse keeper or Victualler within the City aforesaid and County for any greater sum than six shillings as aforesaid, Except he be Master of some ship or Vessel. And if any Tavern-keeper, Alehouse-keeper or Victualler within the said City shall trust or give Creditt to any Seaman that is out of Service for any greater sume than Twelve pence p day, so long as he shall be out of Service, shall likewise loose the same, and no writt or process shall go out against any Seaman at the suit of any Tavern-keeper or Alehousekeeper within the said City and County for any greater sum than the proportion of twelve pence p diem dureing the time he shall be out of service, Except a Master of a Ship or Vessell as aforesaid. And if any Clark of the Courts of Record within the said City and County shall issue any writts against any Seamen Circumstanced as aforesaid contrary to the Intent and meaning of this Act shall for his offence forfiet the sume of five pounds Currant money of this province to be recovered before the Mayor or Recorder or any two of his Majties Justices of the peace of the said City and County the one half to the use of the poor of the said City, and the other half to the Informer or him who shall sue for the same without further appeale. And all Masters of Vessells trading to and from the said City shall within fforty Eight houres after his or their arrivall bring into the Town Clark of the said City, a list of the names of all such Seamen as he did Import or belong to his and their Vessells and the same cause to be Registred in the Office of the said Town Clerk who shall take no greater Reward for the same than one Shilling Currant money aforsaid. Provided that this act shall not continue in force longer than five yeares after the publication hereof."

1700, November 2d.

"An Act for the Incouraging the brewing of Beer and making of Malt within this province."

"Whereas the Representatives of this province now in General Assembly Convened do find that the Brewing of Beer and making of Malt is greatly Discouraged within this province by reason of the great Quantities of Beer and Malt dayly imported to the great Discouragement of the trade and

Manufacture of the same, Now to the End that the Inhabitants of this province may be Incouraged in the brewing of beer and making of Malt Be it Enacted and it is hereby Enacted by his Excellency the Governor and Council and Representatives now in General Assembly convened, and by the authority of the same, that the following rates and duties be paid unto his Majesty his heires and Successors for and towards the Support of the Government and the Contingent charges thereof from and dureing the time and Terme of ffive yeares Comencing from and after the first day of January next ensuing the publication of this act (that is to say) the sume of Nine shillings Currant money of this province on each Barrill of beer imported into this province from any of his Majesties plantations in America and so proportionably for a greater or Lesser Quantity and the sume of one shilling Currant money aforesaid for each Bushell of Malt imported from any of his Majesties plantations in America as aforesaid and so proportionably for a greater or Lesser Quantity and Be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid That the rates and duties aforementioned be Levyed Collected and payd in such manner and under such regulations and Distributions and upon such fines and fforfietures as is declared in and by one Act of Assembly Intituled An Act for granting unto his Majesty severall duties for the defraying the publick Charge of the Government after the time Limitted in an Act Confirming and Continuing unto their Majesties the Revenue Established by an Act of General Assembly for defraying the publick Charges of the Government is Expired to all intents Constructions and purposes whatsoever as if the said act and every clause therein conteined had been in these presents particularly mentioned and Expressed any Law usage or Custom to the contrary hereof in any ways notwithstanding."

1701, October 18th.

"An Act for Encouraging the City of New York"

"WHEREAS the Citty of New York is the most Ancient City of this Province, and is now, and for Some time Since hath been at very great Charges & Expences for the building and maintaining of publick buildings for the Hon'r & Reputation of this Province, by reason whereof the Treasury of the said Citty is Exhausted, and great Sums are yet wanting to Compleat the matters aforesaid. Now for the ease, benefit Comodity, encouragement and Assistance of the said Citty of New York and to the end the Supreme Court of Judicature within this Citty and County and the Court of admiralty for this province may have Conveniences for their Sittings in the City hall of this City, without charge to the Crowne, May it please your Honours, That it may be declared and Enacted, And it is hereby Enacted by the Gov'r and Council, and Representatives in General Assembly Convened, and by the authority of the Same, that the rates and Duties hereinafter named, be raised, Imposed, Collected and paid for and during the time, the term of three years, from and after the last day of this present Sessions of the General Assembly, to be paid unto Such Officer as the Comon Council of the said City, shall from time to time appoint, for the use of the said City, which Comon Council are hereby Authorized and Impowered to appoint Such officer accordingly, during the time and terme aforesaid, That is to Say, ** * the Sum of nine pence

on each barrel of Syder Imported as aforesaid, and So for a greater or Less Quantity; and the Sum of three pence. for every Empty Cask Imported as aforesaid. each Barrell of Rum, Sugar, Molasses,

* * *

oyle, porke or other thing three pence; each Empty Barrel four Stivers Wampum or a Silver penny;

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1701, October 18th.

"An Act for granting an Additional Duty to his Maty."

"The Representatives of this Province now in General Assembly convened considering the many and great favours his most Sacred Ma'ty

