Unbolted (gross), Lear, ii. 2.
Unbraided (undamaged), Winter's T., iv. 3 or 4. Unbreathed (unpractised), M. N. D., v. 1.
Uncape (to throw off the dogs, so as to begin the hunt), Merry Wives, iii. 3.
Uncharge (acquit, hold guiltless), Ham., iv. 7. Unclew (undo), T. of A., i. 1.
Unconfirmed (unsophisticated), Much Ado, iii. 3.
Unction, that flattering, Ham., iii. 4; a poisonous, Ham., iv. 7.
Underlings, the fault is in ourselves if we are, Jul. Cæs.,
Under-skinker (under-tapster), 1 II. IV., ii. 4. Understanding, likened to a tide, Temp., v. 1; give it an understanding, but no tongue, Ham., 1. 2.
Under the greenwood tree, song, As You Like It, ii. 5. Undertaker (agent, overseer), Tw. Nt., iii. 4.
Use, breeds habit, Two Gent., v. 4; can almost change "Nought so vile, etc.; Ven. & Ad., 1. 165; gold put to, Ven. & Ad., 1. 767.
Unexpressive (indescribable), she, the, As You Like nature, Ham., iii. 4; everything for, R. & J., ii. 3, It, iii. 2.
Uneath (not easily), 2 H. VI., ii. 4.
Unicorns, Temp., iii. 3; Jul. Cæs., ii. 1; T. of A., iv. 3. Union, an (a costly pearl), Ham., v. 2.
Unkindness, love increased by, M. for M., iii. 1, "This forenamed maid," etc.; the only deformity, Tw. Nt., iii. 4; Jul. Cæs., iii. 2, "The unkindest cut," etc.; sharp- toothed, Lear, ii. 4; cannot taint my love, Oth., iv. 2; mortal to women, A. & C., i. 2.
Unmannerly, Ham., iii. 2; Lear, i. 1; better be, than
Usurer(s), complaint of being called a, M. of V., iii. 1; Cor., i. 1; have fools for servants, T. of A., ii. 2; the, hangs the cozener, Lear, iv. 6.
Usuries, the worser of two, M. for M., iii. 2.
Usurper(s), Temp., i. 2; As You Like It, i. 1; K. J., ii. 1; favour of an, R. II., v. 1; cares of an, 2 H. IV., iv. 4; may sway a while, 3 H. VI., iii. 3; Mac., iii. 6, iv. 3; Ham., iii. 4.
Utis, 2 H. IV., ii. 4. Huitas, from the French huit, eight; the space of eight days after a festival, or the eighth day, sometimes applied to the festival itself ; hence, a merry-making, a frolic.
Utter (to sell), R. & J., v. 1.
Utterance (uttermost), Mac., iii. 1; Cymb., iii. 1.
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Valdes, a pirate mentioned in Peric., iv. 1 or 2. Valentine, St., day of, M. N. D., iv. 1; Ham., iv. 5. Valentine, one of the two gentlemen of Verona. Valentine, a gentleman attending the Duke in Tw. Nt. Valentine, a kinsman of Titus in Tit. And.
Valeria, a noble Roman lady in Cor.
Valerius, one of the outlaws in Two Gent., v. 3. Valerius Publius, Lucrece, argument.
Validity (value), All's Well, v. 3; Tw. Nt., i. 1; Lear, i. 1; R. & J., iii. 3.
Valour, praised, Much Ado, i. 1; decay of, Much Ado, iv. 1, "Manhood is melted," etc.; cannot carry discre- tion, M. N. D., v. 1; and fear together, All's Well, i. 1, "So is running," etc.; esteem of women for, Tw. Nt., iii. 2, "For Andrew," etc.; the better part of-should be rewarded, 1 H. IV., v. 4; in adversaries, 1 H. IV., v. 5; compared to Hector's, Agamemnon's, etc., 2 H. IV., ii. 4; no true, with self-love, 3 H. VI., v. 2; the chief virtue, Cor., ii. 2; true, T. of A., iii. 5; dependent on the cause, Lear, v. 1; when it preys on reason, A. & C., iii. 11 or 13; that plucks dead lions by the beard, K. J., ii. 1; careless, Tr. & Cr., v. 5; after drinking, Temp., iv. 1; 2 H. IV., iv. 3; like a lion's, 3 H. VI., ii. 1.
Vanity, Malvolio's, Tw. Nt., ii. 3, "The devil a," etc.; ii. 5; preys upon itself, R. II., ii. 1; a sweep of, T. of A., i. 2; the puppet, Lear, ii. 2; of the world, Cymb., iii. 3; Cloten's, Cymb., iv. 1.
Vant-brace (armour for the forearm), Tr. & Cr., i. 3. Vapians, the, Tw. Nt., ii. 3. See PIGROGROMITUS.
Variety, of people, M. of V., i. 1, "Now, by two-headed Janus," etc.; infinite, A. & C., ii. 2.
Varnish, the, of a complete man, L. & L.'s L. 1. 2; on fame, Ham., iv. 7.
Varrius, a character in M. for M.
Varrius, a character in A. & C.
Varro, a servant of Brutus in Jul. Cæs. Vast (a waste), Temp., i. 2; Winter's T., 1. 1. Vastidity (vastness), M. for M., iii. 1.
Vaudemont, a French earl, killed at Agincourt, men- tioned, H. V., iii. 5, iv. 8.
Vaughan, Sir Thomas, character in R. III. Vaunt (beginning, van), Tr. & Cr., prologue. Vaunt-couriers (heralds, precursors), Lear, iii. 2. Vaux, Sir William, character in H. VI.
