Lords, Ladies, Citizens of Angiers, Sheriff, Heralds, Officers, Soldiers, Messengers, SCENE.-Sometimes in England, and sometimes in France. ACT I. SCENE I.-A Room of State in the Palace. Enter King JOHN, Queen ELINOR, PEMBROKE, ESSEX, SALISBURY, and Others, with CHA TILLON. K. John. Now, say, Chatillon, what would France with us? Chat. Thus, after greeting, speaks the King of France, In my behaviour, to the majesty, The borrow'd majesty of England here. Eli. A strange beginning; 'borrow'd majesty!' K. John. Silence, good mother; hear the em bassy. Chat. Philip of France, in right and true behalf Of thy deceased brother Geffrey's son, Arthur Plantagenet, lays most lawful claim 10 K. John. What follows if we disallow of this? Chat. The proud control of fierce and bloody war, To enforce these rights so forcibly withheld. 110 Between my father and my mother lay, K. John. Sirrah, your brother is legitimate; Rob. The son and heir to that same Faulcon- Which fault lies on the hazards of all husbands bridge. K. John. Is that the elder, and art thou the heir? Bast. Most certain of one mother, mighty king; 61 Eli. Out on thee, rude man! thou dost shame And wound her honour with this diffidence. That marry wives. Tell me, how if my brother, This calf bred from his cow from all the world; Rob. Shall then my father's will be of no force Eli. Whether hadst thou rather be a Faulconbridge 71 Doth he lay claim to thine inheritance? Bast. I know not why, except to get the land. And like thy brother, to enjoy thy land, But once he slander'd me with bastardy: Bast. Madam, an if my brother had my shape, But whe'r I be as true-begot or no, That still I lay upon my mother's head; But that I am as well-begot, my liege, And I had his, Sir Robert his, like him; Fair fall the bones that took the pains for me! That in mine ear I durst not stick a rose Compare our faces and be judge yourself. Lest men should say 'Look, where three If old Sir Robert did beget us both, 80 And were our father, and this son like him; I give heaven thanks I was not like to thee. farthings goes!' K. John. Why, what a madcap hath heaven lent us here! Eli. He hath a trick of Cœur-de-Lion's face; The accent of his tongue affecteth him. K. John. Mine eye hath well examined his parts, 92 With half that face would he have all my land; Eli. I like thee well: wilt thou forsake thy 150 Bequeath thy land to him, and follow me! chance. Your face hath got five hundred pound a year. Bast. Philip, my liege, so is my name begun; 12 1 Bast. Brother by the mother's side, give me your hand: Lady F. Where is that slave, thy brother? where is he, Kneel thou down Philip, but arise more great; Arise Sir Richard, and Plantagenet. That holds in chase mine honour up and down? Bast. My brother Robert? old Sir Robert's son ? Colbrand the giant, that same mighty man? Sir Robert's son: why scorn'st thou at Sir Robert? My father gave me honour, yours gave land. Now blessed be the hour, by night or day, When I was got, Sir Robert was away! Ali. The very spirit of Plantagenet! I am thy grandam, Richard: call me so. Bast. Madam, by chance but not by truth; He is Sir Robert's son, and so art thou. what though? Something about, a little from the right, In at the window, or else o'er the hatch: Bast. James Gurney, wilt thou give us leave awhile? 170 Gur. Good leave, good Philip. Bast. 230 Philip! sparrow! James, There's toys abroad: anon I'll tell thee more. Exit GURNEY. Madam, I was not old Sir Robert's son: too, 240 That for thine own gain should'st defend mine honour? What means this scorn, thou most untoward knave? Bast. Knight, knight, good mother, Basiliscolike. For your conversion. Now your traveller, bridge? He and his toothpick at my worship's mess, 190 Legitimation, name, and all is gone. 