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Abode, abodement (to bode, an evil omen), 3 H. VI.
iv. 7; v. 6.

Abraham, Montague's servant in R. & J.

Abram (flaxen or auburn?), Cor., ii. 3; R. & J., ii. 1.
Abridgement (an interlude or short play), M. N. D.,
v. 1; (with a pun), Ham., ii. 2.

Absey-book (ABC book), K. J., 1. 1.

Aby (atone for), M. N. D., iii. 2.

Academe, at the court of Navarre, L.'s L.'s L., 1. 1.
Accite (summon), 2 IH. IV., v. 2; Tit. And., i. 1.

Accommodated, definition of, 2 H. IV., iii. 2; ridicul-
ing the cant use of the word.

Acheron, a river of hell, M. N. D., iii. 2; Tit. And.,
iv. 3; Mac., iii. 5.

Achilles, a general of the Greeks, character in Tr. & Cr.
Allusions: his spear, 2 H. VI., v. 1; in a painting, Lucrece,
1. 1424.

Acknown, be not you (do not acknowledge), Oth., iii. 3.
Actæon (a hunter changed into a stag by Diana), Merry
Wives, ii. 1; iii. 2; Tw. Nt., i. 1; Tit. And., ii. 3.

Acting, advice on, Ham., iii. 2; representations of,
L.'s L.'s L., v. 2, the Nine Worthies; M. N. D., Pyramus
and Thisbe; Ham., the murder of Gonzago.

Action-taking (suing at law instead of fighting), Lear,

ii. 2.

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Actor(s), a strutting, Tr. & Cr., i. 3; best in the world,
Ham., ii. 2; better to have a bad epitaph than their ill
report, feigned passion of an, Ham., ii. 2; abstracts and
brief chronicles of the time, Ham., ii. 2; advice to, Нат.,
iii. 1; an imperfect, Sonnet xxiii.; the author's dissatisfac-
tion with the profession of, expressed, Sonnets cx., cxi.

Adallas, King of Thrace, A. & C.

Adam, an officer, apparently, spoken of in Com, of Er.,
iv. 3.

Adam, called, Much Ado, i. 1; an allusion to Adam
Bell, a famous archer.

Adam, faithful old servant in As You Like It.
Adamant (magnet), M. N. D., ii. 1.

Adder, the, in a bright day, Jul. Cæs., ii. 1; deafness
of the, Sonnet cxii.

Addition (mark of distinction), Tr. & Cr., 1. 2.


Adonis, story of, in Ven. & Ad.; flower of, 1. 1168.
ANEMONE. Allusions to Adonis: Tam. of S., induction, ii.;
Sonnet liii.; Passionate Pilgrim, iv., vi., ix., xi.

Adonis's gardens, 1 H. VI., i. 5 or 6. These were
"nothing but portable earthen pots, with some lettuce
or fennel growing in them. On his yearly festival, every
woman carried one of them in honour of Adonis, because
Venus had once laid him in a lettuce-bed. The next day
they were thrown away."

Adrian, a lord, character in Temp.

Adriana, wife of Antipholus of Ephesus in Com. of Er.
Adriatic Seas, rough as, Tam. of S., i. 2.

Adversity, patience at the, of others, Com. of Er., ii. 1;
uses of, are sweet, As You Like It, ii. 1; compensations
of, All's Well, iv. 3; R. III., iv. 4; Cymb., iv. 2; false

friends in, H. VIII., ii. 1, "Where you are liberal," etc.;
Tr. & Cr., iii. 3; T. of A., 1. 1, 2, ii. 2, iii. 6, iv. 2; Ham.,
iii. 2; Lear, ii. 4; fallen suddenly on greatness, H. VIII.,
iii. 2; winnows men, Tr. & Cr., i. 3; the noble in, Cor.,
iv. 1; melancholy in, T. of A., iv. 3.

Adversity (one adverse or contrary), Tr. & Cr., v. 1.
Advertisement (admonition), Much Ado, v. 1; All's
Well, iv. 3; 1 H. IV., iv. 1; (intelligence), 1 H. IV., iii.
2, end.

Advertising and holy (attentive and faithful), M. for
M., v. 1.

Advice, concerning friends and conversation, All's
Well, i. 1; Ham., i. 3; to the wretched, Com. of Er., ii. 1;
like water in a sieve, Much Ado, v. 1; to the wilful, and
from the dying, R. II., ii. 1; has an effect contrary to that
intended, Lover's Complaint, 1. 160.

Ædiles, Cor., iii. 1. They had care of the public build-
ings, streets, processions, etc.

Ægeon, a merchant of Syracuse, father of the twin
Antipholuses, in the Com. of Er.

Ægle, M. N. D., ii. 1.

Æmilia, mother of the twin Antipholuses in the Com.
of Er., abbess at a convent in Ephesus.

Æmilius, a noble Roman in Tit. And.

Æneas, one of the Trojan commanders in Tr. & Cr.
Allusions to Æneas: Temp., ii. 1; 2 H. VI., v. 2; Tit.
And., iii. 2; Jul. Cæs., 1. 2; Ham., ii. 2; A. & C., iv. 12
or 14; Cymb., iii. 4.

Æolus, H. VI., iii. 2. The god of the winds.
Aery (brood), R. III., i. 3.

Æsculapius, Merry Wives, ii. 3. The god of physicians.
Æson, M. of V., v. 1. The father of Jason, restored by
Medea to youth.

