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he had to undergo, became so enfeebled as to render him unfit for duty in the field and he was enrolled in the invalid corps; that the injury which his constitution received as aforesaid combined with the infirmities of age renders him totally unable to procure subsistence by labour; Therefore,

his ex

40 dollars to be

Watson, and an




SECT. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the state treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to pay to John Watson paid to John aforesaid, or order, the sum of forty dollars out of any unap- annuity of like propriated money in the treasury; and that an annuity of forty a grant to dollars be granted to the said John Watson, to be paid half be paid to Isaac yearly during his life, to Isaac Lewis of Chester county, ecutors or administrators, his or their lawful attorney, by the state treasurer out of any unappropriated money, to commence the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, which annuity shall be expended by the said Isaac Lewis, his How to be exexecutors or administrators, his or their lawful attorney, in providing clothing and diet for the said John Watson. And it shall be and hereby is made the duty of the said Isaac Lewis, for. his executors or administrators, his or their lawful attorney, to make an annual statement to the orphans' court of Chester county on oath or affirmation, showing the manner in which he or they have executed the trust reposed in him or them by this act. And it shall be the duty of the clerk of said court to file said account without fee or reward.


of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-the thirtieth day of March, one thousand eight

hundred and eleven.


And accounted



An ACT granting an annuity to Jacob Baker for life.

WHEREAS it appears to the legislature that Jacob Baker a soldier in the Pennsylvania line, belonged to the invalid corps from June, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, until November fifteenth, one thousand seven hundred and eightyfour, and that he has never received a pension, and that from the effects of his wounds combined with the infirmities of his age he has become totally unable to support himself by labour; Therefore,

SECT. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority 40 dollars to be of the same, That the state treasurer be and he is hereby au

paid to Jacob


An annuity of like amount granted to

To be paid to

Half yearly.

thorized and directed to pay to Jacob Baker or his order the sum of forty dollars out of any unappropriated monies in the treasury; and that an annuity of forty dollars be granted for the use of Jacob Baker during his life, to be paid by the state treasurer out of any unappropriated monies in the treasury to William Binder of Philadelphia county, his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, his or their lawful attorney, to commence from the first day of January, one thousand eight William Binder hundred and eleven, and to be paid half yearly to the said William Binder, his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, his or their lawful attorney; and said annuity shall be expended by the said William Binder, his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, or his or their lawful attorney in providing clothing, diet, and lodging for the said Jacob Baker; and it shall be the duty of the said William Binder, his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, or his or their lawful attorney, to make an annual return to the orphans' court of Philadelphia city and county, on oath or affirmation, how and in what manner he or they have executed the trust in him or them confided by this act.

How to be expended.

And accounted for.


of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-the thirtieth day of March, one thousand eight

hundred and eleven.


How the first artillery regiinent shall be officered.


An ACT granting certain privileges to and enlarging the regiment of artillery attached to the first brigade first division Pennsylvania militia, and for the better organization of the cavalry in the city and county of Philadelphia.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the regiment of artillery attached to the first brigade first division of the militia of this commonwealth, shall hereafter consist of one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, two majors and twelve captains; each company to consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, two cadets, four sergeants, four corporals, eight artificers, and eighty privates, to be

when 500 men to be divided

are enrolled in,

formed into three battalions; and the field officers of the regiment are hereby authorized to appoint a regimental staff to consist of one adjutant, one quarter-master, and one surgeon, one surgeon's mate; and also one sergeant major, one quarter-master's sergeant, one drum major, and one fife major; and grant a certificate to the person so appointed signed by a majority of the field officers. SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the present field officers of the regiment together with the commanding officers of companies now in commission, so soon as five hundred men shall have enrolled themselves in said regiment conformably to the provisions of this act, to proceed forthwith to divide them into companies by ballot from one to twelve; and shall there- held thereupon, upon hold an election for the quota of officers allowed by this act, and the officers so elected shall be commissioned in the usual manner.

into companies;

Elections to ber

flying artillery

Officers of.


SECT. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, one company of That it shall and may be lawful for the field officers of said re- to be organized. giment to organize one company of horse or flying artillery to each battalion of said regiment, each company to consist of one captain, two lieutenants, one cornet, four sergeants, four corporals, one saddler, one farrier, one trumpeter and seventy pri- Number of privates; and each officer, non-commissioned officer, and private shall furnish himself with a good and serviceable horse, at least size of horses. fourteen hands and a half high; a good saddle, bridle, mailpillion, and valise holsters; a breastplate and crupper; a pair of Equipment. pistols, a sabre, and a cartouch-box to contain twelve cartridges Field pieces, & for pistols. And the governor is hereby required immediately to be furnished after the organization of such troops, to furnish them with fieldpieces, together with the necessary apparatus, excepting horses.

by the governor.

