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part of the Alps, and the magnificence of the far-off views which the valley commands from all parts, seem made expressly to nourish the loftiest faculties of the soul, and to excite the most noble ambitions. This kind of terrestrial Paradise, where intellectual youth can bloom with all its spring sap about it; this immense horizon, which seems to appeal to the present, and to summon up thoughts of the future; are not these the two chief conditions for the fulfil

THE BIRTHPLACE OF CANOVA.-At Sunset I found | the vegetation, the beauty of the human form in this myself on the summit of a crest of rocks; it was the last of the Alps. At my feet stretched Venetia, immense and dazzling by its light and its vast extent. I had emerged from the mountains, but towards what point of my course? Between the plain and the peak from which I gazed, stretched a fine oval valley, protected on one side by the sides of the Alps; on the other, raised on a terrace above the plain, and sheltered from the sea winds by a rampart of green hills. Directly beneath me was a vil-ment of a beautiful destiny? lage, planted on the declivity in picturesque disorder. This poor hamlet is crowned with a vast and beautiful temple of marble, quite new, of dazzling whiteness, and seated with a proud air on the top of the hill. I do not know what was the exact idea personified, that this monument at the time struck me with. It seemed to have the air of contemplating Italy, spread before it like a map, and from that point commanding it.

The life of Canova was fertile and generous as the sun which shone over his birthplace. Sincere and simple as a true mountaineer, he always regarded with a tender affection the village and the poor cot in which he was born. He had it very modestly embellished, and he went to rest there in the autumn of his annual labors. He then delighted himself with designing the Herculean forms of the peasants, and the truly Grecian heads of the girls. The vil lagers of Possagno say, with pride, that the chief models of the rich collection of the works of Canova have come from their valley. It is enough to pass through it, to detect there at each step the type of the cold beauty which characterizes the statuary of the empire. The chief attraction of these mountain

A workman who was quarrying in the marble of the same hill, told me that that church, of Pagan form, was the work of Canova, and that the village of Possagno, seated at its foot, was the birthplace of this great sculptor of modern times. "Canova was the son of an old quarryman," added the mountaineer," he was originally a poor laborer like my-girls-and precisely that which the marble cannot self."

marine. Canova particularly loved the delicious softness of their fair hair, abundant and heavy. He painted them himself, before copying them, and disposed of their tresses according to the various forms of the Grecian statue.

reproduce is their freshness of color and transpaHow often has Canova seated himself on that rency of skin. It is to these that can be applied, rock, where he himself reared a temple to his own without exaggeration, the eternal metaphor of lilies memory! What looks has he cast on that Italy and roses. Their eyes have an exceeding clearwhich has decreed him so many trophies! on that ness, and an uncertain shade, at once green and world over which he has exercised the peaceful roy-blue, which is peculiar to the stone called aquaalty of his genius, by the side of the terrible royalty of Napoleon! Did he desire-did he hope for his glory? When he had cut out and cleared away a part of this rock, did he know that from that hand, accustomed to rude work, should proceed all the gods of Olympus, and all the kings of the earth? Could he divine this new race of sovereigns who were to come to light and seek immortality from his chisel? When he had the eyes of the youth, and perhaps of the lover, for the beautiful mountain girls of his valley, could he imagine such a thing as the Princess Borghese in nature's own dress before


The valley of Possagno has the form of a cradle; it seems made for the birthplace of the man who issued from it. It is worthy of having served as such for a genius; and one can conceive the sublimity of intelligence unfolding itself with ease in a country so beautiful and under a sky so pure. The clearness of the streams, the warmth of the sun, the strength of

The girls have generally an expression of sweetness and naïveté, which, reproduced with finer lineaments and more delicate forms, have been able to inspire Canova with the delicious head of Psyche. The men have the colossal head, the prominent forehead, hair thick and fair-eyes large, lively, and bold-the face short and square; nothing thoughtful nor delicate in the physiognomy, but with a frankness and boldness which recall the expression of the antique statues.

