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editors of one or two other Hamburg papers will do the same.

It should also give us great satisfaction to perceive that several of our publications find their way into various channels. So, for instance, "The Man that Killed his Neighbours," has now been published in German by three different parties, and lately we have been asked for the permission of printing our German translation of "The Story of the Beautiful Book," which has accordingly appeared in this place. A short time ago I found one of our little Leaflet stories in a small German volume for children. The same may be the case in many other instances which have not come to my knowledge.

Our Village.


This little boy was only three years old, but so passionate and self-willed that his parents found it very difficult to manage him. If he did not get what he asked for immediately, he would stamp with his feet, strike any one that opposed him, and even throw anything that he had sufficient strength to wield. To check these passionate outbursts, each parent would occasionally correct him--his father sometimes rather severely

but hitherto with no marked improvement; for the child discovering that he was flogged when he did not please his parents, got also to act similarly to those with whom he was not pleased, saying, "I shall flog you, you are very naughty.' His father being thus foiled, was led to consider whether a better management might not be adopted. He thought of the beautiful plants-many of them rare exotics-entrusted to his care. In order to manage these properly, he knew how much care and study and patience were required.

About three weeks ago I had the pleasure of receiving a visit from Mr. B., the brother of our excellent friend H. B., in R., and in him I found a decided coadjutor and wellwisher of our movement. He has become a regular reader of the Bond, and will in many ways be able to support and spread our doctrines. From Miss B. I received again a long and highly interesting letter, containing much that is encouraging, and He remembered how he had also many useful remarks. Miss L., in B., studied their habits, and as far as the nature also has by two beautiful letters given a of the ground would permit, planted them very valuable testimony of her warm and accordingly-some delighting in an exposed lively sympathy with our principles and operations, and has offered to introduce our German Leaflets into several educational establishments. Miss J. H., in Sleswick, likewise requests me, in her last letter, to send a number of copies for similar purposes.

Looking back on the year that has now again gone by, and seeing that every month I have been enabled to give some good news, and indication of progress of our work on the Continent, which if gathered into a yearly report would be of no inconsiderable amount, we should not forget to praise God, and cheerfully say-Come, let us anew our journey pursue, Roll round with the year,

And never stand still till the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfil,

And our talents improve,

situation, others requiring shelter; but although he gave equal care to all, they did not equally flourish. So he began to reason with himself in this way-"Here is my beloved boy, given me by the Lord of Heaven, to fit him to be transplanted to a heavenly inheritance. I will treat this plant with the same degree of forbearance I use towards the flowers entrusted to my care by my earthly lord." Reflecting in this way, he saw that when those plants did not flourish according to his wish, that he felt no anger towards them, but set about to examine the cause, and, if possible, remove it. Sometimes he found those he entrusted to water had neglected to do so; others were in too rich a soil, and some, perhaps, not sufficiently good. But with all he found it necessary to have the ground

By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. thoroughly prepared, so that the roots might


Hamburg, Dec. 19th, 1853.


expand and take firm hold of the soil. He would by no means shake or strike the tree, that might have been incautiously or hastily planted, but would tell his men to dig round It is by uniting small efforts that we it-himself superintending the work--and arrive at great results. Each of our fingers then prepare the ground, carefully spreading is of little worth by itself, but altogether the roots; but one thing he found necessary they form the hand with which houses are for all, and that, my dear readers, was a built and mountains pierced.-Confessions sunbeam. Whether tall or short, growing of a Working Man. on the hill, valley, or side of the stream


each and all refused to flourish when deprived of the sun's rays; nay, so greatly did his trees require it, that they would struggle with each other, if placed in too Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. close contact, like unhappy people suffering And still another! How rapidly the borohunger in a besieged town. In fact, the loge of Time tells off these great years of lowly shrub would change its character, human existence? With one side of its and stretch and struggle with its taller dial-face turned towards the boundless brethren, until it also again basked in the ocean of eternity, and the other towards sun, or became stifled in the conflict. These this earth-island of time and humanity, it considerations caused him to alter his plans saith, "Never here, for ever there." But regarding his son, determining to give him the year that has rolled its round and dissufficient light and heat-in other words, appeared, has not fallen like an isolated education and kindness. Not simply send- meteor into the abyss of the past. There ing him to school, to learn a few lessons has been no break in the chain of time from a book, and perhaps an equal number since the flood. Every year has been also of wild tricks; but to give him an occa- linked to its future, and given to it shape sional lesson on his own knee, regarding and compass. So the one that has just the law of kindness, the beauty of the gone its way into the "never"-side of flowers, the adaptation of insect life, the eternity, will bring a future, fashioned, to a goodness and kindness of God, our heavenly certain degree, by the events of the last Father, in thus placing each where the twelve months. Šo vital and intimate is greatest degree of happiness can be attained. this consanguinity of the years, that the This plan of treating this passionate child one that has just smiled upon us, in the is working the desired result. The little first day of its infancy, should be regarded face brightens when he hears his father's not only as the child of 1853, but the father footstep, and he runs to meet him, sure, at of a greater future. This brings home to least, of a little sunlight-for what can be the heart more impressively the admonition, more like it than the parent's cheerful smile?" Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it Instead of walking away with a sullen look with thy might." For, as in the individual of defiance, there is the growing confidence experience of the human soul, day by day of childish trust; and when ebullitions of temper arise, as rise they will, it is more easily suppressed by a few firm words kindly expressed, or even by a look of sorrowful reproof, than by a blow.

