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27 They replied therefore to Jefus, that they could not tell: And Jefus then in like manner, to Them; neither do I, fays he, tell you, what Authority I have to do these things. Which furprizing Question and Anfwer, as it Silenc'd and greatly Confounded these malicious Scribes and Elders, containing a Secret Conviction and Reproof of their unreasonable unbelief in rejecting John the Baptift; fo it alfo at the fame time made apparent the reafo nableness of Christ's not returning a positive Answer to their Question; it being evident, that they who believed not John the Baptift, whom yet they dare not exprefly deny to be fent from God, would much lefs have believed Jesus's plain Affertion of his own Divine Authority.

28. When Jefus had thus Silenced the Chief Priests and Elders, he proceeded to hint to them,

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Son, go work to day in my vineyard.

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by a Severe Parable, the Juftice of God in utterly Rejecting Them with all their Pretences of Religi on, and Receiving in their ftead the Penitent Gentiles. What think

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you? Said he. A certain Man had two Sons; and he Commanded them both

29 He answer'd to go Work in his Vineyard.

and faid, I will not; But afterward he repented, and went. 30 And he came to the second, and faid likewife. And he answered and faid, I go, fir, and went

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29 & 30. The one faid he would not go, but he repented and went: The other faid he would



but went

31. Which of these two, think you, was the moft Obedient Son? They Anfwered; He that faid he would not go, but Repented and went. Even fo, reply'd Jefus, the Pub licans and Harlots and Hea thens, who have formerly indeed been great Sinners, but Repent now and Obey the Gospel, are accepted and rewarded by God; while ye Priests and Elders, and Teachers of the Jews, who pretend to be the peculiar People of God, and make a great external fhow

fhow of Religion; do really difobey his Commandments, and reject his Gofpel, and fhall be utter ly and finally rejected by him.

32. For John the Baptift was fent to you from God, to Preach to you the necef fity of Repentance and Obedience: And the Publicans indeed, and Harlots, believed him and Repented: But ye, to whom he was primarily fent, neither believed him at firft; neither, after the Example of thefe Penitent Sinners, did ye afterwards Repent. 33. Again, Another Parable fpake Jefus unto them, to the fame import, faying; A certain Man Planted a Vineyard, and furnifhed it with all things necef. fary for its Fruitfulness, Orand Defence; and then Travelling himself into a far Country, he let it out to Husbandmen: Thus God delivered the Law to his peculiar People the Jews, with great prefent Ad


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vantages, and promises of future bleffings.


34 & 35. Now when time of Vintage drew nigh, the Owner fent Serwants to the Husbandmen to receive the Fruit of the Vineyard; But the Husbandmen abused his Servants, and beat Some of them, and flew others: Thus God expecting from the Jews, to whom he had given his Law, the Fruits of Holiness and Obedience to his Commands, fent to them his Prophets to remind them of their Duty, and to incourage them to Obedience; but they mifus'd the Prophets, and perfecuted and flew them.

36. Again,The Mafter fent other and more Servants, to receive the Fruit of his Vineyard; but the Husbandmen Rebelled, and flew them also: So God continued to fend more Prophets to the Jews, to endeavour to reclaim them, and exhort them to Repentance; but Them alfo they perfecuted and killed. 37. Last

37. Last of all, he sent unto them his own Son, thinking that furely they would reverence his Son: Thus at laft God fent his Son into the World, that if there were any means left of reducing the Jews to Repentance, they might be convinced at least by the Miracles and Authority of Christ. 38 & 39. But the Hufbandmen, thinking that if they deftroyed this Son and Heir of their Mafter, they Should be disturbed no more in their unjust detaining the Poffeffion; rife up against him alfo, and flew him: Thus the Jews, after all the indignities which they had offered to God's Meffengers the Prophets, were to add this at laft, to fill up the measure of their Iniquity, that they fhould also put to Death the Son of God; cafting him out of the Church, who was the Foundation of it, and the Author of all God's Blef fings to it.

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