The Temple of Canova is an exact copy of the Pantheon of Rome. It is of beautiful white marble, traversed by red and rose-colored veins, but soft and already mouldering by the frost. Canova, with a philanthropic aim, had erected this church with

the view of attracting a concourse of strangers and travellers to Possagno, and thus procuring some additional trade and income to the inhabitants of the mountain. He intended to make it a kind of museum of his works. The body of the church was to be surrounded by sacred subjects, the product of his chisel, and the galleries were to be devoted partly to the reception of profane subjects. He died before he was able to accomplish his purpose, leaving considerable sums behind for the completion of the work. But although his own brother, the Bishop Canova, was charged with the superintendence of the building, a sordid economy or a monstrous bad faith has presided over the execution of the last wishes of the sculptor. Excepting the fabric of marble, on which there was no further time to speculate, his executors have most sordidly attended to the necessity of filling it. In place of the twelve colossal marble statues which were to occupy the dozen niches of the cupola, there are erected twelve grotesque giants, which an able painter has ironically designed, it is said, to revenge himself on the sordid shuffling of the directors of the undertaking. Very little of the sculpture of Canova adorns the interior of the monument. Some bas-reliefs of small size, but of a most pure and elegant design, are incrusted round the chapel. You have seen them at the Academy of the Fine Arts at Venice, and regarded them with admiration. You have seen there, also, the group of Christ in the tombs, which certainly embodies the coldest of Canova's ideas. The bronze of this group is in the Temple of Possagno, as also the tomb which contains the mortal remains of the sculptor; it is a Greek sarcophagus, very simple, and very beautiful, executed after his own designs.

Another group of Christ in his shroud, painted in oil, decorates the high altar. Canova, the most modest of sculptors, had pretensions to being a painter. He passed many years in retouching this picture, happily the sole child of his old age, and which, through affection for his virtues and respect for his glory, his heirs ought sacredly to preserve amongst them and enshrine in their tenderest regards. George Sand.

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trembling, in a dark letter-box, in a dark office, up a dark court in Fleet-st.-appeared in all the glory of print; on which occasion, by-the-by-how well I recollect it!-I walked down to Westminster Hall, and turned into it for half an hour, because my eyes were so dimmed with joy and pride that they could not bear the street, and were not fit to be seen there, I told my visitor of the coincidence, which we both hailed as a good omen, and so fell to business. The idea propounded to me was, that the monthly something should be made a vehicle for certain plates to be executed by Mr. Seymour, and there was a notion, either on the part of that admirable humorous artist, or of my visitor (I forget which), that a " Nimrod Club," the members of which were to go out shoot. ing, fishing, and so forth, and getting themselves into difficulties through their want of dexterity, would be the best means of introducing these.

I objected, on consideration, that, although born and partly bred in the country, I was no great sportsman, except in regard of all kinds of locomotion; that the idea was not novel, and had been al ready much used; that it would be infinitely better for the plates to arise naturally out of the text; and that I should like to take my own way, with a freer range of English scenes and people, and was afraid I should ultimately do so in any case, whatever course I might prescribe to myself at starting. My views being deferred to, I thought of Mr. Pickwick, and wrote the first number, from the proof-sheets of which Mr. Seymour made his drawing of the Club, and that happy portrait of its founder, by which he is always recognised, and which may be said to have made him a reality. I connected Mr. Pickwick with a Club, because of the original suggestion, and I put in Mr. Winkle expressly for the use of Mr. Seymour.

We started with a number of 24 pages instead of 32, and four illustrations in lieu of a couple. Mr. Seymour's sudden and lamented death before a second number was published, brought about a quick decision upon a point already in agitation; the number became one of 32 pages, with 2 illustrations, and remained so to the end. My friends told me it was a low, cheap form of publication, by which I should ruin all my rising hopes; and how right my friends turned out to be everybody now knows. "Boz," my signature in the Morning Chro nicle, appended to the monthly cover of this book, and retained long afterwards, was the nickname of my pet child, a younger brother, whom I had dubbed Moses, in honor of the Vicar of Wakefield, which being facetiously pronounced through the nose, became Boses, and being shortened, became Boz, "Boz" was a familiar household word to me long before I was an author, and so I came to adopt it."

