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No. 23.


Relative to the Gettysburg and Hagerstown turnpike road.

WHEREAS, the Legislature by an act entitled, An act authorising the incorporation of the Gettysburg and Hagerstown turnpike road company, passed the tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and eighteen and its several supplements, authorized a subscription on behalf of the State, of twenty thousand dollars to the stock of said company: And whereas, The commissioners and stockholders of said company have not been able to comply with the conditions necessary to entitle them to the advantages of said subscription: Therefore,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That as soon as security shall be given to the satisfaction of the Governor, for the completion of said road, from Gettysburg to Waynesburg, in the county of Franklin, the said part thereof fourteen feet wide, then the Governor shall incorporate those who may be subscribers thereto, and draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in their favor, for the amount of the undrawn subscription of twenty thousand dollars heretofore authorized, and the State shall receive certificates of stock to that amount; the time for completing said road is hereby extended for five years, and James D. Paxton and James A. Thompson are appointed additional commissioners.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fourteenth day of April, one thousand eight

hundred and thirty-five.


No. 24.


Relative to the commission of the Treasurer of Philadelphia county, arising from the collateral inheritance tax on the Girard estate.

WHEREAS by an act dated second of April, eighteen hundred and thirty, relating to collateral inheritance tax, the accountant department are restricted in allowing compensation to county

treasurers in any one estate to one hundred dollars: And whereas in collecting the tax arising from the estate of Stephen Girard, the amount collected by the late treasurer entitled him to one hundred dollars commission, and the present treasurer although collecting a larger amount of inoney from said estate could receive under the law no compensation. Therefore

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the accountant officers be and they are hereby authorized to allow the present treasurer the usual commission on money collected by him and paid into the State Treasury from the estate of Stephen Girard: Provided, The said sum shall not exceed one hundred dollars.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-five.



No. 25.


Relative to the claim of John Kean and Hugh Curren.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the Canal Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized to settle and adjust the claims of John Kean and Hugh Curren, late contractors on Portage rail-road, section number six, and make them such allowance for work they have done and loss sustained in consequence of the rise of the water in the Conemaugh, and conveying timber across said stream, as may appear equitable and just and the Auditor General is hereby authorized to audit the same in the way and manner other claims are presented and audited.

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APPROVED-The fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini, eigh

teen hundred and thirty-five.


No. 26.


Explanatory of the act passed the thirteenth April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, That the meaning of the second section of the act entitled, An act to provide for the further improvement of the State by rail roads and canals, passed the thirteenth of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, shall be taken to be, that the sum of eighty thousand dollars shall be appropriated to the payment of the expenses incurred by the construction of the public works at or near the Dunnstown dam, on the West Branch of the Susquehànna river, as required by that section, and that the sum which by the fifth section of said act, the Governor is authorized to borrow, is nine hundred and fifty-nine thousand, six hundred dollars.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five.


No. 27.


Relative to the claim of Jane Parsons, widow and administratrix of Wil. liam Parsons, deceased, late contractor on the Juniata division, Penn sylvania canal, section number forty-four.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the Canal Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized and required to examine and re-measure the work done by William Parsons, deceased, on section forty-four and culvert on Wm. Parsons said section, and settle the same agreeably to contract, except as to price on culvert.

Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the appraisers of damages on the Pennsylvania canals, as soon as practicable to ascertain and report the amount of damages sustained by the heirs J. Sommer. of John Sommer, deceased, by reason of the construction of the canal basin, on property belonging to them in the borough of Bristol, in Bucks county, taking into consideration the advantages of said canals to several properties aforesaid, as in other cases; which several sums so reported shall be paid to the persons legally entitled to the same, out of the fund appropriated to pay damages as in other cases of damages sustained by reason of the construction of the Pennsylvania canal.

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APPROVED-The fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-five.


No. 28.


To authorize the Governor to bring suit in the matter of a loan authorized by the act of the sixteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the Governor is hereby authorized and required to cause a suit after demand made, to be brought for such breach of contract, in the name of the Commonwealth, against the contractor or contractors, holder or holders, for the loan of two millions five hundred and forty thousand six hundred and sixty-one dollars and forty four cents, authorized by the provisions of an act, approved the sixteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, entitled An act to continue the improvements of the State by rail roads and canals.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight

hundred and thirty-five.


No. 29.


Relative to the peninsula at Presque Isle, on Lake Erie.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That Rufus S. Reed of the borough of Erie, be and he is hereby authorized and required in addition to the powers conferred upon him by a "resolution relative to the peninsula at the bay of Presque Isle, on Lake Erie," passed the eighth day of April eighteen hundred and thirty-three, to proceed as prescribed in the above recited resolution, against all persons who have or may hereafter erect a tenement for the residence of man or for any other purpose upon said peninsula, or upon any part of the work erected to deepen the entrance into the Harbour at Erie, by this State and the United States, or upon any sand bar attached to the said peninsula or the works aforesaid, or caused by said works whether damage is sustained thereby or not; also to proceed, as in the above recited resolution, against all persons who may place wood or any other materials upon the said public works or the sand bars attached thereto or caused thereby; and upon conviction of any of the above specified of fences, the same punishment shall be inflicted as prescribed in the resolution to which this is a supplement.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight

hundred and thirty-five.


Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth,

HARRISBURG, May 26th, 1835.

This is to certify that I have collated with, and corrected by the original rolls, the proof sheets of the printed copies of this edition of the laws and resolutions of the General Assembly, passed during the session ending on the 15th ultimo.


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