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[The * marks the most important dates.]

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Sir Martin Frobisher's voyages (in search of
a Northwest Passage), 1576.

*Sir Francis Drake sails round the world
(visits the western coast of North America
and names it New Albion), 1577-1579.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert's voyages (takes pos-
session of Newfoundland), 1578, 1583.
*The Spaniards settle Santa Fé, New Mexico
(the second oldest town in the United
States), 1582.

*Sir Walter Raleigh sends out his first expe、

dition to North America (the country named Virginia in honor of Queen Elizabeth), 1584.

Sir Walter Raleigh sends out colonies to settle (Roanoke Island) "Virginia" (not permanent), 1585, 1587.


Gosnold's expedition to Northern Virginiz
(New England), 1602.

*Jamestown, Virginia, settled (the first per manent English settlement made in America), 1607.

Sir George Popham attempts to make a settlement in Maine, 1607.

*Magellan's voyage round the globe, 15191521. Verrazzano explores the coast of North *The French settle Quebec (first permanent America (?), 1524 (?). French settlement in America), 1608.

Cabeza de Vaca discovers one of the mouths *Henry Hudson explores the Hudson River, of the Mississippi, 1528.


Cartier discovers the St. Lawrence and names *John Rolfe begins the cultivation of tobacco Montreal, 1535.

*De Soto's expedition (he discovers the main stream of the Mississippi), 1539-1542. Huguenot settlement at Port Royal (not permanent), 1562.

Huguenot settlement on the St. John's River,

Florida (broken up by the Spaniards), 1564. *The Spaniards settle St. Augustine, Florida

(the oldest town in the United States), 1565.

at Jamestown, Virginia, 1612.

*The Dutch take possession of New Netherland (New York), 1614.

*The House of Burgesses (the first law-mak

ing assembly in America) meets at Jamestown, 1619.

*Negro slavery is introduced into Virginia, 1619.

*Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1620.



The Dutch build Fort Orange (Albany), 1622. | *Cultivation of rice begun in South Carolina, First permanent English settlement made

(at Pemaquid Point) in Maine, 1625. *The Dutch purchase Manhattan Island (New York City) of the Indians, 1626. Settlement of Dover, New Hampshire, 1627. Settlement of Salem, Massachusetts, 1628. *Settlement of Boston, 1630.

Settlement of Portland, Maine, 1632. *Settlement of St. Mary's, Maryland, 1634. *The first English Catholic Church established in America, 1634.


Yale College founded, 1701.

The French establish a colony at Mobile,


Second war with the French and the Indians ("Queen Anne's War"), 1702.

*The Boston News Letter, the first newspaper published in America, 1704.

New Orleans founded by the French, 1718. Benjamin Franklin begins his "Poor Richard's Almanac," 1732.

*Religious toleration granted in Maryland to Oglethorpe settles Savannah, Georgia, 1733.

all Christians, 1634.

*Settlements begun in Connecticut (Wethers

field and Windsor), 1635.

*A public school is established in Boston, 1635.

Cultivation of indigo begun in South Caro-
lina, 1741.

Third war with the French ("King George's
War"), 1744.

Louisburg taken, 1745.

*Settlement of Providence, Rhode Island, by *Benjamin Franklin discovers that lightning

Roger Williams, 1636.

*Religious toleration granted in Rhode Island to all persons (whether Christians or not), 1636.

*Harvard College founded, 1636.

The Pequot War, 1637.

New Haven, Connecticut, settled, 1638.
Delaware settled by the Swedes, 1638.
*The Connecticut Constitution (the first writ-
ten constitution framed by the people in
America), 1639.

First printing-press in New England, 1639.
First New England Confederacy, 1643.
Clayborne's Rebellion in Maryland, 1645.

and electricity are identical, 1752.

Washington sent as a commissioner to the
French, 1753.

The fourth French and Indian War, 1754. *The Albany Convention, 1754.

The Rev. Jonathan Edwards publishes his
work on the "Freedom of the Will," 1754.
Braddock's defeat, 1755.