PICKWICK, BOZ, AND OTHER MATTERS." In the course of the last dozen years," says Mr. Dickens, in the preface to the new edition of his works, "I have seen various accounts of the origin of these Pickwick Papers, which have, at all events, possessed for me the charm of perfect novelty. As I may infer, from the occasional appearance of such histories, that my readers have an interest in the matter, I will relate how they came into existence. I was a young man of three-and-twenty, when the present publishers, attracted by some pieces I was at that time writing in the Morning Chronicle newspaper (of which one series had lately been collected LITERARY PROVISION.-Mr. Albany Fonblanque and published, in two volumes, illustrated by my es- is to succeed Mr. Porter in the Statistical departteemed friend, Mr. George Cruikshank), waited ment of the Board of Trade. The whole liberal upon me to propose a something that should be pub-party will feel grateful to Ministers for this recognilished in shilling numbers; then only known to me, or, I believe, to anybody else, by a dim recollection of certain interminable novels in that form, which used, some five-and-twenty years ago, to be carried about the country by pedlars, and over some of which I remember to have shed innumerable tears before I served my apprenticeship to life.

When I opened my door in Furnival's Inn to the managing partner who represented the firm, I recognised in him the person from whose hands I had bought, two or three years previously, and whom I had never seen before or since, the first copy of the magazine in which my first effusion-dropped stealthily one evening at twilight, with fear and

tion of services to which that party is so deeply indebted. It would not be easy to name any single agency through which liberal principles have been so successfully recommended to the educated classes as they have been through the writings of Mr. Fonblanque. Nor is this so much the effect of that exquisite style which will place his collected writings amongst the classics of our language, as it is owing to the unswerving consistency, the integrity, and manliness which have characterized the career of the conductor of The Examiner. We heartily join in thanking Lord John Russell for this acknowledgment, inadequate though we may think it, to one to whom we all owe so much.-Morning Chronicle.

