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and practicability of enlarging the scope of Foreign Missions, so as to include France, parts of Germany, and Greece.

And should it be found that fields of promising effort open in any or all of these portions of the earth, the Board are hereby authorized to proceed to the selection of Missionaries, and to the designation of Stations on which they may labor.

The Committee on the By-laws reported.

The Report was discussed in its provisions until the hour of adjournment.

Prayer by brother Blain, N. Y. Adjourned to half past 7 o'clock, this evening.

Evening Session.

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Prayer by brother Aldrich, Ms. The consideration of the Report of the Committee on the By-laws, was renewed, and after several amendinents, was adopted, and the Committee discharged.

Levi Farwell, Esq. Mass. was elected Assistant Treasurer. Brother Babcock, Mass. prayed. Adjourned to 10 o'clock, A. M. Tuesday, May 1, 1831.

Morning Session. Prayer by brother E. B. Smith, Vt. Minutes read and approved. The Charter of the Convention was read.

The Committee for nominating preachers reported.

Resolved, That Rev. S. H. Cone, New York preach the sermon at the next Convention; Rev. B. Manly, Charleston, S. C. in case of failure. The Report of the enlarged Committee on INDIAN MISSIONS, was read, and adopted. Nem. con.

The Committee on the BAPTIST GENERAL TRACT SOCIETY reported, and were discharged. (See Appendix.)

The Report of the Committee on the permanent Fund of the Corresponding Secretary was taken up and accepted, and the Committee discharged. (See Reports.)

On motion of brother H. Malcom,
Resolved, That this Convention

regard with great pleasure the fraternal co-operation of the American Tract Society in endeavours to diffuse Christian Tracts in Burmah; and acknowledge the recent receipt of $1000 as an earnest of future assistance.

On motion of the same,

Resolved, That we regard the American Bible Society as among the noblest institutious of our land, and rejoice that members of our communion have been found among its largest benefactors. The Convention gratefully receive their proposal to expend $5000 on the Burman Bible, provided that sui be contributed to their funds for such purpose.

On motion of the same,

Resolved, That we cherish confidence in the management of the and deem its operations of vital -American Sunday School Union, importance to the cause of our

Redeemer in this land.

On motion of brother Babcock,

Resolved, That we regard with unusual satisfaction the formation of an AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, considering it a pledge on the part of our denomination to attempt the performance of a duty too long neglected, the universal dissemination of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our land.

On motion of brother H. Jackson, Resolved, That while this Convention cherish the liveliest gratitude to the great Head of the Church for the distinguished favor with which he has been pleased to accompany their humble efforts in the Missionary enterprise, by which gracious manifestations they have been greatly encouraged, they earnestly recommend to its respecthe Churches with which they are tive members, to the members of all connected, and to the friends of missions throughout the Baptist denonination, that they continue to prosecute the objects of this Convention with increasing exertion, humbly relying on the continued smile of the God of missions, and believing that He will yet crown

the labors of this body with still more visible success.

On motion of brother P. Ludlow, Resolved, That the Convention contemplate with pleasure and gratitude, the increased attention of our Churches to that glorious Institution, THE MONTHLY CoxCERT OF PRAYER, and most earnestly and affectionately recommend that all our Congregations be invited by their respective pastors, to come up with yet more promptness and unanimity, ou the first Monday in each month, to offer their prayers, and contribute of their substance for the sprea of the blessed gospel among all the nations of the earth.

On motion of brother P. Church, Resolved, That while we view with gratitude to God, the number, power, and extent of REVIVALS OF RELIGION in this country since our last session, and hail them as indications of the more rapid spread of the gospel; yet, that in view of the increase of our population, greater exertions are still loudly called for on the part of every Christian, to promote this great object.

in this work of redeeming mercy. The Convention proceeded to the choice of the Board of Managers by ballot. (See page 6.)

On motion of brother E. W. Freeman,

Resolved, That the Minutes of this Convention, or an abstract of them, be recommended to be publicly read, in all our Congregations; and that a reference to this resolution be made on the cover of the printed Proceedings. Prayer by brother Olinstead, N. Y. Adjourned.

Afternoon Session.

Prayer by brother Ball, Va.
The Committee on Br-Laws re-
ported and were discharged. [See

The Roll of Delegates was again called and corrected.

Resolved, That the Convention feel the deepest interest in the prosperity of the Academies, Colleges, Theological Institutions, and other Seminaries connected with our denomination; that they rejoice for the success of the Educa

of their brethren in various parts of the country; and that they consider the great cause of education as intimately connected with the prosperity of the Churches, and the success of Missions throughout the world.