Æsop, 3 H. VI., v. 5. The fabulist is said to have been
humpbacked, and Richard is called so on account of his


Affects (affections), not mastered by might, L.'s L.'s L.,
i. 1.

Affeered (confirmed), Mac., iv. 3.

Affied (affianced), Tam. of S., iv. 4.

Affined (of the same sort), Tr. & Cr., i. 3; (under obli.
gation), Oth., i. 1, ii. 3.

Affliction, cannot subdue the mind, Winter's T., iv. 4;
sweet, Winter's T., v. 3; religion in, 2 H. VI., ii. 1; ena-
moured, R. & J., iii. 3; patience in, Oth., iv. 2. See


Affy (have faith), Tit. And., i. 1.
Africa, 2 H. IV., v. 3; Cor., i. 8.

Agamemnon, brother of Menelaus, and general-in-
chief of the Greeks at the siege of Troy; character in
Tr. & Cr. Allusions to him: 2 H. IV., ii. 4; H. V., iii. 6;
3 H. VI., ii. 2.

Agate, Much Ado, iii. 1; 2 H. IV., i. 2. A small per-
son, so called in allusion to the little figures cut in agate,
for rings, etc.

Age, old, infirmities of, Com. of Er., v. 1; M. for M.,
iii. 1; wit out in, Much Ado, iii. 5; Com. of Er., v. 1;
spirit in, Much Ado, iv. 1, "Time hath not yet," etc.;
frosty, but kindly, As You Like It, ii. 3; full of wise saws,
As You Like It, ii. 7; not desired, All's Well, i. 2; avarice
inseparable from, 2 H. IV., i. 2; characters of, 2 H. IV.,
v. 5; alacrity and cheerfulness declined in, R. III., v. 3;
conduct becoming, 2 H. IV., v. 5; weary, H. VIII., iv. 2;
mimicry of, Tr. & Cr., 1. 3; good opinion purchased by,
Jul. Cæs., ii. 1; ingratitude in, T. of A., ii. 2, "You gods,
reward," etc.; what should accompany, Mac., v. 3; too
politic, slanders on, Ham., ii. 2; declined into the vale of

years, Oth., iii. 3; infirmities of, Lear, i. 1, 3; ii. 4; rever-
ence for, Lear, i. 2, letter; unnecessary, Lear, ii. 4; full
of grief, Lear, ii. 4; vigour in, A. & C., iv. 8; childless,
Sonnets ii., v., vii., xi.; marks of, Sonnets ii., v., xxii., lxii.,
lxiii., lxvii.; the autumn, Sonnet Ixxiii.; in love, Sonnet
cxxxix.; cannot live with youth, Passionate Pilgrim, xii.;
traces of beauty in, Lover's Complaint, 1. 10.

Ages, the seven, As You Like It, ii. 7.

Agenor, daughter of Europa, Tam. of S., i. 1.
Agincourt, battle of (October 25, 1415), H. V.

Aglet-baby (ornament carved like the human form for
a pendant), Tam. of S., i. 2.

Agnize (acknowledge), Oth., i. 3.

Agrippa, a friend of Cæsar, in A. & C.

Aguecheek, Sir Andrew, character in Tw. Nt.

Agues, in March, 1 H. IV., iv. 1.

Aim, to cry, Merry Wives, it. 3, iii. 1; K. J., ii. 1. An
archery term, meaning to encourage.

Ajax, one of the Grecian commanders, Tr. & Cr. Allu-
sions to Ajax: one of the Nine Worthies, L.'s L.'s L.,
v. 2; allusions to his anger when the armour of Achilles
was given to Ulysses, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 3; 2 H. VI., v. 1;
other allusions, Tam. of S., iii. 1; Lear, ii. 2; A. & C., iv.
12 or 14; Cymb., iv. 2; in a painting, Lucrece, 1. 1394.
See also TELAMON.

Alarbus, son of Tamora in Tit. And.
Albany, Duke of, Goneril's husband, in Lear.
Albret, Charles d'. See CONSTABLE OF FRANCE.
Alchemy, Jul. Cæs., i. 3, end.

Alcibiades (B.C. 454-404), an Athenian general, T. of A.
Alcides (Hercules), Tam, of S., iii. 2; M. of V., ii. 1,
iii. 2; K. J., ii. 1; 1 H. VI., iv. 7; A. & C., iv. 10 or 12.

Alderliefest (dearest of all), 3 H. VI., i. 1.

Ale, cakes and, Tw. Nt., ii. 3.

beastly, T. of A., iv. 3; our own fault if we are under.
lings, Jul. Cæs., i. 2; ladder of, Jul. Cæs., ii. 1; of Cæsar,
iii. 2; with scruples, Mac., i. 5; vaulting, Mac., 1.7; is
but dreams and a shadow's shadow, Ham,, ii. 2; the
soldier's virtue, A. & C., iii. 1.

Amen, Temp., v. 1; say amen betimes, lest the devil
cross the prayer, M. of V., iii. 1; could not say, Mac,

ii. 2.

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Amort (dispirited), Tam, of S., iv. 3; 1 H. VI., iii. 2
Amphion, harp of, Temp., ii. i.

Amurath, H. IV., v. 2. Amurath V., who, succeed
ing his father, Amurath IV., caused all his brothers to
be strangled.

Amyntas, King of Lycaonia, A. & C., iii. 6.
Anatomize (analyze), As You Like It, i. 1, ii. 7; H.
VI., v. 2.

Anatomy (skeleton), a mere, Com. of Er., v. 1: I'll ext
the rest of the, Tw. Nt., iii. 2; that fell, which cannes
heal, K. J., iii. 4; in what part of the, does the name
lodge, R. & J., iii. 3.