Vaux, Sir Nicholas, character in H. VIII., a son of the Sir William Vaux in 2 H. VI. His father's forfeited lands were restored to him at the accession of Henry VII. Vaward (vanward), M. N. D., iv. 1.
Vein, of Ercles, M. N. D., 1. 2; of King Cambyses, 1 H. IV., ii. 4; the giving, R. III., iv. 2.
Veins, mustering to the heart, Lucrece, 1. 442; veins of actions, Tr. & Cr., i. 3.
Velutus, Sicinius. See SICINIUS VELUTUS.
Velvet, gummed (stiffened with gum), 1 H. IV., ii. 2. Velvet-guards, 1 H. IV., iii. 1. Trimmings of velvet, much affected by the wives of wealthy citizens; and here applied to the women themselves.
Veneys (venues, passes in fencing), Merry Wives, i. 1; L.'s L.'s L., v. 1.
Vengeance, mercy nobler than, Temp., v. 1; threatened, Much Ado, iv. 1; of Leontes, Winter's T., ii. 3; omens of, K. J., iii. 4; oath of, K. J., iv. 3; of Heaven, R. II., і. 2; sworn, Tit. And., ii. 3; for Cæsar's wounds, Jud. Cæs., v. 1; just, Ham., i. 5; Laertes's vows of, Ham. iv. 4 (or 2); sure, Lear, iii. 7; invoked, Oth., iii. 3, "Arise, black," etc.; v. 2; Lucrece, lines 1690, 1821.
Venice, Italy, the scene of a part of the M. of V. and of Oth.
Venice, Duke of, a character in the M. of V. Venice, Duke of, character in Oth.
Venice, senators of, characters in the M. of V.
Venice, Cupid in, Much Ado, i. 1; as the traveller speaks of, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 2; law of, to protect its citi-
zens, M. of V., iv. 1; death at, R. II., iv. 1; women of, Oth., iii. 3.
Venison, thanks for, Merry Wives, i. 1; to kill, As You Like It, ii. 1.
Vent (impetuosity, as of hounds when they scent the game), Cor., iv. 5.
Ventages (small apertures), Ham., iii. 2.
Ventidius, one of the false friends in T. of A.
Ventidius, character in A. & C.
Ventricle of memory, the, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 2. Alluding to the old division of the brain into three ventricles, in the hindermost of which was memory.
Venus, doves or pigeons of, Temp., iv. 1; M. N. D., i. 1; M. of V., ii. 6; love's invisible soul, Tr. & Cr., fii. 1; smiles not in a house of tears, R. & J., iv. 1.
Venus (the planet), M. N. D., iii. 2; 2 H. IV., ii. 4; 1 H. VI., 1. 2; Tit. And., ii. 3.
Venus with young Adonis, Passionate Pilgrim, xi. Verb, a noun and a, such abominable words as no Christian ear can endure to hear, 2 II. VI., iv. 7.
Vere, Lord Aubrey, 3 H. VI., iii. 3.
Verges, a character in Much Ado, introduced in iii. 3, a meek imitator and disciple of Dogberry.
Verily, a lady's, is as potent as a lord's, Winter's T.,
Vernon, Sir Richard, character in 1 II. IV.
Vernon, Sir Richard (?), character in 1 IH. VI.
Verona, Italy, scene of the greater part of R. & J., and parts of the Two Gent.
Vesture of decay, this muddy, M. of V., v. 1; the essential, of creation, Oth., ii. 1.
Via (away), Merry Wives, ii. 2; L.8 L.'s L., v. 2; M. of V., ii. 2, and elsewhere,
Vials, the sacred (lachrymatory), A. & C., i. 3.
Vice(s), prevalence of, M. for M., ii. 1; results of par- doning, M. for M., ii. 2; apparelled like virtue, Com, of Er., iii. 2; virtue misapplied turns to, R. & J., ii. 3; self-accusation of, Mac., iv. 3; repeated, Peric., i. 1; assume the marks of virtues, M. of V., iii. 2; fitly be- stowed, All's Well, i. 1, "One that goes," etc.; want not impudence, Winter's T., iii. 2; an old man boasting of his youthful, 2 IH. IV., iii. 2; of a young man, Ham., ii. 1; through tattered clothes, Lear, iv. 6; gods make instruments of, Lear, v. 3; with beauty, Sonnet xcv.; result of perseverance in, A. & C., iii. 11 or 13.
Vice, the old, Tw. Nt., iv. 2. A character in the old "Moralities," who leaped on the devil's back and beat him with a sword of lath, but was carried away by him in the end. There are other allusions, as to that reverend vice, 1 H. IV., ii. 4, to vice's dagger in 2 II. IV., iii. 2, the formal vice in R. III., iii. 1, and the vice of kings in Ham., iii. 4, a "king of shreds and patches." The vice wore motley.
Vice (fist, grasp), 2 H. IV., ii. 1.
Victory, when without loss, Much Ado, i. 1; exultation and rejoicing in, K. J., V. 5; 2 II. IV., 1. 1; 3 H. VI., v. 3; R. III., i. 1; A. & C., iv. 8.
Video et gaudeo (I see and rejoice), L.'s L.'s L., v. 1. Vidisne quis venit (Do you not see who comes?), L.'s L. 8 L., v. 1.
Vidomar, Viscount of Lymoges. See AUSTRIA, ARCH-
Vienna, the scene of M. for M.
Viliago (coward), 2 H. VI., iv. 8.
"Vilia miretur," etc., a quotation from Ovid placed at the beginning of Ven. & Ad. "The vulgar admire the vile; to me golden-haired Apollo presents a full Castalian dranght."
