To that I'll speak, to that I'll sigh and weep3 | I give consent to go along with you, Is else devoted, I am but a shadow, And to your shadow will I make true love. Jul. Aside. If 'twere a substance, you would, sure, deceive it, And make it but a shadow, as I am. Sil. I am very loath to be your idol, sir; And so, good rest. Pro. As wretches have o'ernight That wait for execution in the morn. Exeunt PROTEUS and SILVIA. 40 Recking as little what betideth me Sil. This evening coming. At Friar Patrick's cell, Egl. I will not fail your ladyship. Egl. Where shall I meet you? Where I intend holy confession. Good morrow, gentle lady. Sil. Good morrow, kind Sir Eglamour. SCENE IV. The Same. Excunt. Enter LAUNCE, with his Dog. Launce. When a man's servant shall play the cur with him, look you, it goes hard: one that I brought up of a puppy; one that I saved from drowning, when three or four of his blind brothers and sisters went to it. I have taught him, even as one would say precisely, 'thus I would teach a dog.' I was sent to deliver him as a present to Mistress Silvia from my master, and I came no sooner into the dining-chamber but he steps me to her trencher and steals her capon's leg. O! 'tis a foul thing when a cur cannot keep himself in all companies. I would have, as one should say, one that takes upon There's some great matter she'd employ me in. him to be a dog indeed, to be, as it were, a dog Madam, madam! Enter SILVIA above, at her window. Sil, Who calls? Egl. Your servant and your friend; morrow. Egl. As many, worthy lady, to yourself. According to your ladyship's impose, Sil. O Eglamour, thou art a gentleman, Nor how my father would enforce me marry To Mantua, where I hear he makes abode; Upon whose faith and honour I repose. at all things. If I had not had more wit than he, to take a fault upon me that he did, I think verily he had been hanged for 't: sure as I live, he had suffered for 't: you shall judge. He thrusts me himself into the company of three or four gentlemanlike dogs under the duke's table: he had not been there-bless the mark-a piss. ing while, but all the chamber smelt him. 'Out with the dog!' says one; 'what cur is that?' says another; 'whip him out,' says the third; 10 hang him up,' says the duke. I, having been acquainted with the smell before, knew it was Crab, and goes me to the fellow that whips the dogs: 'Friend,' quoth I, 'you mean to whip the dog?' 'Ay, marry, do I,' quoth he. 'You do him the more wrong,' quoth I; ''twas I did the thing you wot of.' He makes me no more ado, but whips me out of the chamber. How many masters would do this for his servant? Nay, I'll be sworn, I have sat in the stocks for puddings he hath stolen, otherwise he had been executed; I have stood on the pillory for geese he hath killed, otherwise he had suffered for 't; thou thinkest not of this now. Nay, I remember the trick you served me when I took my leave of Madam Silvia. Did not I bid thee still mark me and do as I do? When didst thou see me heave up my leg and make water against a gentlewoman's farthingale? Didst thou ever see me do such a trick? 20 kate feed Launce. Marry, she says your dog was a cur, and tells you currish thanks is good enough for such a present. Pro. But she received my dog? Pro. What! didst thou offer her this from Launce. Ay, sir; the other squirrel was stolen from me by the hangman boys in the marketplace; and then I offered her mine own, who is a dog as big as ten of yours, and therefore the gift the greater. Pro. Go get thee hence, and find my dog again, Enter SILVIA, attended, Gentlewoman, good day! I pray you, be my mean To hear me speak the message I am sent on. Jul. From my master, Sir Proteus, madam. 120 Sil. Ursula, bring my picture there. Jul. Madam, please you peruse this letter.- 130 Sil. I pray thee, let me look on that again. I will not look upon your master's lines : Jul. Madam, he sends your ladyship this ring. Jul. It seems you lov'd not her, to leave her For I have heard him say a thousand times 140 token. She's dead, belike? Jul. Alas! 80 His Julia gave it him at his departure. Not so; I think she lives. Mine shall not do his Julia so much wrong. Jul. Because methinks that she lov'd you as well As you do love your lady Silvia. She dreams on him that has forgot her love; You dote on her that cares not for your love. 'Tis pity love should be so contrary; And thinking on it makes me cry alas!' 90 Pro. Well, give her that ring and therewithal Alas! poor Proteus, thou hast entertain'd 100 Jul. She thanks you. Jul. I thank you, madam, that you tender her. Poor gentlewoman! my master wrongs her much. Sil. Dost thou know her? Jul. Almost as well as I do know myself : To think upon her woes I do protest 150 Sil. Belike she thinks that Proteus hath forsook her. Jul. I think she doth, and that's her cause of sorrow. Sil. Is she not passing fair? Jul. She hath been fairer, madam, than she is. Sil. How tall was she? This ring I gave him when he parted from me, To plead for that which I would not obtain, speed. 