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At a Miners Meeting held at this place "Ward District" persuant to a notice issued to convene on the first day of Oct 1872, the following amendments & repeals were made

SEC 1st That articles 4. 5. 6. 7 & 8 of the By-Laws of Ward Mining district adopted May 1st 1872 are hereby repealed

SEC 2d That all locations hereafter made in this district shall be made in conformity to the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to develope the mineral resources of the United States" approved May 10" 1872 & that all locations shall extend for a distance of 300 feet on oach side from the centre of the ledge lode vein or deposit

3d All claims or locations made within this district by any party or parties on any ledge lode vein or deposit of mineral bearing ores or other rock instead "that has not been heretofore located and subject to relocation will be required to be within "15" fifteen days thereafter recorded at the Recorders office

4th That any party or parties who shall locate or claim ground for mining purposes, shall fail to have the same recorded at the expiration of (15) fifteen days, such ground shall be subject to relocation & forfeiture of the same—

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7th That $1000 worth of work be done on each mine within one hundred days after date of recording the remaining $6000 worth of labor to be made within one year from date of location

8th That where the owners of a mine have done $1000 worth of work on their mine the party or parties can have the same recorded & be entitled to the remaining portion of the year & residue

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9th That in each succeeding year the same amount of labor shall be done within the limited time as described in article 7th

10th It shall be the duty of the Recorder to go to each location made with the party or parties who desire to have the same recorded & carefully describe the same in relation to its locality in the district and also in relation to other mines & natural & artificial objects & enter the same in the records of the Recorders books

11th Same as section 11th

12" The Recorder shall have the right to authorize or appoint a Deputy Recorder whenever ho shall think it an urgent necessity, such deputation shall be in writing & made of Record & to be entered on the Recorders Books

13" That the whole of the laws be adopted-All laws or parts of laws heretofore in force in this district & in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealedJOHN HENRY Chairman

THOS F WARD Secretary

MINUTES OF MINERS MEETING HELD AT WARD DISTRICT-NYE CO-NEVADA— At a miners meeting held at this place in persuance to a notice issued to convene on Tuesday Oct 1" 1872 at 2 o'clock P. M.

1st On motion of L. Frizell to appoint J. Henry Chairman was duly seconded, voted on & carried— 2d On motion of L. Frizell to appoint T. F. Ward secretary was duly seconded, voted on & carried—

3d On motion of L. Frizell for the chairman to appoint a committee of three for the purpose of repealing & also revising the "By-Laws" of Ward district was duly seconded voted on & carried-Messrs Frizell, Briggs & Connor were duly appointed

4th On motion of Mr Frizell to add the Secretary to the committee was seconded, voted on & carried-The By-laws were then read & acted upon

5th On motion of Mr R. Briggs to adopt Sec 2d in place of 2 & 7 was duly seconded voted on & carried 6" Article 3d adopted

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At a meeting of the Miners of the miners settlement near Cherry Creek in White Pine County Nevada held on the ninth day of November 1872 held in the cabin of A Hunter it was on motion

Resolved that Mr Osman G. Leach be appointed Chairman and Bartholomew O'Connor Secretary

The chairman read the call for the meeting which stated its object to be, the organization of a new mining district, the formation of laws for the government of the same and for the election of a Recorder for the district— It was thereupon on motion,

Resolved that it is expedient and necessary to form a new mining district for the mining locations already established in this vicinity, and that such a mining district be now organized

On motion it was then next

Resolved that this district be call the “Cherry Creek Mining District ”–

It was then on motion

Resolved that the chairman appoint a committee of three to draft laws for the regulation and government of this district— Whereupon the chairman appointed Messrs D. R. Collins, B. O'Connor and A. Hunter a committee to draft and report suitable by-laws for the district

The committee having retired for that purpose afterwards returned, and read and reported the under written laws which were read and considered section by section and were unanimously adopted

ART 1st This district is situated in White Pine County State of Nevada and shall be known as the Cherry Creek Mining district and is bounded as follows viz-Commencing at the mouth of Cherry Creek in Steptoe Valley and running Northerly along the Eastern base of the Eagan range of Mountains to the mouth of Goshute Creek, thence westerly through Goshute Canyon to the Western base of the aforesaid range of mountains thence southerly along the western base of said mountains to the head of Cherry Creek Canyon, thence Easterly down Cherry Creek Canyon to the place of beginning

