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running northerly following up the Northern shore and striking the Boundaries of the Galena District up to Steamboat Springs, thence to the Toll Gate the place of beginning

ARTICLE 2nd All quartz claims located in this district shall be two hundred (200) feet on the lead, including all its dips, spurs and


ARTICLE 3rd All Discoverers of New quartz veins shall and will be entitled to an additional claim of (200) two hundred feet for Discovery.

ARTICLE 4th All claims shall be designated by Stakes and Notices at each end of any Company's Claims, provided, the ledge can be easily traced; but in case the Ledge cannot be readily traced, may at any time drive their stakes where the Lead is known to Run. And any Claim located after any claim so located, and found not to be on the ledge, shall not conflict with the claims so located. The Ledge upon which any claim or claims are located shall be designated by name.

ARTICLE 5th All quartz claims shall be worked to the amount of four days or $12.00 twelve dollars per, month to each claim, And the owner can work to the amount of $50.00 fifty dollars as soon after the Location of the claim as he may choose, Which Amount being worked shall exempt him from working on said claim for six months thereafter.

ARTICLE 6th All claims shall be properly recorded within ten days from the time of location.

ARTICLE 7th Any Claim recorded in any other district until date 19th March 1860 and lying in Argentine district, may be recorded free of charge in the Record at Argentine district, upon a presentation of a Certificate from the Recorder of the district in which they are recorded, certifying that said claim has been duly recorded.

ARTICLE 8th All placer or Surface diggings or claims shall be one hundred feet square and be designated by Stakes and notices at each Corner.

ARTICLE 9th All Surface and Ravine Claims or Gulch Claims shall be one hundred feet square and be designated by stakes and notices at each corner.

ARTICLE 10th All Surface and Ravine claims or Gulch claims shall be worked within ten days after sufficient Water can be had to work such claims.

ARTICLE 11th All Claims not worked according to the Laws of this district shall be forfeited and subjected to relocation. ARTICLE 12th There shall be a Recorder elected to hold his Office for the term of twelve months. The Recorder shall be required to go upon the ground and place the stakes and notices on the Claims and for such Services shall be paid $1.00 one dollar per claim ARTICLE 13th No Chinaman shall be allowed to hold a claim in this district.

On Motion it was

Resolved that these Resolutions and Laws be published in the Territorial Enterprise for one month.

S. HOYT Secretary"


Pursuant to call made by posted notices, the miners of Argentine Mining District met at the Summit House, Ophir grade, for the purpose of adopting a set of by-laws for the government of the District, and to elect a Recorder.

The meeting organized by electing R. E. Williams, President, and Erastus Bond Secretary.

On motion, Erastus Bond, S. C. Rowe, and Joseph Bretz were appointed a committee to draft by-laws, and to define the boundary of the District.

The committee present the following report, which, on motion, was unanimously adopted:

The boundary of the District shall be as follows, to wit:

On the east by Sulphur Springs, Gold Hill and Virginia District; on the north by the Geiger road; on the west by Pleasant Valley and Washoe Lake, and on the south by Rose's Range.


SEC. 1. No person shall be entitled to hold more than one claim on any one quartz ledge by location.

SEC. 2. All quartz claims hereafter located shall not exceed two hundred feet in length, including all dips, spurs and angles. SEC. 3. Any person or persons discovering a quartz lead shall be entitled to one claim additional for such discovery.

SEC. 4. All quartz claims shall be duly recorded within ten days from time of location.

SEC. 5. All persons locating quartz claims shall define the same by a stake at each end of the claim where the ledge is visible, giving the names of the locators, and the number of feet claimed.

SEC. 6. Any person or persons locating quartz claims where the ledge is not visible shall be required to set his or their stake and notice as near as possible to said claim or claims until the ledge shall be defined: Provided, that the locator shall have but one hundred and fifty feet on each side of his or their stake or notice to make said discovery, giving the names of the locators, and number of feet located as in Sec. 5.

SEC. 7. All persons holding quartz claims shall work the same to the amount of three days for each claim in each and every month on said claim or claims, or work to the amount of fifty dollars on each claim, which shall hold said claim for the term of six months. SEC. 8. There shall be a Recorder elected, to hold office during the pleasure of the miners.

SEC. 9. The duty of the Recorder shall be to keep in a well bound book, a record of all mining claims that may be presented for record, with the names of the parties purchasing or locating, with the number of feet claimed, where situated, and the date of location or purchase, return a certificate of record of said claim or claims, giving the book and page of said record.

SEC. 10. The Recorder shall receive for his services fifty cents for each claim or name recorded: Provided, that if the locator requires the Recorder to go upon the ground and set the stakes, he shall then receive one dollar for each claim located.

SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the recorder to keep the book of records in a safe place, and allow the public to examine them in his presence.

Resolved, That the laws as adopted shall go into effect from this, first day of June, A. D. 1863.

Erastus Bond was then elected Recorder, after which the meeting adjourned.


R. E. WILLIAMS, Pres't.


At a meeting of the miners of Esmeralda District held at Braly Cory & Hicks camp August 30th 1860- Dr E. F. Mitchell was chosen President & James M. Braly Sect'y

The following laws were then adopted for this Dist

SEC 1-This Dist shall be called the Esmeralda Dist & shall be bounded as follows-a line commencing at a point five miles south of the discovery claim on the Esmeralda lode running East five miles thence north ten miles thence west ten miles thence south ten miles thence five miles east to the place of beginning

SEC 2-No person shall be entitled to hold more than one claim on any one quartz lead by location

SEC 3-All quartz claims hereafter located shall not exceed two hundred feet in length including all dips, spurs & angles Spurs to extend fifty feet each side of the ledge

SEC 4 Any person or persons discovering a quartz ledge shall be entitled to one claim in addition for such discovery—

SEC 5 All quartz claims shall be duly recorded within ten days from the time of location

SEC 6-All persons locating quartz claims shall designate by name the ledge claimed, the course as near as may be, in which it runs & define the same by stakes or other land-marks giving the names of all persons composing said company by notice placed thereon and number of feet claimed-Any person or company locating for a blind ledge shall not be allowed more than one hundred feet in width, which distance shall be computed by an equal number of feet on either side the stake or landmarks first set

SEC 7-All persons holding quartz claims shall work to the amount of two days for each claim in each & every month after the recording of said claim or claims Provided that work to the amount of ten dollars shall hold each claim until the first day of June (1861) eighteen hundred & sixty one

SEC 8-No person shall be allowed more than one Claim on any one gulch, ravine or hill unless by purchase

SEC 9-All ravine or gulch claims shall not exceed one hundred feet square each, hill claims excepted which may be reduced to fifty feet front

SEC 10-All hill gulch or ravine claims shall be recorded within ten days from the time of location-Each claim or claims shall be defined by a stake at each corner with the name or names of the person or persons forming said company

SEC 11-All surface claims shall be worked within ten days after there is sufficient water to successfully work said claims, Provided that work to the amount of ten dollars shall hold each claim until the first day of June (1861)—

SEC 12-There shall be a Recorder elected who shall hold his office during the pleasure of a majority of the miners of the DistrictSEC 13-The duty of the Recorder shall be to keep in a well bound book a record of all notices of mining claims that may be presented for record, with the name of the party locating or purchasing, with the number of feet claimed, where situated & the date of location or purchase, also return a certficate of record of said claim or claims giving the book, page & date of said record

SEC 14-The Recorder shall be required to go upon the ground, measure it & place the stakes & notices upon the claims as specified & for such services shall be paid one dollar per claim

SEC 15-The Recorder shall not record any claims that are already recorded & unforfeited

SEC 16-It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep a well bound book for recording all deeds & transfers of mining claims in this District-It shall also be the duty of the Recorder to keep all books of record in a safe place & allow the public to examine them at any time in his presence

SEC 17-The Recorder shall be allowed the sum of two dollars & fifty cents for recording & certifying such record of cach deed or bill of sale of mining claims & no greater sum—

SEC 18-The Recorder shall not allow any person to take any notes or extracts from his records with pen & ink but only with pencil so as to avoid erasures & inter lineations of the records

SEC 19-These laws shall go into effect from and after this date, the thirtieth day of august Eighteen hundred & sixtySEC 20-In the election of a new Recorder ten days notice shall be given by public posters & the new Recorder shall not enter upon the duties of his office for twenty days after his election

It was then resolved that these laws be sent to the "Territorial Enterprise" for publication

James M Braly was then duly elected Recorder for the Esmeralda District

The meeting then adjourned


E. F. MITCHELL President

At a meeting of the miners of Esmeralda Mining District, Esmeralda County State of Nevada duly called & held on Monday Evening Nov 5th A D 1877 for the purpose of revising the local mining laws of said Dis't the following proceeding were had towit- Upon motion J. M. Meredith was elected Chairman of the meeting & E. McFadden Secretary- Upon motion the Sect'y read the mining laws of the District as heretofore passed from time to time with the revisions thereto

Thereupon the following named persons were elected by the meeting as a committee to revise the laws of the Dis't towit M. A. Murphy-J. M. Meredith-& J. M. Fairwell & that said committee report to this meeting on Friday Nov 9th A D 1877 at 7 o'clock P. M.