110 Jul. About my stature; for at Pentecost, 170 Jul. And she shall thank you for 't, if e'er you know her. 190 Pro. She says it is a fair one. Thu. Nay then, the wanton lies; my face is black. Pro. But pearls are fair, and the old saying is, 'Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies' eyes.' Jul. Aside. "Tis true, such pearls as put out ladies' eyes; For I had rather wink than look on them. Pro. Ill, when you talk of war. Thu. But well, when I discourse of love and peace? Jul. Aside. But better, indeed, when you hold your peace. 30 Thu. What says she to my valour? cowardice. 200 A virtuous gentlewoman, mild and beautiful! I hope my master's suit will be but cold, Since she respects my mistress' love so much. Alas! how love can trifle with itself. Here is her picture: let me see; I think, If I had such a tire, this face of mine Were full as lovely as is this of hers; And yet the painter flatter'd her a little, Unless I flatter with myself too much. Her hair is auburn, mine is perfect yellow: If that be all the difference in his love I'll get me such a colour'd periwig. Her eyes are grey as glass, and so are mine: Ay, but her forehead 's low, and mine's as high. What should it be that he respects in her But I can make respective in myself, If this fond Love were not a blinded god? Come, shadow, come, and take this shadow up, For 'tis thy rival. O thon senseless form! Thou shalt be worshipp'd, kiss'd, lov'd and ador'd, And, were there sense in his idolatry, My substance should be statue in thy stead. I'll use thee kindly for thy mistress' sake, That us'd me so; or else, by Jove I vow, I should have scratch'd out your unseeing eyes, To make my master out of love with thee. ACT V. SCENE I.-Milan. An Abbey. Enter EGLAMOUR. 211 Exit. Duke. Why then, Saw you my daughter? Neither? She's fled unto that peasant Valentine, As he in penance wander'd through the forest; 50 These likelihoods confirm her flight from hence. Pro. And I will follow, more for Silvia's love Than hate of Eglamour that goes with her. Exit. Jul. And I will follow, more to cross that love Than hate for Silvia that is gone for love. Exit. SCENE III. - The Forest. Enter SILVIA and Outlaws. First Out, Come, come, Thu. I'll wear a boot to make it somewhat rounder. Jul. Aside. But love will not be spurr'd to what it loathes. Thu. What says she to my face ? 20 Be patient; we must bring you to our captain. Third Out. Being nimble-footed, he hath out- | Read over Julia's heart, thy first best love, run us; For whose dear sake thou didst then rend thy But Moyses and Valerius follow him. faith Into a thousand oaths; and all those oaths Descended into perjury to love me. fled: 10 Thou hast no faith left now, unless thou'dst two, And that's far worse than none; better havenone Thou counterfeit to thy true friend! Pro. In love Who respects friend? Sil. The thicket is beset; he cannot 'scape. First Out. Come, I must bring you to our Than plural faith which is too much by one. 52 captain's cave. Fear not; he bears an honourable mind, And will not use a woman lawlessly. Sil. O Valentine! this I endure for thee. Exeunt. SCENE IV.-Another Part of the Forest. Val. How use doth breed a habit in a man! All men but Proteus. Pro. Nay, if the gentle spirit of moving words Can no way change you to a milder form, I'll woo you like a soldier, at arms' end, And love you 'gainst the nature of love, -force you. Sil. O heaven! And leave no memory of what it was! Repair me with thy presence, Silvia! 10 eve Thou gentle nymph, cherish thy forlorn swain! What halloing and what stir is this to-day? These are my mates, that make their wills their law, hand Have some unhappy passenger in chase. Enter PROTEUS, SILVIA, and JULIA. Pro. Madam, this service I have done for you, Though you respect not aught your servant doth, To hazard life and rescue you from him 21 That would have forc'd your honourandyourlove. Vouchsafe me, for my meed, but one fair look; A smaller boon than this I cannot beg, And less than this, I am sure, you cannot give. Val. How like a dream is this I see and hear! Love, lend me patience to forbear awhile. Sil. O miserable, unhappy that I am! Pro. Unhappy were you, madam, ere I came; But by my coming I have made you happy. 30 Sil. By thy approach thou mak'st me most unhappy. Jul. Aside. And me, when he approacheth to your presence. Sil. Had I been seized by a hungry lion, Therefore be gone, solicit me no more. Pro. What dangerous action, stood it next to This is the ring you sent to Silvia. death, 40 Jul. O! cry you mercy, sir; I have mistook: Would I not undergo for one calm look! Sil. When Proteus cannot love where he's belov'd. Jul. Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths, Thu. Yonder is Silvia; and Silvia's mine. Come not within the measure of my wrath; Thu. Sir Valentine, I care not for her, I. 130 Duke. The more degenerate and base art thou, And think thee worthy of an empress' love. 140 I now beseech you, for your daughter's sake, 151 |