Poet. Good day, sir. Pain. It wears, sir, as it grows. Mer. O! 'tis a worthy lord. Nay, that's most fix'd. Mer. A most incomparable man, breath'd, as it were, To an untirable and continuate goodness: He passes. Jew. I have a jewel here 10 Jew. If he will touch the estimate: but, for that 20 Jew. And rich: here is a water, look ye. To the great lord. Poet. A thing slipp'd idly from me. Poet. Upon the heels of my presentment, sir. Pain. "Tis a good piece. 30 Poet. So'tis: this comes off well and excellent. Poet. Admirable How this grace Pain. It is a pretty mocking of the life. I'll say of it, Mer. O pray, let's see 't: for the Lord Timon, It tutors nature: artificial strife Poet. When we for recompense have prais'd the It stains the glory in that happy verse Mer. Looking at the jewel. 'Tis a good form. 40 Poet. You see this confluence, this great flood of visitors. 22 Pain. How shall I understand you? To Apemantus, that few things loves better Pain. 61 I saw them speak together. Poet. Sir, I have upon a high and pleasant hill Feign'd Fortune to be thron'd: the base o' the Pain. ''Tis conceiv'd to scope. This throne, this Fortune, and this hill, methinks, With one man beckon'd from the rest below, Bowing his head against the steepy mount To climb his happiness, would be well express'd In our condition. Poet. Pain. Spurns down her late belov'd, all his dependants Pain. 'Tis common: 91 A thousand moral paintings I can show More pregnantly than words. Yet you do well Trumpets sound. Enter Lord TIMON, addressing himself courteously to every suitor; a Messenger from VENTIDIUS talking with him. LUCILIUS and other servants following. Tim. Old Ath. Lord Timon, hear me speak. Old Ath. Most noble Timon, call the man before thee. Tim. Attends he here or no? Lucilius ! Old Ath. This fellow here, Lord Timon, this thy creature, 129 By night frequents my house. I am a man That from my first have been inclin'd to thrift, And my estate deserves an heir more rais'd Than one which holds a trencher. Tim. Well; what further? Old Ath. One only daughter have I, no kin else, On whom I may confer what I have got: The maid is fair, o' the youngest for a bride, And I have bred her at my dearest cost In qualities of the best. This man of thine Attempts her love: I prithee, noble lord, Join with me to forbid him her resort; Myself have spoke in vain. Tim. 139 The man is honest. Old Ath. Therefore he will be, Timon: His honesty rewards him in itself; It must not bear my daughter. Tim. Does she love him! Go not away. What have you there, my friend? Pain. A piece of painting, which I do beseech Your lordship to accept. Tim. 160 Painting is welcome. Pain. We must needs dine together. Sir, your jewel Jew. What, my lord! dispraise? Tim. A mere satiety of commendations. If I should pay you for 't as 'tis extoll'd, It would unclew me quite. Jew. Tim. An thou should'st, thou'dst anger ladies. Apem. O! they eat lords; so they come by great bellies. Tim. That's a lascivious apprehension. Apem. So thou apprehendest it, take it for thy labour. Tim. How dost thou like this jewel, Apemantus? Apem. Not so well as plain-dealing, which will not cost a man a doit. 220 170 Apem. Yes. Poet. Then I lie not. My lord, 'tis rated As those which sell would give: but you well know, Things of like value, differing in the owners, Are prized by their masters. Believe't, dear lord, You mend the jewel by the wearing it. Tim. Well mock'd. Apem. Then thou liest: look in thy last work, where thou hast feigned him a worthy fellow. Poet. That's not feigned; he is so. Apem. Yes, he is worthy of thee, and to pay thee for thy labour: he that loves to be flattered is worthy o' the flatterer. Heavens, Mer. No, my good lord; he speaks the that I were a lord! common tongue, Which all men speak with him. Tim. What would'st do then, Apemantus? Apem. E'en as Apemantus does now; hate a Tim. Look, who comes here. Will you be lord with my heart. chid? Enter APEMANTUS. Jew. We'll bear, with your lordship. Mer. Apem. Till I be gentle, stay thou for thy good morrow; When thou art Timon's dog, and these knaves honest. Tim. Why dost thou call them knaves? thou know'st them not. Apem. Are they not Athenians? Tim. Yes. Apem. Then I repent not. Jew. You know me, Apemantus? Apem. Thou know'st I do; I call'd thee by thy name. Apem. Of nothing so much as that I am not Till I have thank'd you; and, when dinner's like Timon. Tim. Whither art going? Apem. To knock out an honest Athenian's brains. Tim. That's a deed thou 'lt die for. done, Show me this piece. I am joyful of your sights. Enter ALCIBIADES, with his Company. Apem. Right, if doing nothing be death by Most welcome, sir! the law. And all this courtesy! The strain of man's bred out Into baboon and monkey. Honest Ventidius; you mistake my love; Alcib. Sir, you have sav'd my longing, and II gave it freely ever; and there's none Most hungerly on your sight. Second Lord. Thou art going to Lord Timon's feast? Apem. Ay; to see meat fill knaves and wine heat fools. Second Lord. Fare thee well, fare thee well. Apem. Thou art a fool to bid me farewell twice. Second Lord. Why, Apemantus? 