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Until by the explosion of millions of tons of dynamite, the stupidity of the human race is blown away, and Socialism is known for what it is, the salvation of the human race;

Until then-You will keep on paying the price!

If This Interests You, Pass It On.

Subscribed to The American Socialist, published weekly by the National Office, Socialist Party, 803 West Madison Street, Chicago, Ill., 50 cents per year, 25 cents for six months. It is a paper without a muzzle.

Cut this out or copy it, and send it to us. We will see that you promptly receive the desired information.

To the National Office, Socialist Party, 803 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. I am interested in the Socialist Party and its Principles. Please send me samples of its literature.

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7. Said Adolph Germer, on June 18, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to Martin B. Heisler, of 99 East Genessee Street, Buffalo, New York, a large number, to wit, thirty thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled The Price We Pay."

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8. Said Adolph Germer, on July 14, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, shipped to Adolph Hoffmeiser, at 5907 Sherry Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, a large number, to wit, one thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled "The Price We 126 Pay." 9. Said Adolph Germer, on July 13, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to F. W. Goll, of 1026 West Twenty-second Street, Lorain, Ohio, a large number, to wit, three thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled "The Price We Pay."

10. Said Adolph Germer, on July 25, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to E. Wuethrick, of 1511 South Eighth Street, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a large number, to wit, three thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled "The Price We Pay." 11. Said Adolph Germer, on June 26, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to Henry Straus, of 1675 East Parkway, Brooklyn, New York, a large number, to wit, five thousand copies of said pamphlet entitled "The Price We Pay." 12. Said Adolph Germer, on June 19, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, gave an order to the Chicago Arbeiter-Zeitung to print a large number, to wit, three hundred thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled "Why You Should Fight," each of the tenor following; that is to say:

Why You Should Fight

By Irwin St. John Tucker

This is written at the request of the United States Secret Service, to tell you why you should fight.

Day before yesterday I went into the Federal Building in Chicago and asked the United States Department of Investigation what they thought of my pamphlets; and they said they were very subtle. One of them said, "I wish you'd write another pamphlet and tell young Americans why they ought to fight, to protect their property and their families.

"The Secret Service hasn't anything against the Socialists; what we object to are those who call themselves Socialists in order to bring discredit upon you by counselling violence.

"Social revolution, as you teach it, we do not oppose; we are fighting 127 violence, bomb-throwing, shooting, poisoning, and methods of that sort." And I replied, "So are we. A bomb-thrower discredits any cause he masquerades under."

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This is why you should fight. It is the same reason why the millions of Europeans were hurled one against another. It is in order to extend markets and conquer foreign trade.

You must throw bombs and slaughter with machine guns to destroy the Prussian political Kaiser; in order that the American financial Kaiser may remain upon his throne at 26 Broadway and around the corner on Wall Street.

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You must fight to protect your property, your women and your children. Fight to protect your property-you who have never owned a dollar beyond your daily needs, and never expect to.

Fight to protect your property-you three quarters of the American people who are forced to live below the standard of human decency, by industrial conditions over which you have no voice.

Fight to protect your property-which has been stolen from you by the owners of your lives and your labor; fight to keep your property from falling into your hands again.

Fight to protect the loot wrested from you by speculators in food, in land, in mills and mines, in the lives of human beings; fight that it may remain in the hands which have taken it from you; lest you should rise in your might and seize it again.

Fight for the starved little ones, deprived of food and air and sunlight, forbidden to play in God's green meadows; fight that the cost of the war may be saddled on them to shut out the sunlight forever.

Fight for the little children herded in intolerable holes in cellar and slum; that they may be penned therein forever.


Fight for the children deprived of the right of education; that they may continue fools forever.

Fight for the children thrust into the maelstrom of industry by the family's desperate struggle for a bare living; that they may continue to work their fingers to the bone forever.

Fight for the women of our broad land; that millions of them may be deprived of husbands, and millions more may receive back from the war battered, broken wrecks of men.

Fight for the housewife who cannot now meet the expenses of living; that the gap may be yet wider between income and need.

Fight for your homes; fight for the palaces of Newport which you may not enter, wherein degenerate idlers spend millions in wanton luxury; that they may be yet more splendid.