ART 24 There shall be a mining recorder elected on the second Monday in November of each year, who shall hold office for one year, or until his successor is elected and qualified, unless in case of his death or removal, when a new election shall be held, for the time of such vacancy, at a meeting to be called by written notice signed by at least five persons holding bona fide claims in this district, and posted in three well known and conspicuous and inhabited places in this district at least fifteen days prior to the day of such meetingART 3d It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep in a suitable book or books a full and truthful record of the proceedings of all miners meetings held in this district (of which he shall be the Secretary when present) and it shall be his duty to record in a suitablo book or books, in the order of their date of filing with him, the notices of mining claims presented to him for recording-He shall keep his books open for the inspection of all persons wishing to examine them, but only in his presence or that of his deputy, at all reasonable times-Ile shall have power to appoint a deputy, whose appointment shall be entered at large on the record, prior to his acting as such, and for whose official acts he shall be responsible

ART 4 The Recorder shall be entitled to the following fees-"For recording a location-Four dollars-For transcript of record of location two dollars-for Recording work on location in estimation of the amount thereof and giving a certificate thereof two dollars and fifty cents-and for cach mile of travel in going to or returning from any mining location (for one way) in the exercise of his official duty fifty cents-For any extra paper recorded not exceeding one folio one dollar-And the Recorder shall when requested so to do, go upon the ground for any purpose connected with the business of his office, in relation to any mining claim

ART 5th All claims of mining locations must be made by distinetly written notice placed upon the location with the name or names of the claimants, date of location and the number of feet claimed each way, from the monument on which the notice is posted, or in the manner required by the laws of the United States, and which notice shall be placed on a monument at least two feet in height and shall be located by reference to some permanent object or recorded location, so that the location of the claim may be easily found, and prior to the recording of such location, or claim, the boundaries must be distinctly marked around the entire amount of ground claimed by the location

ART 6" All claims located in this district shall be recorded within fifteen days after the notice of location is posted thereon, and the time of recording shall date from the time of filing the notice with the Recorder

ART 7th Any person or persons may locate a tunnel, by posting at the point of commencement a notice, such as is required in the location of a lode, ledge or deposit of mineral, such notice to contain a description of all of such tunnel claim and the direction in which the same shall run-Prior to the recording of such tunnel location, the course of such tunnel shall be distinctly marked on the surface, through the entire length of the ground where the intended tunnel is proposed to be run

ART 8th When a notice of a mining location is presented to the Recorder, for filing and recording he shall note on the back of the notice, the time of presentation, day and hour, and such notice shall be deemed recorded from and after the time of filing-Provided, however that he shall first examine whether a prior claim does exist, as to or on said location, whose term has not expired by limitation fixed, and if such prior location is in existence, he shall so inform the party presenting the notice, and shall protest and refuse to record the same-And in case the party shall insist on recording of such notice, then the Recorder shall in precise terms state in writing the reason why he has protested against and refused to record the same, setting forth such protest and refusal on the back of such notice, and shall record such protest and objections thereto, together with such notice

ART 9th Should the Recorder neglect his duty for any unreasonable time, he may be removed by the action of the claim holders of the district at a meeting called as provided for by the by-laws-And in case any Recorder should remove from the District, or his office become vacant by his death, resignation or otherwise, a new Election for Recorder shall be held, as provided for in these by-laws

ART 10th These laws may be altered or amended by the miners of the district calling a meeting for that purpose-such call to be signed by ten bona fide mine owners, holding mines or mining locations in the district, and shall be posted in three well known, conspicuous and inhabited places in the district, at least twenty days prior to the date of holding such meeting, and the call for such meeting shall also state the day, hour and place on and at which it shall be held

After the above written by-laws had been unanimously adopted as the by-laws of the District and the committee discharged from the further consideration thereof, it was on motion

Resolved that the election of a Recorder for the district be proceeded with

Whereupon Mr D. R. Collins was put in nomination for such office and no other nomination having been proposed, it was on motion of Mr B. O'Connor carried by acclamation unanimously


