SCENE I.-Alexandria. A Room in CLEOPATRA'S Palace. Enter DEMETRIUS and PHILO. Phi. Nay, but this dotage of our general's O'erflows the measure; those his goodly eyes, That o'er the files and musters of the war Have glow'd like plated Mars, now bend, now turn, The office and devotion of their view their Trains; Eunuchs fanning her. Cleo. If it be love indeed, tell me how much. Ant. There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd. Cleo. I'll set a bourn how far to be belov'd. Ant. Then must thou needs find out new heaven, new earth. Enter an Attendant. Att. News, my good lord, from Rome. Grates me; the sum. 20 Cleo. Nay, hear them, Antony: Fulvia perchance is angry; or, who knows If the scarce-bearded Cæsar have not sent His powerful mandate to you, ' Do this, or this; Take in that kingdom, and enfranchise that; Perform 't, or else we damn thee.' Ant. How, my love! Cleo. Perchance! nay, and most like; You must not stay here longer; your dismission Is come from Cæsar; therefore hear it, Antony. Where's Fulvia's process? Cæsar's I would say? both? Call in the messengers. As I am Egypt's queen, Thou blushest, Antony, and that blood of thine Is Cæsar's homager; else so thy cheek pays shame When shrill-tongued Fulvia scolds. The mes sayer. Char. Lord Alexas, sweet Alexas, most any thing Alexas, almost most absolute Alexas, where's the soothsayer that you praised so to the queen? O! that I knew this husband, which, you say, must charge his horns with garlands. Alex. Soothsayer! Iras. Am I not an inch of fortune better than she? Char. Well, if you were but an inch of fortune better than I, where would you choose it! Iras. Not in my husband's nose. Char. Our worser thoughts heavens mend! Alexas,-come, his fortune, his fortune. 0! let him marry a woman that cannot go, sweet Isis, I beseech thee; and let her die too, and Char. Is this the man? Is 't you, sir, that give him a worse; and let worse follow worse, know things? Sooth. In nature's infinite book of secrecy A little I can read. Alex. Show him your hand. Eno. Bring in the banquet quickly; Cleopatra's health to drink. Char. Good sir, give me good fortune. Char. Pray then, foresee me one. till the worst of all follow him laughing to his 10 grave, fifty-fold a cuckold! Good Isis, hear me this prayer, though thou deny me a matter of more weight; good Isis, I beseech thee! Iras. Amen. Dear goddess, hear that prayer of the people! for, as it is a heart-breaking to wine see a handsome man loose-wived, so it is a deadly sorrow to behold a foul knave uncuckolded therefore, dear Isis, keep decorum, and fortune him accordingly! Sooth. You shall be yet far fairer than you are. Iras. No, you shall paint when you are old. Char. Amen. 20 Alex. Vex not his prescience; be attentive. Sooth. You shall be more beloving than belov'd. Enter CLEOPATRA. Char. I had rather heat my liver with drinking. Char. Good now, some excellent fortune! Cleo. Saw you my lord? Cleo. Was he not here? Cleo. He was dispos'd to mirth; but on the sudden A Roman thought hath struck him. Enobarbus! Eno. Madam ! Cleo. Seek him, and bring him hither. Where's Alexas? Alex. Here, at your service. My lord approaches. Enter ANTONY with a Messenger and Attendants. Cleo. We will not look upon him; go with us. Exeunt CLEOPATRA, ENOBARBUS, ALEXAS, IRAS, CHARMIAN, Soothsayer, and Attendants. Mess. Fulvia thy wife first came into the field. Ant. Against my brother Lucius? But soon that war had end, and the time's state Made friends of them, jointing their force 'gainst Cæsar, Whose better issue in the war, from Italy Ant. 101 Well, what worst? Mess. The nature of bad news infects the teller. Ant. When it concerns the fool or coward. On; Things that are past are done with me. 'Tis thus: Who tells me true, though in his tale lie death, I hear him as he flatter'd. 141 We Eno. What's your pleasure, sir? Ant. I must with haste from hence. Eno. Why, then, we kill all our women. see how mortal an unkindness is to them; if they suffer our departure, death 's the word. Ant. I must be gone. Eno. Under a compelling occasion let women die; it were pity to cast them away for nothing; though between them and a great cause they should be esteemed nothing. Cleopatra, catching but the least noise of this, dies instantly; I have seen her die twenty times upon far poorer moment. I do think there is mettle in death which commits some loving act upon her, she hath such a celerity in dying. Ant. She is cunning past man's thought. Eno. Alack! sir, no; her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love. We cannot call her winds and waters sighs and tears; they are greater storms and tempests than almanacs can report: this cannot be cunning in her; if it be, she makes a shower of rain as well as Jove. Ant. Would I had never seen her! 163 Eno. Why, sir, give the gods a thankful sacrifice. When it pleaseth their deities to take the wife of a man from him, it shows to man the tailors of the earth; comforting therein, that when old robes are worn out, there are members to make new. If there were no more women but Fulvia, then had you indeed a cut, and the case to be lamented: this grief is crowned with consolation; your old smock brings forth a new petticoat; and indeed the tears live in an onion that should water this sorrow. Ant. The business she hath broached in the state Cannot endure my absence. Eno. And the business you have broached here cannot be without you; especially that of Cleopatra's, which wholly depends on your Where died she? abode. Second Mess. In Sicyon : Her length of sickness, with what else more serious Importeth thee to know, this bears. 130 Gives a letter. 190 Ant. No more light answers. Let our officers Have notice what we purpose. I shall break The cause of our expedience to the queen, And get her leave to part. For not alone The death of Fulvia, with more urgent touches, 200 Do strongly speak to us, but the letters too Which, like the courser's hair, hath yet but life, Eno. I shall do 't. SCENE III-The Same. 210 Exeunt. Another Room. Cleo. I would I had thy inches; thou should'st know There were a heart in Egypt. Ant. Hear me, queen; The strong necessity of time commands Our services awhile, but my full heart Remains in use with you. Our Italy Shines o'er with civil swords; Sextus Pompeius Makes his approaches to the port of Rome; Equality of two domestic powers Breed scrupulous faction. The hated, grown to strength, Are newly grown to love; the condemn'd Rich in his father's honour, creeps apace Is Fulvia's death. Cleo. Though age from folly could not give me freedom, It does from childishness: can Fulvia die? Look here, and at thy sovereign leisure read » Cleo. Ant. My precious queen, forbear, And give true evidence to his love which stands An honourable trial. Cleo. 30 And target. Still he mends; | As his own state and ours, 'tis to be chid But this is not the best. Look, prithee, Charmian, Ant. 90 But that your royalty Holds idleness your subject, I should take you For idleness itself. SCENE IV.-Rome. A Room in CESAR'S House. Enter OCTAVIUS CESAR, LEPIDUS, and Caes. You may see, Lepidus, and henceforth It is not Cæsar's natural wise to hate A man who is the abstract of all faults Lep. Lep. Enter a Messenger. Here's more news. Mess. Thy biddings have been done, and every Cæs. Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream, Mess. wound The roughest berry on the rudest hedge; 11 Evils enow to darken all his goodness; Caes. You are too indulgent. Let us grant it Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy, To reel the streets at noon, and stand the buffet 21 As his composure must be rare indeed No way excuse his soils, when we do bear |