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give to this subject a new and most prayerful consideration. The field is extensive and the soil rich, but briers still cover a large portion of the face thereof, and no plants of grace can grow among them. Laborers are needed to cultivate the field, and to sow the good seed of the kingdom. Whom shall we send? Who will go for us? While therefore, we recognise the sovereign authority of God in the kingdom of grace, and fervently pray the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into his harvest, let every friend of missions feel the reasonableness of employing means in this connection as well as in every other.



Resolved, That the Report be accepted.

cious one. It would subtract from the Magazine the interest which the biographies and essays impart to it, and which, to some minds, is an additional motive to obtain and read it. The Committee think, moreover, that to spread among the denomination biographies of good men; judicious discussions of truth; and devotional essays on practical religion, is an indescribably important service; and it seems to them a wise measure, to make the attractiveness of missionary and religious intelligence the means of winning the attention of its readers to the instructions and appeals, to which without such an auxiliary, we might not succeed in persuading them to listen.

The Committee recommend, therefore, that the Magazine be continued on its present plan, and that suitable measures be adopted, to obtain for it an extensive circulation. They are aware

The Committee on Publications made that the weekly papers will for many the accompanying Report.

The Committee on the Publications of the Board, respectfully


That the American Baptist Magazine, on its present plan, is, in their opinion, better adapted than any other kind of publication would be, to the wants of the Board, and to the state of our denomination. The Board needs an official organ of communication with the public mind, and a permanent record of its proceedings and documents. The first of these wants, a common religious newspaper might supply to some extent; but a newspaper must be of a local character, and cannot obtain a general circulation. Newspapers, moreover, are preserved by very few of their readers, and if the documents and records of the Board were committed to these transient vehicles only, they would leave but little more trace upon the public mind than the shaft upon the air. The Magazine is not confined,by the nature of its contents, to any district of the country; it is usually preserved; it is easily bound into volumes, and thus transinitted from parents to children, perpetuating in each family which possesses it, a history of the Board, and of its missions.

The Magazine might be made a mere repository of missionary and religious intelligence; but the Committee think, that this measure would not be a judi

reasons be preferred by the mass of the people; but they believe, that there are a large number of individuals in the Baptist churches and congregations who would and who ought to be subscribers to the Magazine, in addition to other publications. If every minister felt, as he ought, the importance of being himself supplied with the official documents of the Board, and of informing the people under his charge of the condition of our missions, there might be found, in every church, one or more subscribers. It is certainly wrong that there should be one Baptist church, among whose members not one copy of any of the documents of the Board could be found and whose minister, at least, could not furnish, at any time, a general history of its operations from the beginning. The prosperity of our missions depends, as one of the principal means, on the spread of intelligence; and every copy of the Magazine is an agent, which pleads the cause of the heathen and urges the wants of the Board, whereever it circulates.

The Committee rejoice in the prosperity and usefulness of the religious papers, and believe, that they are contributing largely to the success of the Board. Among these, the Columbian Star (the name of which the Editor has recently changed to that of Christian Index,) holds a prominent place, both for the extent of its circulation, and for the ability with which it is conducted. As the chief Baptist publication for the southern States, its value

to the denomination can scarcely be overrated. The establishment is the property of the Board; and the Editor has hitherto held it, under certain conditions. The Committee think, that it is inexpedient for the Board to be the proprietor of a publication not immediately under its own direction. They see no advantages in a continuance of the present connection, and they believe, that the Editor would fulfil his duties with more pleasure to himself, if the publication were entirely at his own disposal. The Committee recommend, that the property of the Board in the Columbian Star be transferred to the Rev. Mr. Brantly, on such terms as the Acting Board may think expedient.

Of the Memoir of Mrs. Judson, (which, as the property of the Board, may be ranked with its publications,) the Committee have nothing to add to what is said in the Annual Report, except the remark that the fourth edition is on stereotype plates, from which five thousand copies have already been printed, and from which copies may be easily and rapidly multiplied. The Committee feel desirous, that the Board should adopt measures to spread the book as widely as possible, that whatever good effect it may be able to produce may be to the greatest practicable extent secured.

For the Committee,


Resolved, That the Report be accepted.

Adjourned, till three o'clock, P. M.
Rev. Mr. Cone prayed.

Thursday, 3 o'clock, P. M. The Board resumed its session. Rev. Mr. Train prayed.

After some interesting remarks on the importance of furnishing the Burmans with the printed Scriptures in their own language, it was


Resolved, That the Acting Board be instructed to procure one or first rate printing presses, to be sent to Maulmein without unnecessary delay.

Resolved, That the Acting Board be instructed to engage, as soon as possible, another printer, to be associated with Mr. Oliver T. Cutter; and that arrangements be made, to send them to Maulmein as soon as may be convenient.