AFFECTATION.-Amongst the whole number of Great Britain who can walk gracefully? The reaRochefoucauld's "Maximes," there is none more son of there being so few who do so, is, that they constantly verified by what we see in every-day life are not accustomed to it; it is not natural to them. than this one—" On n'est jamais si ridicule par les Now, all the dancing-masters in existence can never qualités que l'on a que par celles que l'on affecte make them do that gracefully which is not acquired d'avoir."["People are never so ridiculous in conse-naturally. Let them become as much accustomed to quence of qualities they really possess, as of those walking as the signoras of Spain, and they will do which they affect to have."] If a thorough conviction it as gracefully. of the truth of this maxim could by any means be Again, take the tone of voice and accent as an impressed on every one to whom it is applicable, example. If anything will sicken and disgust a it would go a good way towards revolutionizing the man, it is the affected, mincing way in which some manners of half the population. But those to whom people choose to talk. It is perfectly nauseous. If it is most applicable, are precisely those unthinking those young jackanapes, who screw their words persons on whom all reasoning would be utterly into all manner of diabolical shapes, could only feel wasted. There are, however, a very large number how perfectly disgusting they were, it might induce who have sense enough to see the truth, if they can them to drop it. With many it soon becomes such only be induced to pay attention to it, and whose a confirmed habit, that they cannot again be taught tendency to affected habits would be easily checked, to talk in a plain, straightforward, manly way. In if they could be made to see them in the same light the lower order of ladies' boarding-schools, and inas others do. Of the motives which regulate our or-deed too much everywhere, the same sickening dinary life, there is none greater than the desire of mincing tone is often found. Some specimens I our neighbor's respect, or fear of his ridicule. have heard, which make me feel sick even to think Wounded vanity or diminished self-respect is the of them. Do, pray, good people, talk in your nabitterest and most unforgiving enemy you can raise tural tone, if you don't wish to be utterly ridiculous up. A man may know that you hate him, and yet and contemptible; for there is nothing which more become your friend afterwards; but if he knows inevitably marks a coxcomb and a fool than this that you despise him, he is, and will be, your enemy same sentimental mealy-mouthedness. They fancy for life. Now, of all the defects and infirmities un- that it is "aristocratic!" I have not the entrée at der which a person labors from natural causes, or Devonshire House myself, but I would refer the others over which he has had no control, there is men to the Houses of Lords and Commons, and the none which brings the person into contempt. ladies to our Queen, believing in neither will they Sometimes, it is true, children and others may find any precedent for their fooleries. All travellaugh at some of those mistakes or accidents occa- lers amongst the native Indians of America remark sioned by these things-as, for instance, at a deaf the gracefulness and dignity which characterize person's making an irrelevant answer to a question, their actions. There is no reason why ours should &c.; but this is unaccompanied by the slightest par- not be the same. Only be natural, and you avoid ticle of disrespect. But if the individual having most of what is ungraceful; and by being content these imperfections endeavors foolishly to conceal with your own natural character and appearance, them, they become forthwith objects of ridicule. you will certainly escape that contemptuous ridicule Now, nobody would attempt this concealment, unless which invariably falls on every species of Affectahe imagined that he was gaining in respect by it; tion.-Chambers's Journal. whereas the natural imperfections would never have raised a sneer, whilst the attempts at hiding THE DULCE AND THE UTILE.-When Sir John them are just what people laugh at. But the great Carr was in Glasgow, about the year 1807, he was mass of the affected have no such excuse as the de- asked by the magistrates to give his advice concernsire to cover over natural defects. These are gene-ing the inscription to be placed on Nelson's monurally purely gratuitous attempts to make one's-self ment, then just completed. The travelling knight look very grand, or very handsome, or very wise: recommended this brief record-" Glasgow to Nelwhilst every bystander is exclaiming, “What an True," said one of the bailies, "and as ass that fellow is making of himself!" It is really there is the town of Nelson near us, we might add, astonishing how quickly everything like showing Glasgow to Nelson ix. miles,' so that the column off is detected. Insolent and vulgar people take a might serve both for a milestone and a monument.” wicked pleasure in mortifying all such affected persons to their faces (and really sometimes they deserve it); whilst better-mannered spectators are quietly The following table relative to the wars between laughing "in their sleeve." Let us take a few England and France, and the periods of their duraexamples in illustration. Perhaps one of the most tion, since the war which commenced in 1116 and frequent, though trifling causes of people making lasted two years, will be read with interest:themselves ridiculous, is dress. Now, I have often



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thought it a great pity that the poorer classes (espe-1141 lasted year. 1557 lasted 2 years cially) cannot be convinced that they look every bit 1161 "respectable" in their everyday working clothes 1201 (if clean), as if dressed out in the gaudiest Sunday 1224 finery. And it is precisely their overdoing it on Sun- 1294 days that marks out their want of good taste. There 1339 is something dignified in the appearance of a number of masons or carpenters, &c., going to their 1422 work, which cannot have a stronger contrast than 1494 in the tawdry finery-rings, gilt chains, pins, and nobody can tell what rubbish besides-with which 1521 the conceited shopman decks himself on Sundays, 1549 looking, nevertheless, stiff and ill at ease.


66 25


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The Hence it appears, that in the space of 713 years

grand characteristic of gracefulness is to be quiet, war has been carried on between England and easy, and natural. How many ladies are there in France for the period of 262 years.

