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Mr. SCRUGHAM. The next item is "Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N. Mex."

Mr. DEMARAY. The justification in support of this item is as follows:

Amount included in the Budget, fiscal year 1938_.
Appropriation, fiscal year 1937---

Net increase, 1938 over 1937----

$103,000 64, 000


The language change is proposed to provide not to exceed $23,000 for remodeling the power plant. Both the electrical and elevator units are badly in need of repairs to maintain the necessary high degree of safety to visitors and park employees.

The net increase of $39,000 is recommended to provide as follows: Administration and protection; increase, $9,244.-The sum of $1,620 is recommended for the employment of a permanent clerk-cashier whose duties will be to sell entrance tickets to the caverns and maintain records of sales, thus relieving the ranger now doing this work for the guide service for which he was employed and is needed. The sum of $7,224 is for the employment of two additional permanent rangers at $1,860 each, and for temporary rangers and per diem guides during the heavy travel season. It is estimated that during the fiscal year 1938 the park will have approximately 185,000 visitors. An increase of $400 will be required to furnish supplies for the additional employees.

Maintenance, repair, and operation; increase, $6,020.-The sum of $800 is recommended to accomplish major building repairs during the fiscal year 1938, Consisting of roof repairs, painting interiors, and repairs to plumbing and miscellaneous electrical work.

The sum of $1,000 will be required for maintenance of the newly constructed W. lnut Canyon Road, 10 miles in length, traveled by all visitors entering and departing from the park. The road was constructed under the Public Works ¡gram and funds have not been provided previously for maintenance. A new ition of laborer at $1,080 per annum is recommended to assist in the maintee work of cavern trails. It is proposed to establish a new position of elecan helper at $1.260 per annum to assist in maintaining the electric cable d wiring within the caverns and on the surface, electrical appliances, and the passenger elevators. The additional sum of $600 is requested for general ditioning of the telephone system, including repairs, purchase of new *phones, and line replacements which have not been possible during the last years when funds were available for minor repairs only.

An increase of $1,080 is necessary to provide a new laborer position to assist irk sanitation work to safeguard health and avoid criticism from visitors terrase the convenience and services are not adequate.

Od employee quarters have been renovated with Public Works funds to ke them habitable and an increase of $200 will be required to provide for Per operation.

Equipment; increase, $750.—The sum of $3,000 is included for equipment for * an increase of $750 over the sum of $2,250 appropriated for 1937. It is posed to purchase 2 trucks to replace 2 old units purchased in 1931 and 1932 d furniture and fixtures for the elevator buildings, bunk and mess house, printendent's office in Carlsbad and the offices at the caverus. Improvements to power plant; increase, $22,986.--Detailed studies made of the electrical and mechanical equipment installed at Carlsbad Caverns National Park indicate the building and equipment require immediate improvements vital to the safety of the public and park employees. The failure of any part of the power plant and distribution system-either of a mechanical or an electrical ature will cause an interruption of service to the cavern lighting system and the elevators. The seriousness of such an interruption is apparent. A crowded elevator locked halfway in the shaft in total darkness could very easily have a fval reaction on some of the passengers. For the period October 1, 1935, to Arzust 8, 1936, a total of 106,467 people visited the caverns. The visitors and jark employees depend upon proper and conditioned operation of the electrical 139751-37-pt. 1-33

equipment while in the dark chambers of the underground caverns. Sudden interruption of lighting facilities while large parties are underground might very well result in panic and a stampede that could only result seriously. It is imperative that proper repairs to existing installations, or replacement with new where necessary, be made as soon as possible.

The cost of the work has been estimated as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Mr. SCRUGHAM. There is an increase in this item from $64.000 to $103,000, or an increase of $39,000. What is the justification for that increase?

Mr. DEMARAY. The revenues in this park are in excess of the appropriations.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. The revenues in 1936 were $181,675; is that correct? Mr. DEMARAY. Yes, sir.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. This increase is justified by the increased number of visitors coming to the park?

Mr. DEMARAY. Yes, sir; on account of the increased number of visitors.


Mr. SCRUGHAM. The annual number of visitors is about 100,000, or something like that; is it not?

Mr. DEMARAY. I think the number of visitors is shown here, 148,129 persons.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. It must have been over 100,000 to have brought in that revenue.

Mr. DEMARAY. $22,986 of this increase of $39,000 is necessary to put the power plant in the proper condition. We have a very difficult situation there. We have built this power plant up from time to time, using a lot of surplus materials. We have some very expensive Diesel engines in it. This is a break-down of the $22,986 estimate: $5,800 for electrical features, $4,150 for mechanical features, $9,800 for building improvements, $1,750 for cables for elevators, and $100 for improvements in the transformer room.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. Last year your revenues from Carlsbad were nearly three times as great as the amount expended.