I will conclude this paper by assuring parents that no one possesses so wide a field of usefulness as themselves, nor so fearful a responsibility if their children are neglected or ill-trained. There is a degree of false kindness, or lazy indulgence, that some parents are disposed to give way to. Not liking to take the trouble to inculcate good habits, particularly those that require example to enforce-for children are close reasoners. Incautious example is every whit as bad as undue severity. Therefore, dear friends, take heed to your ways, that you cause not one of these little ones to offend. C.


Numa's first act was to discharge the body of 300 men, called Celeres, whom Romulus kept about his person; for he neither chose to distrust those who put confidence in him, nor to reign over a people that could distrust him.-Plutarch's Lives.

as they roll, it forms the character it shall
wear in eternity; so, in the collective in-
fluence of mankind, do we, in a large mea-
sure, form the character of future years.
Thus, this new-born child of time, with the
sunlight of scarce three mornings on its
baby brow, is to be the father of 1855; is
to form its character; is to put its moulding
hand far into the plastic future; and per-
haps fashion, under Providence, the great
events that are to come. All the years be-
tween the present and the end of time are
to be affected, perhaps partially determined,
as to their moral character, by the moral
being which this young scion of eternity
shall bequeath to the future. Why, here is
a vista of great and sober realities! Here
is something to be done, sure enough!

"Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate,
Still achieving, still pursuing,

Learn to labour and to wait."

The Olive Leaf Mission.We trust, if no untoward event transpire to hedge the way against the expansion of this beautiful and beneficent enterprise of philanthropy, it may be extended to twice its present compass and effect, during the year upon

citizens, and transmit them to Washington. Many applications have already come in, and petitions will soon begin to flow into Congress from every part of the country. We trust that the subject may be brought simultaneously before the British Parliament and the American Congress, and that the measure proposed may be carried out, at least, in the course of the year, between the two countries.

which we have entered. We must try to put forth these Christian teachings of peace and human brotherhood this year in Rome, St. Petersburgh, and Constantinople. Then we must endeavour to sow two of these seed-thoughts where we drop one now, in those countries brought already under the mission of the Dove. We hope to promote the organisation of fifty Olive Leaf Circles in America, during our stay on this side of the Atlantic, which shall aid in expanding The Free-Labour Movement. We look the work in foreign lands. The anti- forward with lively anticipation to the time slavery movement in the United States when we shall be able to give to this enterabsorbs and employs most of those benevo-prise of philanthropy, what of time and lent sympathies and activities, which might labour we have given to the Ocean Penny be otherwise enlisted in the Olive Leaf Mission. However, we hope to find a few earnest spirits, here and there, who will co-operate with the Circles in Great Britain in spreading the ideas of peace among all