Resolved that Mr D. R. Collins be elected the Recorder of this the Cherry Creek Mining district until the second day of November

It was then on motion of Mr B. O'Connor

Resolved, that it shall be the duty of the Recorder of this district, to transfer from the books of the Gold Canyon district all claims recorded in such Gold Canyon Mining district prior to the organization of this, the Cherry Creek Mining District, that is to say, all claims that are located within the boundaries of this, the Cherry Creek Mining District—

There being then no further business to be presented for the consideration of the meeting it was thereupon adjourned without day

Minutes attested, as a correct record of the transactions of the meeting


O. G. LEACH Chairman


After closing the polls motion was made by M. Raum that Article 4 of the by-laws be amended so that "For transcript of location two dollars" shall read "For transcript of location ten dollars"-Motion seconded and put to a vote by the president and carried by a unanimous vote-Motion was made by M. Raum that the mining Recorder shall be required to go on the ground before recording any mining location, Motion seconded, put to a vote by the President and passed

Meeting adjourned sine die


D. R. COLLINS Secretary




At a meeting of the miners of Eldorado Canon held at the N. C. M & M Cos works for the purpose of electing a Recorder Forming a District etc, Previous notice having been given, by posting Notices, It was unanimously resolved to postpone said meeting until the 1st day of June 1874,

ELDORADO CANON April 11th 1874

At a Postponed Meeting of the Miners of Eldorado Canon

The meeting was called to order by J H Nash, R. W Clark was called to the chair, and, M. R. Neville chosen secty

The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved,

The By Laws were offered by sections and unanimously adopted

J. H. Nash was elected Recorder from date to the 1st day of July A. D, 1875, after which the meeting adjourned Sinie Die



R. W. CLARK Chairman

LAWS OF ELDORADO CAÑON MINING DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY NEVADA OCT 1870 SECT 1 This District shall be Known as the Eldorado Cañon Mining District, Bounded as follows Begining at the works of the Nevada Consolidated and running north six miles for a starting point, Thence West six miles, Thence South twelve miles, Thence East twelve miles, Thence North twelve miles Thence West six miles to the starting point

2 There shall be a Mining Recorder elected on the first Monday in June each year, holding office from the 1st day of July following his election for one year, unless sooner removed by a new election, which can only be done by a written call signed by at least twenty claim owners, giving notice of a new election to be held after said notice shall have been posted in at least three conspicous places in the District for twenty days

3 It shall be the duty of the recorder to keep in a suitable book or books a complete full and truthfull Record of all District Meetings To go upon the ground, survey and record claims in order of their date, for which services he shall be entitled to the sum of Three dollars for each and evry claim recorded

SEC 4 It shall be the duty of the Recorde to keep his books open for inspection, He shall have power to appoint a Deputy to act for him; for whose Official acts; he shall be responsible,

5 It shall be the duty of the Recorder to deliver to his suceessor in office, all books, papers, and records belonging to or pertaining to his office

6 All examination of the Records Shall be in the presense of the Recorder or his Depty

7. Notice of a claim of Location of Mining Ground by individuals or company on File in the Recorders Office shall be deemed equivulent to a Record of the same

8 It shall be the duty of any individual or company opening a mining claim, to do at least Fifty dollars worth of work thereon within sixty days after date of location or such claim shall be deemed abandoned and subject to relocation

9 All locations wether by individuals or company shall conform to the United States Mining Laws of A. D. Eighteen Hundred and seventy two and shall be Recorded within Ten days after date of notice or the same shall be deemed abandoned and subject to relocation

10 These Laws shall take effect on and after their passage and all previous Laws are hereby repealed,

ELDORADO CAÑON June 7th 1880

In persuance to the by laws and a call duly published a Mines meeting was this day called in the Eldorado Mining District, P. W. Davis was elected chairman, and Hans Gottfredson Secretary,

On motion the following resolutions amending the by laws were severally unanimously adopted

Resolved "that" sec 2nd be amended to read as follows

SEC 2nd There shall be a mining recorder elected on the 1st Monday in June each year, holding office from the 10th of June following his election unless sooner removed by a new election, which can only be done by a written call signed by at least three Claim holders, giving notice of a new election, to be held, after said notice shall have been posted in at least three conspicous places in the district for twenty days,