Resolved, That the printing and distribution of the Minutes of this Convention, with the usual accompanying documents, be committed to the Board of Managers.

On the combined motions of tion Societies under the direction brethren Dunbar and Merrill, Resolved, That in view of the powerful influence which THE PRESS is adapted to exert upon the cause of Missions, in removing prejudice, by the exhibition of facts, and of awakening the sympathies of Christians, by unmasking the miseries of millions-this Convention recommend to the pastors and teachers in the Baptist denomination, that, by special and unwearied exertion, the light now emanating through the medium of the press upon the Missionary enterprise, may be shed upon the pathway of all our brethren; that the claims of the heathen upon our prayers and alms be more fully exhibited and enforced, and that all may enjoy the benign influence of an enlightened, systematic, and energetic co-operation

On motion of brother Babcock, Resolved, That the Secretary of the Convention be requested to furnish for publication, with the Minutes, the substance of his remarks on establishing a Mission to France.

After some appropriate and affectionate remarks, and prayer by the President, the Convention






It is with profound gratitude to God, the Board review the three years which have passed away, since they last met their brethren of the Convention. Within that time, important changes have occurred, highly auspicious to the charge entrusted to them, and well calculated to animate christian zeal and effort to carry the gospel into every Pagan land. The measure of patronage afforded to the enterprise at home has greatly increased.-Information, as to the duty and practicability of Foreign Missions, is more widely diffused. The number of persons actually engaged in labors abroad is trebled; so that, in all respects, they feel themselves called upon to say, to the praise of God, "hitherto hath the Lord helped us."

The particular facts from which they draw the above conclusions, especially so far as the last year is concerned, will be found in the following report, commencing with transactions abroad.


This is the oldest seat of Missionary labor in the Burman empire, and is under the immediate charge of Mr. Judson; though at the date of our last intelligence, he had removed to Maulmein, to superintend the press during the absence of Mr. Wade; and Mr. J. T. Jones had taken his place at Rangoon.

Under the impression that the health of Mr. Judson was failing, the Board invited him to return for a season to his native land, believing that such a tour would be serviceable, both to him, and to the objects of the Mission in this country. To this invitation he returned the following reply. "I am happy to inform the Board, that my health, which was rather impaired sonie time ago, is now quite good; so that I should not feel justified in accepting their invitation to return home. At the same time, the kind feeling which dictated the invitation, and the affection, though undeserved, which breathes in every line, have made an indelible impression on my heart. I must confess, that in ineditating on the subject, I have felt an almost unconquerable desire to become personally acquainted with my beloved patrons and correspondents, the members of the Board; as well as to rove once more over the hills and vallies of my own native land, to recognize the still surviving companions of my youth, and to witness the wide spread and daily increasing glories of Emanuel's kingdom, in that land of liberty, blest of Heaven with temporal and spiritual blessings above all others.

However, I anticipate a happier meeting, brighter plains, friends the same, but more lovely and beloved; and I expect soon to witness, yea,

enjoy that glory, in comparison of which, all on earth is but a shadow. With that anticipation, content myself, assured, that we shall not then regret any instance of self-denial or suffering endured for the Lord of life and glory."

On this decision, comment is unnecessary. However grateful it would have been to the feelings of the friends of Missions in America to see and converse with one so familiar with the state of the heathen, all will rejoice that his health is such as to render it unnecessary for him to leave his post.

Immediately on his return from Prome the last year, he resumed the work of translation, which had for some time been suspended, if not given up. Indeed we know, that having carried through a translation of the New Testament with great labor, and prepared a compendium of the Old, Mr. Judson would gladly have devoted the remainder of his life to preaching the word.

But in compliance with the wishes of the Board, who attached much importance to his efforts in this department, he again set himself down. As the fruit of his toil, we now have Genesis, the first twenty chapters of Exodus, Psalms, Solomon's Song, Isaiah and Daniel, in Burman. To this successful beginning will be added the rest of the Old Testament, as soon as circumstances shall allow.

