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American Bee Journal

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Pennsylvania Field Meet

The Pennsylvania State Beekeepers' Association will hold a field meet at the apiary of Chas. C. Wright, of Aldan, Delaware Co., near Philadelphia, on Saturday, Sept. 11, beginning at 10 a.m. Demonstrations and Talks will be given by prominent bee men. An interesting program is prepared. Everybody is invited. Take cars in Philadelphia to 69th Street terminal, change to Collingdale and get off at Aldan,

H. C. KLINGER, Sec., Liverpool Pa. DR. H. A. SURFACE, Pres. Harrisburg.

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The "Booster's Club" is Not for "Dead Ones"

You are cordially invited to join the “BOOSTER'S CLUB" so that you may assist in a uniform, happy, broad-minded, intelligent and persistent movement to extend the use and push the sale of honey. Your own honey first, all honey incidentally.

Our members will advise one another of their successes and failures-plan new uses for honey-devise efficient selling schemes for advertising it, and support them. We will applaud when we like, kick when we feel disposed, suggest what appeals, and all smile together as we gather in the extra money dividends that are bound to accrue from the boosting.

The BOOSTER will carry this message to every member each month. Every number will feature good and efficient selling schemes. You will want them all. Wrap a quarter in paper and enclose it with your name and address, at our risk, for one year's subscription. $1.00 for five years.

GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Redkey, Indiana

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Your Name and Address will be put on one side of the handle as shown in the cut, and on the other side a picture of a Queen-Bee, a Worker-Bee, and a Drone-Bee. The handle is celluloid, and transparent, through which is seen your name. If you lose this Knife it can be returned to you, or it serves to identify you if you happen to be injured fatally, or rendered unconscious. The cut is the exact size. We have succeeded in getting this knife made in lots from genuine car-van steel. It is especially well tempered and keeps its edge remarkably. When ordering be sure to write exact name and address. Knife delivered within two weeks after we receive order.

Price, postpaid, $1.00; or with a year's subscription to the American Bee Journal-both for $1.80; or given FREE as a premium for sending us 3 New subscriptions at $1.00 each.

American Bee Journal, Hamilton, Illinois.

American Bee Journal


Now is the time to get ready for next year. If you are just taking off a big crop of honey, your queens will be more or less worn out by their enormous egg production, and will profit by being replaced in many instances.

Possibly you look for a big crop next year. Now is is the time, then, to weed out your poor stock, your black stock, or your older queens. You should have young and vigorous queens to start the season next year.

Under any circumstances, weed out your poor stock.

We are in a position to furnish pure stock, either leather colored, three-band, or golden, as you prefer, in very short order and at reasonable prices, and guartee safe arrival and pure stock.

Our prices for the balance of the season are as follows:

Pure Italian Stock

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Books for Beekeepers

Address the



Pearce Method of Beekeeping.This is an illustrated booklet explaining the keeping of bees in house attics or lofts, whereby any one, either in city or country, is enabled with only a small expenditure of labor to get a lot of honey without coming in contact with the bees. The methods are all fully explained. Price, 50 cents; or with the American Bee Journal one year, both for $1.25.


Advanced Bee Culture,-A new edition of this book by the late W. Z, Hutchinson, of Michigan, is a practical and up-to-date bee book for the specialist beekeeper. Its 200 pages touch on subjects pertaining to modern beekeeping, and all are discussed with the authority of an expert. The book has many beautiful illustrations. It is cloth bound, with a cover design in natural colors on its cover. Price, postpaid, $1 00; or with the American Bee Journal one year, both for $1.75


A Year's Work in an Out-Apiary. This is a booklet by G. M. Doolittle. the well known honey producer of New York State. He tells how he secured an average of 1141⁄2 pounds of honey per colony in a poor season. It is fully illustrated, and tells in detail just how Mr. Doolittle has won his great success as a honey producer. Price, postpaid. 50 cents; or with the American Bee Journal one year. both for $125. Every beekeeper should have a copy of this booklet and study it thoroughly.


Tested queens, $1.50 each.

Prices on larger lots on application.


Hamilton, Illinois

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Langstroth on the Honey Bee (Revised by Dadant) The classic in bee culture. A 575 page cloth bound bee book brought up-to-date. It is an authority, and is used as a text book in many schools and colleges. Finely illustrated and well indexed. It is a book which should be in the hands of every beekeeper, large or small. Chapters are devoted to all important bee subjects from bee-anatomy to diseases and honey production and marketing, Price, postpaid, $1 25. or with American Bee Journal one year, both only $1.75. French edi tion of this book, price, postpaid$1.50. Spanish edition, postpaid, $1.15

Scientific Queen Rearing. This is practically the only complete book on queen rearing now in print It is looked upon by many as the founda tion of modern methods of rearing queens in a wholesale way. G. M. Doolittle, its author, has an entertaining way of writing on bee subjects which helps his readers to follow him with pleasure even if they never intend to rear queens at all. He describes just how the best queen can be reared in nature's way. Cloth bound, 124 pages. 75 cents, postpaid. There is also a leatherette-bound edition of the same book which retails at 50 cents, or with the American Bee Journal, both for $1.00.

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pound foolish" policy. We also carry a large assortment of tin and glass honey packages for extracted honey. Our printing department is prepared to furnish neat and attractive looking cartons for comb honey and honey labels at reasonable prices. Ask for our honey label catalog with samples and prices.

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Send for prices on having your Beeswax
made into Comb Foundation, which in-
cludes all freight charges being paid.

All other Supplies in stock

Gus Dittmer Company, Augusta, Wisconsin



That fill the supers quick With honey nice and thick. They have won a world-wide reputation for honey gathering, hardiness, gentleness, etc.

Untested queens. $1.00; 6, $5.00; 12, $0.00 Select untested. $1.25; 6 $6.00; 12, $11,00 Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. Circular free. I am now hlling orders by return mail. J. P. MOORE, Queen-breeder

Rt. 1, Morgan, Ky.

Miller's Strain Italian Queens

By RETURN mail after June 5th to 10th, or money refunded. Bred from best REDCLOVER strains in the U. S. In full colonies from my SUPERIOR BREEDERS; northern bred for business; long tongued, three banded, gentle, winter well, hustlers, not inclined to swarm; roll honey in. One untested, 75C: 6. $4 00; 12. $7.50. One select untested, $1.00; 6. $5.00; 12. $0 00. A specialist of 18 years' experience. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed.

I. F. MILLER, Brookville. Pennsylvania

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