The Committee to devise means to increase the funds of the Board, presented the following Report:

The Committee appointed to inquire by what means the pecuniary resources of the Board may be augment. ed, beg leave to


That to them this appears to be a subject of immense importance, in view of the enlarged field of usefulness now opening before the missionaries of Christ. The present exigency demands that vigorous measures be immediately adopted by this Board not merely to sustain the stations already originated; but to send the word of life to places hitherto unvisited by the missionaries of the cross. It is moreover the opinion of your Committee, that the providence of God plainly indicates the duty of the American Baptists to furnish with as little delay as possible an edition of the New Testament, commensurate with the wants of the Burman empire. Your Committee are also of opinion, that a field for extensive usefulness has been opened to the Board by the recent revolution in France, and that a suitable person known to your Committee might be obtained as a missionary to that country. In view of these things it appears to your Committee, that an immediate increase of funds is demanded, and unless means hitherto unemployed can be brought into requisition, such an increase cannot be reasonably expected. To your Committee it appears self-evident, that mere epistolary correspondence with distant churches and associations is entirely inadequate,however laborious and efficient the services of your Secretary may be. The Committee would therefore recommend, that one or more Agents in each State in the Union should if possible be employed during the present year, to visit the associations and churches for the purpose of reviving the Auxiliaries which have become dormant, and to originate Auxiliaries where Your Commitnone at present exist.



cannot but believe, that such measure would with the blessing of God replenish your treasury, and promote the life and vigour of the American Baptist Missionary cause.

All which is respectfully submitted, A. MACLAY, Chairman. Resolved, That the Report be accepted.

Resolved, That the Corresponding and Recording Secretaries be a Committee to prepare a suitable Circular, addressed to the Associations,Churches, Ministers, &c. spreading before them the wants of the Board, and appealing to them for aid.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Board be presented to the Rev. Mr. Babcock, for his valuable Sermon delivered the last evening, and that he be

requested to furnish suitable extracts from it, to be published in the American Baptist Magazine.

Resolved, That the Corresponding and Recording Secretaries be a Committee to publish and distribute the proceedings of the Board at this session.

Rev. Dr. Sharp made an affectionate address to the Board, and closed the session with prayer. Adjourned.


Of the Board of Managers, for the Year ending April 29, 1831.

EVENTS Connected with exertions to extend the reign of Christ on earth, though they may differ in importance, are never destitute of interest. Some are contemplated with pleasure and others with pain. All who may read this Report will doubtless be conscious of these mixed emotions. Till the year had nearly closed an unusual measure of prosperity appeared to attend our efforts, and aside from the affliction, sickness and death of some invaluable missionaries, no cloud rests upon our prospects. The details to be given will be presented in the usual order, commencing with the stations abroad.


Our intelligence from this station is brought down to July 1830, and furnishes the fullest evidence of diligence and untiring perseverance in those who occupy it. The ordinary modes of instruction were pursued with the heathen so far as the engagements of Messrs. Judson and Wade would permit. Having completed in Nov. 1829, a revision of the New Testament, they devised measures for an extension of labors. Mr. Wade repaired to the villages, particularly to Pah-ouk between Amherst and Maulmein, where he remained for several weeks and preached the word with effect.

Mr. Judson gave himself wholly to the ministry at home, and es

tablished regular worship in En-
glish on the Sabbath for the ben-
efit of soldiers and others, among
whom there was an increasing at-
tention. It had been his purpose
about this time to visit Rangoon,
but the state of things became too
to leave.
interesting for him
The work continued till the church
in the 45th regiment received an
accession of eleven members, mak-
ing their whole number fifteen.
and others remained on the list
of inquirers. Within the period
which we describe, seven
added to the native church, in-
creasing the number baptized from
among the heathen at this place
to fifty-six.


It will be recollected that the early converts were of various nations, including certain Hindoos who intermixed with Burman settlers at Maulmein. These amounting to six in number being unable to understand the language in which worship was usually conducted, were set apart as a branch by themselves, with one of the most intelligent of their company to conduct their devotions. But their progress in piety has not answered the expectations which were formed of them. Instability and change have marked their course, particularly that of their leader, and some having left the settlement, the branch may be considered as nearly or quite extinct.

The main body of the church have maintained their christian character with exemplary perseverance, and with as few instances of declension and discipline, as occur in older and better informed communities. The attention paid by them to the means of grace is well calculated to produce a spirit of ardent piety. All the female members of the church assemble once a week for devotional exercises by themselves, and successively engage in prayer. Of some of those seasons it has been said, "God appeared to be in their midst." The following is given as an account of one of their communion seasons. "This afternoon (July 11) the native church according to course, celebrated the death and sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ. There were present 15 males and 20 females, and including the missionaries, 39. More seriousness than I ever saw before prevailed. Here were Burmese, Talings, Chinese, a Karen, and Americans, together celebrating the love of the Saviour. How comforting the reflection, that the great multitude which no man can number, will be composed of all nations and kindreds, and tongues and people, who will sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, and live and love and adore Him who redeemed them with his precious blood, forever and ever.

