linquent; and the judgment shall not be deemed satisfied or the lien extinguished until the taxes are paid or the property sold to satisfy the same, and no statue of limitation shall apply; but no more than seventy-five thousand dollars of bonds shall be voted for or issued at any one time, nor shall the bonded indebtedness of the district ever exceed the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars at any one period, whether it be made up of one issue of bonds or of several. SEC. 12. On or before the first Monday in July of each year, the board shall transmit, or cause the assessor to transmit, a duplicate of the list so made to the tax collector of the county, who shall collect the taxes shown by said list to be due, in the same manner as he collects the county taxes, and all the provisions of the laws of the state as to the collection of taxes and delinquent taxes, and the enforcement of the payment thereof, so far as applicable, shall apply to the collection of taxes for sanitary purposes; and said tax collector, and the sureties on his official bond, shall be responsible for the due performance of the duties imposed upon him by this act: provided, that the sanitary board may, in its discretion, direct the district attorney of the county to commence and prosecute suits for the collection of the whole or any portion of the delinquent taxes; and it shall be the duty of the district attorney to carry out such directions of the sanitary board, and he, and the sureties upon his official bond, shall be responsible for the due performance of the duty imposed upon him by this act; and provided further, that the sanitary board may, at any time, by order entered in its minutes, provide a system for the collection of delinquent taxes, or make any change in the manner of their collection, which as to such taxes shall have the force of law. All money collected for sanitary purposes by the district attorney under this act shall be at once paid to the county treasurer. SEC. 13 The tax collector shall pay over to the county treasurer all moneys collected by him for sanitary purposes, as fast as the same shall be collected, and the said treasurer shall keep the same in the county treasury, as follows: In a fund called the bond fund for sanitary district (naming it) he shall place and keep the moneys levied by the sanitary board for such fund; and no part of the money in this fund shall be transferred to any other fund, or be used for any other purpose than the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds of the sanitary district, so long as any such bonds shall be unpaid; in a fund called the running expense of sanitary district (naming it) he shall place and keep the moneys levied by the sanitary board for such fund. The whole or any part of the money in the running expense fund may be transferred to the bond fund, or to the other fund hereinafter provided for, upon the order of the sanitary board, and it shall be the duty of the treasurer to comply with such order. The treasurer shall pay out moneys from either of said funds, or from the fund hereinafter mentioned, only upon the written order of the sanitary board, signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, which order shall specify the name of the person to whom the money is to be paid and the fund from which it is to be paid, and shall state generally the purpose for which the payment is made, and such order shall be entered in the minutes of the sanitary board. The treasurer shall keep the order as his voucher, and shall keep a specific account of his receipts and disbursements of money for sanitary purposes. The treasurer and sureties upon his official bond shall be liable for the due performance of the duties imposed upon him by this act. The treasurer shall keep the money arising from the sale of bonds in the fund hereinafter mentioned. SEC. 14. At any time after the district is organized, the sanitary board may, by order entered in the minutes, call an election for the purpose of determining whether bonds shall be issued for the construction of sewers. Such order shall fix the day of the election and shall specify the amount of money to be raised, and shall state in general terms the purpose for which it is to be raised. A copy of such order shall be posted for four successive weeks prior to the election in at least three public places within the district, and shall be published for four successive weeks prior to the election in some newspaper published within the district, if there be one, and if not, in some newspaper published in the county. It shall be sufficient if the order be published once a week. SEC. 15. At any time prior to the day fixed for the election, the board shall select one, and may select two, polling places within the district, appoint officers of election, and make all necessary and proper arrangements for holding the election. The tickets shall contain the words, "For the is suance of bonds as proposed by the sanitary board," or "Against the issuance of bonds as proposed by the sanitary board." The election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state, so far as the same shall be applicable, except as herein otherwise provided. Every qualified elector, resident within the district for the length of time necessary to enable him to vote at a general election, shall be entitled to vote at the election above provided for. After the vote shall have been announced, the ballots shall be sealed up and delivered to the secretary or president of the sanitary board, which shall, as soon as practicable, proceed to canvass the same, and shall enter the result upon its minutes. Such entry shall be conclusive evidence of the fact and regularity of all prior proceedings of every kind and nature provided by this act or by law, and of the facts stated in such entry. If, at such election, twothirds of the votes cast be in favor of the issuance of bonds as proposed by the sanitary board, the said board shall thenceforth have full power and authority to issue and dispose of bonds as proposed in the order calling the election. [Amendment of 1893, Stats. 88.] SEC. 16. Such bonds shall be in sums of one thousand dollars each, payable in gold coin of the United States, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, at dates to be fixed by the board, and specified, respectively, in the bonds and coupons, payable in like gold coin. The principal of each bond shall be payable in installments of one twentieth of the face of the bond, and one of such installments shall fall due at the end of each year, so that the whole principal shall be paid in twenty years from the issuance of the bond. Each bond shall refer to this act by its title and the date of its approval by the governor, and shall be payable to bearer; but every person into whose hands any bond or coupon shall come shall be deemed to have notice of any and all payments that have actually been made thereon. Each bond shall be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of the sanitary board. The bonds shall be numbered consecutively, beginning with the number one. Each coupon shall refer to its bond by number, and shall be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary. No bond shall be redeemed before it is due without the consent of the holder thereof, nor shall the rate of interest on any bond be reduced or the bonds be refunded without the consent of the holder thereof. When any payment of any installment of interest is made, the coupon therefor is directed to be surrendered to the county treasurer and to be canceled by him; and when any installment of principal is paid, such payment is directed to be indorsed upon the bond by such treasurer; and when the whole principal of any bond is paid, the bond is directed to be surrendered to the treasurer and to be by him canceled. The bonds must be disposed of by the sanitary board in such manner and in such quantities as may be determined by said board, in its discretion, but no bond must be disposed of for less than its face value. The proceeds of such sales shall be deposited with the county treasurer, and shall be by him placed in a fund to be called the sewer construction fund of sanitary district (naming it). The money in such fund shall be used for the purpose indicated in the order calling the election upon the question of the issuance of the bonds, and for no other purpose; provided, that if after such purposes are entirely fulfilled, any balance remain in such fund, such balance may, upon the order of the sanitary board, be transferred to either of the other funds provided by this act. If the result of the election be against the issuance of bonds, no other election upon the question shall be called or held for the period of one year. SEC. 17. It is hereby made the duty of the sanitary board to levy, each year, upon the property within the district, a sufficient tax to pay off the interest accruing upon said bonds for the respective year, as it falls due, and also to pay one-twentieth of the principal of said bonds, so that the entire amount of principal and interest of said bonds shall be paid within twenty years from the date of the issuance of said bonds; and it is hereby made the duty of the tax collector, or such other person as may be charged with the duty of collecting the sanitary taxes, to collect the said taxes so to be levied, and the duty of the sanitary board to order the same to be paid, in manner and form as provided by this act, and the duty of the county treasurer to pay the same. If, for any reason, any portion of the tax for any year remains unpaid, and in consequence thereof any portion of the interest or principal due for any year remains unpaid, the same shall be added to the levy for the next year, and be collected and paid accordingly. The payment of the whole amount of the principal and interest of all of said bonds, within twenty years from their issuance, is hereby made the imperative duty of the district; and, if necessary for that purpose, a special |