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shall be known in deed and in law, by the name of the John's Island Society.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforeSuccessi said, That the said corporation, by its name aforeon of offi- said, shall have a succession of officers and memmembers bers to be appointed or elected in such manner, or and a com- according to such form as may be prescribed by

cers and

mon seal.

real and

the rules and regulations now existing, or hereaf ter to be made, for the government of the said society, and that they shall have a common seal, with power to change, alter and make new the said rules and regulations and common scal, in such manner, and as often as they shall judge necessary and expedient.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforeMay hold said, That the said corporation shall be able and capersonal pable in law to purchase, have, hold, use, take, reproperty. ceive, possess, retain and enjoy any estate, real and

personal, of every nature or kind whatsoever: Provided the amount thereof shall not exceed the sum of thirty thousand dollars; and that the funds of the said corporation shall be always, and at all times, exclusively applied by them, to charitable and benevolent purposes, either in relation to the education, maintenance and support of youth, or to the support and maintenance of sick or distressed persons, such as the said corporation may, at any time hereafter, be inclined to relieve or befriend; and to let, lease, sell, alien or otherwise dispose of their present or future acquisitions of real or personal property, in fee simple, or for any term of years, as they may think proper; and that it shall be lawful for the said corporation to take, accept, and hold for ever any charitable donations, gifts, devises and bequests of land or personal property, and to appropriate the same to the purposes of their said institution only. Provided, That such charitable donations, gifts, devises and bequests as aforesaid, shall not exceed the aforesaid sum of thirty thousand dollars.

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And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said corporation shall and may, by Their its name aforesaid, sue and be sued, implead and powers be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any vileges. court of law or equity in this state; and shall and may make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant or contrary to the laws of the land, as for the good order and proper government of the said corporation may, by them be thought necessary and expedient; and in like manner may change, alter, amend or renew their present, or any of their future rules, by-laws and regulations.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said corporation shall and may have, This act a hold, take, possess, retain and enjoy all such estates, public act, real and personal, money, goods, chattels and effects, as they now possess or are in any wise entitled unto, subject to the limitation aforesaid, of the sum of thirty thousand dollars: And that this act shall be deemed and held a public act, and judicially taken notice of as such, and that the same may be given in evidence without special pleading.

In the Senate House, the twentieth, Day of December, in
the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred,
and in the twenty-fifth Year of the Independence of
the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
the House of Representatives.

An ACT to establish an Inspection and Warehouses at the places therein mentioned.


HEREAS it hath been represented to the legislature by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Pendleton district, that it would tend very much to their convenience, and the public good, to have an inspection and ware-house for tobacco established at the confluence of Little Generostce and Savannah river; and also at the confluence of Savannah and Keewee rivers:

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Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Se'nate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority

of the same, That an inspection, and one or more Inspection ware-houses for the storage of tobacco, shall be establish established and erected at or near the mouth of Litmouth of the Generostee creek, on Savannah river, on the Little Ge- lands of David Moffatt, as soon as conveniently creek, on may be after the passing of this act; which inspecSavannah tion shall be subject to all the regulations, restrictions and conditions set forth and expressed in and by an act, entitled, "An act for regulating the inspection and exportation of tobacco," passed the thirteenth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.




And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That John Moffatt, Alexander White, Leonard sioners ap- Simpson, Nathan Lusk and Moses Liddle, shall be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to fix upon the most convenient place, at or near the mouth of the said Little Generostee creek, for the purposes aforesaid; and that they shall have full power to choose one or more inspector or inspectors, for the said inspection, and make such additional rules and regulations to those prescribed by the aforesaid act, as by them may be deemed expedient and necessary.

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And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, Inspection That an inspection and ware-house, for the inspecestablish- tion of tobacco, shall be erected at the conflucnce confluence of Toogalo and Kowee rivers, on the lands of Saof Toogalo muel Earle; and that major Thomas Farrar, Obaand Ka- diah Trimmier, Thomas Stribling, William Gest, and Samuel Earle, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners of the said inspection, and that they shall have full power and authority to choose one or more inspector or inspectors for the said inspection, and make such rules and regulations as by them may be deemed necessary and expedient; and that the said inspection shall be sub

jest to the regulations, restrictions and conditions of the aforementioned act, passed the thirteenth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.

ed at

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That an inspection and one or more ware-houses, Inspection for the inspection and storage of tobacco, shall and establishmay be established in the village of Winnsborough, winnsboas soon as conveniently may be after the passing rough. of this act; which inspection shall be subject to all the regulations and restrictions set forth and expressed in and by the aforesaid act, entitled, "An act for regulating the inspection and exportation of tobacco," passed the thirteenth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nice.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That John Bell, John Harrison, Jesse Havis, Nicholas CommisPeay and Robert Ellison, be, and they are hereby sioners ap appointed commissioners to fix upon the most propointed. per and convenient place in the said village of Winnsborough, on which to build the same, and to superintend the erection and building of the said inspection and ware-houses, and shail have full power and authority to choose one or more inspector or inspectors, for the said inspection, and to make such by-laws and regulations respecting the same (not repugnant to the aforesaid act) as by them may be decined necessary and expedient.

In the Senate House, the twentieth Day of December,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred,
and in the twenty-fifth Year of the Independence of
the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
the House of Representatives.

An ACT to authorize the Treasurer to fund a
Certificate therein mentioned.


HEREAS the honorable Thomas Bee has.
petitioned the legislature, setting forth,

that on the twenty-seventh day of September, in the

year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, he obtained from Simeon Theus, esquire, late treasurer and loan officer, a certificate for the sum of eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars, eighty-eight cents, which he has neglected to have funded according to the requisitions of law:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority af the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer in Charleston, and he is hereby authorized to fund the above mentioned certificate, conformably to the acts of the general assembly of this state, for making provision for the domestic debt of this state, and deliver the same, so funded, to the said Thomas Bee.

In the Senate House, the twentieth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and in the twenty-fifth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
the House of Representatives.

An ACT for the benefit of Jane Summerville. HEREAS Jane Summerville, by her pe

W tition to the legislature, hath represented,

that she is the natural daughter of a certain James Summerville, late of Lancaster county in this state, who died some years ago intestate, and without heirs, leaving a small personal estate, subject to the law concerning escheats; representing also, here indigent condition, and praying that the residue of the said estate, after payment of all just demands against the same, may be vested in her: And whereas all the escheated property in the said county, now district of Lancaster, which hath escheated to this state, hath been vested in certain trustees, for the purpose of endowing and supporting a school, by an act, passed the twenty-first day of December last: And whereas it hath been further represent

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