Anchises, Jul. Cæs., i. 2. The father of Eneas.
Ancient (a standard, or standard-bearer, or ensign
Pistol and lago were ancients; an old-faced (flag), IH.
IV., iv. 2; of war (experienced), Lear, v. L.
Andirons, Cymb., ii. 4.

And let the canakin, song, Oth,, ii. 3.

Andren (Arde), vale of, in Picardy, the Field of the
Cloth of Gold, II. VIII., i. 1,

Ale, quibble on the word, Two Gent., ii. 5. Minor perhaps called so after the great admiral. Andrea Iria

church festivals were called ales.

Alecto (one of the Furies), 2 H. IV., v. 5.

Andrew, my wealthy, M. of V.. i. 1. A merchantman,

Andromache, Hector's wife, a character in Tr. &
Andronici, tomb of the, Tit. And., i. 1 or 2.

Alençon, the Duke of, a character in 1 H. VI. Men-
tioned in H. V., iii. 5; his glove, H. V., iv. 7, 8.

Anemone, the flower that sprang from the blood
Adonis, Ven. & Ad., 195. Purple was used for any brigh

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Alexander, one of the Nine Worthies in L.'s L.'s L.,
v. 2. The jests on the player, "Your nose," etc., are
allusions to the traditions that his head was set obliquely,
and that his body gave out a sweet fragrance; his crown,
Winter's T., v. 1; the king likened to, H. V., iv. 7.

Alexander, Cressida's servant in Tr. & Cr.

Angel(s), made to weep, M. for M., ii. 2; blessed
ministers above, M. for M., v. 1; guardian, H. I
ii. 2; attending evil, 2 H. IV., 1. 2; Mac., iii. 1; A. &C.

Alexandria, a city of Egypt, scene of a part of ii. 3; fell by ambition, H. VIII., iii. 2; love good ne
A. & C.

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All hid, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 3. A children s game.

Alliteration, the use of, L. 8 L.'s L., iv. 2, "to affect
the letter.'

Allons (let us go), L.'s L.'s L., iv. 3.

Allow (approve), 2 H. IV., iii. 2; Tr. & Cr., iii. 2.
All-Souls' Day, R. III., v. 1.

Allycholly (melancholy), Two Gent., iv. 2.

Almanac, of my true date, Com. of Er., 1. 2. One by
whose birth he knew the date of his own.

Almanacs, allusions to weather prognostications in,
2 H. IV., ii. 4; A. & C., 1. 2; Sonnet xiv.

Alonso, King of Naples, character in Temp.

Alphabet, the, called Absey. See ABSEY-BOOK and


Althea, dreamed she was delivered of a firebrand, 2
II. IV., ii. 2; burning the brand, H. VI., i. 1.

Amaimon, Merry Wives, ii. 2, end; 1 H. IV., ii. 4. One
of the four demon-kings. His realm is in the north, the
quarter most haunted by evil spirits.

Ambition, growth of, Temp., i. 2; to expel remorse,
Temp., v. 1; shrunk, 1 H. VI., v. 4; the object of, glory,
like a circle in water, 1 II. IV., i. 2; of the Plantagenets,
3 H. VI., 1. 4; charge to fling away, H. VIII., iii. 2; a

H. VIII., ii. 2; visions of, H. VIII., iv. 2; beauty sl
R. & J., ii. 2; are bright still, Mac., iv. 3; and minist
of grace, Ham., i. 4; heavenly guards, Ham., iii. 4;
thee to thy rest, Ham., v. 2.

Angel(s), (gold coins with the figure of an angelf
saint), Merry Wives, 1. 3; M. of V., ii. 7; K. J.,
2 H. IV., i. 2; an ancient, Tam, of S., iv. 2.

Anger, in a woman, Tam, of S., v. 2, "A
moved," etc.; the king's, 1 II. IV., L. 3; like a full bore
H. VIII., i. 1; sudden, II. VIII., iii. 2; my meat,
iv. 2; a short madness, T. of A., i. 2; of Cassius,
Cars., iv. 3; more in sorrow than in, Ham., i. 2; righte
Lear, ii. 2, "hath a privilege"; Oth., iii. 4, "Ther
matter in't," etc.; never made good guard for itself, 4.
& C., iv. 1.

Angiers, scene of part of K. J. and of 1 H. VI.,
Angling, Much Ado, iii. 1; A. & C., ii. 5; for hearts
1 H. IV., iv. 3.

Angus, a thane of Scotland in Mac.

Angus, Earl of, 1 H. IV., i. 1.

Animals, souls of, in men, M. of V., iv. 1; cruelty to
As You Like It, ii. 1; Cymb., i. 5; defend their
3 H. VI., ii. 2; know their friends, Cor., ii. 1; str
among, T. of A., iv. 3.

Anjou, scene of, 1 H. VI., v. 2, 4; lost to England, 45.
VI., 1. 1, iv. 1.

Anjou, Margaret of. See MARGARET.

Anna, the confidant of Dido, Tam. of S., 1.1.
Anne, Princess of Wales, widow of the son of Hear
VI., and daughter of Warwick, a character in R. III.
Annotanize (stilted for annotate), L.'s L's L., iv.
An old hare hoar (an old song), R. & J., ii 4
Anon (in a moment), Merry Wires, iii. 3; 1 H.-
Antenor, a Trojan commander, character in Tr.0.

ii. 4.