In February Mr. and Mrs. Wade left for Rangoon, and on the 26th of April, Mr. Judson. Soon after the departure of the latter, Mr. Boardman, at the earnest solicitation of his brethren, arrived from Tavoy, and took up his residence with his family at this place. His health had for some time been failing under the influence of a severe cough, though he was still able to labor. Mrs. B. who was much reduced with disease on the liver, by the advice of her physician, preceded him in this removal. She derived advantage from a

change of air and other means, and recovered in part her wonted strength, but Mr. B. continued gradually to decline. Had he been wholly exempt from care and toil for a few months, be might possibly have regained his health; but his brethren unapprized of his situation, did not make this provision. He found the station demanding all his attention, and immediately gave it. He superintended the press-took charge of the native and English churches,and preached to both, till he became too feeble to do either, except while laying on his bed. When fully advised of his situation, Mr. Wade with fraternal affection hastened to his assistance, and afforded what relief was practicable.

We are unable to contemplate this change of situation in Mr. Boardnan only as a merciful interposition of Providence to provide for him the solace of Christian society and friendship under painful and protracted sickness. A Tavoy he and Mrs. B. were alone. They had already passed through scenes of affliction with no missionary associate, and with but one English family, from whose sympathy any attentions were to be derived; and that family (Major Burney and Lady who were assiduously kind) were now on the point of leaving for Ava. In Maulmein, if their comforts were fewer than they might have been in America, they were far greater than in Tavoy, and such as would essentially alleviate suffering and sooth the heart.

Native Assistants.

Some of the native assistants accompanied Mr. Judson in his tour, and the following extract of a letter from the station, dated July 6th, 1830, shows how the remainder have been engaged.

"Of the three native readers or preachers whom our brethren left, one is employed at present according to brother Judson's advice, in

tament into Talieng ;-one is sickly and does little more than go about the town distributing tracts and portions of the printed Scriptures. For a few days, a month ago, he gave away fifty or more in a day, mostly to a large company of Burman strangers who had come on business from a place near Ava. Another of them about six weeks since completed a tour of more than a month on Pelew Island, where he was very kindly received, and many heard the Gospel with attention, and received books with demonstrations_of_thankfulness and pleasure. In the course of his tour he distributed about one hundred and fifty tracts and portions of Scripture, and met with three persons who appeared to relish the Gospel so much as to propose coming to us to receive baptism. They have not yet come. A month ago this same person, who speaks Karen tolerably well, set off in company with Ko Thah-byoo to visit the Karen settlements up the river. I gave them a large supply of books and tracts for distribution. Four days since they returned delighted with their tour; the Karens had received them in the same manner as those in Tavoy had previously received Ko Thah-byoo.


of them listened with the most encouraging attention to the message of redeeming love. Books were most eagerly received both by those who could read and those who could not, for, said they, we will ask others to read them to us. Long before the close of their tour, their supply of books failed, and Ko Myat-kyaw was compelled to give away the books from his own private satchel. On their return five Karens accompanied them to town, four of whom profess to be decided in embracing the Gospel, and have applied for baptism; but I feel inclined to delay for further proofs of sincerity and sted fastness."


Mrs. Wade on leaving Maulmein took with her one of the scholars named Sarah Jacobs who was pious, and on arriving at Rangoon, received a second child into the family as a companion to Sarah. The latter in a few months gave evidence of a change of heart and was baptized. How clearly does this, when associated with similar instances, evince the happy influence of family education. The opinion of Mrs. W. upon the subject is thus happily expressed in a letter to Mrs. Davis, of Philadelphia.

"After having seen eight of our dear pupils, together with two women who were learning to read with the girls, through persecution and reproach, following the footsteps of their crucified Lord and Master, and some of them becoming bright ornaments to the little church, and striving hard for that glorious prize which our dear litthe suffering Mee Shway-ee has no doubt attained-you will not be surprised to hear me say, that I consider the education of Burman girls, and boys too, (if we can have them placed entirely under our care,) a most interesting and important department of missionary exertions."

Of those which remained at the station she says, that for 1829, they averaged from six to eight, and most of the time boarded in good Christian families who live near, so that we could take care of them and give them religious instruction daily, while they have been sent to a day school taught by one of the young female disciples, after the plan of one of the common schools in America. This arrangement was made to enable her to spend most of her time with adult inquirers, and in visiting the villages with Mr. Wade.

On the transfer of Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, they brought nine of the lads who had been under their charge, and re-opened the school

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