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probable they may, the field, which will be opened to you, inviting the hand of moral culture, will be immense. It would be unwise not to anticipate such an event, and to make such arrangements as are within your power to meet it. Mr. Hough, who was at the date of his last communication making preparations for a return to Rangoon, was directed to complete his printing establishment on a scale adapted to the exigencies which might arise. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman have been sent out that they might acquire the necessary language, and be prepared at an early day to join their companions in labour. They sailed from Philadelphia on the 16th of July last, for Calcutta, being commended to the grace of God by many prayers. Letters have been received from them, 52 days out, at which time they were in perfect health, were prosecuting their studies, had received the kindest attentions from the Commander, supercargo, and all on board the ship, by whom they were encouraged to hold publick worship every sabbath, and to maintain daily prayer. It has been grateful to the feelings of your Committee, on whom the responsibility rested of sending out Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, to learn that the time chosen by them has met the decided approbation of Missionaries on the ground, both American and English. By letters which have come to hand since their departure, an earnest wish was manifested that they might no longer be detained here. Their passage, and the terms of it, (which were favourable) were secured for them through the kindness of Robert Ralston, Esq. who on this, as on former occasions, exhibited the most catholic spirit, and the deep interest which he takes in the cause of Missions. The Committee avail themselves of the present occasion to express their gratitude to him, to the Captain and supercargo of the ship, and to the numerous individuals through whose generous benefactions the outfit of your Missionaries was mostly supplied.

From the consideration of measures adopted for the benefit of India, your Committee would call your attention to the prospect of usefulness which opens in Africa. From the first establishment of the Colony at Cape Mesurado, the settlement has enjoyed the unwearied and useful labours of the Rev. Lott Carey. The Baptist Church which was planted there, has been blessed with a season of refreshing from the presence of God, and considerable additions have been made to it. A Sabbath School has been commenced, as also a School for the instruction of children in elementary knowledge. In the accomplishment of so much, Mr. Carey succeeded when he enjoyed but little assistance from any one, and was encumbered with the care of providing means for the support of himself and family. He did more; he travelled into the country and sought out other situations of usefulness. By letters received from him it is ascertained, that if teachers could be had, they might be employed to almost any extent in training up the children of that abused country to knowledge and usefulness, and with a prospect of small expense to the Board. Almost at the same time that this intelligence arrived, Mr. Calvin Holton, a graduate of Waterville College, and a licensed preacher in one of our Churches, offered himself to the Colonization Society to be employed in their service at Liberia. Your Committee being apprised of this, entered into conference with him, and resolved to avail themselves of a portion of his time as an agent of theirs, with a view to his final ap

*Information has since been received of their safe arrival at Calcutta.

pointment as a missionary, should it be deemed expedient. To qualify him for more extensive usefulness, it was considered desirable that he should receive ordination; and accordingly, having passed a very satisfactory examination before a large ecclesiastical council, he was by them solemnly set apart to the ministry, on the thirtieth of November last. A letter of instructions was furnished him, and he sailed shortly after for his destined field of labour. Your Committee are unitedly of opinion that Africa is entitled to further enlarged consideration and assistance of your Board.

Being convinced that it was a duty to extend the sphere of missionary operations, your Committee has endeavoured to search out fields of labour. They were desirous from the date of their appointment, to accomplish something for the religious improvement of South America; but information necessary to enable them to decide satisfactorily what could be done, they did not possess. The missionary spirit and funds seemed also too low, to justify the appointment of a special Agent to visit and explore the country. At that juncture a letter was received from one of our brethren, a merchant in London, informing us that for commercial purposes he was about to employ a pious and intelligent friend for some time in South America, and offering his services to procure for us such information as might be required. A letter of instructions was immediately prepared and forwarded to the place appointed, but no communications have since been received from him. The time hast just now expired when it was calculated he would complete his survey, and return to England by way of the United States. It is hoped, therefore, that some information valuable to your Board, will yet be received.

We cannot close this report without expressing our deep sorrow in view of the loss which all our benevolent Institutions have sustained in the decease of the venerable brethren, Baldwin, Furman, and Williams. They have long been pillars in Zion. Sound judgment, ardent piety, and unwearied toil, have characterized their lives. But they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. While it is considered that we shall no more be aided by their counsels, the light of their example should urge us forward in the service to which we have set our hands.

The other principal Stations under the direction of the Board are the following.

1. The Carey Station,

The Reform of Indians, combined with their spiritual instruction, under the care of the Rev. Mr. McCoy, appears to be gradually advancing. From the Reports of Mr. McCoy, it appears that the school there is maintained in excellent order, that the youth are welcoming instruction, and that, though the revival of last year has in some degree subsided, there still remains a solemn attention to the preach ing of the gospel.

