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word excited a spirit of deep interest and inquiry in some of the hearers.

Choctaw Academy.

This institution at Great Crossings, Scott County, Kentucky, is in a flourishing state. Its Principal is the Rev. Thomas Henderson, who appears to be happily qualified for the station he fills. The pupils are from various Indian tribes, and have increased to ninety-eight, all of whom are supported by annuities from government. The Lancastrian system of instruction has been introduced here, and is thought to be "admirably adapted to promote or der, and excite emulation." A most happy revival of religion has recently been experienced, and twenty-six youths have become hopeful subjects of grace, fourteen of whom have united with the Baptist church. This event must be hailed as highly auspicious in its aspect upon the future welfare of their respective tribes. Col. Richard M. Johnson, lately of the Senate of the United States, exercises a special care over all the concerns of this Seminary, and is its responsible pa


Publications of the Convention.

It is a fact well ascertained, that the disposition steadily and efficiently to promote Missionary and other benevolent operations, is graduated by the amount of correct information which individuals and communities possess. In this view, the religious journals of the day, are exerting a powerful and réfreshing influence. They are widening their circulation, and awakening new interest every week. Many inquire after them, and are unwilling to be denied their perusal; while others less acquainted with what they contain, require to be invited, and even urged to read them. Every minister, and other intelligent friend, will take care that those around him, are kept con

stantly informed of the leading facts and details in Missionary la


The Columbian Star, and American Baptist Magazine, are the property of the Convention, and well worthy of extensive patronage. Several thousand copies of them are issued; but it is highly desirable that the number should be much increased. The Memoir of Mrs Judson, just published by the Board, is rich in every thing that interests the heart. No work, it is thought, which has come before the public, has been received with more favor. The Biographer has more than answered our highest anticipations; and having completed the service assigned him, made a generous surrender of it and all its proceeds, to the cause of Christ. An edition of 3500 copies was taken up in about six weeks, and a second edition, of 4000 copies, nearly prepared by the publishers; and it is hoped that no family will be without so valuable a treasure,

State of the Treasury.

The Treasurer has received from Apr. 1828, to Apr. 1829, $16061,90, and paid out 13764,64, leaving an apparent balance in his hands of 2297,21. But the claims now existing against the Treasury, amount to more than the surplus funds; so that in fact, the Board is entirely destitute of means for prosecuting its important objects. It must be obvious to all, that the income of the Board is every way inadequate to the fair demands which are made upon it. They represent a vast body of the Christian church, and realize that the heathen world has a proportionate claim on them for their amount of labor in carrying the gospel to every creature. The Missionaries they now have in employ, are merely an earnest of what should be in the field, and serve rather to descry and report the wants, than to supply them. So urgent have been the solicitations from them for assistance, that the Board de

termined some months since, so soon as suitable brethren should offer, to send out, at least, three. Under such circumstances, they deem further measures indispensable, to arouse public sentiment, and call the energies of the Denomination into action. What those measures shall be, the Convention, they trust, will deliberately consider. It is at present believed, that no plan promises such certain and effective support, as the formation of auxiliary societies, within convenient distances, through the medium of which every church may forward to the General Treasury, the amount raised by it. Where the object is presented in this distinct shape, unclogged by an alliance with any other benevolent purpose, it is more certain of its due share of attention, without diminishing the amount raised for other Missions. Were all our minis

ters and churches to combine in

the system, a comparatively small amount from each would supply all that is now required:-and will not every church feel itself sacredly bound to bear its proportion?

Reflections on the Mission to Bur


1. The friends of this mission may most distinctly recognize the hand of Providence, as indicating by recent developements, great favor towards it. In this light, must be viewed the transfer of so large a portion of Burman territory with its inhabitants, to the Sovereignty and protection of British laws. For a season, the aspect of the war was most dark and unpromising to all our operations, while it actually became the source of severe and protracted sufferings to the Missionaries; but it is now apparent that God meant it for good. Notwithstanding the seeming change indicated in the policy of the monarch, in permitting Dr Price without restraint,

to diffuse evangelical sentiments, the spirit recently displayed at Maulamying, leaves us too much reason to suppose, that had he been successful in making converts, the strong arm of authority would instantly have repressed his efforts, and cut short his progress. As it now is, the labors of brethren are no way retarded by the spirit of hostility which has arrayed itself against the successful march of truth, and all who have been subjected by it.

