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ment to be made.

nefited thereby: In remedy whereof, and to enable the city council of Charleston to complete the said street, agreeably to the plan last adopted by them:

Be it enacted by the honorable the Serate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the city council of Charleston, and they are hereby required to nominate and appoint three good and disinterested freeholders, to act as commissioners, who shall, and they are hereby authorized to assess, on each lot or parcel of land to be benefited by the completion of East Bay-street, a sum of money proportionate to the benefit likely to be received by such lot or parcel of land, from the completion of the said street.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforeMoney so said, That the city council of Charleston shall, and assessed they are hereby required to collect from the pro

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prietors of the land likely to be benefited by the completion of the said street, all such sums of money as shall be assessed by the commissioners appointed by virtue of this act, within six months from such assessinent, in such manner and under such penalties as city taxes now are or hereaf ter may be collected. Provided always nevertheless, That it shall not be lawful for the commissioners appointed by this act, to assess on the proprietors of the said land, any other or greater sums of money than may be necessary, with the other funds provided for that purpose, to complete the said street. And provided further, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons who may feel themselves aggrieved by any assessment to be made by virtue of this act, to appeal therefrom to the city council of Charleston, who are hereby authorized to grant such relief as, from the circumstances of the case, to them shall seem just and proper.

And whereas, The land of several citizens has been taken for the building of a fort, called Fort Mechanic, and some of the said persons have peti

tioned the legislature to allow them a compensation for the same, and it appears that the city council of Charleston have in their hands certain funds, arising from the sale of certain lots in the said city, which it is supposed will be sufficient to indemnify the said petitioners:.

the sale of

lands, how

Be it further enacted, That compensation shall Money aribe made to all such persons as have had their lands sing from taken from them for the purpose of building the certain said fort; the amount of which said compensation public shall be ascertained by Thomas Jones, John Splatt to be apCripps and Edward Darrell, who are hereby ap- propriatpointed commissioners for the said purpose; and ed. such compensation, when ascertained by the said commissioners, shall be paid by the city council, out of the said funds in their hands; and the said city council are further authorized and required, if there should be any balance of the said funds remaining in their hands, to apply the same to the effectual securing of the said fort, from the injury it may sustain from the dashing of the waters against the foundation of it, in such manner as by the commissioners of the streets of Charleston, shall be deemed the most effectual: Provided, That the present owners of the land on which fort Mechanic is built, shall make good and sufficient titles to the said lands, to the governor of this state, and his successors, in trust for the state.

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And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the commissioners appointed as before Oath to be directed, shall, and they are hereby required, be- taken by fore they proceed to the execution of the duties missionimposed by this act, to take and subscribe, before ers. some justice of the peace, the following oath or affirmation, viz. I, A. B. do solemnly swear, or affirm, (as the case may be) that I will truly and impartially rate and assess each lot or parcel of land likely to be benefited by the completion of East Bay-street, in proportion to the benefit which in my conscience I believe the land so assessed is

likely to receive from the completion of the said


And whereas, several of the proprietors of land, likely to be benefited by the completion of East Bay-street, have, since the city council last undertook to complete the said strect, voluntarily subscribed, or paid subscriptions, to defray the expenses of completing the same: In order, therefore, that equal justice may be done,

Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all sums so subscribed or paid, shall be a valid discount against any assessment to be made by vir tue of this act.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and in the twentieth Year of the Independ ence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to vest the City Council of Charleston with certain powers therein mentioned.

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E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the city council of Charleston shall be, and they are hereby vested with full power and authority, to take up and confine to labour, (if they are capable thereof,) all strolling beggars, found strolling and begging about the city of Charleston; and to make such rules and ordinances, for the due regulation of such persons, as they shall think fit.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the city council of Charleston shall be, and they are hereby vested with full power and authority to clect the commissioner or commissioners of roads for the parishes of St. Michael's and St. Philip's, in all cases of vacancies that shall hercaf. ter happen; any law, usage or custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding; and such com,

missioner or commissioners, so elected, shall be vested with the same authority, and subject to the same duties and penalties, as commissioners of roads heretofore have becn.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and in the twentieth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to revive and continue in force the Fee Bill, passed the fourteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and for other purposes therein mentioned.


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the act, entitled, "An act for the establishing the annual salaries of the public officers of government, and for ascertaining and regulating the fees to be taken by those, who by law may be entitled to them throughout the state," shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be revived and in full force; and that the same shall continue in full force, until altered by law, except such parts thereof as have already been altered by law.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the attornies of the district courts throughout the state, shall render a faithful and true account, and pay the clerks all fees by them received on their account, at least once in every six months; and that the said attornies, when called upon, shall, once in six months, shew their dockets, or some other full and true account of all suits that shall be ended, abated, compromised, settled or determined before judgment, or be out of court; and in all such suits or cases, the clerks shall immediately have a right to issue executions for their

fees in such case, in manner above mentioned; and the attornies shall, on application of the clerks, furnish them with the names and places of abode of the real plaintiff, or their agents, where the plaintiff's are out of this state.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the fees for recording plats shall be ascertained and fixed by the courts, or one of the judges, at the time of the trial, or before the costs shall be taxed; that the clerks of Charleston district shall be entitled to receive the sum of one shilling for recording each and every judgment. mentioned and contained in each and every of the circuit dockets, to be collected, remitted and sent to him with the said dockets, by the clerks of the district courts; that all fees that may accrue, for any business done after issuing of the first execution, shall be paid for in cash at the time such business is done; and that the clerks shall be entitled to receive one shilling for each and every execution issued by them, for their fees due to the clerk's office. In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and in the twentieth year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An additional ACT to the act, entitled, "An act to organize the Militia throughout the state of South-Carolina, in conformity with the act of Congress," and for other purposes therein men



E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That in all cases where any of the regiments, or any of the battalions and companies, belonging to any of the regiments of this state, shall or may be aggrieved and injured by the division

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