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labor, on printing establishments; and
that the following brethren constitute
these committees.

On the Burman Mission-Messrs.
Wayland, Warne, and Colgate.
On Indian Stations-Messrs. Cone,
Malcom, Farwell.

On the African Mission-Messrs.
Williams, Davis, Stow.

On Publications.-Messrs. Babcock, Freeman, Pattison.

On Unoccupied Fields of Labor -Messrs. Grosvenor, Bolles, Jackson. On Printing Establishments-Mess. Jacobs, Knowles, Cobb.

ber of conversions, and some of them under circumstances which show that the Spirit of God is now shed abroad in a remarkable manner throughout the nation.

3. The gifts for teaching, which have been manifest among the new converts, are such as to warrant the hope that effort may be multiplied to almost any extent, by means of native preachers. Under these circumstances, there can be no doubt that every effort should be made, by means of preaching and the press, to reap this field, which is now white to the harvest.

A new and important field is also open in the country of SIAM, to which our Missionary, Rev. Mr. Jones, has gone. It is hoped that this effort will be prosecuted with vigor, and that the Board, in connection with our brethren in Burmah, will occupy the stations in this interesting por tion of the East as rapidly as the proviRe-dence of God shall render it practicable. On behalf of the Committee,

The Treasurer's Report was read by the Assistant Treasurer, and the auditing Committee reported that they had examined the account and found it correct.

Resolved, That the Treasurer's port be accepted, and published.

Resolved, That an auditing committee of two persons be appointed for the ensuing year; and that Messrs. Nathaniel R. Cobb and B. Stow form that Committee.


The Committee on the Indian Stations made the following Report, which was accepted:


After several interesting statements by the Corresponding Secretary, the Board adjourned, till half past 7 o'clock this evening, to meet at the meeting-leave to present the following Report: The Committee on Indian Missions beg house, for the purpose of hearing the The success with which it has pleased annual sermon.-Rev. Mr. Davis God to honor the labors of our Missionaprayed. ries, during the past year, among different At half past 7 o'clock, P. M., the tribes of American Indians, calls forth Rev. Baron Stow delivered an inter-emotions of the liveliest gratitude. esting and instructive sermon, from 1 John ii. 6. "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as he walked."

Thursday, April 25. The Board met at 9 o'clock, A. Rev. C. O. Kimball prayed.


many years, the vigorous and persevering efforts of the Board to benefit this miserable and degraded portion of the human family, seemed unavailing; and many benevolent individuals began to question the propriety of expending large sums anM.nually, with the vain hope of meliorating

The Committee on the Burman sion made the following Report, which was accepted.


their wretchedness, elevating their charac Mis-ters, and saving their souls; but recent and numerous conversions at the Valley Towns, Sault de St. Marie, Thomas, and west of the Mississippi, have removed objections, and made plain the path of duty.

The Committee view with peculiar sat The Committee on the Burman mission isfaction the collocation of the tribes, in beg leave to report,—

That so far as they have had the opportunity of judging, the encouragements for prosecuting this mission seem not only great, but peculiar. Among these, may be noticed the following facts:

the territory lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi; believing that in this, their permanent home, facilities for promoting their present and everlasting welfare, will be greatly multiplied. A wide field of missionary exertion is here 1. A spirit of active inquiry has been presented; and whatever may be the expoured out upon the Burman empire. pense connected with its extensive and im 2. This has resulted in an unusual num-mediate cultivation, that expense, we doubt

not, will be promptly met by the friends in Africa, it is also recommended, that of Zion, of justice, and of Indian reform.

The Committee cannot close this Report without expressing their gratification at the prospect of establishing a printing press in the Indian territory. They believe that a periodical publication would exert a happy influence upon the Indians themselves, while it would transmit regularly and economically to every section of our land, all matters of interest and moment, touching Indian affairs. By this means,

all our churches make it a subject of special, fervent prayer, that the Lord will look in great mercy upon that degraded, suffering race, and speedily send to them the men whom he will honor, and long preserve in Christian labors for their salvation.