Antenorides (name of a gate of Troy), Tr. & Cr., pro-

Anthropophagi (cannibals), Oth., i. 3.
Anthropophaginian (cannibal), Merry Wives, iv. 5.
Antiates (of Antium), Cor., i. 6.

Antic (buffoon in a farce), Much Ado, iii. 1, &c. The
word antic, or antique, is also used as the name of a
dance, Mac., iv. 1; L.'s L.'s L., v. 1.

Antigonus, a lord at the court of Leontes in Winter's T.
Antioch, scene of a part of Peric.

Antiochus, King of Antioch, charaeter in Peric.

Antiopa, M. N. D., ii. 1. An Amazon, daughter of

Antipathies, instinctive, M. of V., iv. 1; of contraries,
Lear, ii. 2.

Antipholus, the name of twin brothers in the Com.
of Er.

Antipodes, the, Much Ado, ii. 1; M. of V., v. 1.;
R. II., iii. 2; 3 H. VI., 1. 4.

Antium, the Volscian capital, scene of Cor., iv. 4, 5.
Antoniad, the, Cleopatra's ship, A. & C., iii. 8 or 10.
Antonio, brother of Prospero, in Temp., whose place
and title as Duke of Milan he has usurped.

Antonio, father of Proteus in the Two Gent.

Antonio, brother of Leonato in Much Ado.

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Ariachne (Arachne, the spider), Tr. & Cr., v. 2.
Ariadne (daughter of Minos, King of Crete; she was
deserted by her lover Theseus, whom she had rescued
from the labyrinth), Two Gent., iv. 4; M. N. D., ii. 1.
Ariel, an airy spirit in Temp.

Aries (the ram), Tit. And., iv. 3.

Arion, rescued by the dolphin, Tw. Nt., i. 2.

Aristotle, Tam. of S., i. 1; quoted by Hector, Tr. &
Cr., ii. 2. Aristotle lived 800 years after the Trojan war.
Armado, Don Adriano de, a character in L.'s L.'s L., a
fantastical Spaniard.

Armaganac, Earl of, 1 H. VI., v. 5.

Arm-gaunt, A. & C., i. 5. Meaning uncertain; some-
times read "arm-girt," covered with armour.

Armigero (armiger), Merry Wives, i. 1. One who


Aroint (avaunt), Mac., i. 3; Lear, iii. 4.

Antonio, the merchant who is to lose the pound of bears arms, a gentleman. Written after the name in

flesh in M. of V.

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Ape(s), the famous, Ham., iii. 4, allusion to some
forgotten story; foreheads of, Temp., iv. 1; lead, in hell,
Much Ado, ii. 1; Tam. of S., ii. 1.

Apemantus, a cynic, character in T. of A.

Aphrodisiacs, the potato, eringo, Merry Wives, v. 5.
Apollo, lute of, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 3; and Daphne, M. N.
D., ii. 1; Tr. & Cr., i. 1; plays, Tam, of S., induction,
ii.; oracle of, consulted, Winter's T., ii. 1, iii. 1, 2, v. 1.

Apothecary, and his shop, R. & J., v. 1.

Apparel, honour in the meanest, Tam. of S., iv. 3; oft
proclaims the man, Ilam., i. 3; vices appear through
mean, Lear, iv. 6.

Apparitions: of hunters and hounds, Temp., iv. 1;
of Cæsar, Jul. Cæs., iv. 3; of Macduff, Malcolm, and the
eight kings, Mac., iv. 1. These are the Stuart kings to
James V., said to have been descended from Banquo. The
many more, some with twofold balls and treble sceptres,
James VI. (James I. of England) and his posterity, who
were to reign over the united kingdom of Hamlet's
father, Ham., i. 1, 4, 5. See also GHOSTS.

Appeached (accused), All's Well, i. 3.

Appeal, the boisterous late, R. II., i. 1. The accusa-
tion made against Norfolk of high treason.

Apperil (endanger), T. of A., i. 2.

Aragon, the Prince of, one of the suitors of Portia in
M. of V.

Arras (tapestry, so named from Arras in Artois, north
of France, where it was first made), hide behind the,
1 H. IV., ii. 4, and in many other places; figures on,
Cymb., ii. 2.

Artemidorus, a sophist of Cnidos, character in Jul. Cæs.
Arthur, Duke of Brittany, a character in K. J., was
the nephew of John and of Richard I., and by the latter
designed, at one time at least, as his successor. Arthur
was born in 1188, and is supposed to have been put to
death by John's orders after being made prisoner by him
in 1202. He was imprisoned at the castle of Falaise in
Normandy, and afterwards in the castle of Ronen, where
he met his death-not, as in the play, in England.

Arthur's Show, 2 H. IV., iii. 2. An exhibition of
archers, who took the names of Arthur's knights.
Arundel, Archbishop. See CANTERBURY.

Arviragus, son of Cymbeline, disguised under the
name of Cadwal. See GUIDERIUS.

Ascanius (son of Æneas), 2 H. VI., iii. 2. Cupid talked
to Dido disguised as Ascanius.

Ascapart (a legendary giant), 2 H. VI., ii. 3.

Asher House, H. VIII., iii. 2. See ESHER HOUSE.
Asmath, a spirit, 2 H. VI. i. 4.

Ass, a thrice double, Temp., v. 1; Dogberry would be
writ down an, Much Ado, iv. 2; Bottom transformed into

Apple-Johns (apples with wrinkled skin), that would an, M. N. D., iii. 1, 2; more captain than the lion, T. of

keep two years, 2 H. IV., ii. 4.