Resolved that sec 3 shall read as follows

SEC 3 It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep in a suitable place the book or books of Record a complete record of all District Meetings and of all notices of Locations left with him for record For which service he shall be entitled to three dollars for each location notice recorded

Resolved that the by laws be amended by the addition of the following

SEC 11 That for any and all purposes a meeting of the miners of this District may be called by a notice setting forth the cause of said meeting and otherwise conforming to the provisions of Sec 2nd

Resolved that the by laws of the district be amended by the addition of the following,

SEC 12 The qualification of an elector in this district shall be the actual holding of a mining claim as principal or agent
Hans Gottfredson was elected Recorder for the ensuing year

J. H. NASH Recorder



At a meeting of the miners and prospectors held at this place on the Twenty second day of August 1874. Jos Dusang Esq in the chair E T. George was elected Secretary it was,

Resolved that this District shall be know as "Lewis District and shall extend over a scope of country 6 miles square, the mine known as the "Estella Nevada" to be the center of such District (initiary or starting point and that we hereby adopt the United States Mining Laws as the Laws of the district, with the following bye-Laws.

1. That each claim shall be recorded within 30 days after Location and that (20) Twenty Dollars worth of Labor shall be expended within Forty days after Location

2. That the sum of Five dollars ($5) per day be allowed each person employed on such claims and that the Twenty dollars so expended be deducted from the $100 One hundred dollars Annual Assessment according to the United States Mining Law.

3. That a meeting of the miners be held on the 3rd Saturday in August in each year for the purpose of electing a Recorder.

That E. T. George is hereby elected Recorder for Lewis district for the year ending on the Third Saturday in August 1875 and shall receive the sum of Four Dollars ($4) for each claim recorded by him.

4. That the miners may call a meeting at any time for the purpose of amending the Bye Laws or transaction of other business that may come before them.

E. T. GEORGE Secratary



Pursuant to a call of the Recorder of the District an election was held at Davis Saloon this day and E. T. George was re-elected Recorder of the District for the year ending Aug 31st 1876.

The following Bye Laws were adopted.

WILLIAM BEESON Judge of Election
HUGH DILLETTI Chairman of Meeting
E. T. GEORGE Secratary

No 1 of the old Bye Laws changed from 30 days after Location to 20 days after Location, to record claims

5. That all miners employed in the mines of Lewis District and mine owners in said District are legal voters of Lewis District


SPANISH BELT-NYE COUNTY December 31st 1874


A miners meeting of persons interested in what is known as the Spanish Belt Mines in Nye County Nevada, will be held on the 31st day of December A. D. 1874 at 12, o'clock M at the Barcelona mine in Spanish Belt for the purpose of organizing a Mining District including the mines of said Belt under the laws of the "United States Congress "

SPANISH BELT November 25th 1874




Pursuant to notice of which the foregoing is a copy a miners meeting convened at the Barcelona mine in Spanish Belt on the 31st day of Dec A D 1874 at 12 o'clock A. M.

Whereupon it was moved & seconded that the meeting adjourn until January 1st 1875 at 9 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of determining upon the proper & best place of organization, which motion was adopted

SPANISH BELT January 1st 1875

The meeting was called to order by H. A. Gaston who moved that Geo Nichols act as Chairman of the meeting which motion was adopted-& on motion of M. San Pedro, H. A. Gaston was elected Secretary

The following named gentlemen mine owners & miners interested in the proposed new mining dis't were present to wit-Peter Rice-C. W. Hollis-J. B. Hollis-M. San Pedro-Geo Curschman-Wm McCame-J. McCame-L. Sota-G. Nicholl-Jos Castanc-L. Fidanzo-M. C. Booth-Jos Silva-M. Gonzalez-H. A. GastonEsteban Foreste

On motion of the Sect'y the meeting was resolved into a Committee of the Whole to consider a code of laws for the government of the proposed new Dist which code was presented by the Sect'y which was accordingly done Geo Nicholl presiding in committee-The com considered the said code by sections recommended the adoption of the same as amended arose, & the meeting proceeded to business-G Nicholl in the chair-Whereupon it was moved by the Sect'y that the following code of laws, as recommended by the Committee of the Whole be adopted

