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Officers of the corporation to be under oath or affirmation.

Authority to meet and make by-laws, &c. under certain restrictions.

of the town council, shall be for the use of the corporation; provided that no person shall be compelled to serve more than one in any term of five years.

SECT. V. And be it fu ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the burgess, town council, high constable, and road and street commissioners and each of them before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, shall take an oath or affirmation before any judge or justice of the peace of the proper county, to support the constitution of the United States and of this State, and to execute the duties of their respective offices with fidelity, and the certificates of such oaths or affirmations shall be filed among the records of the corporation,

SECT. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the town council to meet as often as occasion may require, and enact such by-laws and make such rules, regulations and ordinances as shall be determined by a majority of them, necessary to promote the peace, good order, benefit and advantage of the said borough, particularly of providing for the market, streets, alleys and highways therein, they shall have power to assess, apportion and appropriate such taxes as shall be determined by a majority of them, necesAssess taxes &c. sary for carrying the said rules and ordinances into complete

Appoint clerk,

treasurer, &c.


effect, and also appoint a town clerk, a treasurer, and a clerk of the market, annually, and such other officers as shall be deemed necessary from time to time; Provided, That no by-law, rule or ordinance of the said corporation shall be repugnant to the constitution or laws of the United States or of this State, and that no person shall be punished for a breach of a by-law or ordinance made as aforesaid, until three weeks have expired after the promulgation thereof, by at least four advertisements set up in the most public places in said borough; And provided also, Further proviso. That no tax shall be laid in any one year on the valuation of taxable property, exceeding a fourth of a cent in the dollar, unless in consequence thereof, some object of general utility it should be thought necessary, in which case a majority of the citizens of the said borough by writing under their hands, shall approve and certify the same to the town council, who shall proceed to assess the same accordingly.

Burgess authorized to issue pre

SECT. VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, cepts for collect. That the burgess elected and qualified agreeable to this act is ing taxes and fines. hereby authorized and empowered to issue his precept as often When collected to be paid over as occasion may require, directed to the high constable, comto the treasurer. manding him to collect all taxes assessed, and fines and forfeitures imposed by this act, or by the rules, ordinances or regulations of the corporation, and pay the same over to the treasurer, and the said burgess is hereby authorized to carry into effect all Further powers the by-laws enacted by the council, and whatever else shall be enjoined on him for the well ordering and governing the said

of the Burgess.

borough; he shall have jurisdiction in all disputes between the corporation and individuals arising under the by-laws.

town clerk.

SECT. VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority Duties of the aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the town clerk to attend all meetings of the town council when assembled on business of the corporation, and perform the duty of clerk thereto, and keep and preserve the common seal and records of the corporation and be answerable for the same, and also for the faithful discharge of all duties which may be enjoined on him by virtue of this act or of the acts of the corporation, whose attestation with the seal of the corporation shall be good evidence of the act or thing so certified.


SECT. IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Treasurer to give That the treasurer shall give security for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office and for the safe delivery of all monies books and accounts appertaining thereto, into the hands of his successor upon demand made for that purpose.

corporation to

counts annually

to be published.

SECT. X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, All officers of the That the road and street commissioners, treasurer, constable render their ac and clerk of the market, as well as all other officers which may to the council, be appointed by the corporation or council, shall render their accounts to the council once in every year for settlement, and the said accounts being adjusted and settled accordingly, shall Accounts settled be forthwith published by the said council, showing particularly the amount of taxes laid and collected and of the expenditures. SECT. XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Duties of the That it shall be the duty of the high constable to give notice of the annual elections of the said borough, by setting up advertisements in four of the most public places in the said borough, ten days previously thereto, and he shall attend and see that the same is opened at the time and in the manner directed by this


high constable.

Persons aggriev the court of

ed may appeal to

quarter sessions.

SECT. XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall think him or themselves aggrieved by any thing done in pursuance of this act, he, she or they may appeal to the next court of general quarter sessions to be held for the proper county, upon giving security to prosecute his, her or their appeal with effect. And the court having taken Decision of the such order thereon as shall seem to them just and reasonable the same shall be conclusive against all parties.


of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-the eighteenth day of March one thousand eight

court to be conclusive.

hundred and eleven.


or more shall

stock, of the

Black's tavern



A SUPPLEMENT to an act, entitled " An act to enable the vernor to incorporate a company to make an artificial road from the court-bou e, in the borough of Gettysburg, to Black's tavern in Adams county.

