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(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 06 an article on editorial page column 1 page 6 edition of August 24, 1917, enitled "Censoring God.")

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 07 from unnumbered page entitled "As Our Socialist Readers See It," from the rst column of Milwaukee Leader, September 1, 1917, under subject of "Comment.")


(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 108, cartoon on editorial page of Milwaukee Leader, entitled “A Pitiful Contrast " edition of September 5, 1917.)

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 09, on behalf of the Government article found on editorial page of Milwaukee eader, of September 7, 1917, entitled “The I. W. W. Raid ".)

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 10 cartoon on middle portion of the page of Milwaukee Leader of Sepember 11, 917, entitled "Are you this kind of Patriot?"

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 11, article on editorial page of the Milwaukee Leader dated November 1, 1917 -ntitled "Barrage Fire".)

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 12, an editorial found on editorial pag of Milwaukee Leader, December 5, 1915, entitled "Be of Good Courage".)

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's Exhibit 13, an editorial found on the editorial page of the Milwaukee Leader of Wednesday, December 26, 1917, entitled Unfathohable Are The Ways".)

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence Government's 594 Exhibit 114, an order signed by Adolph Germer, no. 5280, dated June 29, 1918, to Arbeihter Zeitung for printing and delivery of 25,000 copies of May Leaflet.)

(Whereupon there was offered and received in evidence as Government's exhibit 115, a letter bearing date July 19, 1917, to Irwin St. John Tucker, Southwest corner of Madison and Halsted streets, Chicago.)

(Whereupon counsel for defendants reiterated and entered their objections to all of the Exhibits heretofore entered in accordance with the rulings of the Court; that objections may stand to any and all evidence admitted by the Court: objections overruled; exception.)

(Said documents were thereupon by the Court admitted in evidence, marked Government's Exhibits 105 to 115, both inclusive, and the same are in words and figures as follows, to wit:)

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It will be a very interesting experiment if, as it has been reported that they may, the Russian people establish a republic in which there is no president. Now, before they adopt their national constitution, is the time for them to give serious consideration to this and many other questions. We fervently hope that they will not fasten upon themselves such a habble horse of a constitution as we have in this country.

They have been doing some close observing and they are well aware that in the United States the president has appallingly dangerous powers. Except that the length of his term of office is limited, he might just as well be an emporer. He has more power than most of the crowned monarchs. We are publishing an article from the Republican dealing with this subject. We have precious little in common with the Republican, but we accept truthful statements from any source.

The president, for example, can and does plunge the nation into a cruel war against its will. That is, he is allowed to conduct the foreign relations of the nation to suit himself, and, by his mistaken policy, to get the nation into a dilema that results in war. This is one of the respects in which our nation utterly fails to be a democracy.

All along the line, the president has too much power.

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His appointive power enables him to build up a gigantic machine. It enable him to hold a club over senators and members of the House of representatives so that, if they want to be in the good graces of the administration and ge anything for their districts, they must kow-tow to the president, instead representing their constituents.

He also has the power to veto acts passed by congress. They can only be passed over his veto by a two-thirds vote.

The president must be shorn of these autocratic powers.

All this is one of the many things that must be done before we shall have democracy in this country. It is hard to do so because of the totally undemocratic manner of amending the consitution, which is another of the many

696 binding straps with which we are hobbled.

Certainly, the presidency will either have to be abolished, or else its overweening powers will have to be curtailed and limited to the simple function of the execution of the laws, before democracy in this country will be anything but a joke.

Yet, we find the president himself, although clothed with and exercising all these autocratic powers, blandly asserting that we are fighting for democracy! Learn, brothers of Russia. Learn from us, before it is too late.

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The publishers of Bibles are away behind with their orders. The war has created an unprecedented demand for them, especially for the New Testament. This is good news. We hope the purchasers of these books will read them They will probably have to do it on the sly, however. For. as you know, the Bible is treasonable nowadays. It says, "Thou shalt not kill." This infamous doctrine has been put over on the human race for a long time. But our latter day commercial and political saints will have none of it. They are a whole lot wiser than God--who is said to have given the commandment. "Thou shalt not kill," to Moses. They have amended the Commandment by striking out the word "not" so as to make it read, "Thou shalt kill." Before any more Bibles go to press, we suggest that that word be gouged out of the plate. Of course, it will leave a blank spot on the page. But that's all the better. It will call the attention of the present and future generations to the fact that our wise commercial and political saints overruled God and censored His word.

Then, they must remember that the New Testament rear firms the above mentioned commandment. But that isn't the worst. It also adds a new con mandment-" that ye love one another." Now, isn't that horrid? That will have to be gouged out too.

And, while we are about it, let's gouge out the place where it says "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God."