SEC-1-This Dis't shall be known as the Spanish Belt Mining Dis't

SEC 2-The boundaries of this Dist shall be as follows to wit-Commencing at the divide between Spanish Belt & Jefferson at a point due north from the mouth of the incline of the Barcelona mine in Spanish Belt & running due East from said point two miles, thence at a right angle South nine miles, thence at a right angle West six miles, thence at a right angle North nine miles & thence at a right angle East four miles to the place of beginning

SEC 3-The laws of this Dist shall be the Act of Congress of the United States approved May 10" 1872 & the acts of Congress subsequent thereto, so far as the same can be made applicable to the District

SEC 4-A Dist Mining Recorder shall be elected for the Dist, who shall hold his office for one year from the date of his election & until his successor shall have been elected & qualified according to law, and annually hereafter to wit-on the first Monday after the 1st day of January of each year by the votes of the majority of the owners of mining claims in the Dis't who may be present at any meeting held for the purpose of such election-The Recorder may appoint a Deputy who shall reside in the Dis't & it shall be the duty of the Recorder by himself or deputy to go on the ground before recording any claims, see that all notices & monuments are properly placed, keep a full & correct record of the same which shall be open to public inspection at all times & to record under his protest all conflicting claims

SEC 5-The notices of claims in this Dist shall be put on a monument erected on the vein or lode claimed or at a conspicnons place adjacent thereto & shall contain the name or names of the locator or locators, the date of the location, the number of feet claimed & such a description of the claim or claims by referance to some natural object or permanent monument as will identify the claim & the location of each claim shall be so distinctly marked on the surface ground, that its boundaries can be readily seen & traced-a duplicate of the notice above described shall be filed with the mining Recorder of the Dist & his fees for recording the same paid, within ten days of the date of locating the claim, or the claim shall be subject to relocation-Three hundred feet of ground on each side of the centre of the vein or lode discovered & claimed, shall be deemed sufficient surface for the convenient use & occupation of the claim

SEC 6-No person or persons shall claim more than fifteen hundred linear feet along any lode in any one location, but one person may locate or any number of persons may unite in locating such number of linear feet or any number of linear feet less than fifteen hundred

SEC 7—In case of difference between claimants respecting the boundaries of or rights to, or interests legal or equitable in claims, such differances shall be settled by arbitration as follows to wit-The representative or representatives of each of such conflicting claims shall select each, a disinterested person for arbitrator & the two arbitrators so chosen shall select a third disinterested person to act with them-The facts of the differences shall be submitted by the parties differing to the three umpires so chosen & the dicision of the arbitrators or a majority of them shall be deemed the right of the case

SEC 8-These laws may be amended at any meeting of the mine owners of the district, called by ten mine owners, holding interests in ten different mines in the Dis't after such call shall have been posted, in writing, thirty days in three public places, stating the object of the meeting called to wit-one at the County Court house-one at the Dis't Recorders office & one in the Dis't-But no amendment shall be adopted at any time, which shall interfere with the vested rights of any person at the date of the adoption of such amendment or which shall affect or limit Section 3 of these laws at any time

SEC 9-No mining claim located & recorded prior to this date the title of which has been kept good, under the laws of Philadelphia Mining Dis't shall be affected in any manner whatever by the laws of this Dis't, but any claimant or claimant of mines within the boundaries of this Dis't desiring so to do, may relocate their mine or mines under the laws of this Dis't-& it is understood that all mines located & filed for record on the first day of January 1875 may be included as & considered filed for record under the mining laws of this Dis't

SEC 10-These laws shall take effect & be in force, throughout this Dis't from and after their adoption-A copy of them shall be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder in & for Nye County Nevada on or before the 5th day of January 1875 & also a copy of the same shall be published in the "Belmont Courier "-

Which motion was unanimously adopted

On motion of H. A. Gaston--Geo Nicholl Esq was was elected, unanimously, as mining Recorder for Spanish Belt Mining Dis't for the ensuing year

No further business appearing on motion of the Sect'y the meeting adjourned without day—

H. A. GASTON Secretary

G. NICHOLL Chairman

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