Villain(s), when rich, have need of poor, Much Ado, iii. 3; faces of, Much Ado, v. 1; K. J., iv. 2; (serf and rascal), As You Like It, i. 1; determined to prove a, R. III., i. 1; smiling, damned-smile and be a, Ham., 1. 5; glozing their villainy, Oth., ii. 3, "And what's he," etc.; a plain-dealing, Much Ado, 1. 3; a self-confessed, Lear, 1. 2; a, with a smiling cheek, M. of V., i. 3.
Villainy, out-villained, All's Well, iv. 3; easy to prac- tise on innocence, Lear, i. 2, end; make mocks with love, Oth., v. 2; clothed with old odd ends stolen from Holy Writ, R. III., 1. 3; instruction in, bettered, M. of V., Vincentio, the Duke of Vienna in M. for M.
Vincentio, of Pisa, a character in the Tam. of S., intro- duced in iv. 5.
Vine, the elm and the, Com. of Er., ii. 2: everyt shall eat under his own (in the days of Elizabeth). H VIII., V. 4.
Vinegia (Venetia), etc., L.'s L.'s L., iv. 2. "O Veries, he who praises thee not has not seen thee," From Hap tista Spagnoli, of Mantua,
Vinewedst (mouldiest), Tr. & Cr., ii. 1.
Vintner, a, a character in 1 H. IV., appears in ii. 4 Viola, heroine of Tw. Nt.
Viol-de-gamboys (gamba), Taw. Nt., 1. 3. A violonela with six strings, held between the legs, Violenta, a character in All's Well.
Violets, Tw. Nt., i. 1; Winter's T., iv. 3 or 4; M. N.D. ii. 2; M. for M., ii. 2; R. II., v. 2; II. V., iv. 1; to thr a perfume on, is wasteful, K. J., iv. 2; Наза,, V. 2 Peric., iv. 1; Sonnet xeix. The violet was an emblem of the early dead.
Virgilia, wife of Coriolanus, a character in the drama.
Virginalling (playing the virginals), Winter's T., i Virginius, did he do well, Tit. And., v. 3. Virgins, knights of Diana, All's Well, i. 3.
Vir sapit, etc. (the man is wise who speaks little), L.. L.'s L., ív. 2.
Virtue, of necessity, Two Gent., iv. 1; to be show forth, M. for M., i. 1; some fall by, M. for M., ii. 1:2 bait to vice, M. for M., ii. 2; looks bleak, etc., All's Wel i. 1; in the lowly, All's Well, ii. 3, "From lowest play etc.; none like necessity, R. II., 1. 3; inheritance of H. VI., ii. 2; only felt by reflection, Tr. de Cr.. in perverted, R. & J., ii. 3; from lack of means for ver T. of A., iv. 3; of Imogen, Cymb., 1. 4; escapes calumny, Ham., 1. 8; better assumed than wholly war ing, Ham., iii. 4; and cunning (wisdom), Peric., iii. influence of, Peric., iv. 5, 6; in a face, Lucrece, 1.5.
Virtue(s), are sanctified and holy traitors to their pr sessors, As You Like It, ii. 3; a world to hide them Tw. Nt., i. 3; with beauty, 1 H. VI., v. 5; written water, II. VIII., iv. 2; obscured by one defect, law. 1. 4; assume a, if you have it not, Ham., iii. 4; lie in the interpretation of the time, Cor., iv. 7.
Virtuous, Dost thou think there shall be no more cakes and ale, because thou art, Tw. Nt., ii. 3.
Vision, the baseless fabric of a, Temp., iv. 1. Visor, William, of Woncot, 2 H. IV., v. 1. Vizaments (advisements, or considerations), Mery Wives, i. 1.
Vizor, a virtuous, over vice, R. III., ii. 2; Mac, ii. 2 Voices, of age, Com. of Er., v. 1, "Not know my etc.; too rude and bold, M. of V., ii. 2; well divulged in (this may mean well reputed by men's voices, or said te be learned in languages), Tro. Nt., i. 5; soft, gentle, an low, Lear, v. 3; beauty of, FVen. & Ad., 1. 428; of Martia Cor., i. 6; a sweet, Peric., v. 1, "Who starves the ears she feeds, and makes them hungry, the more she gives them speech."
Volquessen, K. J., ii. 1 or 2. The ancient name of the province now called the Vexin, which lay on the border land between France and Normandy.
Volsces, preparations of, for war, Cor., iii. 1; incur of, Cor., iv. 5. A people inhabiting the southern parted
Volscian Senators, characters in Cor. Voltimand, a courtier in Ham., introduced in i 2 Volumnia, mother of Coriolanus.
Volumnius, a friend of Brutus and Cassius in Jul. Cas Votress, the imperial [Elizabeth), M. N. D., ii. 1.
Vows, lovers', Two Gent., ii, 2; unheedful, Tro Great. ii. 6; of men, M. for M., i. 5; broken, L.'s L's L. IV. v. 2; Hermia's, M. N. D., i. 1; true, All's Well, iv. 2 Hermione's, Winter's T., iii. 2; obligation of wrotztal K. J., iii. 1; 1 H. IV., i. 3, iii. 2; binding nature H. V., iv. 7; sinful, not to be kept, 3 H. VI., v. 1; broken, Tr. & Cr., v. 2; peevish, Tr. & Cr., v. 3; careless, Has. i. 3; false, A. & C., i. 3; men's, Cymb., iii. 4.
Vox, you must allow, Tu. Nt., v. 1. Allow one b speak.
Vulcan, a rare carpenter, Much Ado, i. 1; black as, Nt., v. 1; as like as, and his wife, Tr. & Cr., 1. 3; imaziar tion as foul as his stithy, Ham., iii. 2; badge of, I And., ii. 1.
Vulture, the, Merry Wives, 1. 3; 2 H. VI., iv. 3; 12 And., v. 2; Lear, ii. 4.