J. M. MEREDITH President

FRIDAY Nov 9th 1877 7 o'clock P. M.

Pursuant to adjournment the miners of Esmeralda Mining Dist. Esmeralda Co Nevada met at the court room in the Town of Aurora in said District

The meeting was called to order by J. M. Meredith chairman & upon motion the minutes of the last meeting were read & approved Whereupon the committee appointed at the last meeting to revise the mining laws of said Dis't reported the following towit


Your committee appointed to draft rules & laws to govern the location & working of mining claims in Esmeralda Mining Dis't, Esmeralda County Nevada would respectfully report the following

First That we have carefully considered the Mining laws as passed by the congress of the United States on May 10th 1872 & tho amendment made subsequent to that date and after such consideration would recommend the adoption of said laws with as little change or addition thereto as may be, for the reason that all laws should be made plain, Laws should be made for the enforcement or protection of private rights, & redress or prevention of private wrongs- Laws should be made to protect the poorest & most humble citizen in the land as well as the rich who are better able to protect themselves— In consideration of these things we would recommend the adoption for the government of this District the mining laws as passed by the Congress of the United States May 10th 1872 with the amendments thereto with the provisions hereinafter named to wit:

MINING LAWS OF ESMERALDA MINING DISTRIct as adopted BY THE MINERS AT A MEETINg held nov 9TH 1877— ARTICLE 1-SEC 1-It is hereby resolved by the miners of Esmeralda Mining Dis't Esmeralda County Nevada that we adopt for the location working & regulation of mining claims and laws of the United States as passed by the Congress on May 10th 1872 with the amendments thereto-Provided, That any person or persons locating a Quartz ledge, vein or lode shall not be allowed to locate & claim any more than one hundred feet on each side of the line of the Lode instead of three hundred feet as allowed by the said U. S. Mining laws

SECTION 2-All claims located in this District shall be duly recorded by the Mining District Recorder within ten days from the date of such location

SECTION 3-Upon the application of any person locating a mining claim it shall be the duty of the Mining Recorder to go upon the ground and measure off such claim in accordance with the notice of location & shall see that posts & monuments are placed at each corner of the claim said posts to be not less than three (3) feet in heighth by not less than 2 x 4 inches, to be secured by monuments of rock or earth not less than 18 inches high a like post & monument shall be placed at each end of the claim upon the ledge or lode line of the claim on which shall be written by the Recorder in large plain letters the name of the claim, the direction in which it runs, the number of feet claimed & the date of the location-And the Recorder shall write on each corner post & indicate thereby the corner of the claim, after which the locator or locators shall be entitled to a certificate from the Recorder certifying of such location & such certificate shall be the evidence of such location

SECTION 4-For measuring off & recording each claim of 1500 feet or less, & to include the making of the Certificate & fulfilling the requirements named in Sec 3 he shall be entitled to the sum of seven dollars & fifty cents (7%) to be paid by the locator or locators

SECTION 5-Any person having performed $100 worth of work or improvements upon his claim of 1500 feet or less within one year from the date of location thereof, and for each ensueing year thereafter as required by the laws of Congress as passed May 10 1872, May require the Recorder to go upon the claim & measure said work, & if the Recorder shall be satisfied that said work has been done, as required by law, he shall issue to such person or persons a certificate which certificate shall be placed upon record by the Recorder in a book, provided for that purpose setting forth the same, & for such service including the certificate & recording, the Recorder shall be entitled to the sum of five ($5-oo-) dollars Provided, That if the Recorder & parties applying for such certificate cannot agree as to the amount of work performed as aforesaid, then it shall be lawful for the Recorder to select one disinterested person & the party performing the labor to select one other disinterested person, they to decide upon the amount of labor performed, provided that if such person so chosen fail to agree, then to choose a third disinterested person & a decision of the majority of the three persons so chosen to be finalSECTION 6-The Recorder shall not record any claim which has already been recorded & unforfeited-All laws heretofore passed by the miners of this District in Conflict with these laws are here by repealed

Where upon by a unanimous vote of the meeting the report of the Committee was duly approved and the laws as revised, & reported by said Committee were unanimously adopted and declared to be the local mining laws of Esmeralda Mining District Esmeralda County, State of Nevada

And no other business coming before the meeting, the meeting adjourned Sine Die


E MCFADDEN Secretary

J. M. MEREDITH Chairman


Pursuant to publick notice the miners of Indian Springs assembled at the Camp of Col. G. W. Whitman on monday Sept 24th 1860 for the purpose of setting apart a new Mining District and passing laws for the government of the same.