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A COTTAGER'S DAUGHTER MARCHIONESS OF EXETER. Sarah Hoggins was the second wife of Henry, afterwards Earl and Marquis of Exeter, to whom she was married October 3, 1791; she died January 18, 1797, aged 24 years. The Earl died in 1804. This amiable woman, whose virtues gave a lustre to the title of Countess of Exeter, and who died lamented by all who knew her, has something so un-clusive of "The Taming of the Shrew," the titlecommonly interesting in the history of her life, that a detailed sketch cannot but be acceptable to every reader of sensibility. When the Earl was a minor, he married a lady from whom he was afterwards divorced. After the separation had taken place, the Earl (his uncle) advised him to retire into the country for some time, and pass as a private gentleman. Mr. Cecil accordingly bent his course into a remote part of Shropshire; and fixing his residence at an inn in a small village, he amused himself there for some months, passing by the name of Jones. He took a dislike to this situation, and sought out a farm-house where he might board and lodge.

SHAKSPEARE'S PLAYS.-The earliest quarto editions of the plays of Shakspeare, wherein the titlepages are given exactly as they stand, and in the form in which they are printed in the original editions. It has generally been said that there are 20 quarto editions of plays by Shakspeare, printed anterior to the folio of 1623; but the fact is that, expage of the quarto edition of which bears date in 1631, there are only seventeen quartos. Steevens, in 1766, to make up the number, added the two parts of "The Troublesome Reign of King John," 1611, which nobody in modern times has imputed to Shakspeare, although "Written by W. Sh." was inserted fraudulently on the title-page by the old printer: he also reprinted among his "Twenty Quartos" the two parts of the "Contention between the two Houses of Lancaster and York;" but he strangely omitted "Pericles," which had much more than an equal claim to the distinction. The undoubted plays of Shakspeare, which came from the press in quarto before 1623, were the following, and our list is made out according to the dates of publication: Merchant of Venice 1600 Henry the Fifth - 1600 Titus Andronicus 1600 Merry Wives of Windsor

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King Lear



Troilus and Cressi





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Several families refused to receive him, but at length he found a situation which answered his purpose; and in consideration of his liberal offers, and the knowledge of his possessing money, a farmer Romeo and Juliet 1597 | fitted him up rooms for his accommodation. Here Richard the Second 1597 he continued to reside for about two years; but time Richard the Third 1597 hanging heavy on his hands, he purchased some Henry the Fourth, land, on which he built himself a house. The part 1 farmer, at whose house Mr. Cecil resided, had a Love's Labors Lost 1598 daughter, about 17 years of age, whose rustic beau- Much Ado about ties threw at an infinite distance all that he had ever Nothing beheld in the circle of fashion. Although placed in Midsummer Night's an humble sphere, Mr. Cecil perceived that her Dream beauty would adorn, and her virtue shed a lustre on Henry the Fourth, the most elevated station. He therefore frankly part 2 told the cottagers that he was desirous of marrying Thus it will be seen at once how irregularly their daughter, and the celebration of their nuptials was accordingly consummated. Shortly afterwards, Shakspeare's dramas came from the press, viz., three the news arrived of his uncle's death, when he in 1597, two in 1598, six in 1600, one in 1602, and found it necessary to repair to town. Mr. Cecil another in 1603, one in 1608, two in 1609, and one (now Earl of Exeter), taking his wife with him, set in 1622. Why six separate productions were crowdout on his journey, and called at the seats of several ed into 1600, while in various years none at all apnoblemen, at which places, to the great astonish-peared, is matter of curious and interesting speculament of his wife (now of course a Countess), he


was welcomed in the most friendly manner. length they arrived at Burghley, where they were welcomed with acclamations of joy. As soon

as he had settled his affairs, the Earl of Exeter returned to Shropshire, discovered his rank to his wife's father and mother, put them into the house he had built there, and settled on them an income of 7001. per annum. He afterwards took the Countess with him to London, introduced her to the fashionable world, where she was respected, admired, and adored, until it pleased the Great Disposer of events to call her spirit to a more lasting region of happi


PRIZE ESSAY ON HYDROPHOBIA.-A non-professional gentleman has offered a fifty-pound prize for the best essay on hydrophobia, as it affects the human subject, its causes, pathology, prevention, and treatment. The competition open to all writers. The judges, Professors Christison, Simpson, and Miller, of the Edinburgh University. The essays to be lodged with Mr. Blair Wilson, Secretary to the University of Edinburgh, on or before the 1st of May, 1849. Considering the importance of this subject, and the difficulties attending its study, we suggest that the medical boards of London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dublin, should jointly contribute 150%. more, making the prize 2001. The subject might then receive the attention which its peculiar and serious nature merits.-People's Journal.