*Fort Duquesne taken by the English and
named Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh), 1758.
*Wolfe takes Quebec, 1759.

*Treaty of peace, 1763.

Pontiac's War, 1763.

Coming of the Quakers to New England, IV. THE REVOLUTION; THE CONSTI1656.

The English settle in North Carolina, 1663.
The Regicides come to New England, 1663.
The English seize New Netherland (New

Amsterdam becomes New York City), 1664. The English settle Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1664.

The Connecticut and the New Haven colonies united, 1664.

*French exploration of the West begins, 1669. *Settlement of Old Charleston (South Carolina), 1670.

*King Philip's War, 1675.

*Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia, 1676.
*William Penn settles Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania, 1683.

*La Salle explores the Mississippi, 1682.
First war with the French and the Indians
("King William's War"), 1689.
The Salem Witchcraft, 1692.
William and Mary College (Virginia)
founded, 1692.

TUTION. (1765-1788.)

*Parliament passes the Stamp Act, 1765.
Repeal of the Stamp Act, 1766.

The Declaratory Act, 1766.

Duties laid on glass, paints, paper, and tea,

British troops sent to Boston, 1768.
The Boston Massacre (March 3), 1770.
Destruction of the Gaspee (June 10), 1772.
All duties repealed except that on tea, 1773.
*The "Boston Tea-Party" (December 16),


General Gage appointed military governor,


*Parliament closes the port of Boston (June 1), 1774.

*The first Continental Congress meets at Phil-
adelphia (September 5), 1774.

The battle of Lexington (April 19), 1775.
The battle of Concord (April 19), 1775.
The siege of Boston begins (April 20), 1775.

Ethan Allen takes Ticonderoga (May 10),| Indian massacre at Wyoming, Pennsylvania


Crown Point taken (May 11), 1775. *Washington appointed commander-in-chief (June 15), 1775.

*Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17), 1775. Washington takes command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts

(July 3), 1775.

General Montgomery takes Montreal (November 13), 1775. Montgomery and Arnold attack Quebec (Montgomery killed) (December 31), 1775. Paine's "Common Sense "(January 5), 1776. *The British evacuate Boston (March 17), 1776.

The British fail in their attack on Fort Moultrie, South Carolina (June 28), 1776. *Declaration of Independence (July 4), 1776. *Battle of Long Island (August 27), 1776. Battle of White Plains, New York (October 28), 1776.

Fort Washington taken (November 16), 1776. *Washington retreats across New Jersey and

crosses the Delaware (November 19 to December 8), 1776.

*Washington gains the victory of Trenton, New Jersey (December 26), 1776. *Washington victorious at Princeton, New Jersey (January 3), 1777.

He goes into winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey, 1777.

Arrival of Lafayette in spring of 1777. *American victory at Bennington, Vermont (August 16), 1777.

British victory at Brandywine Creek, Pennsylvania (September 11), 1777.

(July 3), 1778.

Indian massacre at Cherry Valley, New York (November 11), 1778.

The British take Savannah, Georgia (December 29), 1778.

"Mad Anthony" Wayne takes Stony Point (July 15), 1779.

*Victory of Paul Jones off coast of England (September 23), 1779.

British conquest of Georgia, 1779. British capture of Charleston, South Carolina (May 12), 1780.

British victory at Camden, South Carolina (August 16), 1780.

*Arnold's treason (September), 1780. American victory at King's Mountain, South Carolina (October 7), 1780.

*General Greene takes command of the Amer-
ican army at the South, 1780.
*American victory at Cowpens, South Caro-
lina (January 17), 1781.

*Greene's retreat northward, 1781.
British gain battle of Guilford Court-House,
North Carolina (March 15), 1781.
British success at Hobkirk's Hill, South
Carolina (April 25), 1781.

British retreat from Eutaw Springs, South
Carolina (September 8), 1781.

Benedict Arnold and Cornwallis invade Virginia, 1781.

*American victory of Yorktown (October 19), 1781.

The war suspended, 1782.

*Treaty of peace with Great Britain (September 3), 1783.

Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, 1786. Battle of Bemis Heights, New York (Sep- *The Federal Convention frames the Constitember 19), 1777.

tution, 1787.

*Howe enters Philadelphia (September 26), The ordinance concerning the Northwest 1777. Territory, 1787.

British victory at Germantown, Pennsyl- *The states accept the Constitution, 1788. vania (October 4), 1777.

*American victory at Stillwater, New York V. THE UNION; NATIONAL DEVEL(October 7), 1777.

*American victory at Saratoga, New York;

Burgoyne surrenders (October 17), 1777. Washington goes into winter quarters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (December II), 1777.

*France acknowledges the independence of the United States (February 6), 1778. *The British evacuate Philadelphia (June 18), 1778.

Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey (June 28), 1778.

OPMENT. (1789-1860.)

WASHINGTON inaugurated President of the United States (two terms), 1789-1797. *Organization of the departments of the government and formation of the Cabinet, 1789.

Revenue Tariff imposed, 1789.
First census, 1790.

Settlement of Cincinnati, 1790.
United States Bank established, 1791.
United States Mint established, 1792.


Organization of political parties begun,-Federalists and Anti-Federalists or Democratic-Republicans, a name later shortened to Democrats, - 1792. *Whitney invents the cotton-gin, 1793. The Whiskey Rebellion, 1794.

Jay's treaty with Great Britain, 1795. ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION (one term, 1797-1801).

The X. Y. Z. Papers,- War with France, 1798.

*The Alien and the Sedition Laws, 1798.
Peace made with France, 1799.
Death of Washington, 1799.

*The city of Washington made the national capital, 1800.

[blocks in formation]

(two terms, 1809-1817).

End of the Non-Intercourse Policy, 1810.
Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811.

*War declared against Great Britain (June 18), 1812.

Hull surrenders Detroit (August 16), 1812. *The Constitution takes the Guerrière (August 19), many American victories on the sea follow, 1812.

*Perry's victory on Lake Erie (September 10), 1813.

Jackson's victory at Tohopeka, Alabama (March 27), 1814.

Battle of Chippewa (July 5), 1814. Battle of Lundy's Lane (July 25), 1814. *The British take Washington (August 24), 1814.


The first steamship the Savannah (American) crosses the Atlantic, 1819. *Purchase of Florida, 1819.

*The Missouri Compromise, 1820.
*Extension of National Road, 1822.
*The Monroe Doctrine, 1823.

High Protective Tariff established, 1824.
Lafayette visits the United States, 1824.
TION (one term, 1825-1829).

*The Erie Canal opened, 1825.

*The temperance reform movement begun, 1826.

*Ground broken at Baltimore for the first railroad, 1828.

[blocks in formation]

*General removal of government officers, 1829. *The first steam railroad opened (at Baltimore), 1830.

*Garrison begins the publication of the Liberator (January 1), 1831,

The President vetoes the United States Bank Bill, 1832.

*Nullification in South Carolina, 1832.

Chicago founded, 1833.

The New York Daily Sun, the first onecent newspaper, appears, 1833. *McCormick's reaper, 1834. Rise of the Whig party, 1834. Second Seminole War, 1835. Coal comes into extensive use, 1835. Great fire in New York City, 1835. *Rise of American Literature,


Longfellow, Holmes, Lowell, Emerson, Bancroft, Prescott, Hawthorne, Poe, - 1835.

VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION (one term, 1837-1841). *Business panic, 1837.

Repudiation of state debts, 1838.

Congress refuses to receive petitions for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, 1838.

*Macdonough's victory on Lake Champlain *Beginning of the American express system,

(September 11), 1814.

Hartford Convention (December 15), 1814. Treaty of peace signed at Ghent (December 24), 1814.


The Mormons settle Nauvoo, 1839.

*The first line of steamships between Europe and America (Cunard) established, 1840.

*Jackson's victory at New Orleans (January *The government establishes an independent

8), 1815.


(two terms, 1817-1825).

First Seminole War, 1817.

treasury with sub-treasuries, 1840. HARRISON AND TYLER'S ADMINISTRATIONS (one term, 1841


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