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Waist, and wit, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 1; I would my means were greater and my waist slenderer, II. IV., i. 2.
Waist (that part of a ship between the forecastle and the quarter-deck), Tr. & Cr., ii. 2.
Wakefield, battle of (December 30, 1460), 3 H. VI., i. 3, 4, ii. 1.
Wakes, L.'s L.'s L., v. 2; a man that haunts, Winter's T., iv. 2 or 3.
Wales, scene of parts of Cymb.
Wales, Anne, Princess of. See ANNE.
Wales, Princes of. See EDWARD, THE BLACK PRINCE, EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, EDWARD V., HENRY V. Walking fire (will-o'-the-wisp), Lear, iii. 4.
Wall, a character in the play of the artisans in the M. N. D., taken by Snout, the tinker.
Wall, the weakest goes to the, R. & J., i. 1; a beau- teous, doth oft close in pollution, Tw. Nt., i. 2.
Walloon, a base, thrust Talbot with a spear, 1 H. VI., i. 1.
Wandering stars (planets), Ham., v. 1. Wannion, with a (with a vengeance), Peric., ii. 1. Wappened (or wappered, over-worn), T. of A., iv. 3. War, better than strife at home, All's Well, ii. 3, near the end; threatened, K. J., i. 1, ii. 1; H. V., ii. 4; de- vastations of, K. J., ii. 1, 2; Ham., iv. 4; declarations of, K. J., iii. 1, v. 2; H. V., i. 2; Cymb., iii. 1; civil, K. J., iv. 3, v. 2; R. II., iii. H. IV., i. 1, ii. 4; 3 H. VI.,
ii. 5; R. III., ii. 4, v. 5; like the god of, K. J., v. 1; old men, boys, and women armed for, R. 11., iii. 2; dreams of, 1 H. IV., ii. 3; just, 1 H. IV., v. 2; chances of, 2 H. IV., i. 1; caution in, 2 H. IV., i. 3; an archbishop in, 2 II. IV., iv. 1, 2; prophecy of civil, 2 H. IV., iv. 2; counsel for, H. V., 1. 2; preparations for, H. V., ii., chorus; ii. 4; sleeping sword of, H. V., i. 2; spirit suit- able to, IH. V., iii. 1; license of, H. V., iii. 3; the beadle and vengeance of God, IH. V., iv. 1; fame of, H. V., iv. 3; a country after, H. V., v. 2; its attendants, 1 H. VI., iv. 2; a son of hell, 2 H. VI., v. 2; or devotion, 3 IH. VI., ii. 1, "Shall we go throw away," etc.; end of hath smoothed his wrinkled front, R. III., i. 1; closet, Tr. & Cr., i. 3; counsel in, despised, Tr. & Cr., i. 3; ruthless- ness in, Tr. & Cr., v. 3; exceeds peace, Cor., iv. 5; pro- phecy of the dogs of, Jul. Cæs., iii. 1; preparations for, Jul. Cæs., iv. 2; Ham., i. 1, 2; cruel, T. of A., iv. 3; farewell to, Oth., iii. 3; longing for, Cymb., iv. 4.
War, the Trojan, Tr. & Cr.
Ward, I am now in, All's Well, i. 1. The father should be ward to the son, Lear, i. 2.
Ward (place of defence), Winter's T., 1. 2; Tr. & Cr., 1. 2; Merry Wives, ii. 2.
Warden pies, Winter's T., iv. 2 or 3. Made of war- dens, large pears.
Warder, the king's, R. II., 1. 3; 2 H. IV., iv. 1. Throwing down the warder or truncheon was a sign for the combat to stop.
Ware, the bed of, Tw. Nt., iii. 2. This famous bed, which is twelve feet square, is of oak, and very elabo. rately carved. It bears the date 1463; but the date may have been marked on it to confirm the story that it once belonged to Warwick, the king-maker.
Warkworth, a market-town of Northumberland, scene of parts of 1 and 2 H. IV.
Wars of the Roses, prophecy of, R. II., iv. 1; origin of the use of the roses as emblems by the partisans of the two houses, 1 IH. VI., ii. 4. A red rose was the badge of John of Gaunt, a white one of his brother, Edmund of Langley.
Wart, a recruit in 2 H. IV., appears in iii. 2. Warwick, Richard Beauchamp (1381-1439), Earl of (mistakenly called Neville in iii. 1), character in H. IV., II. V., and 1 H. VI.
Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of, "the king-maker,"
Warwickshire, scene of 3 H. VI., iv. 2, 3.
Washford (Wexford, in Ireland), 1 H. VI., iv. 7.
Was it the proud, full sail of his great verse, Sonnet lxxxvi.
Wassail-candle, a, 2 II. IV., i. 2. A large candle used at a merry-making.
Was this fair face the cause, song, Alls Well, i. 3. Wat, name for a hare, Ven. & Ad., L. 697. Watch, directions to the, Much Ado, iii, 3, Watch, winding up the, of wit, Temp., ii. 1.
Watch, give me a, R. III., v. 3. A watch-light, marked to show the passage of time.
Water, smooth, 2 H. VI., iii. 1; that glideth by the mill, Tit. And., ii. 1; as false as, Oth., v. 2; the, was caught, and not the fish, Winter's T., v. 2.
Water-casting, allusions to the practice of, Two Gent., ii. 1; Tw. Nt., iii. 4; 2 H. IV., 1.2; Mac., v. 3; Merry Wives, ii. 3.
Water-fly, Ham., v. 2; Tr. & Cr., v. 1. An officious trifler.
Waterford, Ireland, Talbot, Earl of, 1 H. VI., iv. 7. Water-galls, Lucrece, 1. 1588. Secondary rainbows. Waterton, Sir Robert, mentioned in R. II., ii. 1, as one of the companions of Bolingbroke.