There are a number of other anti-bloodshed and anti-hatred expressions that also call loudly for the chisel. When the censor gets through, it will be a badly speckled book, but it will be safe and highly moral. All the treasonable utterances made by God and His Son will have been eliminated.

And the war fan preachers will no longer be embarrassed every Sunday when they go to read the Scripture lesson.

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It is highly desirable that all locals, branches, and comrades who can should send contributions to the National Office for defense fund.

Comrades here and there are subjected to persecution and this fund is used for the purpose of giving them legal defense. The regular income of the office on account of the small dues is not sufficient for this purpose. Send contribu tions to National Office, Socialist Party 803 West Madison St. Chicago.

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The sensational raids upon the I. W. W. headquarters in various parts of the antry have all the earmarks of a concerted effort to make use of the war in ler to put that labor organization out of business.

Not being on the inside, of course, we do not know for a dead certainty that e organization has no connection whatsoever with any German influences, as arged, but we haven't the slightest suspicion that it has any such connection. is fighting for the betterment of some of the most oppressed and downdden laborers in the country. This is sufficient reason-in the opinion of master class-why it should be put down and out.

The war furnishes an excuse for an attempt to put it down and out. In war ne, it is easy to fasten a charge of disloyalty against anyone who has selfspect enough not to lie down supinely and let the war profiteers ride roughod over his prostrate body. The I. W. W. is not inclined to submit to outgeous exploitation. Whatever its faults-and we have freely criticized them

from time to time-no one can charge that its members are lacking in courage It wants decent wages and decent working conditions even in war time. It knows that the masters are making millions upon millions of dollars out of the war. Under these circumstances, it knows that it is wholly within its rights when it merely asks for a living wage.

If, by making the war an excuse, this labor organization can be destroyed the masters of the industries in which it is interested will have a free rein te drive the workers to death and skin them to the last penny. It is a prize worth working for, and we are not surprised to see the effort being made bright and early.

But, remember, if they can do this to the I. W. W., they can do it to other labor organizations as well. The sympathies of workingmen in general will be with the I. W. W. in its present troubles.

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Barrage Fire.

Still the cry is repeated that we are fighting to make the world safe for lemocracy.

And still, with brazen hypocracy, those who shout that cry are opposing lemocracy in our own country, both in essense and detail.

What is the object of this incessant bombardment with the slogan of denocracy by the minions of autocracy?


It is a barrage fire, to cover up the advance of commercial supremacy.


Be of Good Courage.

Do you want peace? Are you feeling blue because the war wave seems to have overwhelmed everything and everybody? Does it seem to you that you and few others are all alone in wanting sanitay to prevail?

Then let us tell you that you are not alone and that there is no cause for discouragement.

It is true that it seems as if the war wave has overwhelmed everything and everybody.

But it only seems so. It is not true in fact.

The fight-to-a-finish fans are in power. They are using their power to the limit. They do not permit believers in peace to spread their views broadcast. Everywhere, one is confronted with the war sentiment. On the streets it is flaunted in his face. At the theatre it is dinned into his ears. At the movies it is forced upon him. Any man who had the hardihood to put on a movie that would depict the truth about those who want peace would be arrested and prosecuted by the fight-to-a-finish fans. They are in power; they have it all their own way, and they are shutting the patriotic believers in peace out from expression.

But, take it from us, they are only suppressing the peace sentiment. They are not killing it. Much less are they transmuting it into fight-to-a-finish sentiment. On the contrary, they are turning people from them every day by the bigotry and intolerance.

Their minds are ripe for it.

We know just how trying the situation is. But be of good courage. Teach Socialism. Reach the non-Socialists with our message. There never was a time when you could do so much valuable work for the cause, with such splendid results, as right now.



"Unfathonfable Are the Ways."

According to cable dispatches, our ambassador in Russia, under the guise of the Red Cross, has sent armed cars and munition as assistance to the Co sacks who are at war with the Russian Bolsheviki government. In fact, the American government is supposed to have instigated and financed the CosSack insurrection.

Well, we don't know.

Mr. David Francis, our Ambassador to Russia-a Wall Street gold Democrat in 1896 and a great admirer of Elihu Root-naturally would favor the Cossacks, of course. And an administration that appoints men like David Francis and Elihu Root as ambassadors to Russia might naturally favor the Cossack regime. And the American Red Cross is under the domination of Mr. Davidson, a partner of J. Pierpont Morgan & Co., a firm that also naturally would favor a Cossack regime.

Well, unfathomable are the ways of a president who favors war to "make the world safe for democracy," with David Francis, Elihu Root, Pierpont Morgan and the Cossacks as leading exponents of democracy.

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