Fight for the putrid decaying holes wherein so many of you are compelled to live; that they may be yet more putrid and fall yet farther into decay.






But above all, and thru all, and after all; fight for the monarchs who oppress us with an intolerable despotism by the rule of Money and the iron grip of Might; for we have chosen them and they are ours.

For the hero of Homestead, who slaughtered his men; for the hero of McKees Rocks, who slaughtered his men;

For the heroes of Ludlow and Forbes; for the heroes of Calumet and Mesaba Range, for the Heroes of West Virginia coal mines; for they slaughtered not only their men, but also their women and children.

Fight for their God and their Right;-Money is their God, and Corruption is their Right.

Fight, sons of the people, for the pigs of Serbia. For the pigs of Serbia, being shut out of the Austrian markets, desired to gain exit to the markets of the world thru the port of Durazzo. Hence the beginning of this war.

129 The original pigs of Serbia are all dead; but you must die to avenge their ghosts.



'Why should we fight for them?" you ask me. counsel enlistment.

"This is a poor way to

Fools, that is the way to learn how to fight. Go forth and destroy the kings of divine right abroad. And when the war is over you will have learned the means and method of destruction of kings.

Then when you march back home in your millions, and find that Chinese coolies have been brought here by the million to take possession of your country for you; when you find that the peons of Mexico have taken away your jobs; that your wives and children, your grandmothers and grandfathers, are pressed into service; and you, who have served your owners well, are cast into the rubbish heap;

Then the whisper will run abroad throughout the land, rumbling in the ears of those who have done this thing to you:

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"Take Heed to Yourselves, For the Devil Is Unchained !"

For weary years we Socialists talked and argued, persuaded and begged with you, to fight with weapons that leave no dead behind.

With reason, persuasion, with facts of history and facts of science, with the arguments of thinking men to thinking men-with these we sought to arm you; but you laughed at us, and refused.

Learn your lesson well, is all we ask.

Your lesson is that the world must

be made safe for democracy; that lesson has been set for you by the ablest of schoolmasters. Learn it.

But learn one thing further; that is to tell a tyranny from a democracy when you have seen them.

130 Learn to distinguish the label from the goods; and when you go out after democracy,

Come Home With It!


There is but one democracy; and that is Socialism.

There is but one end of tyranny; and that is Socialism.

There is but one hope of peace, but one star of the day, but one justice, but one sure foundation of the brotherhood of man; and that is Socialism.

There is one dynamite more powerful than the lyddite with which you are taught to juggle; and that is Intelligence.

There is one weapon more deadly against the forces of tyranny than trinitrotoluol; and that is Class-Consciousness.

There is one force mightier than armies and nations organized for murder; and that is the hand which yet shall stay the grip of war-the hand of Socialism.

There is one sound louder than the sound of battle-lines a hundred miles in length, roaring and flaming with volcanic fury and casting forth a lava that is composed of scorching human flesh; and that sound is the voice of the united workers of the world, crying

"Let There Be Peace!"

July, 1917.

This is No. 7 of the Series of Organization Leaflets to be issued monthly by The National Office, Socialist Party 803 West Madison Street

Price 10c per hundred


75c per thousand If this interests you, pass it on. Subscribe to The American Socialist, published weekly by the National Office, 50 cents per year, 25 cents for six months.

13. Said Adolph Germer, on July 30, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to William Mack, of 1326 North Harding Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, a large 131 number, to wit, ten thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled "Why You Should Fight."

14. Said Adolph Germer, on July 23, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to Clyde J. Wright, of Peru, Illinois, a large number, to wit, one thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled " Why You Should Fight."

15. Said Adolph Germer, on September 10, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, sold to C. J. Jacobs, of 3026 West Seventeenth Street, Seattle, Washington, a large number, to wit, ten thousand, copies of said pamphlet entitled "Why You Should Fight."

16. Said Adolph Germer and said J. Louis Engdahl, on June 16, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, caused to be printed, in said newspaper called The American Socialist, on the third page of the issue of said newspaper of that date, a certain article of the tenor following; that is to say:

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Wave your caps and shout for joy;

For a kind, beneficial government has bought 200,000 coffins for you.

It is not customary to purchase the coffin until after death;

Therefore, such thoughtfulness and consideration on the part of the government ought to be fully appreciated.