SECT. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- Uniform of the said, That the uniform of the said regiment of artillery shall regiment, be as follows ; a long dark blue coat faced and lined with scarlet, the collar and cuffs to be of the same, with yellow buttons stamped with the letters "1st Regiment," the buttonholes and edges of the coat, (the bottom excepted,) to be trimmed with gold lace or yellow silk binding; cocked hat with a red feather, and the cockade of this state; blue pantaloons edged with yellow buff; vest with yellow buttons stamped " 1st Regiment;" and short boots; a cartridge-box to fasten round the body to contain at least fourteen cartridges: a buff bayonet-belt with an oval plate in front with the arms of this state stamped thereon, and the letters 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Artillery." And and of the flying that of the horse or flying artillery, a short blue coat faced with scarlet, the collars and cuffs to be of the same, the buttonholes and edges of the coat, (the bottom excepted,) to be trimmed with gold lace or yellow silk binding, the buttons of the like colour stamped with the letters 1st Regiment; with buff


Penalty for aprade unequipt.

pearing on pa

On officers for parading with


vest, buckskin breeches, and long black topped boots. And if any non-commissioned officer or private of said regiment shall not provide himself with the necessary equipments required by this law, within three months after his enrolment, such noncommissioned officer or private shall be returned to the commanding officer of the ward to which he formerly belonged.

SECT. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, out being in full That all commissioned officers of said regiment shall appear in full uniform when on parade or duty, and on failure thereof shall forfeit and pay five dollars to be assessed and appropriated as other fines are imposed by this act.

Ten years ser

SECT. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every non-commissioned officer and matross who hath, or at any time hereafter shall enrol and uniform himself in said regiment and serve therein ten years, shall be entitled to a certifivice in said regi- cate signed by the captain and countersigned by the commandfrom further mi- ant of the regiment, purporting that he has served in uniform faithfully as last aforesaid for the term of ten years; which certificate shall exempt him from military duty in this state for life, except in cases of insurrection or invasion.

ment to exempt

litia duty, &c.

1000 stands of

ed to, on securi



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SECT. VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, arms to be loan. That the secretary of the commonwealth be, and he is hereby authorized to issue so many of the arms, not exceeding one thousand, now in his possession to the commandant of said regiment on his application for the same, to be by him distributed to the commandants of companies in said regiment; but nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the delivery of said arms until the commandants of said companies shall have given satisfactory security that the arms they may receive shall be kept in perfect repair, and returned whenever required by law,

Regiment may be kept under arms from sun till sun.

Members of, ex

SECT. VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said regiment shall be considered to be under arms from the rising until the setting of the sun of the same day that they shall be ordered out for improvement or inspection, and no officer non-commissioned officer or private belonging to the same shall while under arms be subject to be arrested by any civil process; and all horses belonging to the troops of empted from civ- horse or flying artillery belonging to this regiment shall be entraining. rolled by the commanding officer of such troop, by their distinroiled by their guishing marks, and the horses so enrolled and all arms, ammunition and equipments belonging to any member of said regiment and procured in conformity to the regulations of this act, shall be exempted from all attachments, seizures, distresses, executions or sales for debt, or for the payment of taxes.

il process whilst

Horses to be en

marks, &c.

And arms, equipments, &c.

No by stander to

SECT. IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforemolest any sol- said, That if any by-stander shall wilfully interrupt molest or insult any officer or soldier while on duty at any muster, or shall

dier while on


be guilty of like conduct before any court or board, the commanding officer or such court or board may cause him to be confined for the day: and the commanding officer of the regi ment, battalion or company shall have power to fix certain limits not including any public highway to their respective parades within which no spectator or by-stander shall enter without permission from the commanding officer; and if any person Penalty on of shall intrude or offend he shall be liable to be confined during the day in such manner as the commanding officer shall direct



SECT. X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, How the regi That the said regiment shall be ordered out for exercise at least ment shall be exsix times and not exceeding twelve times in every year by regiment, battalions or companies, as a majority of the field officers shall direct; and every non-commissioned officer or private who shall neglect to appear when ordered in pursuance of this

act, without sufficient excuse, shall for every neglect to appear Penalty for nonat any brigade, regimental or battalion rendezvous, forfeit the attendance. sum of two dollars; and for every day he neglects to appear at any company parade, the sum of one dollar; which respective sums, for every neglect to appear at any brigade, regimental, battalion or company parade, may be increased by any court of appeal composed of commissioned officers of said regiment, to five dollars.

cians to be form

SECT. XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Band of musi That it shall and may be lawful for the commandant of said ea regiment to form and organize a band of musicians for said regiment, and each and every person belonging to said band of musicians shall be under the command and direction of said commandant, and for neglecting or refusing to appear at any Penalty for the parade or meeting of officers when warned with their instru- non-attendance ments of music, or for disobedience of orders, shall be liable to such fines and penalties as non-commissioned officers are subject to by this act, and the persons belonging to such band of musicians shall be entitled to all the privileges granted to non- Privileges of the commissioned officers or privates of said regiment during the musicians, time they continue in such band.

of members of.

shall be settled.

SECT.XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, How accounts That the accounts of the paymaster of the regiment aforesaid for ammunition for ammunition furnished shall be settled and adjusted agreeably to the act, entitled, " An act to provide for the payment of ammunition for the regiment of artillery in the city and county of Philadelphia, and other artillery corps of this commonwealth," passed March the nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred and Ammunition ten, which ammunition shall be expended in practising with how to be exfield artillery mortars or other useful experiments.


rituous liquors,

SECT. XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Venders of spiThat if any person or persons shall expose for sale any spiritu- &c. to be hued. ous liquors at any parade of said regiment within the limits.

A a

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