Waters, a boat for all, Tw. Nt., iv. 2. Ready for any port.
Water-work (water-colours), 2 H. IV., ii. 1. Watery star (the moon), Winter's T., i. 2. Wax, love like an image of, Two Gent., ii. 4,
Wax, a form of, K. J., v. 4. Allusion to the super- stition that an individual could be destroyed by melting before the fire a waxen image of him; alluded to also in Treo Gent., ii. 4; R. III., iii. 4; sting of, 2 H. VI., iv. 2; a wide sea of, T. of A., 1. 1. The last is probably an allu- sion to the waxen tablets anciently used for writing, as one might say now, a wide sea of foolscap; uses of, in sealing, Cymb., iii. 2.
Wealsmen (legislators, commonwealth men), Cor.,
Wealth, a burden for death to unload, M. for M., iii. 1; power of, Merry Wives, iii. 4; confiscated, M. of. V., iv. 1; misery brought by, T. of A., iv. 2; and peace, impos- thume of, Ham., iv. 4 (or 1); desire for, Iucrece, 1. 141; Lear i. 4; faults that are rich are fair, T. of A., 1, 2,
Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, Sonnet xxvii. Weasel, spleen of the, 1 H. IV., ii. 3; quarrellous as the, Cymb., iii. 4; as a, sucks eggs, As You Like It, ii. 5; very like a, Ham., iii. 2.
Weather-cock, invisible as a, Two Gent., ii. 1.
Weaver(s), psalm-singers, 1 H. IV., ii. 4; three souls out of one, Tw. Nt., ii. 3. Weavers were noted for psalm-singing; Goliath with a weaver's beam, Merry Wives, v. 1.
Web-and-pin (cataract of the eye), Winter's T., i. 2; Lear, iii. 4.
Weeds, in spring, 2 H. VI., iii. 1; a crown of, Lear, iv. 4, 6; the fattest soil is most subject to, 2 II. IV., iv. 4 ; grow apace, R. 111., ii. 4, iii. 1.
Weeds (garments), Tw. Nt., v. 1; Cor., H. 3; Lear, iv. 1, and elsewhere.
Weet (wit, know), A. & C., i. 1.
Weird Sisters, the. See WITCHES, the.
Welcome, a landlady's, Two Gent., ii. 5; at a feast, Com. of Er., iii. 1; must appear in other ways than words, M. of V., v. 1; a general, H. VIII., i. 4; and farewell, Tr. & Cr., iii. 3; to a returning soldier, Cor., ii. 1; treacherous, Mac., i. 5; of a hostess, Mac,., 1. 6; ex- pression of, Mac., iii. 4; Peric., ii. 3; R. & J., ii. 6. Well-liking (fat), L.'s L.'s L., v. 2.
Welsh, the accent of, Merry Wives, Sir Hugh Evans in i. 1, 2, etc., and Fluellen's in H. V.; the devil under- stands, 1 H. IV., iii. 1; love for cheese of, Merry Wives, V. 5; cruelties of, 1 H. IV., i. 1; language of the, 1 H. IV., iii. 1, last part; service of, in France, H. V., iv. 7. Were't aught to me I bore the canopy, Sonnet cxxv. Westminster, scene of a part of H. VIII.
Westminster, palace at, scene of a part of 2 H. IV. Westminster Abbey, scene of the opening of 1H. VI. Westminster, the abbot of, a character in R. 11. Westminster Hall, scene of iv. 1 in R. II.
Westmoreland, Ralph Neville, Earl of, character in 1 & 2 H. IV., and H. V.
Westmoreland, Ralph Neville, second earl of, char- acter in 3 H. VI., grandson of the preceding.
Westward, hoe! Tw. Nt., iii. 1. The cry of boatmen on the Thames.
Wezand (windpipe), Temp., iii. 2.
Whale, this Falstaff, Merry Wives, ii. 1; the belch ing, Tr. & Cr., v. 5; like a, Ham., iii. 2; to virginity, All's Well, iv. 3. The monster that was to devour Andro- meda was represented as a whale in some old prints.
Whale's bone (ivory), L.'s L.'s L., v. 2
What is your substance, whereof are you made, Sonnet liii.
What potions have I drunk of siren tears, Sonnet exix.
What's in the brain that ink may character, Sonnet
Wheat, two grains of, in two bushels of chaff, M. of I'., i. 1; he that will have a cake of the, must tarry the grinding, Tr. & Cr., i. 1.
Wheel, turn in the (like a turnspit). Com. of Er., iii. 2; (the burden of a song?), Ham., iv. 5 (or 2); when a great, runs down a hill, let go thy hold, Lear, ii. 4: death by the, Cor., iii. 2, a punishment not used in Rome; of fire, bound upon a, Lear, iv. 7.
Whelked (twisted, convoluted), Lear, iv. 6.
Whelks (pustules), II. V., iii. 6.
When as I sat in Babylon, song, Merry Wives, iii. 1. A metrical version of Psalm cxxxvii., mixed with a song by Marlowe.
When as thine eye hath chose the dame, Passionate Pilgrim, xix.
When daffodils begin to peer, song, Winter's T., iv. 2
When daisies pied and violets blue, song, L.'s L.'s L.,
When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, Son-
When griping grief, song by Richard Edwards, R. & J., iv. 5.
When I consider every thing that grows, Sonnet xv. When I do count the clock that tells the time, Sonnet xii.
When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced, Sonnet Ixiv.
When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, Sonnet xxix.
When in the chronicle of wasted time, Sonnet cvi.
When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see, Sonnet xliii.
