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No. 137.

An Act

To incorporate the Middletown School Association, in the county of

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all and every the persons who shall at the time of the passing of this act be members of the association called the "Attleborough School Association," and all who may hereafter become associated with them, shall be and they are hereby created and declared to be one body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of the "Attleborough School Association," and by the same name shall have perpetual succession, and hereby made able and capable in law, to have, purchase, receive, take, hold, possess, enjoy and retain to them and to their successors lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, stock, goods, chattels and effects, of what kind, nature, quantity or condition soever, whether real or personal, by gift, grant, demise, bargain and sale, devise, bequest, testament, legacy or by any other mode of conveyance or transfer whatever, or which at any time or times heretofore have been granted, bargained, sold, enfeoffed, released, devised, subscribed as stock or otherwise conveyed or given, or intended so to be: Provided, That the yearly income Yearly arising from the same and subject to the annual dispositions of income not to the said association, shall not exceed the sum of six thousand exceed $6000 dollars money of these United States; and the same to give, grant, bargain and demise, convey, assure, transfer, alien and dispose of to others for the whole or any less estate that they have in the same, and also to improve and augment the same in such manner and form as the said association by their by-laws Privileges & and regulations shall order and direct, and shall and may apply the same with the rents, issues and profits, incomes and interests of such estate, and the moneys arising from the sales or alienation of any part thereof, to the use, ends, intents and purposes of the institution, according to the rules, orders, regulations and constitution of the said association, as fully and effectually as any natural person or body politic and corporate within this State, by the laws and constitution of the Commonwealth, can do and perform, and the said association, by the name, style and title aforesaid, shall and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity within this Commonwealth or else. where, and also to make, have and use a common seal and the same to break, alter and renew at their pleasure, and also to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances


and regulations as to them sha'l seem meet, not being contrary to the laws and constitution of this Commonwealth, and gener. ally to do and execute all and singular the acts, matters and things which to them it shall lawfully appertain to do for the well being of the said association, and the due management and ordering the affairs thereof.

SECTION 2. The capital stock of said association shall consist of two hundred shares of one hundred dollars each, and the Capital stock to consist of school may go into operation whenever the sum of eight thou- 200 shares sand dollars shall be subscribed; and the stock shall be trans ferable in conformity with the rules and by-laws of the corpora. tion, and at any time the said association may deem it necessary they may connect manual labor in agriculture and the mechanical arts, to the various branches taught or to be taught in the said institution.


SECTION 3. The present officers of the said association shall continue to act as such until the third Thursday in October next ensuing the date and passage hereof, at which time and annually Annual thereafter, or at any other time agreed upon by said association, electionsthe said corporation shall elect a president, six managers and a treasurer and such other officers as may be required by the constitution and by-laws of said association, for the proper man agement thereof; but in case of failure to elect at the stated time those in office shall continue until others are chosen; the go. vernment and direction of the school, the appointment and em. ployment of teachers and other officers concerned therewith, and the general management of the affairs of the association, shall be intrusted to the president and managers, who shall have power to enact such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the by-laws and regulations of the association, as they shall deem meet and proper: special meetings may be called by the Special managers at their discretion, and notice shall be given of all the meetings. meetings of the association at least ten days previous to the time at which they are to be held.

of school.

SECTION 4. No misnomer of the aforesaid corporation shall defeat or annul any gift, grant, devise or bequest to or for the use of the said corporation: Provided, The intent of the party Proviso. or parties shall sufficiently appear on the face of the gift, grant, will or writing whereby any estate or other interest was intended to pass to said corporation.

SECTION 5. The Legislature hereby reserves the right, and Legislative may at any time amend, alter, modify or repeal this act.

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SECTION 6. Martin Kendig, Mercer Brown and John Croll, are hereby appointed trustees for the brick school house in the Trustees appointed f borough of Middletown, in the county of Dauphin, to hold their school hou places until the first Monday in March next, with authority to Middletow appoint teachers, buy and hold such real estate and mathemati- Dauphin c cal and philosophical apparatus as they may deem necessary for the convenient accommodation and proper instruction of youths, not to exceed in value two thousand dollars.