Apart from this great work which of itself is exhausting to the spirits and strength, Mr. Judson has performed a large share of ordinary labor. Many have flocked to his dwelling to inquire respecting the new religion, who have been received by certain native disciples appointed for the purpose, and only those of a hopeful character admitted to his private apartment. "But notwithstanding this arrangement,” he says, “ I am interrupted above half my time. People find their way to me from all parts of the country, and some I trust return with that light in their heads, and that love in their hearts, and that truth in their hands, which will operate as a little leaven until the whole is leavened." Besides what he has seen in this way, his morning walks have been converted into opportunities for distributing tracts and holding free conversations with any whom he might meet. He went forth with the rising of the sun, and at first, gave away fifteen or twenty tracts each day, but the demand increased till it amounted to an average of seventy. On some occasions, when large numbers of the people were assembled, he spent more time among them, as at the great festival of Shway Dagong, during which he distributed nearly ten thousand tracts, giving to none but those who asked. He says, “I should have given away double the number, had the supply been sufficient. But Br. Bennett cannot, single handed, answer all the demands we make upon him from different quarters." It was at a season like this, when the wants of the perishing multitude were fully uncovered before him, and his own inability to provide for them pressed heavily on his spirit, that he gave utterance to the following sentiments: "May God forgive all those who desert us [do not afford us help] in our extremity. May he save them all. But surely if any sin will lie with crushing weight on the trembling soul when death draws near, if any sin will clothe the face of the final Judge with an angry frown, withering up the last hope of the condemned in irremediable, everlasting despair, it is the sin of turning a deaf ear to the plaintive cry of ten millions of immortal beings, who by their darkness and misery, cry day and night, Come and save us, for we are sinking into hell." In the absence, however, of American fellow-laborers, of which Mr. Judson in the above extract principally complains, the native disciples have been employed with much advantage. Some of them are well qualified to meet opposers, combat their prejudices, and suffer their

contradictions. Of this character is Moung En, who, though naturally irritable, has been transformed by grace, and enabled to bear with great meekness the floods of abuse which are often poured upon him. He is happily adapted to converse with promiscuous visitors at the mission house, in which service he excels, and takes obvious pleasure. Others have made extensive excursions for the distribution of tracts. Moung Shway-doke has ascended the Laing river, which breaks off from the Rangoon outlet, a little above Rangoon, and passing through a populous part of the country, joins the great river at Ting-dau, below Prome, a region where the word of life was never before published. Moung Tsan-loon has visited the neighborhood of old Pegu, on the east, and Moung Shway-too, the large towns of Patanau and Bassien on the west. The result of these joint labors, must, in the end, be such as the friends of missions anxiously desire, and even now the effects are apparent in the spirit of investigation which they have excited. Mr. Judson says "The most prominent feature in the mission is the surprising spirit of inquiry, that is spreading every where through the whole length and breadth of the land. I sometimes feel alarmed-like a person who sees a mighty engine beginning to move, over which he knows he has no control." Although we cannot foresee precisely the course which things will take, it is not too much for us to hope, that truth which is mighty, will prevail. For a time, the fear of government and of family counexions, may retard some who would otherwise avow themselves openly on the part of Christ, but as light and faith increase, every obstacle will be surmounted. Seven, during the last year, professed faith in the Redeemer, and every new accession will diminish the difficulties in the way of those who are to follow.

The present number of the church is thirty.


Had the labors at this station been performed through the year by the same persons, they would be more easily described, and better understood than at present; but afflictions, in some of the older missionary families, have occasioned unavoidable changes. At the close of our last Report, Mr. Boardman was in the temporary occupation of the place. He did all that any one under his circumstances could, and more than most men would have attempted. He examined proofs from the press, preached to the native church, and once a week, at least, to the English, till he was compelled by weakness to perform all these services lying on a couch. At this stage of his decline, the physician directed him to abstain from all effort, and Mr. Wade, who had been at Rangoon, returned and took all the responsibilities of the station upon himself. This was a necessary relief to Mr. B. but an onerous service to Mr. Wade. He "preached six times a week in Burman, and three in English, read all the proof sheets, and corrected the works of two Burman copyists, besides many occasional duties; nor had he any American associate, except Mr. Bennett, who was fully occupied with the press. A complication of toils, so arduous, Mr. W. continued to sustain, from August till the 27th of November, when Messrs. Kincaid and Mason, with their families arrived. This proved, as was anticipated, a joyous occasion. 'You can hardly conceive,' says Mr. Wade in a

Note. As the words Moung, Ko, Mah, &c. frequently occur in the letters and jour. nals of the Missionaries in Burmah, our readers may be pleased to be informed, that the Burmans prefix to the names of individuals titles like the English, Mr., Mrs., Miss., &c. to distinguish the sex and age.-Moung denotes a young or middle aged man; Ko, an elderly man; Oo, an old man; Mee, a girl; Mah, a woman of some respectability; May, an old woman.

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