When my love swears that she is made of truth, Sonnet exxxviii.; Passionate Pilgrim, i.
When thou shalt be disposed to set me light, Sonnet
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought, Sonnet xxx.
Wher (whether), 2 H. VI., iii. 3; Com. of Er., iv. 1. Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long, Sonnet c.
Where is the life that late I led? Tam. of S., iv. 1. A line from an old ballad now lost.
Where, to find a better, thou losest here, Lear, i. 1. Where the bee sucks, song, Temp., v. 1.
Whiffler, a. H. V., V., chorus. An officer who pre- ceded a procession to clear the way, sometimes a piper. Whiles you here do snoring lie, song, Temp., ii. 1. Whilst I alone did call upon thy aid, Sonnet lxxix. Whirligig, of time, the, The. Nt., v. 1. Whitehall, named, H. VIII., iv. 1.
Whitmore, Walter, one of the pirates that captured the Duke of Suffolk, character in H. VI.
Whitsters (bleachers), Merry Wires, iii. 3.
Whitsuntide, or Pentecost. Two Gent, iv. 4; R. & J., 1. 5; Com. of Er., iv. 1; pastorals at, Winter's T., iv. 3 or 4; morris-dance at, H. V., ii. 4.
Whittle (pocket-knive), T. of A., v. 1.
Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy will, Sonnet
Who is it that says most? Sonnet lxxxiv. Who is Silvia? song, Tro Gent., iv. 2. Whoobub (hubbub), Winter's T., iv. 3 or 4. Whoop, do me no harm, Winter's T., iv. 3 or 4. Re frain of an old ballad.
Who will believe my verse in time to come, Sovamet xvii.
Why, every, hath a wherefore, Com. of Er., ii. 2. Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day. Sonnet xxxiv.
Why is my verse so barren of new pride, Sonnet lxxvi.
Why should this a desert be? love-verses, As Like It, iii. 2.
Widow, a, a character in the Tam. of S., marrie Hortensio.
Widow, a, of Florence, the mother of Diana, character in All's Well.
Widows, Heaven, the champion of, R. II., i. 2
Wife (wives), a jewel, Two Gent., ii. 4; may be merry and honest, Merry Wives, iv. 2; are sold by fate. No Wires, v. 5; duties of, Com. of Er., ii. 1; Tam. of R. 2; reproaches of a jealous, Com, of Er., ii. 1, 2. v. 1; lise vines, Com. of Er., ii. 1; submission of a, M. of F., fut a light, M. of V., v. 1; always go wrong, L.'s L. L., 1; those who rule their lords, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 1; property in a, Tam, of S., iii. 2, "She is my goods," etc.; killa with kindness, Tam, of S., iv. 1; a detested, is worse than war, All's Well, ii. 3; jealousy of, As You Like F. iv. 1; revolted, Winter's T., i. 2; what motive str than the name of, K. J., iii. 1; fears of a. I I. IV., like a beaten, H. IV., iv. 1; Gloucester's, 1 H. Fl. i. 1; a good, H. VIII., ii. 4, iii. 1; taking a-aveng the theft of a, Tr. & Cr., ii. 2; a quiet, Cor., ii. 1. "M gracious silence;' " if you had been the wife of Hercules Cor., iv. 1; secrets from a prayer to be worthy of a noble, Jul. Cæs., ii. 1; love of, Oth., i. 3; unfaithfulness of, Oth., iv. 3, end; advantage in the death of a. A. &C. 1. 2; one not to be controlled, A. & C., ii 2; praise of a Lucrece, 1. 15. See also WOMEN.
Wilderness (wildness), M. for M., iii. L.
Wild fowl, there is not a more fearful, than your le living. M. N. D., iii. 1; the opinion of Pythagoras cerning, Tw. Nt., iv. 2.
Wild-goose chase, a, R. & J., ii. 4.
Wilfulness, schoolmasters to, Lear, ii. 4, end; hydra headed, H. V., i. 1.
Will(s) (testaments), not such a sickly creature as b make a, Merry Wives, iii, 4; of Portia's father, M. of V. i. 2; of worldlings, As You Like It, ii. 1; a wickerta woman's, K. J., ii. 1; bid a sick man make. R. & Ji Cæsar's, Jul. Cæs., iii. 2; a last, Lucrece, 1. 1185; Perit
William, a country fellow in As You Like It, Williams, a soldier in H. V.
Will-o'-the-wisp, called a Jack, Temp., iv. 1; a fire drake, H. VIII., v. 4; a walking fire, Lear, iii. 4. Willoughby, Lord William de, character in R. II. Willow, a symbol of disappointed love, M. of F., V. 1: 3 H. VI., iii. 3; Ham., iv. 7; Oth., iv. 3; Much Ad
Winchester goose, 1 H. VI., i. 3; Tr. & Cr., v. Il Name for one afflicted with a vile disease. A disreput able part of the town was under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Winchester.
Wincot (Wilnecastle), in Warwickshire, near Strat ford, Tam, of S., induction, ii.
Wind, something in the, Com. of Er., iii. 2; sits i that corner, Much Ado, ii. 3; churlish, As You Lie R ii. 1; little fire grows great with little, Tam. of S. ill. ill, H. IV., v. 3; 3 H. VI., ii, 5; that bows the pile Cymb., iv. 2; allusions to the south or south-west wind
as bringing wet weather and disease, Temp., i. 2; 1 H. IV., v. 1; Cor., i. 4; Tr. & Cr., v. 1; Cymb., ii. 3.
Windmill, living with cheese in a, 1 H. IV., iii. 1; in St. George's Fields, 2 H. IV., iii. 2.