Apply (ply), Tam. of S., i. 1.

Approbation, receive her (enter on her probation),

M. for M., 1. 3.

Apricock (apricot), M. N. D., iii. 1; R. II., iii. 4.

April, spongy, Temp., iv. 1; love like, Two Gent., i. 3.
Aquitaine (a duchy in south-western France), surrender
of, L.'s L.'s L., 1. 1, ii. 1.

Arabia, wilds of, M. of V., ii. 7; perfumes of, Mac.,
v. 1; trees of, Oth., v. 2; bird of, A. & C., iii. 2; Cymb.,

i. 7.

Arch (chief), Lear, ii. 1.

4., iii. 5; beating an, Ham., v. 1; allusion to the fable
of the old man and the ass, Lear, i. 4, "Thou borest
thine ass," etc.

Assinego (little ass), Tr. & Cr., ii. 1.
Assurance, made doubly sure, Mac., iv. 1.

Astringer, a Gentle, character in All's Well. A falconer
that kept goshawks was so called.

Astrology, allusions to, Temp., 1. 2; Two Gent., ii. 7;
born under Saturn, Much Ado, i. 3; under a dancing
star, Much Ado, ii. 1; under a rhyming planet, Much
Ado, v. 2; under Mars, All's Well, i. 1; the luckiest
stars, All's Well, i. 3; the most received star, All's Well,
ii. 1; born under Taurus, Tw. Nt., i. 3; constellation

Archbishops of Canterbury. See BOURCHIER, CAN- right apt, Tw. Nt., i. 4; stars shine darkly, Te. Nt.,


Archbishops of York. See ROTHERHAM, SCROOP,


Archelaus, King of Cappadocia, A. & C., iii, 6.

Archery, allusions to: wide o' the bow-hand (far from
the mark), L.'s L.'s L., iv. 1; flight and bird bolt (long and
short shot) to cry aim (to encourage), Merry Wives, ii.
3, iii. 1; K. J., ii. 1; in a bottle like a cat, Much Ado,
i. 1; the very pin of his heart cleft, etc., R. & J., ii. 4.
The clout, or centre of the target, is spoken of in many
places, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 1; 2 H. IV., iii. 2; Lear, iv. 6.
Archibald, Earl of Douglas. See DOUGLAS.

ii. 1; in my stars I am, Tw. Nt., ii. 5; a bawdy planet,
Winter's T., i. 2; some ill planet, Winter's T., ii. 1;
dishonour my fair stars, R. IL., iv. 1; malevolent to
you, 1 H. IV., i. 1; Glendower's nativity, 1 H. IV., iii.
1; ruled like a wandering planet, 2 II. VI., iv. 4; my
thwarting stars, 3 H. VI., iv. 6; star-crossed lovers, R. &
J., 1., prologue; yet hanging in the stars, R. & J., 1. 4;
inauspicious stars, R. & J., v. 3; not in our stars, Jul.
Cæs., i. 2; fortune's star, Ham., i. 4; out of thy star,
Ham., ii. 2; orbs from whom we exist, Lear, i. 1;
eclipses, Lear, i. 2; the stars blamed for the vices of
men, Lear, i. 2; your great aspect, Lear, ii. 2; it is the
stars, Lear, iv. 3; my good stars, A. & C., iii. 11 or 13;
our bloods obey, Cynnb., i. 1; O learned indeed, Cymb.,
iii. 2; senate-house of planets, Peric., i. 1; stars that
frown, Peric., i. 4; a chiding nativity, Peric., iii. 1;
mortal stars, Lucrece, 1. 13; not from the stars, Sonnets
xiv., xv.; in favour with their stars, Sonnet xxv.; what
soever star, Sonnet xxvi.; crooked eclipses, Sonnet ix.

Astronomy (astrology), Sonnet xiv.

Atalanta, the better part of, As You Like It, iii. 2,


Até (goddess of Discord), Much Ado, ii. 1; K. J., ii. 1;
Jul. Cæs., iii. 1.

Athens, scene of the M. N. D., T. of A., and part of
A. & C.

Athol, Earl of, 1 II. IV., i. 1.

Atlas (the Titan who supported the heavens), 3 H. VI.,
v. 1; A. & С., і. Б.

Atomies (atoms, small creatures), shut coward gates
on, As You Like It, iii. 5; a team of, R. & J., 1. 4.

Atone (to reconcile or be reconciled), Cor., iv. 6; Oth.,
iv. 1.

Atropos (one of the Fates, the one that cut off the
thread), 2 H. IV., ii. 4.

Attasked (taxed, blamed), Lear, i. 4.

Attorney (substitute), Com. of Er., v. 1.

Audrey, a country girl in As You Like It.

Aufidius, Tullus, general of the Volscians, character

in Cor.

Auguries, of success, Cymb., iv. 2; "Last night the
very gods," etc. See OMENS,

Augustus Cæsar, demands tribute, Cymb., iii. 1; char
acter in A. & C. See CESAR.

Aumerle, Edward, Duke of, son of the Duke of York
character in R. II. He was high constable, and was
deprived of his dukedom for adhering to Richard, but
allowed to retain the earldom of Rutland, "Call hin
Rutland" (v. 2). In H. V. he is again spoken of, now 20
old man and Duke of York, as dying on the field of Agin
court (H. V., iv. 6).

Aunt, an old, Tr. and Cr., ii. 2. Hesione, sister of

Austria, Leopold, Archduke of, a character in K. J
where he is made identical with Vidomar, Viscount of
Lymoges, in a quarrel with whom Richard 1. of England
fell, having been shot by one of the viscount's vassals
while besieging the castle of Chaluz. The archduke died
before Richard.