Mr. DEMARAY. That is correct.


Mr. SCRUGHAM. The next item is Crater Lake National Park, Oreg.
Mr. DEMARAY. The justification for this item is as follows:

Amount included in the Budget, fiscal year 1938-
Appropriation, fiscal year 1937.

Net increase, 1938 over 1937---

$73, 730

62, 600

11, 130

The net increase of $11,130 is recommended to provide as follows: Administration and protection; increase, $3,183.—An increase of $1.203 is recommended to provide for the establishment of a junior clerk position to

reduce present overtime work. An increase of $300 is required for supplies and fuel for the new administration building. The sum of $280 is recommended to provide sufficient sundry supplies and fuel incident to the preparation of exhibits, slides, motion pictures, and drafting and artists' supplies. An increased sum of $1,400 is recommended for approximately 11 months of additional ranger service, without which many ranger activities must be left unattended.

Maintenance, repair, and operation; increase, $5,700.—The sum of $1,800 is recommended to provide for the maintenance of 18.5 miles of newly completed highway on the East Entrance Road and Rim Drive, for clearing trails to make them available to the early season visitors, and for repairs to buildings annually damaged by extremely heavy snows. Due to the opening of the park for winter travel, an increase of $3,900 is recommended to provide for repairs to trucks and other equipment, for the maintenance and operation of passenger vehicles, for sanitation facilities, for operation of living quarters, and for the operation of the telephone, radio, and water systems.

Equipment; increase, $2,247.-The sum of $750 is included for the purchase of a passenger vehicle to replace a 1931 model car which has traveled more than 60,000 miles. The recommended increase of $1,497 will be needed to purchase trucks to replace worn-out vehicles and for furniture, furnishings, and fixtures, educational and scientific equipment, and miscellaneous small tools and equipment.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. There is requested an increase of $11,130 on this item. What is the necessity for that increase, Mr. Demaray?

Mr. DEMARAY. In Crater National Park most of the increase is for maintenance, repair, and operation items. We are asking for $5,700 for that purpose.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. Is that due to the increased number of visitors? Mr. DEMARAY. It is partly due to that, and partly due to the necessity of keeping the road open in the park for winter travel. Mr. SCRUGHAM. Yes.

Mr. DEMARAY. Last year, after the item had left your committee it went to the Senate for consideration, and they added additional funds in order to keep the main road, which runs from the south boundary to the west boundary open in winter time.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. Is that part of a transcontinental road?

Mr. DEMARAY. Yes, sir; there is a main road there, and travel continues across there in the winter time. From Annie Springs, the junction point up, to the rim of lake, which has become a great resort for winter sports, the park road is also kept open for winter-sport enthusiasts.


Mr. SCRUGHAM. The next item is for the General Grant National Park, Calif.

Mr. DEMARAY. The justification in support of this item is as follows:

Amount included in the Budget, fiscal year 1938_.

Appropriation, fiscal year 1937--

Net increase, 1938 over 1937___

$17, 570

15, 000


The net increase of $2,570 is recommended as follows: Administration and protection; increase, $640.-This increase is recommended to provde additonal temporary services of a ranger-naturalist and a ranger during the heavy-travel season.

Maitnenance, repair, and operation; increase, $880.—An increase of $200 is recommended for the maintenance of a bathhouse and comfort station, service station, barn, stable, and new employee's residence, constructed with emergency funds. The additional sum of $250 is included for increased maintenance work on roads, trails, and grounds made necessary by construction under the Public Works and Emergency Conservation Works programs. The maintenance of

2 miles of new sewer lines and new water-line extensions and equipment will require the sum of $200. The sum of $130 is recommended for repairs to trucks, machinery, and equipment. An increase of $100 is included to provide for the care of additional campgrounds to accommodate the greatly increased number of visitors.

Equipment; increase, $1,050.--The sum of $600 is recommended to provide for the replacement of a 1932 Ford sedan in poor condition and which has traveled 70 000 miles. The sum of $450 is recommended for the purchase of a one-half ton pick-up truck to assist in the maintenance and sanitation work of the park.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. An increase of $2.570 is requested on this item. What is the necessity for that increase?

Mr. DEM ARAY. This item is broken down as follows: We are asking $640 for administration and protection. This increase is recommended to provide additional temporary services of a rangerpaturalist and a ranger during the heavy travel season.

Eight hundred and eighty dollars of this increase is for mainte nance and operation, and there is an increase of $1,050 for the equipment item.


Mr. SCRUGHAM. What was the increase in travel in this park? I would like to have that on all of these, as you go through these items.

