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the Second Baptist Church in Richmond, Va. Federal Street, Boston, Hartford, Conn. 1st. Providence, R. I. and Sansom Street, Philadelphia.

Resolved, That these applications be referred to a Committee, consisting of brethren Pattison, Malcom, Hall, Davis, and Rhees.

Resolved, That the Report of the Managers be now read. The Corresponding Secretary then proceeded to read the same in full. (See Document A.)

Resolved, That the Report be accepted and published.

Resolved, That a daily prayer meeting be held in this place during the session, at 6 o'clock A. M. Resolved, That brethren Bolles, Going, Jackson, Procter and Benedict, be a committee to make arrangements for holding one or more Conferences during the session, on topics of general interest, connected with the objects of this Convention. Resolved, That brethren Wayland, Bennet, Maclay, Perry, and Stocks, be a Committee on the Burman Mission.

Resolved, That brethren Dagg, Sherwood, Jones, Galusha, and Farwell, be a Committee on the Indian Missions.

Resolved, That brethren Knowles, Welch, Jeter, Ryland, and W. R. Williams, be a Committee on the African Mission.

Resolved, That brethren Chase, Church, and Rice, be a Committee on the subject of the permanent fund for the support of the Corresponding Secretary.

Resolved, That brethren Sharp, Going, Perkins, Peck, and Dunbar, be a Committee to devise and report any measures they may deem necessary for enlarging the operations of this Convention. Prayer by bro. D. Jones, of Pa. Adjourned.

In the evening, President Wayland, of Providence, R. I. preached from Rom.

vii. 13. "That sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.”

Morning Session.

Prayer by Rev. Dr. Chapin. Further communications were received from Auxiliary Societies. A communication from the Trustees of Columbian College, requesting the nomination of fifty persons, out of whose number the Board for the next three years may be elected, was read.

Resolved, That brethren Chapin, Hascall, E. Ball, Choules, and Crane, be a committee to report a nomination in accordance with the above request.

Resolved, That a Committee consisting of five persons, be appointed, to prepare a set of by-laws, embracing such parts of the Constitution as are not embraced in the Charter. Brethren Sommers, Grosvenor, Harrison, B. M. Hill, and T. R. Green, were appointed.

The Committee on Elections reported that all the brethren who had presented commissions were entitled to their seats, their respective Societies having paid the required amount. [See list ante.]

The Committee on Conferences reported the recommendation that this evening be devoted to a free conference on Foreign Missions. The recommendation was adopted.

Resolved, That the Committee make suitable arrangements for the meeting.

A communication was received from the Baptist General Tract Society.

Resolved, That said communication be committed to brethren Allen, Dodge, and Hague.

A letter from the Baptist Youth's Assistant Missionary Society of N. York, was read, inviting the members of the Convention to attend their anniversary on Friday evening.

Resolved, In consideration of a meeting to be held tomorrow morning in Mulberry Street, in refersionary operations, that when the ence to enlarged Domestic Mis

Convention adjourn in the afternoon, to meet to-morrow afternoon at the usual hour.

Resolved, That brethren Babcock, Cushman, Beebee, Ludlow, and Ashton be a Committee on the publications of the Convention.

Resolved, That brethren Bolles, Knowles, and Babcock be a Committee to prepare a suitable expression of the sentiments of this Convention, in relation to those members of the Convention, and Missionaries, who have deceased since the last Triennial Meeting.

Resolved, That the President and Recording Secretary of this Convention, with the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board, when chosen, be a Committee to present a nomination of the board of Managers.

Resolved, That the reading of the Minutes of the Board be the order of the day for this afternoon; and that such Committees as find it necessary, have leave of absence to attend to their appropriate busi


Prayer by brother Bennet, N. Y

Afternoon Session. Brother Taylor of Va. prayed. Agreeably to order, the Minutes of the Board, embracing its operations for two entire years, were read, and occupied two hours.

Resolved, That this Convention approve the course of the Board of Managers, as it appears from the reading of the Minutes.

The Committee appointed to make a nomination of at least fifty persons, out of whom the choice of the Trustees of the Columbian College may be made, submitted the following list, which was approved by the Convention:


Heman Lincoln,
Lucius Bolles,

Daniel Sharp,

Cyrus P. Grosvenor, Jonathan Going.


Nicholas Brown,
J. O. Choules.

CONNECTICUT. Gustavus F. Davis.


Spencer H. Cone, Archibald Maclay, Thomas Stokes, John B. Yates, W. W. Todd, Charles G. Sommers, William Colgate, Elon Galusha.


John Rathbone.


William T. Brantley,
John L. Dagg,
David Jones.

O. B. Brown,
Samuel Cornelius,
Enoch Reynolds,
George Wood,
John S. Meehan,
J. L. Skinner,
M. St. Clair Clarke,
Charles K. Gardner,
John T. Temple,
Robert Johnson,
Isaac Clark,
Nathan Towson,
John Withers.