10 If our betters play at that game, we must not To imitate them; faults that are rich are fair. They all stand ceremoniously looking on TIMON. Tim. Nay, my lords, ceremony was but devis'd at first To set a gloss on faint deeds, hollow welcomes, But where there is true friendship, there needs none. Pray, sit; more welcome are ye to my fortunes First Lord. My lord, we always have con- Apem. Ho, ho! confess'd it; hang'd it, have you not? Tim. O! Apemantus, you are welcome. You shall not make me welcome : Apem. Should'st have kept one to thyself, for I come to have thee thrust me out of doors. No: Tim. Fie! thou'rt a churl; ye 've got a humour Does not become a man; 'tis much to blame. Go, let him have a table by himself, Apem. Let me stay at thine apperil, Timon: Apem. I scorn thy meat; 'twould choke me. for I should Ne'er flatter thee. O you gods! what a number I wonder men dare trust themselves with men Good for their meat, and safer for their lives. The breath of him in a divided draught, Is the readiest man to kill him: it has been proved. If I were a huge man, I should fear to drink at meals, Lest they should spy my wind-pipe's dangerous notes: It hath pleas'd the gods to remember my father's Great men should drink with harness on their Apem. Flow this way! A brave fellow! he keeps his tides well. Those healths will make thee and thy state look ill, Timon. Here's that which is too weak to be a sinner, 60 Or my friends, if I should need 'em. Rich men sin, and I eat root. 70 Eats and drinks. Much good dich thy good heart, Apemantus! Tim. Captain Alcibiades, your heart 's in the field now. Alcib. My heart is ever at your service, my lord. Tim. You had rather be at a breakfast of enemies than a dinner of friends. 80 Alcib. So they were bleeding-new, my lord, there's no meat like 'em : I could wish my best friend at such a feast. Apem. Would all those flatterers were thine enemies then, that then thou might'st kill 'em and bid me to 'em. First Lord. Might we but have that happiness, my lord, that you would once use our hearts, whereby we might express some part of our zeals, we should think ourselves for ever perfect. 90 Tim. O! no doubt, my good friends, but the gods themselves have provided that I shall have much help from you how had you been my friends else? why have you that charitable title from thousands, did not you chiefly belong to my heart? I have told more of you to myself than you can with modesty speak in your own behalf; and thus far I confirm you. O you gods! think I, what need we have any friends, if we should ne'er have need of 'em they were the most needless creatures living should we ne'er have use for 'em, and would most resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases, that keep their sounds to themselves. Why, I have often wished myself poorer that I might come nearer to you. We are born to do benefits; and what better or properer can we call our own than the riches of our friends? O! what a precious comfort 'tis, to have so many, like brothers, commanding one another's fortunes. O joy! e'en made away ere 't can be born. Mine eyes cannot hold out water, methinks: to forget their faults, I drink to you. Apem. Thou weepest to make them drink, Timon. Second Lord. Joy had the like conception in To gratulate thy plenteous bosom. Th' ear, Taste, touch, and smell, pleas'd from thy table rise; They only now come but to feast thine eyes. Tim. They're welcome all; let 'em have kind admittance: Music, make their welcome! Exit CUPID. First Lord. You see, my lord, how ample you 're belov'd. Music. Re-enter CUPID, with a masque of Ladies as Amazons, with lutes in their hands, dancing and playing. Apem. Hoy-day! what a sweep of vanity comes this way: They dance! they are mad women. Of their friends' gift? I should fear those that dance before me now Set a fair fashion on our entertainment, First Lady. My lord, you take us even at the best. Apem. Faith, for the worst is filthy; and would not hold taking, I doubt me. 160 Tim. Ladies, there is an idle banquet Attends you: please you to dispose yourselves. All Ladies. Most thankfully, my lord. Exeunt CUPID and Ladies. Tim. Flavius! Flav. My lord! Tim. The little casket bring me hither. Flav. Yes, my lord. Aside. More jewels yet! There is no crossing him in 's humour; |