'I shall beseech you'-that is question now; And then comes answer like an absey-book: 'O sir,' says answer, 'at your best command; At your employment; at your service, sir: ' 'No, sir,' says question, 'I, sweet sir, at yours:' And so, ere answer knows what question would, Saving in dialogue of compliment, And talking of the Alps and Apennines, The Pyrenean and the river Po, It draws toward supper in conclusion so. But this is worshipful society And fits the mounting spirit like myself; For he is but a bastard to the time, That doth not smack of observation; And so am I, whether I smack or no; And not alone in habit and device, Exterior form, outward accoutrement, But from the inward motion to deliver Sweet, sweet, sweet poison for the age's tooth: Which, though I will not practise to deceive, Yet, to avoid deceit, I mean to learn; For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising. But who comes in such haste in riding-robes? What woman-post is this? hath she no husband That will take pains to blow a horn before her? Enter Lady FAULCONBRIDGE and JAMES Lady F. Hast thou denied thyself a Faulcon bric 251 Bast. As faithfully as I deny the devil. By long and vehement suit I was seduc'd Lew. Before Angiers well met, brave Austria. Chat. Then turn your forces from this paltry siege 60 And stir them up against a mightier task. 71 10 With ladies' faces and fierce dragons' spleens, Of thy unnatural uncle, English John. The rather that you give his offspring life, Lew. A noble boy! Who would not do thee Aust. Upon thy cheek lay I this zealous kiss, 2) Till Angiers, and the right thou hast in France, Const. O! take his mother's thanks, a widow's thanks, Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength To make a more requital to your love. K. Phi. Peace be to England, if that war return From France to England, there to live in peace. England we love; and for that England's sake With burden of our armour here we sweat: Aust. The peace of heaven is theirs that lift This toil of ours should be a work of thine; In such a just and charitable war. K. Phi. Well then, to work: our cannon shall Cut off the sequence of posterity, be bent 40 Against the brows of this resisting town. Const. Stay for an answer to your embassy, Lest unadvis'd you stain your swords with blood. My Lord Chatillon may from England bring That right in peace which here we urge in war; And then we shall repent each drop of blood That hot rash haste so indirectly shed. Enter CHATILLON. K. Phi. A wonder, lady! lo, upon thy wish, 50 Our messenger, Chatillon, is arriv'd! What England says, say briefly, gentle lord; We coldly pause for thee; Chatillon, speak. Out-faced infant state, and done a rape This little abstract doth contain that large Which died in Geffrey, and the hand of time Shall draw this brief into as huge a volume. That Geffrey was thy elder brother born, And this his son; England was Geffrey's right And this is Geffrey's. In the name of God How comes it then that thou art call'd a king. When living blood doth in these temples beat, Which owe the crown that thon o'ermasterest K. John. From whom hast thou this great commission, France. 100 110 To draw my answer from thy articles? K. Phi. From that supernal judge, that stirs good thoughts Than thou and John in manners; being as like | Infortunate in nothing but in thee: Of this oppressed boy: this is thy eld'st son's Liker in feature to his father Geffrey son, As rain to water, or devil to his dam. Thy sins are visited in this poor child; The canon of the law is laid on him, Being but the second generation Removed from thy sin-conceiving womb. 180 Eli. There's a good mother, boy, that blots thy father. Blanch. O! well did he become that lion's A woman's will; a canker'd grandam's will! robe, That did disrobe the lion of that robe. K. Phi. Peace, lady! pause, or be more temperate: Bart. It lies as sightly on the back of him As great Alcides' shows upon an ass: It ill beseems this presence to cry aim To these ill-tuned repetitions. Aust. What cracker is this same that deafs But, ass, I'll take that burden from your back, Or lay on that shall make your shoulders crack. | These men of Angiers: let us hear them speak 200 Some trumpet summon hither to the walls our ears Whose title they admit, Arthur's or John's. Trumpets sound. Enter Citizens upon the walls. or no! First Cit. Who is it that hath warn'd us to the walls? K. Phi. 'Tis France, for England. England, for itself. You men of Angiers, and my loving subjects, K. Phi. You loving men of Angiers, Arthur's subjects, Our trumpet call'd you to this gentle parle, K. John. For our advantage; therefore hear us first. These flags of France, that are advanced here 220 |