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felf in analyzing and explaining Eastern words; and that he conftantly affixes Grecian meanings to Afiatic appellatives. This is ufing the argument à pofteriori with a vengeance; and is aftonishing in a writer of Mr. Bryant's knowlege and difcernment. If this, however, be confidered as injudicious, how much more fo is it to go to a ftill later fource, the Latin tongue, for fundamental proofs of the arkite worship, as he denominates it; yet the antient places, which our author deduces from the Latin word arca, (a word apparently not known in any previous language,) are innumerable. We are taught to find this word, in reference to the veffel in which Noah was preferved, in Arcas and Arcadia, Arcades, Acrifius, Acropolis, in Apxaio antient, (because, we prefume, that veffel was arca antiquissima) and Apyaio, the Argives :-but nothing like this word occurs either in the original Hebrew or in the Septuagint; though from one of fuch fources we fhould naturally fuppofe that a term, on which so much stress is placed, would be derived. The Hebrew word for the ark of Noah is an tibeb, whence was formed the Greek word eren theba. The Syriac is kibouta, whence doubtless xißwtos, by which word it is tranflated in the Septua gint. Now if thefe antient places and people had really derived their names from the ark of Noah, thofe names would probably have borne fome refemblance to the words above cited, rather than be denominated from a language not known till many ages afterward :-but what cannot fuperior abilities, and a warm fancy, atchieve? Our great analytical champion has even overthrown Hercules in combat; for he infifts that the perfon, whom the Greeks called by the appellation of Hparans, was originally called Arclus and Arcalus. According to Mr. Bryant, the word was derived from ARCA-EL, the lord of boat; and thus is the glory of heroes, as the word Hpans fignifies, wonderfully transformed and degraded into a Phenician bargemafter !

The preceding obfervations apply rather to the quarto edition than to the prefent octavo volume; for, on the fuppofition that Mr. Bryant was not unconscious of the appearance of his elaborate work in this diminished form, we were folicitous to examine whether the inaccuracies to which we have alluded, and which have been publicly pointed out by able critics, were removed. This, on comparing the two editions, we are forry to observe, is not the cafe; and our duty to the public therefore compels us to add that, whatever commendation may be due to the editor of this abridgment in point of arrangement and accurate reference, very little can be bestowed on his judgment and difcernment. To fanction error, and to propagate delufion among thofe for whofe benefit the work was profeffed to be principally



intended, the rifing generation, is ferving neither the cause of learning, nor that of religion. A found fyftem of etymology is the basis of a valuable dictionary; and, where that bafis is wanting, how perishable must be the materials of which the fuperftructure is compofed ! We do not fay this with reference to the words of Greek derivation, for few men living are better Grecians than the author of the Analyfis : we wish to be underftood as fpeaking of his oriental etymologies, and of the fabric reared on that foundation of fand. The judgment of Mr. Holwell fhould have difplayed itself by fpecifying the inaccuracies mentioned, in fhort notes; or, if his refpect for the character and learning of Mr. Bryant prevented this exertion of his impartial judgment, he would have acted a part materially useful to his juvenile readers, and highly honourable to himself as the fecondary editor of a book, the errors of which have been pointed out by fuch excellent critics in Afiatic literature, as Sir William Jones, and the celebrated author of the Perfian and Arabic Dictionary, by entirely rejecting them.

It is our intention ever to blend candour with the critical feverity which, on fome occafions, it is neceffary, however painful, to exert. If, in the prefent publication, there be much to blame, there is alfo much to commend.

The great and increafing price, which the former edition of the Analyfis bears, placing it beyond the ability of any but the affluent to purchafe the work in quarto, this abridgment will doubtless be highly acceptable to the public in general; and the admirers of mythologic details will not fail of meeting with high gratification in the perufal. Bearing in mind the precaution which we have recommended, during that perufal, not to place too great a dependance on the parts which relate to oriental etymology, the reader will find himself both amused and inftructed; amufed by the ingenious novelty with which many of the allegorical fables of the antients are explained, and inftructed by the profound Greek erudition which is apparent throughout the whole. We very much approve the lexicographic form which Mr. Holwell has given to this compilation; fince, by means of fuch an arrangement, the useful paffages may be confulted with far greater ease than amid the luxuriant redundancy of the larger work; through which we roam at random as in a vaft wilderness, where the blooming rofe and the offenfive weed fhoot up promifcuously. To facilitate ftill more the reference to the feveral articles, a copious index is alfo added; which, though an unusual appendage, as the editor obferves, to a dictionary, was judged neceffary in this, there being many terms of importance which could not properly make diftinct articles of themselves, and many which, although

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though they do this, yet, occurring in other places, reflect farther light on the fubject.

ART. II. A Journal of Transactions and Events, during a Refidence of nearly fixteen Years on the Coaft of Labrador; containing many interefting Particulars, both of the Country and its Inhabitants, not hitherto known. Illuftrated with Proof Charts. By George Cartwright, Efq. 4to. 3 Vols. 21. 2s. Boards. Robinfons.


IN defcribing the manners and cuftoms of nations, or the climate and productions of countries, feldom vifited by Europeans, a ftrict regard to truth has by no means been invariably observed. The journalists of the prefent day, as well as thofe of more early periods, too frequently attempt to impofe on the credulity of mankind; and too often violate those rules which every hiftorian ought to regard as facred,

Amid the variety of publications of this defcription which are daily foliciting the notice of the public, we are happy in bearing our teftimony to the fidelity with which the volumes now before us appear to be executed. They contain the obfervations of the author, during a refidence of nearly fixteen years on the coaft of Labrador, and they relate the daily tranf actions in which he was engaged.

