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1. The shipwreck of Ægeon and Æmilia.

2. Antipholus taking leave of his father, going with Dromio to search for his brother.

3. The marriage of Antipholus of Ephesus with Adriana, at the desire of the Duke.

4. Egeon arriving at Ephesus.

5. Antipholus of Syracuse accosted by Adriana and Luciana.

6. Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus at the door of the house, with Angelo and Balthazar.

7. Antipholus of Syracuse, and Luciana.-Luce laying claim to Dromio, in the kitchen, as her husband.

8. Antipholus of Ephesus, and Balthazar, with the Courtezan, at the Porcupine.

9. Angelo bringing the gold chain to Antipholus of Syracuse.-Dromio of Syracuse in the distance, bargaining for a passage in some vessel leaving Ephesus.

10. Angelo, arrested by a Merchant, claims the money for the chain of Antipholus of Ephesus.-Dromio of Syracuse, coming from the vessel, is sent by Antipholus to Adriana for money to pay the Goldsmith.

11. Dromio of Syracuse receiving the gold from Luciana.

12. Dromio of Syracuse brings the gold to Antipholus of Syracuse : they are met by the Courtezan, who claims the gold chain promised to her by Antipholus of Ephesus.

13. The Courtezan having persuaded Adriana and Luciana that Antipholus is mad, they obtain the aid of Pinch, a conjurer, to set

him in his wits again.-They meet Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus; the former under the conduct of the officer by whom Angelo had arrested him.

14. Angelo and the Merchant meet Antipholus of Syracuse with the gold chain round his neck; Dromio of Syracuse is with him.Enter Adriana, Luciana, Courtezan, and others.

15. Antipholus of Ephesus, having gnawed his bonds in sunder, re leases Dromio.

16. The Duke, with Ægeon going to execution, passes the Priory; and while Adriana requests his authority to take her husband from the Priory, Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus, having escaped from Pinch, enter.

17. The Abbess brings in Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse.


1. Pandarus and Cressida watching the return of the Trojan chiefs from the field.-Æneas, Antenor, Hector, Paris, Helenus, and

Troilus pass.

2. Cassandra raving.

3. Helen assisting to unarm Hector.

4. Troilus and Cressida.

5. The Grecian chiefs pass by Achilles and Patroclus with slight notice, when they are standing at the entrance of their tent.-Ulysses follows, watching the effect of his scheme to mortify Achilles' pride.

6. Thersites imitating Ajax.

7. Cressida given up to the Greeks in exchange for Antenor.

8. The contest between Ajax and Hector.

9. Achilles and Hector.

10. Troilus with Ulysses, watching.-Diomed and Cressida, with the sleeve given to her by Troilus.

11. Andromache, Cassandra, and Priam endeavouring to persuade Hector not to go to the field.

12. The Battle.-Troilus engaging Diomed and Ajax.-The body of Patroclus carried off to Achilles from Hector.

13. Achilles arming on seeing the dead body of Patroclus.

14. The death of Hector.


1. Timon in his days of prosperity.-Flavius, his steward, grieving

over his imprudent generosity.

2. Timon finds out his extravagance.

3. Timon's servants sent to his false friends to borrow money.

4. The banquet of hot water.

5. Timon in the woods digging for roots, finds gold.

6. Timon gives gold to Alcibiades, who is proceeding to attack Athens, and to his two mistresses, Phrynia and Timandra.

7. Timon and Flavius.

8. Senators come to entreat Timon to return to Athens and take the command of the army opposed to Alcibiades.


1. Caius Marcius opposing the people on the subject of the gratuitous distribution of corn.

2. Caius Marcius alone within the walls of Corioli.

3. Caius Marcius attacking Aufidius, who is rescued by some Volsces.

4. Caius Marcius Coriolanus stands for consul, but by the agency of the tribunes the people rise against him.

5. Coriolanus going into banishment, taking leave of his family.

6. Coriolanus goes to the house of Aufidius.

7. Coriolanus being appointed general of the Volscian forces, the Romans send and entreat peace in vain. Menenius is then persuaded to go, in hopes that his ancient friendship with Coriolanus may prevail.

8. Coriolanus' mother, wife, and child, with another noble lady of Rome, come to entreat for peace. Aufidius' old hate being revived by

the admiration of the Volsces for Coriolanus, he seeks occasion to destroy him.

9. Coriolanus accused by Aufidius of having betrayed the trust reposed in him by the Volsces. They rise against him.


1. Antony offering the crown to Cæsar.-Cassius endeavouring to rouse Brutus.

2. Brutus with the conspirators.

3. Brutus and Portia.

4. The conspirators coming to fetch Cæsar to the capitol.-Calphurnia endeavouring to prevent his going.

5. The death of Cæsar.

6. Antony's speech over the dead body of Cæsar.

7. Brutus and Cassius after the reconciliation.

8. Brutus reading.-Ghost of Cæsar enters.

9. Battle of Philippi.—The dead bodies of Cassius and Titinius are lying in the middle ground.


1. Cleopatra arriving at Taurus.

2. Antony taking leave of Cleopatra on hearing of the death of his wife Fulvia.

3. The meeting between Octavius Cæsar and Antony.

4. The marriage of Antony with Octavia.

5. The return of Octavia to Rome.

6. Antony perceiving Cleopatra's flight from the battle of Actium.

7. The meeting after the battle.

8. Cleopatra assisting to arm Antony.

9. Antony threatening Cleopatra.

10. Antony calls upon Eros to kill him.

11. Cleopatra, Iras, and Charmian raising up Antony into the monument. The guard are assisting in raising Antony by means of

his cloak tied to the points of their spears.

12. Cæsar's interview with Cleopatra.-Cleopatra kneels.

13. The death of Cleopatra.


1. Belarius and Euriphile stealing Guiderius and Arviragus, sons of Cymbeline.-Imogen is left sleeping on the couch.

2. The marriage of Cymbeline with the mother of Cloten.-Posthumus is ingratiating himself with Imogen, and Cloten receiving the first impression.

3. The banishment of Posthumus.-Enter Cymbeline and lords.-The queen is seen as the instigator of Cymbeline's cruelty; and Cloten meditating his attack on Posthumus.

4. Posthumus' wager with Iachimo.

5. Iachimo's attempt on Imogen.

6. Iachimo stealing Imogen's bracelet.

7. Cloten tendering his services to Imogen.

8. Iachimo produces the bracelet as testimony of his having won his wager.

9. Pisanio having, by the order of Posthumus, induced Imogen to go to Milford Haven to meet him, shows the letter in which Posthumus commands her death.

10. Imogen, disguised as a boy, in Belarius' cave. Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus returning.

11. Cloten compelling Pisanio to produce Posthumus' garments, on discovering that Imogen was gone.

12. Imogen supposed to be dead from the operation of a drug given to her by Pisanio.-Cloten has been killed by Guiderius, whom he had attacked.-Enter Arviragus bearing Imogen as dead in his arms.

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