On behalf of the Committee,


The Committee on Publications


Your Committee on Publications beg leave to Report

the real and pressing wants of the Abori- made the following Report, which was gines would be extensively made known, accepted: their rights be defended, and the number of their benevolent and active friends be continually increased. Such a publication we think can scarcely fail to secure a large That they deem the press the strong subscription list; and very little if any hold of the friends of missions; as it is of pecuniary loss would probably result from the advocates of truth of every kind. the enterprize. In perfect accordance, We are absolutely dependent on an effitherefore, with the Report upon this sub-cient press to diffuse throughout the comject presented to the last General Conven-munity that religious intelligence, which tion, and since acted upon efficiently by alone can awaken a strong and universal the executive Board, your Committee missionary spirit. highly approve that such printing press be We are happy to express it as our opin established, at as early a period as circum-ion that in no former year, has so much stances will permit.

In behalf of the Committee,

[blocks in formation]

The Committee on the African Mission respectfully Report :

That in considering the Missionary cause as connected with the moral and religious improvement of Africa, they are pained, and they do deeply regret that, at this time, there is no missionary of our own in Liberia, where many of the people are favorable to our denomination, and wish to have ministers from our own churches.

Important and inviting facilities are afforded for the conducting of a mission in that country; and the claims of that long neglected and injured people are strong upon our sympathies and our benevolence.

strength been gained in this respect, as during the past. The American Baptist Magazine, published under the direction of this Board, while it has been decidedly improved in character, has already begun to receive that increase of patronage, which it merits. It promises to be the efficient organ of our missions; and, as such, we recommend it to the patronage of our brethren.

Numerous other periodicals are ably conducted, and, in their appropriate spheres, are doing much to increase the knowledge of the Redeemer's kingdom.

But whatever improvement has been realized in these publications generally, still your Committee beg leave to suggest the importance of concentrating more talent upon this department; for it is power which God has put into the hands of his friends to use, for the advancement of his cause. All which is respectfully submitted.


Your Committee, therefore, recommend that the Board keep their eye upon this The Committee on Unoccupied mission, and send faithful missionaries to Fields of Labor made the following Liberia with the least possible delay. Report, which was accepted:

They also recommend that no pains should be spared in procuring suitable colored brethren of promise, and educating them for missionary service. And considering the present urgent calls for faithful laborers


The Committee on Unoccupied Fields of Labor respectfully report:

That they have with much solemn feel

ing surveyed the broad circle, so few sec-
tions of which have yet, after so long a pe-
riod, been brought under Christian culti-
vation. While they feel no disposition to
despise the day of small things, and while
they rejoice in the degree of Christian ef-
fort, which distinguishes the present age
from many ages which preceded it, and in
the success with which divine grace has
crowned such effort; they cannot but ex-scatter its blessings among them.
perience a sadness, which well nigh makes
the heart sick, when they attempt to select
and fix on the next spot to be cultivated;
for so much land remains unredeemed from
the total wildness of idolatry, and so much
which has been entered by nominal Chris-
tianity, has been thickly planted with the
no less ruinous and indomitable errors of
the Roman and Grecian superstitions, that
the mind recoils, as from a task too
mighty to be attempted, and is ready to
believe that our labors must be confined to
the land already occupied.

for, as a barrier between the Romanism of
South America and the Great Western
Valley in our country.

The present state of several of the INDIAN TRIBES gives encouragement for the increase of effort among them. In their home in the West, they may now be raised to their proper rights and dignity. The press cannot too speedily be made to

The single mission to BURMAH demands more than all of the means at present under the control of this Board; and the Committee believe that that great empire ought to receive large accessions of missionary laborers. SIAM is already entered, and must not be relinquished; but must, if possible, quickly receive additional help. The brethren in Burmah have judiciously seized a favorable occasion for commencing a great work in Siam; and if this is soon followed up by the Board with the due spirit, CHINA, the eternal nation, may not long continue invulnerable-especially, if a new station can be occupied on the northern borders of that immense empire, which new station is by some thought to present a fairer hope, than the post now occupied by the excellent Dr. Morrison.