A communication was received by the Board from Mr. McCoy, expressive of a wish, that seven converted Indians might be brought from the Carey station, to receive instruction in branches not taught in that school. He considered, that this measure would greatly conduce to their future usefulness in the Western forests, and that government, in all probability, would afford its aid. The subject was referred to a Committee of the Board, who reported that they had

waited on the Secretary of War, who appeared to favour the project; but as the subject was novel, and as the Convention would soon meet, they recommended that the case be referred to yourselves; and that, in the mean time, the young men should be encouraged to continue their studies in the accustomed way.

Early in January last, a letter was received from Rev. Mr. McCoy, stating his intentions to set out from the station with seven or eight Indian young men. As some difficulties offered themselves in the way of their being introduced into the Columbian College, the Board were at a loss how to dispose of them. They conversed with Colonel Richard M. Johnson, who kindly offered to receive them into the Choctaw school, at the Great Crossings, Scott County, Kentucky. To this the Board agreed, and wrote a letter to brother McCoy to meet him at Cumberland, Maryland. This letter was shewn to the Indians. Mr. McCoy, finding it impossible to reconcile their minds to the school in Kentucky, left them at Washington, and came on, accompanied with two Indians to Washington. D. C.

After much serious deliberation on the subject, and particularly after having heard that encouragement had been given to locate some of them at the Hamilton Theological Seminary, in New-York, it occurred to the Board that it would be well to place them in that Institution. Mingling together they would be less likely to lose their native language, and, as the students there are professors of the name of the Lord Jesus, it was thought that their advance in the divine life might be promoted. The Board are happy to state that the Indians have been admitted into the Hamilton Institution, and are there prosecuting their studies. Government has allowed and will continue to pay $100 annually for each youth, until their education shall have been completed. It is supposed that some additional Indians may be obtained from Carey, and be influenced to enter the Choctaw school.

2. The Station of the Valley Towns.

The letters from Evan Jones, at this Station, are very encouraging. The pupils are numerous, their conduct praise-worthy, and their attention to the subject of religion, serious and constant. The account with vouchers is here presented. They have arrived only two or three days ago, so that there has been no opportunity of submitting them to the Board. The accompanying letters contain several suggestions which require attention.

Early in the course of the last year, Mr. Jones expressed a wish to alter the site of the mills, belonging to that station, partly because of their insecurity, but chiefly owing to their distance from the Mission premises a distance of five miles. Owing to the depressed state of the funds, the Board advised him to add what strength to the fabrick of the mills he could, and to wait until the Board should possess more ample means for their removal. The Board are sorry to have occasion to relate, that in the opening of the present spring, a most alarming freshet occurred which swept away the mills almost entirely. A similar inundation had not been experienced, for nineteen years. The attention of your body cannot be paid too early to the reparation of this catastrophe.

Mr. Evan Jones has informed the Board, that there is a fine opening for an Indian school at Natley, in Tennessee. The natives are

impatient for one, and will assist in its support. One gentleman has offered four acres of ground, as a site for an establishment. The Board have written to Mr. Jones, requesting further information on the subject.

3. The Withington Station.

This Station has cost the Board much anxiety. The school and establishment have been, and are in operation-but the different sentiments obtained from various brethren, relative to the fitness, or not, of the Rev Mr. Compere, to take the charge of that Station, has created embarrassment. Perhaps brother Compere has a little deviated from the path of strict prudence, for Missionaries can scarcely have too little to do with the politics of the world. His heart, however, has seemed zealous in the service, and the Board have acted, or rather, suspended action, under the hope, that the effervescence which they lamented, might soon and wholly subside. Regular contributions from the government have been received for the support of the Institution.

4. The Choctaw School.

This is located in Scott County, Kentucky. Several of the chiefs of the Choctaw nation wrote to the Honorable Richard M. Johnson, requesting him to take some of their children under his charge, for the purpose of affording them the advantages of education. service he assumed. Upwards of twenty have arrived at his plantation, where he has provided ample buildings for their comfort.


This arrangement he communicated to the Board, expressing a wish that for the purpose of giving energy to the establishment, they would assume a general superintendence of the school. To this the Board consented, appointing Colonel Johnson, their Agent, and the Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Scott County, the Instructer. This Institution appears to be a germ of unusual promise. Almost the whole of the expense is defrayed by the Choctaws themselves. Board has appointed a Committee, consisting of Dr. Fishback, of Lexington, Jacob Creath, of Franklin, the Hon. John T. Johnson, Major Benjamin S. Chambers, and William Suggett, Esqrs. to promote the best interests of the school, and to endeavour to raise funds for its support, should deficiency at any time occur.


