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And be it further enacted by the authority aforescid, That the said commissioners shall have pow- May raise er to raise subscriptions or establish a lottery, the money by subscripprofits of which shall be appropriated for the pur- tion or lot pose of more effectually carrying into effect this tery. act, the amount of which shall not exceed ten thousand dollars.

within 8


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all male inhabitants, liable to work Those re on public roads, living within eight miles on each siding side of the said river, shall be bound and liable to work thereon, whenever they shall be called out each side, for that purpose, for any time not exceeding six liable to days in each year; and that the said commissioners shall have and exercise all the powers, privileges and authorities, for carrying into effect this clause, as are vested in the commissioners of the roads; and that the said inhabitants shall be liable to the same pains and penalties, upon failing or neglecting to work upon the said river, as they would be upon failing or neglecting to work upon the public roads: And that the same pains and pehalties shall be recovered, in the same manner as if they had been incurred for failing or neglecting to work on the public roads: Provided always, That the same commissioners shall give six days previous notice of the time that such persons so liable shall attend.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said river shall be free to be navi- Free navi gated by ail and every person or persons whemso- gation. ever, who shall wish to navigate the same.

In the Senate House, the sixteenth Day of December, in
the Year of cur Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-seven, and in the twenty-second Year of the In
dependence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to incorporate the Spartanburgh Phi


lanthropic Society.

HEREAS the reverend James Templeton, James Jordan, and others, members of the Spartanburgh Philanthropic Society, have petitioned the legislature of this state, to be' admitted a body corporate and politic, in name and deed, by the name of the Spartanburgh Philanthropic Society, for the purpose of erecting an academy:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That all those who now belong to, and all those who shall be hereafter duly admitted or become members of that society, according to the rules, orders and constitution of the said society, formed or to be formed, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be one established body, corporate and politic, in deed and in name, by the name and style of the Spartanburgh Philanthropic Society, for the purpose of erecting an academy, and by the same name shall have perpetual succession of officers and members, and a common seal, with power to change, alter, break and make new the same, as often as the said corporation shall judge expedient; and the said corporation, and its successors, shall be able and capable in law, to purchase, have, hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain, to itself and to its successors, in perpetuity or for any term of years, any estate or estates, lands, tenements or hereditaments, of what kind or nature soever, not exceeding the annual income of one thousand dollars, and to sell, alien, exchange, demise or release the same or any part thereof, as they shall think proper, and may, by the said name, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of law or equity in this state; and to make such rules and by-laws, (not repugnant to the laws of the land,)

for the benefit of the said corporation, as shall from time to time be agreed upon by a majority of the members of the said corporation.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said corporation hereby erected, to take and to hold to it and its successors for ever, any donations or devises of lands and personal estates, not exceeding in the whole, the annual income of one thousand dollars, and to appropriate the same for the benefit of the said corporation, in such manner as may be determined on by a majority of the members


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall be deemed and taken as a public act, and notice shall be taken thereof in all courts of justice and elsewhere in this state; and shall be given in evidence, on the trial of any issue or cause, without special pleading.

In the Senate House, the sixteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and in the twenty-second Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

END of the ACTS of DECEMBER, 1797.

Pedee removed.

At a General Assembly, begun and holden at Columbia, on Monday the twenty-sixth day of November, in the Year of our Lord one thous and seven hundred and Ninety-eight, and from thence continued by divers adjournments, to the twenty-fast day of December, in the same Year, and in the twenty-third Year of the Inde. pendence of the United States of America.

An ACT to establish certain Roads and Ferries, and for other purposes therein mentioned.


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sittung in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the landing on the south-west site Landing of Great Pedee river, of the furry across the same on Great river, near the town of Chatham, in Chesterfield county, be removed to and established at some convenient place on the land now in the possession of William Brown, adjoining the present landing of the same ferry; and that a road be laid out therefrom through the said tract of land, to join the road leading through the town of Chathan, towards Greenville, under the direction of, and in such way and manner as the county-court of Chesterfield County aforesaid, shall think fit and direct.

Part of a former act



And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of an act, entitled, "An act to establish a ferry on Great Pedce river, near the town of Chatham, in Chesterfield county, and to vest the same in Elizabeth Bishop, her heirs and assigns, for the time therein mentioned;" as is contrary to the foregoing, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That George Ford, Archibald Taylor and creek to Samuel Taylor, be, and they are hereby appointed navigable, commissioners for clearing and making navigable

be made

Green's creek, in the district of Georgetown; and the said commissioners are hereby vasted with powers similar to those of commissioners of the roads, for the purpose of calling out all male inha

bitants, from sixteen to fifty years of age, residing within six miles of the said creek, to clear and make the same navigable.

bitants to


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of the act, entitled, "An act Male inhato open the navigation of Little Pedce river," pass-t ed on the nineteenth day of December, in the year Little Peof our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety- dee and Drowning six, as requires the inhabitants residing within ten creek. miles of Little Pedee river and Drowning creek, to work upon the said river and creek, be, and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter, all the male inhabitants, as well free men as slaves, residing within six miles of Little Pedee river and Drowning creek, who are of the age of sixteen years, and not above fifty years, shall be liable to work on the said river and creek, for a term not exceeding ten days in every year, at the times appointed, and in such manner as may be directed by the commissioners, and under such penalties as the aforementioned act may direct: Provided nevertheless, That none of the inhabitants within the said six miles, who are liable by any former act of the legislature, to work upon Great Pedee or Little Pedee, above the confluence of the same with Drowning crock, shall, by virtue of this act, be made liable to work upon Little Pedce.

ed in John

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and immediately after the passing Biggart's of this act, the public ferry on the Catawba river, feary vestknown by the name of Biggart's ferry, Le, and is Allison. hereby vested in John Allison, his exccutors, administrators and assigns, for and during the term of fourteen years: And the said John Allison, his executors, administrators and assigns, are hereby permitted to receive the same rates of ferriage as have heretofore been received at the said ferry, and no other.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That captain Benjamin Davis, William Brun

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