It is possible that the islands of JAPAN may, on inquiry, be found to be accessible by Protestant Missionaries, and serve as a medium of approach to the North-east borders of China. Inasmuch as an inland traffic is carried on between that part of the empire and the shores of the Mediterranean, it may not be impossible to open a communication between the northern parts of Burmah and the northern borders of China. The Committee venture to of fer these suggestions to the Board, in the hope that such inquiries may be instituted, as may at least lead to a better acquaintance with that portion of Asia than is now possessed.

The Committee are of opinion that a SOUTH AMERICAN mission is not impracticable. A well-conducted Protestant mission in MEXICO seems to be called

The Committee do not think that the labors of this Board would be so profitably expended in GREECE, at present, as elsewhere.

It seems desirable that the wishes of our brethren in Burmah respecting a mission in PALESTINE should be seriously considered.

FRANCE may justly be considered unoccupied ground, and perhaps as important as any other field of labor ; yet the expected report from Professor Chase will prob ably throw light on the future duty of the Board.

General Remarks.

Although the fields of labor alluded to seem many and extensive, they are but a very small portion of the parts of the earth.-If our hope were in man, it would faint; but trusting in the sure promises of Him whose servants we profess to be, we will labor and pray in hope.


The Committee on Printing Establishments made the following Report, which was accepted:


The Committee on Printing Establishments report :

That they highly approve the measures which the Board have adopted, in relation to the printing establishments at Maulmein, and to the proposed establishment in the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi.

The Committee need not say any thing, concerning the incalculable power of the press, and the duty of employing, to the utmost of our ability, the noblest of the arts in promoting the most glorious of all objects, the spread of the Saviour's kingdom. Much of the wonderful success of the Burman mission is to be ascribed to the agency of the printing press; and, on this powerful instrument must depend, in a great degree, our hopes of the conversion of the Burman empire, and of the whole world, to the knowledge of Christ and him crucified.

The Committee are gratified to learn,

that the printing establishment at Maulmein is now well furnished with the means of prosecuting its operations with vigor and success. Great embarrassments existed for a time, from the defective state of the fonts of type, which had been procured at Calcutta, and the defects of which

the same time, presented a request from the Baptist Church at Hartford that the Board will hold their next annual meeting at Hartford.

On motion of Rev. Mr. Stow, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That this Board acknowledge, with peculiar pleasure, the receipt of $5000 from the American Bible Society, to aid in the publication and distribution of the Scriptures in with the information, that the DirectBurmah; and that they are gratified ors have recently pledged the additional sum of $5,000, to be paid during the

current year.


could not immediately be remedied. If Mr. Bennett had not possessed unusual energy, skill, ingenuity and patience, the work of printing must have been wholly suspended for a long period. He succeeded, however, in printing tracts, by setting up a few pages only at a time, and putting them to press under great disadvantages. But he proceeded, at length, to Calcutta, and there superintended in person the cutting of punches, and founding Resolved, That the Board consider of the types. He returned to Maulmein, the American Bible Society as with an ample supply of types, and with Institution whose operations are conpunches, which will enable him to cast, ducted upon principles the most eleat Maulmein, the particular letters which vated and catholic; and they indulge may chance to be deficient. He can now the earnest hope, that its treasury keep three presses in constant operation. will be so liberally supplied with funds There are now there, it is probable, four as to be able to assist this body, and presses, three American printers, a stand-others of a similar character, by larger ing press, and large supplies of paper, ink, and more frequent appropriations. and other needful apparatus, for ordinary printing and for preparing stereotype plates.

The printing of the Scriptures and of tracts, will, with the divine blessing, proceed rapidly-the printing of works in the Karen language may soon become necessary; and there is a prospect, that a translation of the Scriptures into the Taling language will be made, and will create an increased demand for the services of the printing office.

On motion of Rev. Mr. Knowles, Resolved, That the actual completion of the translation of the New Testhe prospect that the translation of the tament into the Burman language, and Old Testament into that language will soon be completed, are regarded by the Board as causes of gratitude to God, and of cheering hope in reference to the temporal and eternal interests of the Burmans.