John Kerr,
James B. Taylor,
Eli Ball,
A. W. Clopton,
Robert Ryland,
R. B. C. Howell,
William Crane,
Edward Baptist.


Thomas Merideth,
P. W. Dowd,
John Armstrong,
Professor Hooper.


William B. Johnson,
Richard M. Todd,
John F. Wilson,
Peter Ludlow.


Wilson Lumpkin, Jesse Mercer, Adiel Sherwood,

Henry O. Wyer, William H. Turpin, Thomas Stocks.


Richard M. Johnson.


John McLean.


Prayer by brother Dodge, N. J. Note. In the evening a public Conference was held, agreeably to appointment, on the subject of Foreign Missions.

Prayer was offered by brother D. Dodge, N. J.

The Corresponding Secretary of the Board gave a condensed view of Missionary operations in Burmah, from the commencement of our efforts in that empire-also among the Indian Tribes of this Country. The facts were of a very encouraging nature, and strongly showed the necessity of extended exertions.

Brother McCoy presented an affecting account of several of our Indian Tribes; and bespoke the increased sympathy and prayers of the Convention in their behalf.

Brother Jeter, of Va., addressed the meeting on the obligations of Christians to extend the knowledge of salvation throughout the whole world.

The services were concluded by prayer offered by Dr. Chapin, D. C.

Friday, 3 o'clock, P. M. The Convention met according to adjourninent.

Prayer by brother A. Sherwood, Georgia.

The Committee on the BURMAN MISSION reported, and were discharged. (See Appendix.) The subject of establishing a Mission to France, was introduced by brother H. Malcom, accompanied by a statement of facts in relation to the religious state of that kingdom.

Resolved, That the subject be referred to the Committee on enlarging the operations of this Convention, to report on the expediency of such a Mission.

Brother Colgate introduced the Rev. Thomas Burchell, a Missionary to the Isle of Jamaica, and the President welcomed him to a seat, agreeably to the vote of the Convention.

On motion of brother Pattison,

Resolved, That the Origin and History of Missions, edited by brother J. O. Choules, now in a course of publication, be submitted to the Committee on publications, to report to this body.

The Committee on the AFRICAN MISSION reported. The preamble and several resolutions were adopted; but the hour of adjourunient having arrived, the report was laid on the table, and the Convention Adjourned. Prayer by brother J. L. Dagg. Saturday, April, 28.

Morning Session.

Prayer, by President Wayland. The Report on the African Mission was again taken up, and after considering its last section, accepted. (See Appendix.)

The Committee appointed at the last Triennial Convention to report RULES OF ORDER for the Conven

tion, stated, that they had not been able to attend to this service, and were discharged.

Resolved, That Messrs. Stocks, Committee to report Rules of Ore Malcom, and E. B. Smith, be a der at the present session.

The Committee to prepare a suitable expression of the feelings of this Convention, respecting their deceased members and Missionaries, respectfully reported the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That this Convention feel it to be a solemn admonition, and a cause of sincere yet submissive sorrow, that death has removed from this world, since their last session, an unusual number of their members and of their missionaries. The Rev. William Staughton, D. D. one of the founders of the Convention, and for twelve years the Corresponding Secretary of the Board; the Rev. Robert B.

Semple, who for nine years was the President of the Convention; the Rev. Noah Davis and the Rev. George Leonard, who were members present at the last session; the Rev. George D. Boardman, missionary at Tavoy; the Rev. Benjamin R. Skinner and wife, missionaries at Liberia; Mrs. Jones, wife of the Rev. Evan Jones, missionary at the Valley Towns; Rev. George Kalloch, who had been appointed a missionary among the Indians beyond the Mississippi, and Mrs. Kincaid, wife of the Rev. Eugenio Kincaid, missionary at Maulmein, have all, within the brief space of three years, ceased from their labors on earth.-The Convention sympathize with the bereaved families and friends, and with the whole religious community. But they sorrow not as those who have no hope.. The lives and the deaths of these departed brethren and sisters furnish evidence that they were faithful servants of the Saviour, and inspire a confident and consoling belief that they have entered into the joy of their Lord.-May their example animate us all with zeal for the glory of God, and the welfare of Zion. May their death admonish us to do with our might what our hand findeth to do.

On behalf of the Committee.

L. Bolles, Chairman.

The Committee on the permanent fund for the support of the Corresponding Secretary, reported. After some discussion, the Report was laid on the table, and it was

Resolved, That the 13th Article relating to this subject be referred to the Committee on the Constitution, to inquire and report if any amendment in that article be expedient.

The Committee on Publications reported and were discharged. (See Appendix.) The Treasurer presented his Report duly audited.