hath been Graciously please from time to time to bestow upon the Province and the People thereof *** most humbly pray that it may be ENACTED and be it Enacted by his Hon'r the Leiu't Gov'r and Council, and Representatives now in General Assembly Conven'd, and by the authority of the same, That there shall be raised, Collected and paid unto his ma'ty for and During the Space and Term of two years, from and after the Publication of this Act, and no longer, the Several Rates and Duties hereinafter mentioned, over and above all other Duties, Charges, Imposition, Rates and Customs by any former Act or Acts Set, Established and Imposed (for and toward the Support of this Goverm't and Contingent Charges thereof, and Such other uses as are hereinafter Expressed) That is to Say * * the Rate, Duty and Custom of Ten Shillings Currant mony aforesaid for each pipe of Wine that shall be Imported into this Province, as aforesaid, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser quantity. And the Sum of Thirty Shillings Currant mony aforesaid for each Pipe of Wine that shall be Imported, as aforesaid, from any other Port or place than the part and place where the said Wine was made, & so in proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity. And the Sum of one half penny Currant Money aforesaid for each Gallon of Rum Imported as aforesaid. And the Sum of two pence Currant Money aforesaid for each gallon of rum that shall be Imported as aforesaid from any other part or place than the part and place where the said Rum is made and distilled. And the Sum of three Shillings Currant money aforesaid for each barrel of Beer that shall be Imported as aforesaid, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser quantity. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Several rates and Duties hereby Imposed on the Goods, Wares, Merchandises and Liquors aforesaid shall be raised, Levyed and Collected, Recovered and paid unto his Ma'tys Collector and Receiver General for the time being, during the time before mentioned, in the same manner and form, and by such Rules, allowances wayes, and under such penalties, fines and forfeitures as are mentioned, Expressed and directed in and by an Act of General Assembly of this Province made in the Eleaventh year of his Ma'tys Reign,

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"And whereas by an Act of the General Assembly made in the Eleventh year of his Ma'tys Reign, Entituled, an Act for Granting unto his Ma'ty Several Duties for the defraying the publick Charge of the Goverm't after the time Limitted in an Act Confirming and Continuing unto their Ma'tys the Revenue, Established by an Act of Generall Assembly for defraying the publick and necessary Charges of the Govermen't, for the time therein menconed and Expressed, it is amongst other things Enacted, that there be given and Granted unto his Ma'ty the Duty of Excise upon all Liquors retailed throughout the Province and Dependencies aforesaid, under the quantity of five Gallons (the Sum of Twelve pence Currant Money aforesaid, for each gallon So retailed (Beer and Syder only Excepted) leaving it Doubtfull whether a person Selling five Gallons and upwards of the Liquors therein mentioned and Expressed, and Suffering the Same to be carryed or Conveyed from his House in lesser quantity than five Gallons, should Incurr the penalty of the said Act, Be it therefore Enacted, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons within this Province and Dependencies shall from and after the publicacon hereof, Suffer any quantity of the Liquors menconed in said Act, and Sold by him, to be carryed or Conveyed out of his House under the quantity of five Gallons at one time, notwithstanding any Sale or pretended Sale for a greater quantity, shall be lyable to the forfeitures menconed in the said Act, any thing to the Contrary hereof in any wayes notwithstanding."

1702, May 1st.

"An Act for paying the Debts of this Goverment made in the time of the late happy Revolucon."

"WHEREAS Jacob Leisler Esq'r Deceased the late happy Revolucon

* * *

* **

車 did in the time of

lay out and pay divers great and Con


siderable Sums of money for the defence of this Province whereas His Most Sacred Majesty has been graciously pleased upon the Peticon of Jacob Leisler, son and heir of the said Jacob Leisler Esq'r deceased to transmit said Peticon * to the Generall Assembly of



New York, being the only place where he can be Reliev'd and the prayer of his Peticon be complied with,

"Be it Enacted imposed:

that the following rates and duties are

Upon every Gallon of Liquors Distilled in the neighbouring Colonys (Except Rum) from the West Indies Imported as aforesaid four pence half penny over and above all other Dutys already Imposed. AND Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Severall, Rates and Duties hereby Imposed on the goods Wares Merchandizes & Liquors shalbe raised Levyed Collected received and paid unto his Ma'tys Collector & Receiver Generall for the time being dureing the terme before menconed in the Same manner & forme and by Such rules allowances wayes and meanes & under Such penalties fines & forfeitures as are menconed Expressed and Directed in and by an Act of General Assembly made in the Eleaventh year of his Ma'tys Reign Entituled an Act for granting unto his Ma'ty Severall Duties for the defraying the Debts of the Goverment after ye time Lymitted in an Act Confirming & Continuing unto their Ma'ties ye Revenue Established by an act of Generall Assembly for defraying ye publick & necessary Charge of the Goverment is Expired in as full & ample manner as if the Same were particularly recited in this act any thing to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding."

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"An Act for Continuing the Revenue Established by Law unto his Ma'ty for two yeares Longer."

"The Representatives now in General Assembly Convene'd Considering the many & great favours this Province does dayly receive from his most Sacred Ma'ty which ought to meet with a gratefull return from his Subjects in this Province do therefore humbly pray that it may be Enacted, and it is hereby Enacted by the Leiu't Gov'r & Council and Representatives now in General Assembly Convened, and by the Authority of the Same that the Revenue Establsht by an Act of General Assembly of this Province Entituled an Act for granting unto his Ma'ty Several Duties for the defraying the publick Charg of the Goverm't after ye time Limitted in an Act Entituled an Act Confirming & Continuing unto their Ma'tys the Revenue Establisht by an Act of General Assembly for defraying the publick & necessary Charge of the Government is Expired is and is hereby Continued for two yeares Longer than in the said Last menconed Act is Expressed in as full and Ample manner as if the said last menconed Act had been herein particularly Recited & Expressed the said Act or any other Law usage or Custome to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding"

1702, November 27th.

"An Act for Continuing the Revenue.”

"As a demonstracon of our Loyalty and Cordiall affection to her most Sacred Ma'ty, and for better Support of her Goverm't in this her Colony of Newyork, We, the Representatives of the People, in Generall Assembly, Desire that it may be Enacted, and be it Enacted by his Excel the Govern'r, by and with the Consent of her Ma'ties Council, and the Generall Assembly of this Colony, That the Rates, Duties & Excises made pay

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