The printing establishment will require Resolved, That the Board feel great a large annual expenditure; but the Com-pleasure in the anticipation, that transmittee think, that there ought to be no lations of the Scriptures into the Karen hesitation in prosecuting the work of print- and Taling languages, and into some ing with the utmost vigor. of the languages spoken by the Indian The Committee are gratified to know, tribes, will, in due time, be made and that the Board have authorized the pur-printed under the direction of the chase of a press and types, to be employed Board. at some point in the Indian territory west

of the Mississippi. It is cheering to an- be their duty to adopt all prudent Resolved, That the Board feel it to ticipate the operation of these great instru

ments of civilization among the native measures to give to the heathen the tribes. One of our missionaries is a print- pure word of God in their own laner, and God seems thus to have clearly in-guage; and to furnish their missiondicated the duty of the Board to establish aries with all the means in their powa printing office. The best results, bother to make the translations as exact to the temporal and to the eternal interests of a representation of the mind of the the Indians, may be confidently expected. Holy Spirit, as may be possible.

For the Committee,

B. JACOBS. Rev. G. F. Davis requested leave of absence, which was granted. He, at

Resolved, That all the Missionaries of the Board, who are, or who shall be engaged in translating the Scriptures be instructed to endeavor by earnest prayer and diligent study, to ascertain

the precise meaning of the original text; to express that meaning as exactly as the nature of the languages into which they shall translate the Bible will permit; and to transfer no words which are capable of being literally translated.

On motion of Rev. Mr. Babcock, Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be tendered to Rev. Mr. Stow for the appropriate annual sermon delivered by him last evening.

Adjourned.-Rev. Dr. Sharp prayed, and the meeting was closed, by singing the doxology:

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Recording Secretary.


for the year ending April 24, 1833.

The return of the annual meeting of the Board, while it furnishes motive to gratitude, suggests themes for solemn reflection.-The rapidity with which these meetings succeed each other admonishes us, that the time during which we can labor for our Redeemer on earth is soon to terminate; and it reminds us that the numberless millions, for whose salvation we are toiling, will soon be in eternity. The Board have occasion, at this meeting, to feel with more than usual force, the lesson which death is constantly teaching us. Four of the members of the Board have died during the past year.-THOMAS STOKES, who served the Board for several years, as their Treasurer, was an ardent friend to the cause of missions, and endeared himself to all his brethren, by his piety, his pure integrity, and his amiable manners. ENSIGN LINCOLN was one of the most assiduous members of the Board, punctually present at their numerous meetings, notwithstanding the claims of his extensive business, and always giving the most important aid, by his zeal for the spread of the gospel, his matured judgment, his kind spirit, and his unwearied diligence. ABNER W. CLOPTON, though he was not, until recently, appointed a member of the Board, has, for many years, been an active friend of missions, and his death is justly lamented as a calamity to Zion. DAVID JONES always brought to the service of the Board a heart warm with love to the Saviour and to perishing men, a mind clear, well balanced and discriminating, and a firm yet conciliating temper. The Board have reason to mourn for the death of these excellent and beloved brethren. We enjoy no longer, their labors and often prayers. We mourn for the loss which their families and the churches have sustained. we remember that the Lord reigneth; that his promise yet remains, and that he will assuredly accomplish the glorious things, which he has spoken concerning Zion. Let us, then, be excited by the death of our brethren to perform our appointed services with increasing diligence, that we may, like them, be ready for our Master's coming.


The success of the missionary enterprize must soon convince the most skeptical and unobserving of its efficiency and usefulness. Its operations among the heathen are remote and noiseless; and they must necessarily for several years at the commencement be, in each country, preparatory, and unproductive of palpable effects. It is now but forty years, since modern missions took their rise. At home, a knowledge of their importance was to be diffused, and an affectionate interest in them awakened. Abroad, the torpid spirit of idolatry was to be aroused, inquiry excited, and the rites of superstition broken down. How much of this has been accomplished, history and observation must show.

A large part of Protestant Christendom is in action, and disposed to bring its best means and influence to bear upon the object. Making the past progress of the missionary spirit a basis of calculation for the future, it is reason

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