Windows, the eyes, R. III., i. 2, v. 3; Cymb., ii. 2. Winds, the, at sea, 2 H. IV., iii. 1; sightless couriers, Mac., i. 7; Lear's appeal to, Lear, iii. 2. Windsor, scene of the Merry Wives.
Windsor Castle, scene of v. 6 in R. II.; spoken of in the Merry Wives, v. 5.
Wine, the temptation of, M. of V., i. 2; good, needs no bush, As You Like It, epilogue; effect of, T. of A., iv. 3, "Nor on the beasts themselves," etc.; of life, is drawn, Mac., ii. 3; good wine, a good creature, if well used-invisible spirit of, Oth., ii. 3, Cassio's speech; the conquering, A. & C., ii. 7; unkindness buried in, Jul. Cæs., iv. 3; loquacity after taking, H. VIII., i. 4. See
Winter, song of, L.'s L.'s L., v. 2; age like a lusty, As You Like It, ii. 3; a sad tale for, Winter's T., ii. 1; humorous as, 2 H. IV., iv. 4; of our discontent, R. III., i. 1; not gone, if the wild geese fly that way, Lear, ii. 4; tames man, woman, and beast, Tam. of S., iv. 1.
Wisdom, in self-disparagement, M. for M., ii. 4; in imprisonment, M. for M., i. 3; an appearance of, in silence, M. of V., i. 1; waiting on folly, All's Well, i. 1; too great a show of, All's Well, ii. 3, "I did think thee," etc.; cries in the streets, 1 H. IV., 1. 2; gained in a wild life, H. V., i. 1; of Ajax, Tr. & Cr., ii. 3; in combat with fortune, A. & C., iii. 2; in combat with blood, Much Ado, ii. 3; he's a fool that will not yield to, Peric., ii. 4.
Wise, the, folly of, As You Like It, ii. 7; knows his folly, As You Like It, v. 1; all places home to, R. II., i. 3; do not wail, R. II., iii. 2; the young and, do ne'er live long, R. III., iii. 1.
Wise-woman (witch), Merry Wives, iv. 5. Wish(es), thy own, wish I thee, L.'s L.'s L., ii. 1; the best, All's Well, i. 1; father to the thought, H. IV.,
Wishers, were ever fools, A. & C., iv. 13 or 15.
Wisp of straw, allusion to a, as the badge of a scold, 3 H. VI., ii, 2.
Wit, winding the watch of, Temp., ii. 1; not to go unrewarded, Temp., iv. 1; love bought with, Two Gent., i. 1; borrows and spends, Two Gent., ii. 4; without will, Two Gent., ii. 6; on ill employment, Merry Wives, v. 5; what is, in the great, is profanation in the humble, M. for M., ii. 2; given to men in place of hair, Com. of Er., ii. 2; a skirmish of, Much Ado, i. 1; Beatrice's, Much Ado, ii. 1, iii. 1; some remnants of, Much Ado, ii. 3; the wit is out when age is in, Much Ado, iii. 5; Benedick's, Much Ado, v. 1, 2; a manly, Much Ado, v. 2; a sharp, L.'s L.'s L., ii. 1; peddling second-hand, L.'s L.'s L., v. 2; turned fool, L.'s L.'s L., v. 2; the whetstone of, As You Like It, i. 2; with understanding, As You Like It, iii. 3; in women, As You Like It, iv. 1; has much to answer for, As You Like It, v. 1; with honour, All's Well, i. 2; harmed by beef, Tw. Nt., i. 3; those that think they have, Tw. Nt., i. 5; enough, to lie straight, Tw. Nt., ii. 3; to play the fool, Tw. Nt., iii. 1; the cause of, in other men, 2 H. IV., i. 2; and sherris, 2 H. IV., iv. 3; encounter of, R. III., i. 2; lack of, Tr. & Cr., ii. 1; Ham., ii. 2; brevity the soul of, Ham., ii. 2; a bitter sweeting, R. & J., ii. 4; pared on both sides, Lear, i. 4; more man than, Lear, ii. 4; depends on time, Oth., ii. 3; waits on fear, Ven, & Ad., 1. 690. See also WITS.
Witchcraft, of Sycorax, Temp., 1. 2; allusions to, Merry Wives, iv. 2; Com. of Er., i. 2. ii. 2, iii. 2; Tro. Nt., iii. 4; 1 H. VI., 1. 5, "Blood will I draw;" a witch was supposed to be rendered powerless by loss of blood; 1 H. VI., v. 3, "Monarch of the north;" Ziminar, a devil invoked by witches; other allusions to, 2 H. VI., 1, 2, 4, ii. 1-4; accusation of, R. III., iii. 4; charm against (God save her), H. VIII., v. 4; incantations of, Mac., i. 3, iv. 1.
Witch(es), Sycorax, Temp.; of Brentford, the, Merry Wives, iv. 2; beards of, Merry Wives, iv. 2; Ephesus full of, Com. of Er., i. 3; Joan of Arc accused of being a, 1 H. VI., i. 5; the Duchess of Gloucester accused, 2 H. VI., ii. 3; Edward's wife a, R. III., iii. 4; an Egyptian, Oth., iii. 4; images of wax made by. See under WAX.
Witches, the, or the Three Weird Sisters, characters
Witching-time, of night, Ham., iii. 2. Withers, our, are unwrung, Ham., iii. 2.
Withold, Saint, footed thrice the wold, Lear, iii. 4.
Wits, of the home-keeping, are homely-love inhabits in the finest, Two Gent., i. 1; the five, Much Ado, i. 1; Tro. Nt., iv. 2; Lear, iii. 4; R. & J., i. 4; the intellectual faculties, corresponding to the five senses; fat, 1 H. IV., i. 2; lack of, is no matter in England, Ham., v. 1. See also WIT.