Authority, the demigod-new, M. for M., i. 3; "Whe
ther it be the fault," etc.; a little brief-hath a medicine
in itself, M. for M., ii. 2; abuse of, M. for M., ii. 4; vice
in, M. for M., iv. 2; danger of divided, Cor., iii. 1; a dog
in office--great image of, Lear, iv. 6.

Autolycus, a filching pedlar in Winter's T.
Auvergne, Countess of, a character in 1 H. VI.
Avoid (avaunt), Com. of Er., iv. 3.

Awful (law-abiding), Two Gent., iv. 1; (respectful t
ward authority), 2 H. IV., iv. 1.
Awkward (adverse), Peric., v. 1.

Aye-word, gull him into an (make a by-word of him
by gulling him?), Tw. Nt., ii. 3.

Baccare (to check over-forwardness), Tam, of S., ii. 1.
Bacchus, song to, A. & C., ii. 7.


Baffle, 1 H. IV., i. 2. To foil, disgrace, to hang up by
the heels; punishment of a recreant knight, alluded to
again in 2 H. IV., i. 2, "to punish him by the heels,'
and in All's Well, iv. 3, "his heels have deserved it," etc.
Baffled (abused), R. II., i. 1.

Bagot, Sir William, a character in R. II.
Bag-pipe, the melancholy. Winter's T., iv. 3; 1 Η.
IV., 1. 2; M. of V., iv. 1.

Baille (give), Merry Wives, i. 4.

Bajazet's mute, All's Well, iv. 1. Meaning unknown.
Balked (heaped or buried), 1 H. IV., i. 1.

Ballad(s) of the king (Cophetua) and the beggar, L.'s
L's L., 1. 2; Quince to write a, M. N. D., iv. 1; sale of,
Winter's T., iv., 3 or 4; as a means of revenge, 1 H. IV.,
ii. 2; dread of being the subject of, A. & C., v. 2, "And
scaled rhymers," etc.

Ballad-mongers, 1 H. IV., iii. 1.

Ballow (staff), Lear, iv. 6.

Balthasar, a servant of Portia in M. of V.
Balthasar, Romeo's servant in R. & J.

Balthazar, a merchant in Com. of Er.

Balthazar, a servant of Don Pedro in Much Ado.

Banbury cheese, Slender called, Merry Wives, i. 1.
Bangor, in Wales, scene of part of 1 H. IV.

Bardolph, one of the companions of Falstaff in the
Merry Wives, the two parts of H. IV., and H. V. In tử
first three he is a corporal, in the last lieutenant.

Barefoot, I must dance, Tam, of S., ii. 1. Alluding t
the notion that, if a younger sister were married first.
the elder must dance barefoot at her wedding, or surely
be an old maid.

Barge, Cleopatra's, A. & C., ii. 2.
Bargulus (or Bardylis), 2 H. VI., iv. 1. Mentioned
by Cicero. A pirate, who rose to be King of Illyria.
Barkloughly Castle, R. II., iii. 2. No such castiel


Barm (yeast), M. N. D., ii. 1.

Barnacles, we shall be turned to, Temp., iv. 1. There
was a notion prevalent that the barnacle-goose was a
transformation of the barnacle, an idea which gave rise
to the custom in France of eating the bird on fast-laps
as being of fishy substance.

Barnardine, a prisoner in M. for M.

Barnet, battle of (April 14, 1471), 3 H. VI., v. 2. 3.
Barrenness, supposed cure for, Jul. Cæs, i. 2.
Bartholomew, a page who plays the part of Sly's wife
in the induction to the Tam. of S.

Bartholomew-pig, 2 H. IV., ii. 4. Allusion to tài
roasted pigs which were a feature of the Smithfield Fair
on Saint Bartholomew's Day.

Bartholomew-tide (August 24), H. V., v. il.

Bank'd, their towns (passed by the towns on the banks
of rivers), K. J., v. 2.

Basan, the hill of, A. & C., iii. 11 or 13. (See Psalm
xxii. 12.)

Banquo, character in Mae.

Base, prisoner's, allusions to, Two Gent., 1. 2: the

Baptism, of Elizabeth, II. VIII., v. 5; symbol of, country, Cymb., v. 4; Ven. & Ad., 1. 303, to bid the winn
H. V., 1. 2; Oth., ii. 3.

Baptista, the player-queen in Ham., iii. 2.

a base, to challenge it to run a race.

Bases, a pair of (embroidered mantles covering a riders

Baptista Minola, father of Katherina and Bianca in knees), Peric., ii. 1.

Tam. of S.

Bar, Duke of, mentioned, H. V., iii. 5, iv. 8.

Barabbas, M. of V., iv. 1. (See Matthew xxvii. 20.)
Barbary, Bolingbroke's horse, R. II., v. 5.

Barbason (a demon), Merry Wives, ii. 2, end; H. V., ii. 1.
Barber-monger (companion of barbers?), Lear, ii. 2.
Barber's shop, forfeits in a, M. for M., v. 1. Alluding
to the custom of imposing forfeits for bad conduct on the
loungers in barber-shops.

Barbury hen, a, 2 H. IV., ii. 4.

Bardolph, Lord, character in 2 H. IV.

Basilisco-like, K. J., i. 1. Name of a braggart kuight
in an old play, Soliman and Perseda, who insists wil
being addressed by his title.