Postage Movement, for the last few years. The more we dwell upon its different aspects and probable workings, the more fully we are convinced that it is a department of anti-slavery effort which should commend itself to the hearty sympathy and co-operaOcean Penny Postage. The prepara- tion of every friend of the slave. The present tions for opening the American campaign in winter will probably close the agitation for favour of this great postal reform with a Ocean Penny Postage by public meetings. grand demonstration in Boston, are nearly So, if our life be spared, we hope to comcomplete. Thinking that a great meeting mence the next season with a series of in Fanueil Hall, "the cradle of American lectures on total abstinence from slaveliberty," as it has been called, would give labour produce. It seems to us, that the the movement a status and impulse, we abolitionists of Great Britain and the United have come to this city for the purpose of States ought to unite their efforts to proenlisting the co-operation of some of its duce a better sample of the working of free leading men. Nothing could have ex- labour in the production of sugar and cotton, ceeded the ready cordiality with which than that presented in the British West they have promised their aid. The mayor, India Islands. The influence of that expewithout the slightest hesitation, engaged to riment upon the slaveholders of the United call a meeting in Fanueil Hall, and take States has been most unfortunate for the the chair on the occasion. We have called cause of emancipation. They insist that it upon Abbot Lawrence, Robert C. Win-is an utter failure, and that emancipation in throp, and many other eminent citizens, who the United States would be attended with have manifested a lively sympathy with the a like result. This is an unfortunate and proposed measure, and will give it their unjust impression; for, probably, never, in active support. The meeting is to take the history of the world, was any portion place on the 22nd of December; and we of the earth cultivated on such an insane intend to spend the intervening week in and ruinous principle as the West India calling upon influential individuals, and Islands, both under slavery and emancipaupon the editors of the different journals, to tion. There may have been a time when enlist them in the movement. In the mean- absentee proprietors of cotton or sugar time, we hope to arrange for similar demon- plantations were so pampered with the strations in New York, Philadelphia, Balti perquisites of monopoly, that they could more, and the other principal cities, to follow produce those articles profitably by proxy immediately the meeting in Boston. Nearly in the tropical climates, while they themevery day we send a short original article selves were revelling in wealth and idleness to some widely-circulated journal, present- at the fashionable watering places in Enging some particular aspect of the question, land. If such a time there ever was, it is and inviting the co-operation of its friends in getting up petitions to Congress. We offer to forward manuscript forms, all ready for signatures, to those who will engage to fill them with the names of their fellow

gone by, never to return. It will never come back again, either under slavery or under freedom. Any experiment at cotton or sugar-growing under the system of absentee proprietors or producers must fail,

and ought to fail. It is a libel on the capa- looking out upon the ever-expanding field cities of nature, which she will indignantly of philanthropic labour which opens to the repel. Suppose the farmers of Great Bri- view, it is well calculated to soften and tain should emigrate to the West India sadden the mind to pensive emotions to see Islands, and undertake to cultivate their one after another of the old, long-tried farms at home by proxy; by the cumbrous, workers in the field falling at their posts, exhausting system of agents, solicitors, and others disabled for future effort. Several clerks, &c. The utter ruin of agriculture of these cases have recently occurred in would follow this extraordinary course. But this result would no more test the profit of farming in Great Britain, than does the ruinous system of cultivation in the West Indies prove the capacity of producing cotton and sugar advantageously by the labour of emancipated slaves. The planters of the Southern States, with all their follies and fallacies, never undertook to grow cotton and sugar under this system of absenteeism.

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America. John G. Whittier, whose soulthrilling thoughts have stirred the hearts of thousands to new pulsations for freedom, is still in feeble health. In a letter just received from him, he writes: "I am so much an invalid just now, that I fear thy visit will not be as agreeable to thee as it might be at some other time; I have so many things to talk about, and so little strength! I know that I shall be more disappointed than thyself in not seeing If they have foremen or overseers on thee now: but a weary illness of three their plantations, they are generally at home years has made me familiar with disappointthemselves, to exercise a personal super-ment." We are sure Mr. Whittier's nume vision over their affairs. We, therefore, rous friends in England will sympathise with insist, that the result of emancipation in the him deeply, and earnestly desire his restoraWest Indies does not furnish proof or indi- tion. Gerritt Smith, also, one of the most cation of the condition which would follow munificent philanthropists ever born in Ameemancipation in the United States. Conse- rica, is seriously indisposed, and fears are quently, free labour in the production of entertained that he will be obliged to resign cotton, sugar, &c., must be tested under other circumstances, on other soil, in order to furnish an illustration of its capacity which will affect the slaveholders of the United States. Experiments under their own eyes, upon their own soil, would produce the best test. We hope and believe such will be tried ere long. Before we return to England, we hope to see a beginning made, at least, on one plantation in the Southern States.

The Wheels of Time truly roll around at an express speed, and apparently all the more rapidly from being burdened with the cares and labours of human life. In our own life's log, we find we have left out of account a whole year. In our short "Goodbye," in the November Bond, we referred to our second sojourn of three years in Europe, and to the various operations connected with the movement during this period. Although we adverted to four Peace Congresses held in this time, we returned to America under the full persuasion that we had been absent only three years; nor were we corrected in this impression, until we had been in our native village a fortnight, when we found, to our surprise, that we had been in Europe four years during our last sojourn on that side of the Atlantic.