In the preface, we are prefented with a fhort sketch of the life of Mr. C. He was born in the year 1739, of an antient and refpectable family: but his father, having only a moderate eftate, and nine other children, was not able to do much toward the establishment of our author, who was a younger fon. Having received a common education in the country, he was, at the age of fourteen, appointed a gentleman cadet in the cadet company at Woolwich; and he modeftly laments the want of genius, or of application, which prevented him from improving the advantages that awaited him at the Royal Academy in that place. In the following year, he embarked for the Eaft Indies; where fortune was by no means favourable to his expectations, as he returned to Europe in the year 1757 with the 39th regiment, in which he had obtained only an enfign's commiffion. Being afterward promoted to a lieutenancy, he was ordered to Germany, through the intereft of the late Marquis of Granby, whom he there ferved in the capacity of aidde-camp. This appointment, inftead of proving to Mr. Cartwright the line of his promotion, neceffarily led him into those expences, to defray which, and to fave himself the mortification of ferving under junior officers, he found himself compelled to exchange for half pay.

Naturally fond of the fports of the field, Mr. C. in the fpring of 1767, made an excurfion to Scotland, to indulge his


favourite propenfity: but he foon found that 2s. 4d. a day was infufficient to keep himself, a female companion, two fervants, a couple of horses, and three brace of dogs.' At the approach of winter, when the fcarcity of fish and game frequently enjoined a fast, he fold his furniture, and returned with his lady and dogs, by fea, to London.-Having no particular engagement, he refolved to accompany his brother (a lieutenant in the Guernsey man of war,) on a voyage to Newfoundland; and hearing that bears and deer were plentiful' in that country, he was eager to be amongst them.'-On his return to England, he found that the Marquis of Granby had obtained for him a company in the 37th regiment of foot. Mr. C. joined his corps in the following fummer at Minorca: but the climate of that ifland difagreeing with his conftitution, he was obliged to return to England. The Guernsey was then again lying at Spithead under failing orders for Newfoundland, and he obtained permiffion to make a fecond voyage for the recovery of his health, which gave rise to his future voyage to the coaft of Labrador.

The modefty, with which Mr. C. introduces himself to the public, might lead the reader to imagine that there were many important inaccuracies in the prefent work: but in this conclufion he would err. The journal is written with care and fidelity; the style of the author is plain and manly; he delivers his fentiments with freedom, and with confidence afferts only thofe circumstances which, from his own obfervation, he knew to be facts.

• Conscious (fays he) of my inability to entertain the reader with the ftyle and language of fome late writers, I humbly folicit his candour and indulgence for the many inaccuracies he will meet with in the perufal of the work. However great fome of its defects may appear, I hope they will in fome meafure be compenfated for by the veracity of my narrative. I do not pretend to give animated defcriptions of a country I have never vifited, nor of the customs and manners of a people I have never feen. The tranfactions of the day were in general entered at the clofe of the fame; and little did I then fufpect that they would ever be exhibited to the eye of the PUBLIC. They were written for no other purpose, than to ferve as memorandums for my own ufe and perfonal reference.'

It was fuggefted to me, that I ought to have put the manufcript into abler hands, who would render it lefs unworthy of the public eye: but as it appeared to me, that by fo doing I fhould arrogate to myfelf an honour to which I was not entitled; and alfo pay fuch a price as would swallow up the greater part, if not the whole of the profit arifing from the fale of my Books; I did not approve of the one, nor could I afford the other.

The only merit to which I have any pretenfions, is that of a faithful journalist, who prefers the fimplicity of plain language and



downright truth, to all the fpecious ornaments of modern style and defcription. I humbly trust that this apology will fatisfy my friends, and ferve to extenuate thofe errors, which must be too obvious to be overlooked by critical examination.'

Mr. C.'s object, in fettling on the coaft of Labrador, was the pursuit of various branches of business, and particularly the cultivation of a friendly intercourfe with the Efquimaux Indians,

who have always been accounted the most favage race of people upon the whole continent of America.' How juftly they are now to be thus regarded, the reader will judge from the words of the author in his laft volume, where, fpeaking of these Indians, he obferves: I will content myfelf with faying they are the best tempered people I ever met with, and moft docile: nor is there a nation under the fun with which I would fooner trust my perfon and property; although, till within thefe few years, they were never known to have any intercourfe with Europeans without committing theft or murder, and generally both.'

The Red Indians, the original inhabitants of Newfoundland, are almoft become extinct fince the Europeans formed fettlements in their country. Formerly, a beneficial barter was carried on in the neighbourhood of Bonavifta, which would probably have extended itself to the other fettlements, had not the treacherous conduct of the Europeans obliged the natives to feek fecurity in the mountainous and interior parts of their island. -We are forry here to obferve the confirmation of a circum. ftance which reflects no fmall difgrace on the British name:


Our fishermen (fays Mr. C.) are much greater favages than the Indians themfelves, for they feldom fail to fhoot the poor creatures whenever they can, and afterwards boaft of it as a meritorious action. With horror I have heard feveral declare they would rather kill an Indian than a deer.'

I could relate feveral recent inftances, fome of which I had from the account of the perpetrators themfelves, but they are fo diabolically fhocking, that I will spare the reader the pain of perufing, and myfelf that of writing, an account of acts which would difgrace the greateft favages.'-


What number of these Indians may ftill be left, no perfon can even hazard a conjecture; but it mult decrease annually for our people murder all they can, and alfo deftroy their stock of provifions, canoes, and implements of all forts, whenever a furprize forces them, by a precipitate retreat, to leave thofe things behind them. This lofs has frequently occafioned whole families to die by famine.'

Having established a friendly intercourfe with the Esquimaux Indians, Mr. C. relates many particulars of their ingenuity, difpofitions, and propenfities:

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Very little more (he obferves) than the mere neceffaries of life (which, a little reflection will convince every one, are very few in


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