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tion: five of these six were printed from good manuscripts, whether derived from the theatre or from any other source, while the sixth was indisputably by anybody.- Mr. Collier, in the Shakspeare Society surreptitious, and never could have been authorized papers.

HEATHENISH CHRISTIAN NAMES.-It is not a good thing to be Tom'd or Bob'd, Jack'd or Jim'd, Sam'd or Ben'd, Natty'd or Batty'd, Neddy'd or Teddy'd, Will'd or Bill'd, Dick'd or Nick'd, Joe'd or Jerry'd, as you go through the world. And yet it is worse to have a Christian name, that for its oddity shall be in everybody's mouth when you are spoken of, as if it were pinned upon your back, or labelled upon your forehead-Quintin Dick for example, which would have been still more unlucky if Mr. Dick had happened to have a cast in his eye. "The Report on Parochial Registration" contains a singular ex ample of the inconvenience which may arise from giving a child an uncouth Christian name. A gen; tleman called Anketil Gray had occasion for a certificate of his baptism: it was known at what church he had been baptized, but on searching the register there, no such name could be found: some mistake was presumed, therefore, not in the entry, but in the recollection of the parties, and many othe registers were examined without success. A length the first register was again recurred to, and then, upon a closer investigation, they found him entered as Miss Ann Kettle Gray.-The Doctor.

THE VOCATIVE OF "CAT."-The Archbishop of
Dublin, who knows as well as any one how "desi- |
pere in loco," teased by some grammarian, challeng-
ed his tormentor to decline the commonest noun-
'cat," for example. The pedant contemptuously pro-

"Nominative-a cat, or the cat.
Genitive-of a cat, or &c.
Dative to or for a cat, or &c.
Accusative-a cat, or &c.
Vocative-O cat!"

CAMELS IN AUSTRALIA.-A correspondent of the (Sydney) Australian Journal recommends strongly the extensive introduction of the camel from India, which, having been successfully imported into the Mauritius, might doubtless be brought safe to Port Essington (or to Swan River), and thence be generally introduced. The best camel (he says) as a beast of burden is that of the Marwarre breed, pur. chasable in India at 60 to 100 rupees, 6. to 10%, and, being a browzing rather than a grazing animal, is easily sustained by leaves or young branches "Wrong," interrupted the Archbishop: "puss is gathered by itself en route, or brought to it by a carethe vocative of cat all through the United Kingdom, animals 'They travel in single file, the nose of one ful driver, who can easily manage three of these and wherever else the Teutonic dialects are spoken." being attached by a rope through the cartilage to the REVIVAL OF THE EARLDOM OF STRAFFORD.-The crupper of another, carrying 400lb. if very moderevival of the Earldom of Strafford, by the eleva-rately laden, up to 700lb. or 800lb. upon emergency, tion of General Lord Strafford to that title, is a re- and averaging 3 miles an hour. So that, for the vival which takes place for the third time. The purpose of an expedition or a long journey in Ausfirst occurred in the reign of Charles II., who re- tralia, a band of six camels would carry 1,600lb. of stored the title to the son of the great Earl of Straf-provision and kit, and 800lb. of water in mussucks ford, sacrificed by Charles I. to the popular hatred. or skin bottles. Like the horse, the camel breeds The second revival of the title was made by Queen annually, produces one at a birth, and seems just Anne, who conferred it on a male relative of the adapted to perform good services in journeying same family; and the third takes place under through the most sandy and scrubby wastes of AusQueen Victoria, by whom it is now conferred on tralia.-South Australian Register. the brother of the late member for Middlesex, and may, doubtless in some measure, be regarded as a tribute to the memory of that most consistent public man, who, during the course of a life spent in his country's political service, upheld firmly, under good and evil report, those principles of civil and religious liberty of which his family have ever been the staunch and undeviating adherents.--Globe.