The Field and the Labourers. While

his seat in Congress, to which he has been recently elected. In a note we received from him a day or two ago, he says: "Your letter finds me in bad health-so bad that I cannot take my seat in Congress at the opening of the session." Mr. Barnabas Bates, the Rowland Hill of the United States, with whom we expected to be associated in this Ocean Penny Postage campaign in America, is dead. Truly, the field is large, and the labourers few; but we are confident that the Lord of the harvest will raise up more.

Boston, U.S.A., Dec. 12, 1853.

E. B.


Having spent a little more than a month in our native village, partly in visiting among our old neighbours and friends, and partly in preparing for the winter campaign, we commenced operations on the 28th of November, when we met a large company of ladies in the adjoining town of Farmington, Connecticut, and explained to them the Olive Leaf Mission. The meeting was held at a large seminary for the education of young ladies, of whom thirty or forty were present,

besides many ladies of the town. This was the first time we had presented the subject to such a company in America, and we gave a pretty full account of the peace movement from the beginning, including the Peace Congress in Europe, and the cooperation of the ladies of Great Britain, through the Olive Leaf Societies. They all listened with fixed attention; and we were glad to see that the young ladies of the seminary manifested much interest in the subject. As it was quite new to nearly all present, the further consideration was adjourned to the next meeting of a local benevolent society, with which, it was thought, the mission might be associated. On the whole, we were much gratified at the result of the first conversazione on the subject since our return to America.

here, and the wives of two or three of the professors readily offered to take part in forming the new Olive Leaf Society. Thus, this important institution, we trust, will be brought under the influence of these ideas and teachings of peace.

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December 5. - Being persuaded that Boston was the place in which to launch the Ocean Penny Postage movement in America, we left New Britain on the 2nd of December for that city. On our way we passed a few days with our dear friend Amasa Walker, formerly Secretary of State for Massachusetts, who resides at North Brookfield. This was the first time that we had met him since our return from Europe; and it was a joy and gladness to sit down with him by his bright wood-fire again, and commune together upon the past and future. On this evening, a large company of ladies and gentlemen were convened, filling two large rooms. We explained the Olive Leaf Mission pretty fully, and went over all the principal operations connected with the peace movement in Europe during our last sojourn on that side of the Atlantic. Much interest was shown in these various operations, and another meeting was appointed for the purpose of organising an Olive Leaf Society.

November 29.-The regular meetings of the Olive Leaf Circle in New Britain having been suspended, on account of the removal of the secretaries from the town, and other causes, a large company were convened on this evening, for the purpose of reorganising the society. There were nearly forty present, all of whom listened with lively manifestations of interest to the statements we made in reference to the progress and prospects of the movement in Europe. There was such a disposition to listen, that we were con- December 6. In the evening we adstrained to begin again two or three times, dressed a public meeting in North Brookafter having concluded what we had in- field on Ocean Penny Postage, it being the tended to say. They were particularly first time we had spoken on the subject in interested in hearing what the ladies in America. The evening was very unfavourGreat Britain had doue in the various de-able, but the Town-hall was pretty well filled partments of philanthropy embraced in the with a very intelligent audience, who listened League movement. They much admired with marked attention to the development the Friendly Address Mission to France, of the project. A large number of signaoriginated by the British Olive Leaf Societies, the Ocean Penny Postage Bazaar in Manchester, and other enterprises that had been accomplished during the last two years. The extent and success of these operations seemed to answer, to their complete satisfaction, the question, what can these little quietly-working Circles do for the promotion of peace among the great nations of the earth? Another meeting was appointed during the ensuing week to complete their organisation, and all seemed animated to new hope, faith, and effort in the cause. The Olive Leaf Society in New Britain was the first formed in America, and it contributed £20 to the foreign mission of the Dove during the first year of its existence. The normal school, for the education of school teachers for the State of Connecticut, has recently been established

tures were attached to the petition to Congress, at the conclusion of the meeting, and all present seemed to appreciate the importance and value of the measure proposed. This was the first petition sent up to Congress in behalf of the boon this season.

December 7.-Left North Brookfield and proceeded on to Framlingham, about twenty miles from Boston, where we met a large company of ladies at the house of the Rev. Mr. Bodwell, who, for several years, was settled in Bury St. Edmund's, England. There were about twenty-five present, all of whom listened with great attention to the exposition of the Olive Leaf Mission, and to the detailed history of the different peace operations in Europe which we gave them. The subject was apparently new to all, and they seemed surprised that so much had been accomplished, and so

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