Wit-snapper, a, M. of V., iii. 5.
Wittenberg, school at, Ham., i. 2. The university dates from the year 1502, while the Danish history, from which the tale of Hamlet is drawn, was written at about the end of the twelfth century.
Wittol, quibble on, Merry Wives, ii. 2, end.
Wizard(s), prophecy by, 2 H. VI., 1. 4, v. 2; R. III., i. 1.
Woe, faintly borne, R. II., i. 3; to the land governed by a child, R. III., ii. 3; for England, R. III., iii. 4; if sour, delights in fellowship, R. & J., iii. 2; trappings of, Ham., i. 2; a charm against death, Cymb., v. 3; fellow- ship in, Lucrece, lines 790, 1111. See GRIEF and SORROW. Woes, comparison of, Much Ado, v. 1; a tide of, R. II., ii. 2; wise men ne'er wail their present, R. II., iii. 2; lose knowledge of themselves, Lear, iv. 6.
Wolf (wolves), thy currish spirit governed a, M. of V., iv. 1; Irish, As You Like It, v. 2; have done offices of pity, Winter's T., ii. 3; to make a, 2 H. IV., i. 2; eat like, H. V., iii. 7; in sheep's array, 1 H. VI., i. 3; Eng- lish, 1 H. VI., i. 6; arouse the jades that drag the night. 2 H. VI., iv. 1; loves the lamb, Cor., ii. 1; sentinels of murder, Mac., ii. 1.
Wolsey, Thomas, Archbishop of York and cardinal, character in H. VIII.
Woman (women), reason of a, Two Gent., i. 2; a fat, Com. of Er., iii. 2; a jealous, Com. of Er., v. 1; graces of a, Much Ado, ii. 3; fortune's gifts to, As You Like It, i. 2; curiosity and impatience of, As You Like It, iii. 2, "Doublet and hose in my disposition;" caprices of, As You Like It, iii. 2; wit of, ds You Like It, iv. 1; of the world (married), As You Like It, v. 3; tongue of a, Tam. of S., i. 2, "Why came I hither," etc.; duty of a, Tam. of S., v. 2; offer of love from a, Tw. Nt., iii. 1, 4; a, born to fears, K. J., iii. 1; mood of a, 1 H. IV., i. 3; a, there- fore to be won, 1 H. VI., v. 3; was ever, in this humour won, R. III., i. 2; shallow-changing, R. III., iv, 4; answer of a, Tr. & Cr., i. 1; a mannish, Tr. & Cr., iii. 3; ambition of a Roman, Cor., i. 3; she is a, therefore, Tit. And., ii. 1; an unsexed, Mac., i. 5; to play the, Mac., iv. 3; one not born of, Mac., v. 5; a name for frailty, Ham., i. 2; O most pernicious, Ham., 1. 5; painting and affecta- tions of, Ham., iii. 1; tears the weapons of, Lear, ii. 4; deformity in, Lear, iv. 2; will of, Lear, iv. 6; voice of, Lear, v. 3; the devil will not eat a, A. & C., v. 2; in- constancy of, Cymb., i. 6, ii. 4, 5; all faults in, Cymb., ii. 5; in man's attire, Cymb., iii. 4, 6; who can read a, Cymb., v. 5; a man with the beauty of a, Sonnet xx.; wooing of a, Sonnet xli.; admiration for, Temp., iii. 1; in man's attire, Julia in the Two Gent.; Rosalind in As You Like It; Viola in Tw. Nt.; Imogen in Cymb.; curiosity of, Two Gent., i. 2; love of, for gifts-scorn what best contents them are won by a tongue-the only virtue of, Two Gent., iii. 1; three things hated by, Two Gent., iii. 2; frailty of, M. for M., ii. 4; an oath not to see, L.'s L.'s L., i. 1, ii. 1; like German clocks, L.'s L.'s L., iii. 1, end; are books and academes, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 3; keen tongues of, L.'s L.'s L., v. 2; were not made to woo, M. N. D., ii. 2; kindness in, Tam. of S., iv. 2; ornaments of, Tam. of S., iv. 3; should be submissive, Tam. of S., v. 2; one good in ten, All's Well, i. 3; easily captivated, Tiw. Nt., ii. 2; should marry men older than themselves--less fickle than men are as roses-love of, Tw. Nt., ii. 4; are won by valour, Tw. Nt., iii. 2; how influenced-treachery of-office that becomes, Winter's T., i. 2; stopping the tongues of a scolding, Winter's T., ii. 3; war of, R. II., ii. 1; Welsh, 1 H. IV., i. 1; secrets with, 1 H. IV., ii. 3; the son of a, and yet with fewer words than a parrot, 1 H. IV., ii. 4; shrewd tempters, 1 H. VI., i. 2; beauty, virtue, and government in-the queen unlike, 3 H. VI., i. 4; when men are ruled by, R. III., i. 1; won by flattery, R. III., iv. 1; love emi- nence, H. VIII., ii. 3; are angels when wooed, Tr. & Cr., i. 2, end; that they had men's privileges-constancy in, Tr. & Cr., iii. 2; light, Tr. & Cr., iv. 5; are governed by the eyes, Tr. & Cr., v. 2; hearing praise of valour, Cor., i. 9; a deputation of, Cor., v. 3; tears of, Cor., v. 6;
Lucrece, 1. 1137; Roman custom for, Jul. Cæs., 1. 2; in
keeping counsel-weak-hearted, Jul. Cæs., ii. 4; will all turn monsters if, etc., Lear, iii. 1; sarcasms on, Oth., ii. 1; Venetian, Oth., iii. 3; tears of, Oth., iv. 1; unkindness to, A. & C., 1. 2; charms of a, A. & C., ii. 2; criticism of
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