On motion Col G. W. Whitman was called to the chair and John Platt was chosen Secretary
The Chairman stated the object of the meeting as above set forth.

The Secretary presented and read the following laws, which on motion were unanimously adopted.

This District shall be known as the Indian Springs Mining District and shall be bounded as follows. Commencing at an Indian Spring near the mountain Companys South Stake (Mountain Ledge) and running thence easterly eight miles thence northerly six miles, thence westerly twelve miles thence easterly four miles to the place of beginning.

SECTION 1. No person shall hold more than one claim by location on any quartz Ledge in this District, except the discoverer or discoverers of a new ledge, who shall be entitled to one additional claim for discovery.

SEC. 2d. No claim hereafter located shall exceed 200 feet in length on the ledge, including all dips, spurs and angles.
SEC. 3 All claims shall be duly recorded within 10 days after location.

*The Indian Springs Mining District was consolidated with the Palmyra Mining District May 24, 1869, and was given the name of which name was subsequently, on August 18, 1879, changed to "Palmyra and Indian Springs Mining District."

"Como Mining District,"

SEC 4 All persons locating quartz claims. Shall define by a stake at each end of the claim, where the ledge is visible, giving the name of the ledge and the Company, and the number of feet claimed.

SEC 5. Any person or persons locating quartz claims where the ledge is not visible shall be required to set his or their stakes as near as possible to said ledge, and shall be allowed one hundred feet on each side thereof in which to define the same. SEC 6 All persons holding quartz claims shall be required to work two days for each claim evry month.

of $50 to each claim shall hold said claim Six months.

SEC 7 Sufficient Surface ground on each side of a ledge shall be allowed for working privileges.

Work to the amount

SEC 8 There shall be a Recorder elected who shall serve for the period of Six months, the first term to commence Sept 24th 1860. SEC 9 The duty of the Recorder Shall be to keep in a well bound book a record of all mining claims that may be presented for record, with the names of the parties on purchaseing also giving a certificate of record giving the Book and page of such record. He shall be required to go upon the ground claimed and place Stakes and notices on claims as in Sec, 4 & 5 and for such services he shall be paid 75 cts for each claim. He shall be allowed $2.50 for recording a deed and $1.50 for recording a bill of sale. He shall not record any claim already recorded and not forfeited according to the laws of the District. He shall keep the Book in a safe place and allow the public to examine them in his presence. He shall record free of charge transcrips of records made in other Districts prior to Sept. 24: 1860 but which in consequence of the formation of this District are now embraced within its boundaries. He shall also record free of charge the proceedings of all meetings held. He shall if necessary' appoint one or more Deputys and at the end of his term shall deliver over to his successor all books, papers etc belonging his office.

SEC. 10 No person or persons shall be allowed to vote at, or take part in any meeting held in this District except bone fide claim bolders within the Same.

SEC 11 Any or all of foregoing Sections may be altered amended or repealed by a vote of two thirds of the claim holders of this District in mass meeting assembled, provided ten days notice shall have been given by posted notices in this District and two other conspicuous places in Carson County.*

SEC. 12. All laws or parts of laws heretofore existing governing this District are hereby repealed or declared null and void.
SEC 13th The above laws shall take effect from and after Sept 24th 1860.

On motion John Platt was unanimously elected Recorder.

On motion the above proceedings were ordered to be published, in the Sierra Democrat.

On motion the meeting adjourned Sine Die

JOHN PLATT Secretary"

G. W. WHITMAN Chairman

Pursuant to notice the claim-holders of Indian Springs Dist met at the Camp of Col. G. W. Whitman on tuesday Oct. 1860 for the purpose of discussing the propriety of Suspending operations in this District fore the approaching winter.

Col G. W. Whitman was called to the Chair and H. H. Whitman was chosen Secretary.

On motion the following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved that Sec 6 of the laws of this District requiring two days labor to each claim, be, and the same is hereby declared null and void until the first day of June 1861

Resolved that the foregoing resolution shall apply only to claims unforfeited at this date, and those which may be located between now and the said 1st of June 1861.

Meeting adjourned Sine dic

H. H. WHITMAN Secretary"

G. W. WHITMAN Chairman

Notice, Is hereby given that a miners meeting will be held at the Recorders office in Indian Springs District on Sunday March 24 1861 at 11, A. M. for the purpose of electing a Recorder and amending the laws of Said District JOHN PLATT Recorder I. S. D



Pursuant to notice the claim holders of Indian Springs Dist met at the Recorders office on the 24th day of March 1861 for the purpose of amending the laws and electing a Recorder for said District.