Basilisk, the, allusions to its supposed power of poiso
ing by its look, Tw. Nt., iii. 4; Winter's T., 1.2; 2 H. VL
iii. 2; 3 H. VI., iii. 2; R. III., 1. 2, iv. 1; R. & J.

Cymb., ii. 4; Lucrece, 1. 540.

Basilisks (pieces of ordnance), 1 H. IV., ii. 3; H.F.v.2
Bassanio, a character in the M. of V.
Basset, a character in 1 H. VI., a Lancastrian.
Bassianus, brother of Saturninus in Tit. And.
Basta (enough), Tam. of S., 1. 1.

Bastard (wine), M. for M., iii. 2; 1 H. IV., ii. 4.
Bastard of Orleans. See ORLEANS.

Bastards, Edmund's soliloquy on, Lear, i. 2.

Bat, the, Ariel's steed, Temp., v. 1; flight of the, Mac.,
iii. 2; wool of the, in the witches' cauldron, Mac., iv. 1.
Bate (to blunt), L.'s L.'s L., i. 1; (to flutter as a falcon
preparing for flight), Tam. of S., iv. 1.

Bates, a soldier in H. V.

Bath, a seething, Sonnets cliii., cliv.
Batler (used for beating soiled clothes in water), As
You Like It, ii. 4.

Battle (often used instead of army), Jul. Cæs., v. 1.
Bavin (kindling or brush-wood), 1 H. IV., iii. 2.
Bawcock (beau coq), used for brave boy, Tw. Nt., iii. 4;
Winter's T., 1. 2.

Bay, three pence a, M. for M., ii. 1. The distance be-
tween the beams of a house, by the number of which the
sizes of houses were reckoned.

Baynard's Castle, R. III., iii. 5. A house where
Richard had lived, on the bank of the river in Thames
Street, London.

Bayonne, Bishop of, H. VIII., ii. 4.

Bay-trees, are withered, R. II., ii. 4. The bay-tree
was supposed to keep off sickness and the devil, so that
its withering was an evil omen.

Beads (rosary), Com. of Er., ii. 2; R. II., iii. 3; R. III.,

iii. 7.

Beadsman, one who prays for another, Two Gent., i. 1.
Bear, Antigonus killed by a, Winter's T., iii. 3; Sacker-
son, a famous, Merry Wives, i. 1; a bush supposed a,
M. N. D., v. 1; and ragged staff, arms of Warwick, 2 H.
VI., v. 1; unlicked whelp of a, 3 II. VI., iii. 2; betrayed
with glasses, Jul. Cæs., ii. 1.

Bear, the (constellation), Oth., ii. 1.

Bear-baiting, allusion to, "fight the course," Mac.,

v. 5.

Beard, a cain-coloured (red), Merry Wives, i. 4; on a
woman, Merry Wires, iv. 2; for an actor, M. N. D., i. 2;
Jove send thee a, Tw. Nt., iii. 1; greater than Dobbin's
tail, M. of V., ii. 2; turned white with the news, 1 II. IV.,
ii. 4; a youth's, Tr. & Cr., 1. 2; of witches, Mac., 1. 3;
the insult of plucking the, Ham., ii. 2; "many a wart,'
etc., Lear, iii. 7; shaving the, in respect, A. & C., ii. 2.
Bearing-cloth (christening-robe), Winter's T., iii. 3;
1 H. VI., 1. 3.

Bear in hand (keep in expectation), M. for M., 1. 5;
2 H. IV., i. 2; Mac., iii. 1.

Beatrice, character in Much Ado.

Beauchamp. See WARWICK.

Beaufort, Edmund and John. See SOMERSET.
Beaufort, Henry, Cardinal. See WINCHESTER.

Beaufort, Thomas. See EXETER.

Beaumond, Lord Henry, mentioned in R. II., ii. 2, as
one of Bolingbroke's adherents.

Beaumont, a French noble, killed at Agincourt, men-
tioned, H. V., iii. 5, iv. 8.

xiii.; should be perpetuated in children, Tw. Nt., i. 5;
Sonnets i. to xvii.; inspiration of poetry, Sonnets lxxviii.
to lxxx., lxxxiv.; made richer by truth, Sonnet liv.;
decay of, Sonnets lx., lxv., lxvii.; living in poetry, Sonnets
xv. to xix., lxiii., lxv., ci., cvii.; change in, Sonnets lxvii.,
lxviii.; of the mind, Sonnet Ixix.

Bedlam, the (lunatic), 2 H. VI., iii 1; Lear, iii. 7, end.
Bedlam beggar, tricks of a, Lear, ii. 3.

Bedford, John, Duke of, third son of Henry IV., known
as Prince John of Lancaster in H. IV., and as Duke of
Bedford in H. V. and 1 H. VI. He is represented in the
play as having been at Harfleur and Agincourt, though
he really stayed at home as lieutenant of the realm of
England. His death (1 H. VI., iii. 2) occurred in 1435.

Beef, not good for the wit, Tw. Nt., i. 3; beef-witted,
Tr. & Cr., ii. 1. See MEATS.
Beelzebub, Tw. Nt., v. 1.

Bees, the, Temp., v. 1, song; murdered for their pains,
2 H. IV., iv. 4; commonwealth of, H. V., i. 2.

Beetle, the sufferings of, in death, M. for M., iii. 1;
shard-borne, Mac., fii. 2; A. & C., iii. 2; Cymb., iii. 3.
Beetle, a three-man (a pile-driver with three handles),
2 H. IV., i. 2.