Just think of the sad condition of the poor French and German boys; Shot to death, torn into shreds, broken and mangled past all recognition, and no coffin.

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Your wives will be given a small pension, and your children the privilege of paying 75 per cent of the war debt;

And you will have been provided with a coffin;

Unless you are too badly blown to pieces.

Fathers and mothers!

Why look on the dark side of war?

Cheer up!

Of course, it is hard to see the boys march into the whirlpool of blood; But some of them may possibly return;

And you will always have the consolation of knowing that the ones who fell had a coffin;

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Don't be pessimistic and unpatriotic.

Girl, say,
"Good bye," to your sweetheart with a smile on your lips.
Part of him may come back;

But if you never see him again try not to think of him with his arms and legs blown off;

With great holes torn in his body;

With his face crushed beyond all resemblance to a human;

Just think of him peacefully sleeping in the coffin provided for him by the benevolent government and imagine that his last words were:

"We are taking Democracy to Germany."

Then, cheer up!


And then cheer up some more!

Note. In addition to the coffin, widows of enlisted men will get $12 per month pension, with $2 additional for each child under 16. If she can't take care of herself and children on this she can starve. No provisions are made for coffins under such circumstances.

17. Said Adolph Germer and said J. Louis Engdahl, on June 23. 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, caused to be printed, in said newspaper called The American Socialist, on the third page of the issue of said newspaper of that date, an article of the tenor following, to wit:

[blocks in formation]

Let the eagle fold his wings,
Let him drop his head!
Dip the flag to half-mast-
Liberty is dead!


34 18. Said Adolph Germer, said J. Louis Engdahl and said Irwin St. John Tucker, on June 23, 1917, at Chicago aforesaid, caused to be printed, in aid newspaper called The American Socialist, on the second page of the issue f said newspaper of that date, an advertisement of the tenor following, to wit:

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Eye Openers!

The Price We Pay "

By Irwin Tucker.

Four Pages: 20 cents per 100; $1.50 per 1,000.

600,000 Already Sold!

"Protect Your Rights"

By Ralph Korngold.

Two Pages: 10 cents per 100; 75 cents per 1,000.

One Million Already Sold
And Still Selling!

Anti-War Proclamation and Program.
(Adopted by St. Louis Convention)
Four Pages: 20 cents per 100; $1.50 per 1,000.

Send all Orders to the

National Office, Socialist Party

803 West Madison St., Chicago, Ill.

19. Said Victor L. Berger, on June 20, 1917, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, caused to be printed in said newspaper called The Milwaukee Leader, on the sixth page of the issue of said newspaper of that date, on article of the tenor following; that is to say:

Why We Are in This War.

it is of course, superfluous to ask our government why we have entered this war. Any student of economics and observer of national and international politics, knows very well why we have entered. There are at least six valid reasons. Here they are:


First. The Entente Allies were practically at the end of their rope. If the United States had not entered, the war would have been over by this time. All our capitalist papers admit this whenever it suits their purpose--they deny it when it does not. About $3,000,000,000 of notes and other obligations which the allied powers owe to Morgan, Schwab & Co.-to the munition makers and exporters of all kinds of war material in America-might not have been worth much over 30 cents if the Allies would have lost this war.

Second. Industrial stocks of certain kind-commonly called "war babies" in Wall Street-have reached fabulous prices. Their very existence depends upon the continuance of this war. The end of the war means the end of their prosperity. Incidentally we may also observe that there are lots of war glory and promotion to be gotten, too, out of this war-for officers and generalssons of the capitalist and middle classes. That is a minor matter, however. Third. There is absolute freedom from labor troubles during the war. All resistance of the working class is simply put down as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" and, therefore, as treason pure and simple.

Fourth. Under the guise of fighting for democracy in Central Europe, our plutocracy and its government in Washington is now establishing an absolute autocracy in our country with the slogan: war necessitates autocracy. Even such a hot war patriot at Senator Reed of Missouri said that "no king, czar, potentate, caesar or kaiser ever exercised such power as President Woodrow Wilson."

Fifth. This is a wonderful chance to establish a big army in our country. After this war is over the United States will have to establish order in Mexico.

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