Mr. DEMARAY. In 1935 the travel was 116,739; in 1936 it was



Mr. SCRUGHAM. The next item is Glacier National Park, Mont. Mr. DEMARAY. The justification in support of this item, Mr. Chairman, is as follows:

Amount included in the Budget, fiscal year 1938
Appropriation, fiscal year 1987..

Net increase, 1938 over 1937 ...




The net increase of $14,120 is recommended to provide as follows: Administation and protect on; mereare, $1,670 The sum of $1,670 is reeommended to provide for the employment of a junior naturalist for 6 months, for additional temporary ranger services, and for travel expenses, printing and photographing, etc The recommended increase is necessary due to expanded activities resulting from the greatly increased number of visitors,

Maintenance, repau, and operation; increase, $9850 - An increase of $`000 is recommended to provide for maintenance of 55 new buildings constructed during the past 3 years, and for repairs necessary on old buildings The sum of $3.500 is included for maintenance of 35 miles of new roads within the park and 20 miles of the Blackfeet Highway outside the park, including the Kempedy Creek Cut Off, and the road from United States Highway No. 2 to the Belton Entrance at headquarters, for which no maintenance funds have been provided previously. An additional sum of $500 is recommended for the maintenance of 175 miles of trails added to the park system during the past


Many pieces of machinery and equipment have been in use for more than 10 years and an increase of $1000 is recommended to make necessary repaire An increase of $2000 is freluded for labor and supplies to provide ades 297e sanitation faci ties to safeguard the health of the vastly increased number of visitors and for the mat tenance of the additional incinerator in the new Sprugne Creek compground to be operated during 190N The hydroelectric plant no win tise is fraderate to supply the total electricity demand for park use and an additior il $200 is recorin ended to provide for the operation of an 2x Bary Kaso lie light plant

An increase of $250 is recommended for maintenance and repairs for the 25 sewage and 46 water systems. In addition to the maintenance of the new sewer system at headquarters, more frequent flushings are required due to the added use of conveniences by an increased number of visitors. The additional sum of $600 is included for the maintenance of three new passenger vehicles, one acquired in 1937 for which no funds were allotted for operation, and two proposed for acquisition in 1938.

There is an increased number of game animals to be fed during the winter months due to natural increase of the deer herds and the fact that the natural range for mountain sheep and other game animals was almost completely destroyed by the Heavens Peak fire in Swift Current Valley. The sum of $300 is recommended to provide an additional supply of feed for 1938. An additional sum of $100 is recommended for the operation of five new sets of quarters during the fiscal year 1938.

Equipment; increase, $2,600.—-The sum of $11,800 is included for equipment for 1938, an increase of $2,600 over the sum of $9,200 appropriated for 1937. It is proposed to purchase two passenger cars for use of the chief ranger and the naturalist to provide more suitable transportation than that afforded by the light-delivery trucks now used. The remaining equipment proposed for purchase includes trucks for replacement purposes, two underground storage tanks, furniture and furnishings, office equipment, and miscellaneous small tools and equipment.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. You are requesting an increase of $14,120 on this item. Will you explain that increase?

Mr. DEMARAY. In Glacier Park, for administration and protection we are asking for an increase of $1,670 to provide for the employment of a junior naturalist for 6 months, for additional temporary ranger services, and for travel expenses, printing, and photography, and so forth. The recommended increase is necessary due to increased activities resulting from the greatly increased number of visitors to the park.

The number of visitors increased from 143,240 in 1935 to 210,072 1936. For maintenance, repair, and operation, we are asking for an increase of $9,850.

Mr. SCRUGHAM. What was the increase in travel in the park?
Mr. DEMARAY. From 143,240 to 210.072.

Mr. O'NEAL. All of the receipts are covered into the Treasury?
Mr. DEMARAY. Yes, sir; they are covered into the Treasury.


Mr. SCRUGHAM. The next item is "Grand Canyon National Park." Mr. DEMARAY. The justification in support of this item is as follows: Amount included in the Budget, fiscal year 1938. Appropriation, fiscal year 1937---



Net increase, 1938 over 1937.


The net increase of $5,000, plus $875, representing a decrease in the equipment account from $3,550 to $2,675 provides $5,875 additional for other accounts as follows:

Administration and protection; increase, $2.775.-The sum of $1.440 is re*red for a new position of junior clerk-stenographer so it will not be necessary for the engineer, naturalist, and chief ranger to type their reports and letters. wing more time for the work for which they are employed. An increase of $55 is recommended for 5 months of additional temporary ranger services during the summer season to take care of the increased number of visitors. An additional sum of $660 is recommended for temporary janitor service for the new anity building containing 8,500 square feet of floor space, constructed Piblje Works funds.

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