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ing; but of the three hundred and sixty-four in the historical tripos, nine thirty-five who obtained degree certifi- married; and of the thirty-eight in cates one hundred and twenty-three the medieval and modern language were engaged in teaching, forty-five tripos, one married. The only student were married, two were missionaries, who passed the law tripos has not yet six were in government employment, married.

four were engaged in medical work, and six were dead.

Judging from the reports issued by these two Cambridge colleges, the larger proportion of university-educated women do not seem to make marriage their career in life. Of the ex-students of Newnham only one hundred and twenty out of seven hundred and twenty have married, and at Girton forty-six out of three hundred and thirty-five.

From the report of Girton College we may deduce the following interesting, and, if I may venture to say so, amusing particulars.

It appears, therefore, that about one in ten of those who take honors at Girton marries, as against one in nine who take honors at Newnham; while about two in every five marry of those who take an ordinary degree at Girton. Leaving out theology and law, as to which the data are insufficient, the order of precedence (matrimonially) of the various studies is as follows: At Girton: Elementary studies, natural science, moral science, history, classics, mathematics, and last of all mediæval and modern languages. At Newnham: moral science, history, natural science, classics, mathematics, and again last medieval and modern languages.

I am well aware that a large number of readers will consider these details — viz., the percentages of marriages, etc.

puerile and foolish; nevertheless many men, and, I venture to think, some mothers, will consider them sug

Of the seventy-nine students who have obtained the certificate for the mathematical tripos, six have married; of the ninety-seven who passed the classical tripos, ten have married; of the forty-seven who passed the natural science tripos, seven have married. The only student who passed the theo-gestive. logical tripos has married. Out of the thirty who passed the historical tripos, four have married. Of the twenty-one who passed the moral science tripos three have married. But of the forty lady students who have taken the ordinary pass degree, fifteen have married, a much larger proportion, as will be seen, than among the students who have obtained the honors degree certificate.

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Turning to the reports furnished for our information by the women's colleges at Oxford, we find that of the one hundred and seventy-three students who left Somerville College between the years 1879 and 1892 seventy-three are engaged in teaching, twenty-nine are married, and one is an assistant librarian of the Royal Society. Miss Cornelia Sorabji, a Parsee lady who was educated in England, after taking her B.A. degree at Oxford, returned to her native country, and is now a partner in a solicitor's firm in Bombay, and she comes over to London this year in charge of a case that has been unreservedly placed in her hands by one of the ranees of India. Miss Marshall, another ex-student of Somerville College, is on the staff of the National Observer.

From the Newnham College report I have not been able to ascertain the percentages of marriages among the exstudents who have taken merely the ordinary degree; but an examination of the tripos lists gives very much the same result as those of Girton namely, out of eighty-five who passed the mathematical tripos, five married; of the sixty-five in the classical tripos, eight married; of the thirty-three in The report printed by the principal the moral science tripos, six married; of Lady Margaret's Hall gives fewer of the seventy-four in the natural statistics, but one gathers that the science tripos, ten married; of the larger proportion of the ex-students

now at work are engaged in teaching. "A kind of university settlement The number of students in residence from Victoria College instructs and at Lady Margaret's Hall averages trains for domestic service destitute thirty-eight. Holloway College has girls at Victoria Homes, Belfast. only been at work for seven years, and These are detached homes, in which there has not been time for much de- there is now room and appliances for velopment in the after-careers of stu- training eighty-eight girls in every kind dents, but of the one hundred and of household work." ninety-seven who have left seven are Alexandra College, Dublin, is a large married, about sixty-nine are teaching day-school where girls come up to study or preparing to teach, two are nurses, painting, music, and various other subtwo are studying at the School of Med-jects that are not taught at Newnham ; icine for Women, and about forty-seven but of the sixty-one ex-students of the are residing at home. college who have taken the University From Victoria College, Belfast, Mrs. of Ireland B.A. degree from the colByers sends the following particulars : lege, and who would, therefore, be of "In addition to over fifteen hundred the same standing as those who have students of Victoria College certificated left Newnham and Girton, forty-one by the Queen's University, Ireland; are engaged in teaching, six have marTrinity College, Dublin; Cambridge, ried, one is a medical doctor, one is Edinburgh, and London Universities; assistant to Sir C. Cameron, city anathe College of Preceptors, London, and lyst, and the remaining eleven are apthe Intermediate Education Board, Ire-parently living at home. land, there are fifty-one graduates of The total number of ex-students from the Royal University, Ireland. These Girton, Newnham, Somerville Hall, include graduates in arts and medicine. Halloway College, and Alexandra Eight former Victorians are at present | College, whose after-careers we have medical undergraduates, with a view to mentioned above amounts to fourteen becoming medical missionaries. hundred and eighty-six; of these six "Many have become wives of mis- hundred and eighty are engaged in sionaries, and sixteen unmarried ladies, | former Victorians, are at present engaged in zenana medical and educational work among the women of Syria, India, and China. Twenty-one former students are now principals of flourishing middle-class girls' schools in Ireland, in most cases of schools founded by themselves, while a large number who were engaged as private or other teachers have since married.