SECTION 7 The persons who have subscribed to the erection of said brick school house, or their successors, shall assemble hereafter on the first Monday in February in each year, and aying $5 a elect by ballot, three trustees who shall have the same powers as are, entitles those above named, each share of five dollars entitling the holder to a vote for trustees.


int stock


pital stock



SECTION 8. A joint stock company for the promction of virtue and knowledge be formed by William Elliott and others, having the power to suc and being liable to be sued at law, under the following conditions and regulations, viz:

SECTION 9. A joint stock of not more than fifty thousand dollars be formed and divided into shares of fifty dollars each and subscribed for by individuals, no one to subscribe for more than ten shares.

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SECTION 10. After the stock is subscribed for, seven directors eir duties. shall be chosen by the stockholders, at a meeting to be held for that purpose, wh shall choose a president out of their number, the president and directors to purchase the lands, erect the necessary buildings, employ the teachers, and manage all the concerns of the society; the elections after the first year to be annual.

anual ections.


SECTION 11. That proper teachers in mathematics, moral achers to be and natural philosophy, languages, music, drawing, etc., also aployed. a scientific mechanic and farmer, with a suitable matron, be employed to instruct the pupils in all kinds of useful knowledge.

ut to exceed

50 for each pil.

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SECTION 12. The expense shall not in any case exceed fifty dollars per annum for education and board for each pupil male or feniale.

SECTION 13. To induce stockholders to visit their pupils in ockholders the summer, houses and other accommodations will be provided sions made, and the charge for each person shall not exceed one dollar per arge not to week; there will not be any vacations unless decided otherwise ceed $1. by the directors.

arter for ty years.



end pupils.


SECTION 14. That the charter be granted for fifty years, and the society never to be dissolved except at the request of threefourths of all the stockholders, at a meeting called for the purpose. SECTION 15. That the school go into operation when one hundred shares are subscribed for.

SECTION 16. No pupil shall be expelled except after a fair trial before the directors, four to be considered a quorum to do business. SECTION 17. None but stockholders shall be allowed to send pupils, one for each share.

SECTION 18. Shares may be sold and transferred at pleasure.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini,

eighteen hundred and thirty-five.


No. 138,

An Act

Making an appropriation to the Eastern and Western Penitentiaries.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylrania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum of fourteen thousand four hundred and $14,440 forty dollars,. be and the same is hereby appropriated for the appropriated completion of the Western Penitentiary and the construction of to Western a culvert from the same to the Allegheny river, to be paid out of any unappropriated moneys in the treasury: Provided, That Proviso. the bricks belonging to the Commonwealth shall be used in laying said culvert.


to Eastern

SECTION 2. The sum of sixty thousand dollars is hereby $60,000 appropriated for the completion of the Eastern Penitentiary, and appropriated for paving the street in front of the same, to be paid out of any Penitentiary. unappropriated moneys in the Treasury, from time to time, as the state of the works may require.

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APPROVED-The fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-five.

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No. 139.


To the act entitled An act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Coke and Iron


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the period allowed by the act to which this is a supplement, of making five hundred tons of iron from the ore, using the bituminous coal and coke or anthracite as the only

fuel in the manufacture thereof, shall be extended three years from the passage of this act.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-five.


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Board of inspectors.

By whom appointed.

No. 140.

A Supplement

To the act entitled An act to provide for the erection of a new prison and a debtors' apartment within the city and county of Philadelphia, and for the sale of the county prison in Walnut street in said city.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Asembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the prison erected in pursuance of the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, shall, when completed, be known and called by the name of The Philadelphia County Prison, and shall be managed by a board of inspectors, consisting of twelve citizens, residing in the city or county of Philadelphia, who shall serve without any pecuniary compensation, four of whom shall be appointed by the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, four by the judges of the court of Quarter Sessions, and four by the judges of the District Court of the city and county of Philadelphia: they shall serve for four years, or until their successors shall be appointed. In case of vacancy, by death, resignation or otherwise, the same shall be supplied by the court who appointed the individual who has caused the vacancy, upon notice of such vacancy from the First appoint-president of the board of inspectors. The first appointment of inent the first inspectors under this act, shall be made on the first Monday in Monday in May next ensuing, and annually thereafter; the persons then chosen shall hold themselves in readiness to take charge of said prison as is hereinafter provided for. At the first meeting of the inspectors chosen as aforesaid, they shall divide themselves Classification by lot into classes of three each, the first class to serve one year, the second class to serve two years, the third class three years, and the fourth class four years; which result shall be regularly entered upon the minutes of the board of inspectors.


how filled.

May next. Annually thereafter.

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