The Board, in the course of the year, has supplied some vacancies that have taken place in their body. The Rev. Alexis Caswell, has been elected instead of Rev. Mr. Dabbs, deceased, and the Hon. James Johnson, in the place of the Honorable John T. Johnson-but such chasms, as are made by the removal of a Furman and a Baldwin, what Board can fill up !

The measures taken by the Committee in and about Boston, for the sailing of Mr. Boardman and wife, have received the entire approbation of the Board. They have, also, at the instance of said brethren, appropriated for the present year, $200 to Mr. Calvin Holton, who has sailed for Africa.


Corresponding Secretary. ·


New-York, April 26, 1826.

Convention met at 11 o'clock, in the Oliver Street Baptist Meeting House in the city of New-York. The President of the last Convention, Rev. Robert B. Semple, of Virginia, took the chair.

Prayer by Rev. J. Stanford.

The Secretary of the last Convention not having arrived, Rev. Howard Malcom, of Hudson, (N. Y.) was chosen Secretary pro tem.

The names of the Delegates are here omitted, as they have been previously


The Rev. R. B. Semple of Virginia, was elected President, and Enoch Reynolds, Esq. of Washington, Secretary. The latter not being yet arrived, Rev. H. Malcom was again appointed Secretary pro tem.

Resolved, That the Board be allowed time till Friday morning next, to present the printed statement of accounts as ordered by the last Convention to be presented at the opening of the present session. Adj.

Prayer by Dr. Staughton.

At 3 o'clock, P. M. met according to adjournment. Prayer by Doct. Gano.

Resolutions and other documents presented by the Board of Trustees of Columbian College, relative to the election of new Trustees, were then read,Whereupon

Resolved, That Messrs. Brown, Cone, Bolles, Galusha, Gano, Semple, Cook, and Mercer, be a committee to nominate a list of names out of which Trustees are to be elected, according to the ordinance of the Board.

A motion was made by Rev. Mr. Rice in the following words, viz.

Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to investigate the conduct of Luther Rice in what may be considered as belonging thereto on his own individual and personal responsibility, in what may be considered as belonging to his official relation to this body, and in what may be considered as belonging to his official relations to the Columbian College; and report to this body. Ordered to lie on the table.

Resolved, That H. Lincoln, D. Sharp, S. Cornelius, J. Kerr, and Wm. T. Brantley be a committee to examine the validity of the credentials presented by delegates.

The resolution of Mr. Rice was considered, and Messrs. Bolles, Kendrick, Benedict, Dagg, Ball, Colgate, Mercer, Abner Davis, Cook, Brantley and Semple, were appointed a committee of investigation.

Resolved, That a daily prayer meeting be held in this house at 6 o'clock, A. M. Adjourned.

Prayer by Rev. O. B. Brown.

Thursday, April 27, 1826.

Met at 10 o'clock.

Prayer by Rev. Mr Valentine. Resolved, That the Records of the Board, since the last Convention, be read. Aften some progress, it was

Resolved, That the reading of the remainder be dispensed with, and a report a more condensed form, be desired from the Board of Managers.


The Committee to report a nomination for Trustees of Columbia College furnished a list of fifty three names.

Resolved, That the said list be accepted, and the Committee discharged.

The Committee on Elections reported certain persons as being clearly entitled to seats, and others, with regard to which they were doubtful. The monies from the societies having been in some cases directly forwarded to stations or paid to Agents instead of passing through the hands of the Treasurer

Resolved, That we now proceed to order. decide on the individual cases in their

One o'clock having arrived, the Convention adjourned.

Prayer by Rev. J. Mercer.

Met at 3 o'clock P. M.

Prayer by Dr. Bolles. The business of doubtful elections was resumed and concluded.

It being stated to the Committee that E. Reynolds, Esq. who was elected SecPhiladelphia, while on his way to this retary, had been arrested by sickness in place, and would not be present,

Resolved, That we proceed to a new


Rev. Howard Malcom was chosen.

The report of the Committee by which a nomination for Trustees to the College was made, was again read and considered.

Rev. Mr. Rice then moved that his name be added to the list of nomination; after some discussion, adjourned.

Prayer by Rev. J. Going.

Friday, April 28, 1826. Met at 9 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. D. Sharp. The Minutes were read.

The motion of Mr. Rice that his name be added to the list of nomination for Trustees, was again discussed. After some hours' debate it was

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