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58. And Peter, having recouered his Fear a little, and taken Courage; followed them at a Distance to Caiaphas's his Palace, and went in after them, and fat down among the Servants, to see what the Event of this thing would be.

59. Then the Council, having gotten Jefus in their Power, fought for all the Witneffes against him that they could; and like malicious Informers rather than juft Judges, contrived fo to Examin them, as to urge them, if poffible, to testify fome thing against him, which they might judge to be a Crime worthy of Death.

60. But none Witneffed fo much against him, as was fufficient to Condemn him: Nay, tho' many Falfe Witneffes were Suborned on purpose, yet could not they Convict him of any Capital Crime.

58 But Peter followed him afar off,

unto the high priefts palace, and went in, and fat with the fer

vants to fee the end.

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61. At laft there rose up two Falfe Witneffes, who maliciously Mifreprefenting and Mifinterpreting fome things which he had faid, and induftrioully putting the moft odious Senfe upon Words which they did not understand; they Teftified against him, that he had declared, He could pull down the Temple of "God, and Build it up again in three Days.

62. To this when Jeus made no Reply, the High Prieft ftanding up in a Paffion, faid; Have you nothing to fay for your felf? Can you make no Answer to the Accufations these Men bring against you?

63. But Jefus, knowing that they fought only to urge him to fay fomething which they might lay hold on, and turn to his Accufation, ftill held his peace. Then faid the High Prieft; I adjure you folemnly by the Dread

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Dreadful and Tremendous Name of God, in whose Prefence you ftand, that you tell us plainly and truly, whether you be indeed the Meffiah, the Son of God.

64. Then Jefus Confeffed, faying; I am; and ye fhall fhortly fee a convincing Evidence of it, in that wonderful and unparalelled Deftruction which I will send upon the Jewish Nation; in the quick and powerful Progrefs, which the Gofpel fhall make over the Earth; and finally in my Glorious Appearing Judge the World.


65. At this the High Prieft in great indignation Rent his Clothes, faying; Here is manifeft and notorious Blafphemy; What need we trouble our felves to feek for any other Witneffes? This whole Affembly has now with their own Ears heard him speak plain and direct Blafphe


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66. What think you of it? They all faid; This is manifeftly a Capital Crime, and worthy of Death.

67 & 68. Then began the Servants and Common People to fall upon him as a Man already Condemned; fpitting upon him, buffeting him, offering all manner of rudeness and indignities to him; and fome hoodwinking him ftrook him with their hands, and jeeringly faid; Now, you that pretend to be a great Prophet, fhew your skill, and tell who it is that fmites

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70. Peter surprised with Fear at this fudden Challenge, and forgetting his former confidence, immediately denied it, faying; I know nothing of Jefus, neither can I tell what you mean.

71. Again, as he was going out into the Porch, another Maid Servant feeing him, faid to those that ftood by; Surely, That man there, was one of Jefus's Followers.

72. But Peter hearing her, turned himself about, and in a mixt Paffion of Fear and Anger, Swore that he never had any thing to do with Him.

73. A little after, another of the ftanders-by, faid to Peter; Certainly, if I be not strangely mistaken, you were one of this Man's Difciples; For your very speech fheweth you are a Gali laan.


74. But Peter in Confternation, denied again with Oaths and Im

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74 Then began he to curfe and to swear, faying, I know not the man.

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