"Twelve are at present head mistresses or assistant mistresses in high schools and other middle-class schools in England and the colonies.

teaching, two hundred and eight have married, eleven are doctors or preparing to be doctors and medical missionaries, two are nurses, eight or nine are in government employment, one is a bookbinder, one is a market-gardener, and one is a lawyer. Besides these regular employments, which are enumerated and duly scheduled in these reports, there must be, without doubt, a great deal of unpaid work done by those ex-students who live at home which it is difficult, indeed impossible, to put into any list. For instance, some university-educated women are engaged in literary work, while others employ themselves with various useful

"Many of our students have successfully taken up sick-nursing as a vocation. Some of these hold impor- works connected with philanthropic tant posts as the heads of hospitals and other similar institutions at home and in the colonies.

"The entire certificated staff of ladies at Victoria College, with the exception of four, has been educated at Victoria College.

and charitable undertakings around their homes, and are doubtless doing their business all the better and more practically for their university training; but these diverse occupations are hardly of a kind to be called a definite


The ladies' settlements in Southwark | less highly educated women is greater and Bethnal Green furnish an impor- than among university-trained maidtant career for highly educated ladies. ens. In 1887 a women's university settle- It is, of course, in these days of progment was established at 44 Nelson ress an open question, that must be Square, South London, and in 1889 a decided according to each woman's inguild of ladies from Cheltenham Col-dividuality, whether marriage is to be lege followed their example, and took a considered an achievement or a "come house in the Old Ford Road, Bethnal down;" but mothers will be prudent Green. In Mansfield the Congregation- if they realize that, on the whole, the alist College also started a settlement; statistics, so far as we can judge at and the influence of the Church settle- present, do not lead one to the conclument of the Oxford House, Bethnal sion that marriage is either desired or Green, established a ladies' branch in attained by the majority of very highly St. Margaret's House, Victoria Square, educated women. There are some American ladies have promptly notable exceptions, which will readily taken up the same type of charitable suggest themselves, and doubtless many work in the United States, for educa- of the other students whose names are tion on university lines has taught many women the need for organization and co-operation in all their charitable undertakings, for few professions in this world need more careful and correct training than the difficult and complicated one of philanthropy.


In former days marriage, teaching, and philanthropy were the principal professions that were open to women. The careful study of the reports published by the women's universities will, I think, incline parents to question if a university training has yet succeeded in opening the doors of any other profession. A few exceptionally gifted women have entered the medical profession, and a very few (as we can gather from the statistics published) have become workers in other fields, such as book-binding, market-gardening,


But with these very few exceptions nearly all ex-students are engaged in teaching or are preparing to teach, and therefore it would seem that unless a girl has some special capabilities of mind and brain which, combined with a power of organization, will place her at the head of the teaching profession after her training at the university is completed, she cannot, at present, hope that the years and the money devoted to her higher education will do very much for her in enabling her to enter upon a money-earning career in the

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upon the list of those who are still "in maiden meditation fancy free" will marry eventually. But it must be remembered that education has, in most cases, this very valuable result: it does make women more fastidious in their choice, and as university training, at any rate, enables many of them to earn their living more or less by teaching, it obviates the necessity of their having to rely on matrimony as a means of support, and therefore prevents many early, uncongenial, and improvident marriages.

But whereas six hundred and eighty of the ex-students are engaged in teaching only two hundred and eight can be traced as having yet married; therefore, according to the law of averages, if a mother sends her daughter to one of the universities she is more likely to become a teacher than a wife. Moreover, it is a question if the kind of training that girls receive at these universities does not, on the whole, make them inclined to look upon the prospect of married life as a rather dull and unintellectual career. All women would be glad to marry their ideal hero; but heroes are scarce, and the average man who proposes marriage to the average girl can at best offer her no wider prospect than a round of careful housekeeping, motherhood, and thrift; and it must be doubted if, taking all things into consideration, a university training is adapted for developing

these homely and prosaic virtues. But | and a shrillness in their voices, which, though the development of the higher in any place but a monastery, would education of women has not opened have betokened excitement. They any new profession for women, it has most undoubtedly succeeded in enlarging the sphere of the old ones, and teaching, secretarial, and charitable work must benefit greatly by being undertaken by well-educated, instead of superficially accomplished, women; and there is food for reflection in these wise words of the principal of Somerville College, Oxford:

clustered around the open door, and scanned with eager glances the bridge over the stream that formed the boundary of their domains. They cast, too, from time to time, anxious looks at the carefully guarded entrance of the refectory. Well might their pulses beat with unusual vigor, for the fates had in store for them that night a feast kings might have envied. Kings ? No king

"The wider interests, the larger out-in Europe had a cook who could vie look on life which students gain in with Brother Laurence, when he chose their college life, and the trained in- to throw off the sloth that sometimes telligence which they can bring to bear possessed him and gave his genius full on their work, whatever it is, are of play. And there was no fear of findunspeakable value in any sphere, small ing him napping when a guest was or large." expected, and that guest Guyot of Provins. Guyot will know wellcooked food when he tastes it," he had remarked that morning. "It's foul work casting pearls before swine," he added a moment later, with a withering


From The National Review.