The meeting was organized electing G. W. Whitman Chairman and John Platt Secretary
On motion the following amendment to the laws of Indian Springs District was adopted.

SECTION 1st Any party running a tunnel for, or sinking a shaft on a located ledge, and discovering a blind ledge shall be entitled to an equal number of feet in the ledge thus discovered that they had in the original ledge or claim without any further location, and if not the original discovery of the ledge being run for or worked on then an additional 200 feet for discovery

On motion John Platt was unanimously elected Recorder for Six months,

Meeting adjourned Sine die

JOHN PLATT Secretary"


G. W. WHITMAN Chairman

Pursuant to public notice of the claim holders of Indian Springs District met at the Recorders office on the 7th day of July 1863 for the purpose electing a Recorder of Said District. On motion Jackson Craig was unanimously elected chairman

* Lyon County was formerly a portion of Carson County, Utah Territory; hence the above reference to Carson County.

On motion Abram Lewis was elected Secretary of the meeting.

On Motion that the Recorder be desired to post notices for a public meeting for the purpose of revising the present by laws.

On motion Henry C Millington was elected by ballot two majority to act as Recorder for the ensuing Six months JACKSON CRAIG Prest

ABRAM LEWIS Secretary"

"Pursuant to public notice the claim holders of Indian Springs District met at the Recorders Office on the 18th day of July 1863 for the purpose of revising the bye laws of the District.

The bye laws having been read. On motion that they be adopted as they are
Meeting adjourned

H. MILLINGTON Secretary"


G. C. BISHOP Pres'nt

At a Miner's Meeting held in Palmyra District on Thursday Sept. 11-1862 the following Laws were adopted for the government of the District-To Wit

ART-1st The boundries of the District shall be as follows-Viz-Commencing on the high peak of Mountains on the Palmyra Wood Co's Ranch thence running Southerly on the Mountains Six (6) Miles, thence Easterly Six (6) Miles, thence Northerly Six (6) Miles, thence Westerly Six (6) miles to place of beginning Embracing Six Miles Square

2nd The Claims shall be as follows-Viz-a Quartz Claim for Each person shall be Two hundred (200) feet in length and designated by a post and Notice at Each End Embracing all the dips angles and Spurs-a Surface Claim Two hundred (200) feet square with posts and Notices at Each Corner, and a ravine or gulch claim Two hundred (200) feet in lendth, and in width from bank to bank, with stakes and Notices at each End.

3rd All persons locating a blind ledge shall be Entitled to fifty (50)-of ground on Each side of his notice to find the same in4th-No person shall be allowed to locate more than one claim on the same ledge, nor more than one surface or ravine Claim in the District Except the discoverer, who shall be entitled to one additional Claim.—

5th All persons after locating claims shall have Ten days to record the same in, and Ten Dollars worth of work to Each share shall hold them for Thirty days, or Twenty Dollars worth work to the Share will hold them for Three Months, Which if not Complied with the Claims shall be relocatable.

6th-All Claims or ground purchased shall be subject to the same Laws as if only located

7th There shall be a Recorder Elected to serve for the term of one year from the date of these Laws and untill a new recorder is Elected and qualified, when he shall deliver up the Books of record to his successor-said Recorder must be a resident of this District, and it shall be his duty to go on the ground, Measure the Claims, and see that they are properly staked and noticed before Recording them, for which he shall receive the fee of Fifty Cents for Each name recorded and one Dollar for recording Bills of Sales

8th It will also be the duty of the recorder to ascertain that ground is relocatable before recording a relocation9th These Laws Laws shall take effect from this date

10th The Recorder shall have the Laws of the District published—

T. W. Penny was then Elected Recorder-when the Meeting adjourned

[blocks in formation]

At a Miners Meeting held at Stubblefields Saloon in Palmyra on Nov. 24-1862 for the purpose of amending the Mining Laws of the District Jno Vandewater was Elected President & F. Tagliabue Secretary.

On Motion the Laws of the District for 1862 were then read by the Secretary.

It was Moved that each Claim of 200 feet shall be compelled to expend in labour 108 per Month, Carried unanimously—

Some discussion then occurred as to how any disagreement should be settled-some suggested that the recorder ought to be Judge of the amount of Labour actually done, and others that he ought to appoint arbitratorsWhen a Motion to adjourn was carried and the Meeting dispersed. About 50 persons were present. F. TAGLIABUE SectyOn the 24th of May 1869-the Palmyra and the Indian Springs Mining Districts were consolidated. under the name of "Como Mining District."



At a Meeting held in a stone cabin in Como on July 26 1879. for the purpose of Amending the Mining Laws of the Palmyra and Indian Spring Mining District.

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