SET. I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly When 20 persons met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That when have subscribed twenty persons or more shall have subscribed one hundred shares 100 shares of the of the stock, authorized to be subscribed for, by the act to Gettysburg and which this is a supplement, the commissioners shall certify in turnpike road, the manner prescribed by the original act to the governor, who shall thereupon create and erect the subscribers, and if the said subscription be not full at the time, then also those who shall afterwards subscribe, into one body politic and corporate in deed and in law, by the name, style and title of "The president, managers and company of the Gettysburg and Black's tavern turnpike road," any thing in the act to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding.

the company to be incorporated.



of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight

hundred and eleven,




An ACT for the relief of James Horner, Robert Horner,
William Horner and Hugh Horner, beirs of Hugh Horner,


WHEREAS Hugh Horner, of Allen township, in the county of Northampton, and commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, purchased at public sale, of the age. ts appointed for the sale of confiscated estates, a tract of ninety-six acres, situate in Allen township aforesaid as the estate of Andrew Allen, which said tract of land with the appurtenances, at the death of the said Hugh Horner, became vested in James Horner, Robert Horner, William Horner and Hugh Horner; And whereas, the said James Horner, Robert Horner, William Horner and Hugh Horner, were some time in October, one thousand eight hundred and nine, by due course of law, evicted from the said pre

mises by a title paramount in a certain Margaret Delancy, of the kingdom of Great Britain; Therefore,

draw a warrant

James Horner

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Governor to governor of the commonwealth be and he is hereby authorized in favour of and directed to draw his warrant on the state treasurer in favor et al. for 1384 of James Horner, Robert Horner, William Horner, and Hugh dollars. Horner, of Northampton county, and state of Pennsylvania, for thirteen hundred and eighty-four dollars, as a full compensation for all costs and damages which they have sustained in consequence of their being evicted by due course of law from a certain tract of land with the appurtenances, situate in Allen township, in the county of Northampton, containing ninety-six acres, held by the said James Horner, Robert Horner, William Horner and Hugh Horner, under a title derived from the commonwealth, until the eviction aforesaid.


of the House of Representatives: P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight

hundred and eleven.



An ACT for the relief of Thomas M'Keen.

WHEREAS James Doak, of Allen township, in the county of Northampton, and commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and seventynine, the twenty-fourth day of September, purchased at public sale of the agents appointed for the sale of confiscated estates, a tract of one hundred and five acres of land, situate in Allen township aforesaid, as the estate of Andrew Allen, which said. tract of land with the appurtenances was by sundry lawful conveyances, vested in Thomas M'Keen; and whereas, the said Thomas McKeen was in October, 1809, by due course of law evicted from the said premises, by a title paramount in a certain Margaret Delancy, of the kingdom of Great-Britain; And whereas, it is just and reasonable that the said Thomas M'Keen should be indemnified for the loss he hath sustained in consequence of said eviction from his property; Therefore,

SECT. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the governor of this commonwealth be and he is

Governor to

draw his warrant in favour of

for 1351 dollars, 76 cents.

hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the state treasurer in favour of Thomas M'Keen of Northampton county, Thomas McKeen and state of Pennsylvania, for the sum of one thousand three hundred and fifty-one dollars and seventy-six cents, as a full compensation for all costs and damages which he has sustained in consequence of his being evicted by due course of law from a certain tract of land, with the appurtenances, situate in the township of Allen and county of Northampton, containing one hundred and five acres, which was purchased by the said Thomas M'Keen, and was held by him under a title derived from the commonwealth, until the eviction aforesaid.


of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight

hundred and eleven.



An ACT to authorize Matthew Thompson and Adam Boyd, executors of the last will and testament of William Boyd, late of the county of Cumberland, deceased, to sell and convey a certain plantation or tract of land therein mentioned.

WHEREAS it appears that William Boyd, late of New. ton township, in the county of Cumberland, died seized of a certain plantation or tract of land in said township, containing two hundred and seventy-five acres, adjoining the Conodoguinet creek and lands of Alexander Laughlin and others, leaving a widow and five minor children, after having made his last will and testament, in which he bequeathed one third part of his personal, and the interest of one third part of his real estate to his wife, and the remainder to be equally divided amongst his five children, and did by his last will and testament appoint Matthew Thompson and Adam Boyd his executors, and also guardians of his children; And whereas, it appears that it was the intention of the aforesaid testator to have a clause inserted in his will authorizing his executors to sell his real estate, but through mistake or neglect of the person who drew the will it was not done; And whereas the aforesaid executors and guardians have prayed the legislature to be authorized by law to sell and convey the aforesaid plantation, or tract of land, agreeably to the intention of the testator; Therefore,

SECT. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,

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