GUYOT OF PROVINS, THE FIRST FRENCH glance at the monks who stood around.


IF printing had been invented in Guyot of Provins's day, his writings would have won for him no doubt great reputation; would have won for him, too, a heap of papal fagots, or the use of a royal gibbet; for, when he was alive, a matador's calling was less fraught with danger than a critic's. But copying by hand is a slow process, and years had passed before his readers equalled in number his fingers and his toes. There never were but four copies of his pamphlets, a fact that accounts for his dying in his bed. If instead of four there had been four thousand, one of them could hardly have failed to make its way into the Vatican; and then Maître Guyot would soon have taken rank, in the minds of the faithful, as a scarecrow.

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Brother Laurence was a privileged personage at Clairvaux; the abbot himself, though arrayed in full canonicals, never dared to address him save with deprecative courtesy. As he had learned to his cost, a word of rebuke meant a lost day a day without a well-cooked dinner is not a day. For Satan and the Angel Gabriel, though working in concert, would have failed to induce Brother Laurence to cook when his temper was ruffled. There was high rejoicing among the monks when the news came that Guyot of Provins was on his way to take up his abode with them; for, sooth to say, time hung somewhat heavily on their hands. The best of feasts is a sorry affair unless savored with piquant stories; and brains had not been dealt out to Clairvaux too lavishly. The monks could relish jokes but not make them. But Guyot was the wittiest of the troubadours, the raconteur sans pareil. How their old refectory would ring with mirth and laughter, now that he had joined their order.

This Guyot was a noted man in his day. He was born about the middle of

as the world could judge, at that time he was a mere courtier, with as little care or thought for others as the rest of his kind. When next we hear of him he is starting, in company with Thibault, Count of Champagne, for the Holy Land; though whether he went as pilgrim, minstrel, or warrior, it would be hard to decide. From this time he vanishes from view until that autumn evening, when he made his way slowly and wearily up the stately avenue to Clairvaux.

the twelfth century at Provins, the | have thoroughly enjoyed his position, quaint little Champenois town which and to have seized eagerly, greedily, Michelet dignifies with the title of the goods the gods gave him. So far "Ville de liberté au moyen âge "Ville de licence" would be perhaps a shade more appropriate. His talents as a musician and poet attracted the attention of the Countess of Champagne, and he passed his childhood in her husband's castle, receiving instruction at her hands. He was a bright, handsome lad, bold and dauntless in his bearing, with a keen eye even then for the follies of others. The countess seems to have been a remarkable woman; she had been a friend of Abélard's in her youth, and had perhaps imbibed some of his notions; at least the training she gave to Guyot was of a milder order than was then in fashion. The count was often shocked at the lack of reverence of his wife's young favorite : 66 Saucy wits such as thine, my lad, lead to the gallows," he was wont to say. But that was in early days, for Guyot was no mere serf condemned to spend his life in his lord's castle; he was the son of a knight, of one, however, whose pedigree was longer than his purse.

When sixteen, he left Provins to make his way in the world; and for years we have no record of his doings beyond a few brief notes which tell how a certain Guyot was much sought after for court festivities, there being no minstrel of equal renown, no not in all Europe. He travelled through Italy, Austria, Hungary, and north Germany; and wherever he went he was welcomed as an honored guest. He was present, as he tells us in his Bible, at the Diet of Mayence which old Barbarossa summoned in 1181 to assist at the coronation of his son Henry. At Mayence he received many marks of favor from the emperor, who never wearied of listening to the "yarns" he could spin. Guyot was in fact quite the fashion at that time, and mingled upon terms of perfect equality with princes and great nobles, who applauded to the echo his lovesongs, and sought in vain to imitate the grace of his bons mots. He seems to

As he crossed the threshold the monks shrank back. The Guyot they were there to welcome-they knew him well by report was a man in the prime of life, with a loud, ringing laugh, and bold, undaunted bearing; one, too, renowned for the richness of his raiment. But this Guyot might have been a hundred, so gaunt was his form, so haggard his face, so otherworldish his whole appearance. His long white hair fell on his shoulders in an unkempt mass, and his dark eyes burned with a strange, unearthly fire. He replied to the abbot's greeting with a somewhat surly air; and there was a decided touch of mockery in the keen, sharp glance he gave in turn at each of the portly monks.

All the silver vessels were on the table that night in honor of the new arrival; huge salvers covered with delicate tracery, graceful tankards with nymphs and dolphins twining around, diminutive cups, each one of which showed the work of a lifetime. This silver had been the cause of endless strife with heirs-at-law, who denied the rights of fathers to purchase pardon for sins with family plate. Even thus early the spirit of scepticism was abroad; so long as men were strong and well they refused to believe that giving to an abbot was giving to the Lord; when in the throes of death, however, they were more amenable to priestly influence. Suppers at Clairvaux were things to dream of; the man who had once been feasted there

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