CAMPBELL'S LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS. -Lord Campbell has just completed the two concluding volumes of his "Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England,"-containing those of Lords Loughborough, Erskine, and Eldon. The whole of Lord Loughborough's papers and correspondence have been submitted to his lordship by the present Earl of Rosslyn, his representative; the Earl of Auckland has lent a large collection of letters from Lord Loughborough to his father, and the present Viscount Melville a curious collection respecting Catholic Emancipation in 1801. For the life of Lord Erskine, his lordship has obtained "an exquisitely beautiful letter, written by him when he was a boy, at St. Andrew's, about to become a soldier or a sailor," and all the note-books compiled by him when he was a student of law, when he was at the bar, and when he was Chancellor. Nor will the Life of Eldon be found without its attractions-Sir Robert Peel having placed at the discretion of his lordship all the letters which passed between him and Lord Eldon, from the time of Sir Robert's appointment to the office of Secretary of State for the Home Department, in 1822. These letters were either withheld from Mr. Twiss, or, perhaps, never applied for.-Athenæum.

FINANCES OF RUSSIA.-The finances of Russia'are

very considerably and rapidly on the increase, and the revenue is at this time certainly above 500,000,000f. The duty on brandy is the chief source; this amounted in 1844 to about 128,000,000 of paper rubles. The revenue of the Customs is the second item, and since 1840 has amounted to above 100,000,000 of paper rubles; the poll tax produces about 80,000,000; the contributions imposed on the cultivation of grain, 30,000,000 to 40,000,000; that imposed upon commerce, 20,000,000 to 25,000,000. The Post Office returns in 1843 were 3,174,963 silver rubles, and the actual revenue may be calculated at about 1,000,000f. The patents yield from 3,000,000 to 4,000,000, and timber the same. The mines belonging to the Crown, and the duties imposed upon the washing of gold in the mines belonging to private persons, give from 15,000,000 to 20,000,000. To these sources of public revenue must be added that of the ground rents, the monopoly of tobacco, and of playing cards, the tax upon salt, upon the Crown manufactures, &c.-Dutch Paper.

has left us; but ere she had half crossed the ChanLAST COMPLIMENT TO JENNY LIND.-Jenny Lind nel, an English mermaid rose ahead of the ship; the paddles were stopped, and the Syren begged of the mirror. Jenny, of course, received the gifts with her Swede to accept as a slight memorial, her comb and

usual sweetness.

sing a song; but the mermaid, shaking her head— She then begged the Syren to all up with mermaids,"-with a bubbling sigh dived as much as to say, "Since you've been heard, it's to the bottom of the deep.

A GENOESE RAPHAEL.-The painting by Raphael, AN ANALYSIS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS FOR THE known by the name of the "Virgin of Loretto," of YEAR 1846.-2 marquesses, 6 earls, 23 viscounts, 32 which there are numerous copies. though the origilords, 34 right honorables, 60 honorables, 60 baro- nal has long been believed to have been lost or denets, 10 knights, 7 lord lieutenants, 109 deputy and stroyed, has been at last found at Genoa, by the vice-lieutenants, 2 lieutenant-generals, 7 major-ge- Marquis de Spinola, Grand Chamberlain, and Prenerals, 26 colonels, 24 lieutenant-colonels, 7 majors, sident of the Albertine Academy. The distinguish5 admirals, 50 captains in army and navy, 12 lieu-ed connoisseur, instead of converting this precious tenants, 7 cornets, 75 barristers and advocates, 4 solicitors, 53 magistrates, 22 bankers, 27 East and West India proprietors, 84 placemen, 101 patrons of Church livings, having 232 livings between them. -People's Almanac.

discovery to enrich his own collection, has offered it to the King of Sardinia, who at once decided upon making the acquisition. All the artists of Turin have examined it, and pronounce it to be authen


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