Beggar(s), how a, should be answered, M. of V., iv. 1;
a, made to think himself a king, Tam, of S., induction,
i.; railing on the rich, K. J., ii. 2; mounted, 3 II. VI.,
i. 4; book (learning) of, H. VIII., i. 1; no comets seen
at death of, Jul. Cæs., ii. 1.

Beggary, Falstaff on, 2 H. IV., i. 2; led by delay,
R. III., iv. 3.

Belarius, a banished lord in Cymb.

Belch, Sir Toby, uncle of Olivia in Tw. Nt.
Belgia, Com. of Er., iii. 2.

Bellario, Doctor, Portia's cousin in Padua, M. of V., iii.
4, iv. 1.

Bellona's bridegroom (Macbeth), Mac., i. 2. Bellona
was a Roman war goddess.

Bell(s), curfew, Temp., v. 1; M. for M., iv. 2; R. & J.,
iv. 4; Lear, iii. 4; church, As You Like It, ii. 7; Tw. Nt.,
v. 1; book and candle, K. J., iii. 3; passing, 2 H. IV.,
1. 1; R. & J., v. 3; sweet, jangled, Ham., iii. 1; the
funeral, Ham., v. 1.

Belly, the, and the members, fable of, Cor., i. 1.
Belman, a dog, Tam. of S., induction, i.

Belmont, scene of a part of the M. of V. It was the
name of the residence of the heroine in the original tale,
where it is only described as being on a gulf.

Benedick, character in Much Ado.

Bennet, St., Church of, in Upper Thames Street, Lon-
don, Tw. Nt., v. 1.

Bentivolii, family of Lucentio in Tam. of S., i. 1.

Benvenuto (welcome), L.'s L.'s L., iv. 2; Tam, of S.,

i. 2.

Benvolio, character in R. & J.

Bergomask (an Italian rustic dance), M. N. D., v. 1.
Berkeley, Thomas, fifth baron, character in R. II.
Berkeley, a gentleman in R. III.

Berkeley Castle, in Gloucestershire, R. II., ii. 2, 3;

Beauty, that nothing ill can dwell in, Temp., i. 2;
holiday time of, Merry Wires, ii. 1; is a witch, Much
Ado, ii. 1; bought by judgment of eyes, L.'s L.'s L., ii. 1; 1 H. IV., 1. 3.
makes young, L.'s L.'s L., iv. 3; praise of, L.'s L.'s L.,



iv. 3; M. N. D., iii. 2; Cymb., v. 5; M. of V., i. 1; deceit
fulness of, M. of V., iii. 2; Portia's, M. of V., iii. 2; pro-
voketh thieves, As You Like It, i. 3; with honesty, As
You Like It, iii. 3; no more than may go go dark
As You Like It, iii. 5; of Helena, All's Well, v. 3; all by
God, Tw. Nt., i. 5; scheduled, Tw. Nt., i. 5; purged
pestilence, Tw. Nt., i. 1; virtue is, Tw. Nt., iii. 4; of a
low-born lass, Winter's T., iv. 3; short-lived, H. V., v. 2;
to be wooed, 1 H. VI., v. 3; if beauty have a soul, Tr.
& Cr., v. 2; without renown, Cor., i. 3; unapproachable,
R. & J., i. 1; in comparison, R. & J., i. 2, end; manly,
R. & J., 1. 3; upon the cheek of night, R. & J., i. 5; light
of, R. & J., ii. 2; with wickedness, R. & J., iii. 2; and
honesty, Ham., iii. 1; sense of, in inanimate objects,
Oth., ii. 1, speech of Cassio; and ugliness, Cymb., 1. 6;
Imogen's, Cymb., ii. 2, iii. 5, 6; of the daughter of
Antiochus, Peric., i. 1, 2; child of, Peric., ii. 2; Ven. &
Ad., 1. 7; dead, Ven. & Ad., 1. 1076; effect of, on animals,
1. 1093; needs no orator, Lucrece, 1. 29; of Lucretia,
Lucrece, 1. 52; made more beauteous with truth, Sonnet
liv.; the mark of slander, Sonnet 1xx.; and flowers,
Sonnet xcix.; unchanged, Sonnet civ.; descriptions of,
Sonnet evi,; traces of, Lover's Complaint, 1. 10; manly,
Lover's Complaint, 1. 85; fleeting, Passionate Pilgrim,

Bermoothes. See BERMUDAS.

Bermudas, the, Temp., i. 2. Spelled Bermoothes ac-
cording to the Spanish pronunciation. One Silvester
Jourdan had published, not long before this play was
written, "A Discovery of the Bermudas, otherwise called
the Isle of Divels," giving an account of the wreck of a
ship of Sir George Somers.

Bernardo, an officer in Ham.

Berowne, or Biron(e), lord attending the king in L.'s
L.'s L.

Berri, Duke of, H. V., iii. 5.

Bertram, Count of Rousillon, character in All's Well.
Besort (attendance), Oth., i. 3.

Bestraught (distraught), Tam. of S., induction, ii.

Beteem, to pour out, or to afford, M. N. D., 1. 1; to
permit, Ham., i. 2.

Betrothals, Temp., iii. 1, iv. 1; Winter's T., iv. 8; M.
of V., iii. 2; violation of, M. for M., iii. 1; secret, Tw. Nt.,
iv. 3, v. 1; proposed, K. J., ii. 1 or 2.

Bevel (not morally upright), Sonnet cxxi.

Bevis, George, a follower of Jack Cade, 2 H. VI.,
iv. 2.

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