2. The success which has crowned the labors of the Missionaries, while it is calculated to inspire gratitude, confidence, and holy ardor in the work, has been conferred in a way to exclude all self-reliance and boasting, and lead us directly to God. How long have our best efforts been applied, and to how little apparent purpose, till the Spirit of the Lord was poured out. Yet we now see, that it is not a vain thing to all the misgivings we have indulgserve God, and are rebuked for ed. Our eyes should be directed work; and while they are, we to him in the prosecution of every should neither faint nor be discouraged, but be assured, that in due season we shall reap. Nothing is too hard for God, and though the vision tarry, wait for it, for it shall surely speak, and not lie.

3. Such is the character of the late converts, as clearly to suggest the duty of enlarging our plans and expectations. They intimate that more is to be accomplished by the Mission than we had anticipated. We have been thinking, to benefit the Burmans chiefly if not exclusively, and although this is the prominent and worthy object, we are invited by events, to contemplate the salvation of others also, as no less important. On the borders of Burmah are China and Hindostan; and occasionally the natives of those vast empires, intermix, and swell the population of Burman towns and districts.

One from each of those countries is already numbered among the disciples, and is heartily engaged in persuading his fellows to embrace the faith of the Gospel. What an advantage and privilege, to have thus the door of access opened to the millions of these people. More especially is it so, in reference to China, for whose spiritual improvement so little has yet been done, and for whom so little could be done, from the numberless barriers that obstruct the way. Their language is most difficult; and when acquired, it is no less difficult to gain access to the people. But at this point, a connecting link exists, and what could not be attempted with security, within Chinese influence, may here be carried on with hope of success. Instruction may be given to those who reside at, or visit Tavoy, and by means of them tracts and portions of the Scriptures may be conveyed to the heart of their country. Shall we lose this advantage? or awake to it in all its importance, and furnish the means necessary to its prosecution, and amidst ascending supplications, offer special prayer for this?

Supplement to Boys' School.

We are now enabled to say, that all our anticipations as just expressed, are more than realized. The school is increased to 19, and further additions were daily expected. It is taught by Moung Shway Bwen and L Ke Cheang, Burman and Chinese converts, under the superintendence of Mr Boardman. Its establishment is an object of favor with all concerned. The Civil Commissioner for the Provinces has interested himself in it, and desired Mr Boardman to draw on him for 50 Madras rupees a month, towards its support, and many of the parents of the children, particularly the Chinese, have requested that their sons might be taught the principles of the Christian religion. Mrs Boardman is about commencing a boarding school for girls, as her heart is much set on the object of raising Burman females from their state of ignorance, to the knowledge of God and salvation; but no details can now be given. In view of these most encouraging facts, every heart must glow with gratitude and animating confidence of success.

On behalf of the Board,


Corresponding Secretary.

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The Report of the Board was called up and accepted. Ordered, that it be printed with the accompanying documents, under the direction of the Board.

A communication from the Trustees of Columbian College was received and read. Ordered, that it be laid on the table. The Committee on elections reported, and were discharged. (See list of members.)

A communication from the Managers of the American Sunday School Union, proffering the use of their rooms, where would be found the religious periodicals, &c.; and at the same time inviting the members of the Convention to view the various operations of their establishment, was read.

Resolved, That we gratefully accept the kind offer of the American Sunday School Union.

Resolved, That brethren Benedict, Colgate, and Farwell, be appointed a Committee on the Treasurer's accounts. Adjourned to 9 o'clock, to-morrow. Prayer by Dr Sharp of Boston.

Friday, 9 o'clock, A. M.

Prayer by brother Cornelius of Alexandria.

Minutes of yesterday were read. The Committee on the Treasurer's accounts reported them correctly kept, and sustained by suitable vouchers. Resolved, That the Report be accepted.

(See Treasurer's Report.) Resolved, That ministering brethren present be invited to a seat with us in deliberation.

The following persons accepted the invitation, viz.

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It being stated that the Board of Trustees of Columbian College, D. C.

did not consider the vote of this Conrelation to that institution as imperavention, at its last triennial meeting, in tive, and have not for this and other reasons expressed by them, obtained the patronage of any other Association of Baptists; and that those valuable brethren who for three years past have been actively and personally engaged in sustaining the College, deem it of vital importance that the Convention, at this moment, should make a friendly expression of countenance to the College by furnishing a nomina

tion out of which Trustees for the next

three years may be elected: wherefore

Resolved, That the requested nomination of at least fifty persons, from which number a new Board may be elected by the contributors, be granted.

Resolved, That the following persons compose the list desired :

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