Resolved, That it be accepted and published. (See Appendix.)

Resolved, That the faithful and laborious services of the Treasurer,

in the extensive and important operations committed to his care, with his constant readiness to take long journies on behalf of the Convention, and his refusal to accept any compensation for services, or remuneration for his heavy travel-ing expenses, and especially his recent relinquishment of his private business, that he may devote his whole time and attention, gratuitously, to his official engagements, are deeply and gratefully felt by this Convention.

A resolution was introduced by brother McCoy in reference to the future reports of the Treasurer relating to disbursements of funds for Indian Stations,and was referred to the Committee on Indian Missions.

Resolved, That the choice of officers of the Board be made the order of the day for the afternoon. Adjourned.

Prayer by Dr. Kendrick, N. Y.
Afternoon Session.

Prayer by Prof. Hascall. N. Y.
On motion of G. F. Davis, Conn.
Resolved, That this Convention
regard with deep interest the exer-
tions which have recently been
made to promote the cause of
entire abstinence
Temperance, on the principle of
from ardent
spirits as a drink, and rejoice in the
success which, by the blessing of
God, has attended them.

Resolved, That we consider the habitual use of any intoxicating liquors as injurious to the physi cal, intellectual, and moral powers of man, and detrimental to the best interests of society.

Resolved, That we cherish an ardent desire that the friends of the Temperance Reform may not relax in scriptural, systematic efforts against intemperance, until this powerful enemy to the happiness and prosperity of the community shall be routed, and completely vanquished in every section of our beloved country.

The order of the day being called for, the Convention proceeded to the election of officers of the Board of Managers.

On balloting, the following were declared to be duly elected. Rev. Jesse Mercer, President,

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Daniel Sharp, D. D. Vice Pres't,
Nath'l Kendrick, D. D. 2d. V.P.
Stephen Chapin, D. D. 3d."
W. T. Brantly, D. D. 4th.
Fran. Wayland, Jr. D.D. 5th.
Jeremiah Chaplin, D. D. 6th.
S. M. Noel, D. D.
Basil Manly,

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Hon, Heman Lincoln, Treasurer,
Rev. Lucius Bolles, D. D. Cor. Sec.


James D, Knowles, Rec, <"
Rev. Professor Rostan, from
France, was introduced to the
Convention by Rev. A. Maclay,
and invited to a seat by the Presi-


The Corresponding Secretary introduced to the Convention the Rev. Thomas Simons, Missionary, and Mr. Royal B. Hancock, Printer, both of whom are soon to embark for Burmah.

The Committee on Indian Missions, to whom the resolution of brother McCoy was submitted, reported the following resolve:

Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to exhibit in a separate account, at each meeting of the Convention, the monies received and disbursed for Indian Missions,

The Committee on Indian Missions reported. The Report was discussed until the hour of adjournment, and then recommitted and made the order of the day for Monday morning.

On motion of brother L. Bolles, Resolved, That this Convention recommend a meeting on Tuesday evening, in Conference, at which time, one member of the delegation from each state, agreed on by said delegation, be desired to give an account of the state of the Churches within their limits-the means which exist for their growth and improvement-the hindrances, if any, which oppose said improvement and the facilities for overcoming the same,

Prayer by brother E. Galusha, N. Y.

Adjourned to 9 o'clock, Monday morning.

Monday, April 30. Morning Session. Brother Knowles, Mass. prayed,

The Committee on RULES OF ORDER, reported sundry regulations, which were accepted, and ordered to be printed.

The Report of the Committee on INDIAN MISSIONS, was again taken up, and discussed until the hour of adjournment.

Prayer by brother John Peck, of N. Y.

Adjourned. Afternoon Session.

Prayer by brother Jeter, of Va. The Committee appointed to nominate a Board of managers reported a list of names, and were discharged.

The Committee to whom was referred the invitations for the next Convention, reported in favor of complying with the request from Richmond.

Resolved, That the next Convention be held in Richmond, Va.

Brethren Jeter, Ryland, and Sherwood were appointed a Committee to nominate the preachers for the next Convention.

The Report of the Committee on INDIAN MISSIONS was again taken up and discussed. The embarrassments of the subject seeming to multiply, an interval of devotion was agreed upon.

Business was accordingly suspended while a portion of scripture was read by the President, and prayer offered by brother Bennet, N. Y. imploring "wisdom from above" to enlighten and guide the deliberations of the Convention.

Resolved, That the Report under consideration be recommitted to the same Committee, with the addition of brethren Blain, Elliot, Jackson, and Meredith.

The Committee on enlarging the operations of the Convention, reported the following resolution, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the Convention views with particular favor the idea of extending its Missionary operations to other regions of the earth, than those already embraced within the sphere of its labors; and that therefore, the Board be empowered to take the requisite steps to ascertain the expediency

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