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greater usefulness. It is with real pleasure that they have observed, that the offered emoluments and honours of the presidency of a respectable University in Kentucky, have not been able to divert him from his Missionary career. He is appointed, until the Convention shall meet, to continue his endeavours to originate new societies, and to systematize measures for an easy and regular intercommunication between the Board and Mission Institutions. In his anticipated labours, he is affectionately commended to the care of the Lord Jesus, and to the hospitable attentions and fraternal aid of all who long for the glory of the latter days.

The contributions of the followers of Christ, may be expected to bear some proportion to the magnitude of the object which invites them. Were the sending of two or three Missionaries to a distant region, all that was contemplated by the formation of Mission Societies, and by the CONVENTION of brethren from the different parts of our Union, subscriptions to an amount comparatively trivial, would be all that could be needed. The generous endeavours of the brethren throughout the Union, evince that their views are more comprehensive. They appear to act on the principle, that the disciples of Christ ought not to calculate on rest from Missionary labour, until the knowledge of the Lord shall have covered the earth as the waters the sea. Their liberal con

tributions detailed in the treasurer's account, it is hoped will increase and multiply. The Board ask their support only in the same proportion as they shall find their benevolence devoted exclusively, and with conscientious care, to the honour of the Redeemer.

The Board are sensible, that the harvest truly is plenteous. Not only are Missionaries wanting in lands involved in the darkness of heathenism, but also in those sections of our own country where labourers are not found. At the meeting of the CONVENTION, in May ensuing, it is believed that the propriety of originating a Western Mission, on a large scale, embracing the country beyond the Missisippi, will engage the deliberations of its members. The promise must receive its accomplishment, that men shall fear the name of the Lord from the West," as well as "his glory from the rising of the sun." "They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him."

The church of the Lord Jesus has lately assumed an appearance she never before exhibited; she has risen from the dust, and put on her beautiful garments. Every suc ceeding year supplies new and surprising intelligence, as to the progress of Bible and Missionary institutions. The prayers of the saints are receiving abundant answers, and their labours are renewed. "Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone doeth wondrous things, and blessed be his glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen.”


Meeting of the Board, 14th June, 1815.

THE Committee appointed to procure an outfit for brother Hough, reported, that five hundred dollars were thought a proper appropriation for that purpose. The order was drawn on the Treasurer accordingly for that sum.

A letter was received by the Board from Mrs. CHARLOTTE H. WHITE, requesting their approbation to accompany brother Hough and his wife to India, as a companion of Mrs. Hough, and for the purpose of assisting the mission; tendering at the same time her property to be incorporated with the missionary funds:

Resolved, That the Board hear with pleasure the desire of sister White to attach herself to the family of brother Hough, to accompany them to India, and to render service to the mission: They, therefore, do most cheerfully encourage her in the design, and trust it will be of use to the general cause. The Board also engage to support her as a member of brother Hough's family.

Resolved, That an order be drawn on the treasury in favour of brother Hough for fifteen hundred dollars -[Extract from the Report of "the committee ap pointed to settle the accounts of Mr. Hough, up to the time of his sailing," as follows:]

Of the 1500 dollars drawn, 1200 have been expended in the purchase of $1000 in specie, to be placed in the hands of Mr. Hough when he sails. The remaining 300 are left with him to pay for the extra passage of himself and family, and Mrs. White, from Calcutta to Rangoon.

The committee have settled up Mr. Hough's accounts to the 11th of December next, and find due to him $333 53.

The sum of 65 dollars has been allowed him to complete his preparations for India. The whole of our appropriations separate from the 1500 dollars, amount to 398 dollars, 33 cents; for which we have drawn our order in the usual way on the Treasurer.-Nov. 27, 1815. [This committee consisted of the Rev. Dr. Holcombe, Dr. Staughton, and Mr. White.]

Meeting of the Board, 30th September, 1815.-[Mr. EDWARD THOMPSON, of Philadelphia, having generously offered, free of expense, a passage, accommodations, and provisions, for brother Hough and family, and Mrs. White, in a vessel of his about sailing from this place for Calcutta]

On motion, Resolved, that brethren Holcombe, Staughton, and White, be a committee to wait on Mr. THOMPSON, to tender the thanks of this Board for his liberality in furnishing a passage and provisions GRATIS to our missionaries to India.

On recommendation of the representatives of the Philadelphia Mission Socie ty-Resolved, that Mr. EDWARD THOMPSON be an honorary member of the Convention; and the same committee inform him thereof.

Resolved, that Instructions be drawn up for the government of the conduct of our missionaries when in India, including those already there; and that brethren Allison and Staughton be a committee for that purpose.

Resolved, that Dr. Rogers write a letter of introduction in favour of brother Hough to the missionary brethren at Serampore.

Meeting of the Board, 2d October, 1815.-On recommendation of the repre sentatives of the Philadelphia Mission Society, Resolved, that WILLIAM WIL SON, of Baltimore, and JOHN CAULDWELL, of New-York, be honorary members of the Convention.

Brother Hough being present, was requested to represent to the Board any thing respecting himself and family, that should require the attention of the Board, prior to his sailing. He stated in reply, that he had nothing to request; but tendered his cordial approbation of what the Board had done on his behalf in his outfit.

On motion, Resolved, that the committee of outfit call on the churches in this city, and by letter, on the churches in New-York, Baltimore, and other places convenient, a few days before the sailing of our missionaries, to join in prayer

at the same time, for the success of their efforts at the place of their destination, and whilst on their voyage thither; and that ministers of other denominations be invited to attend.

Meeting of the Board, 18th October, 1815-Resolved, that the committee of outfit be instructed to confer with sister White, to learn from her, what are her Fiews as to the disposition of her property and yearly support.

Meeting of the Board, November 6th, 1815.-The committee appointed to wait on Mr. Thompson, reported, that they had discharged that duty; that Mr. Thompson accepted of his appointment as honorary member of the Convention; that he expressed his high satisfaction at being able to serve the cause of missions in accommodating our missionaries; and also his entire willingness at any future time to render the like service.

Resolved, that the Corresponding Secretary address the editor of the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Magazine, giving him a statement, for publication, of Mr. Thompson's great liberality to this institution.

The committee appointed in the case of sister White, reported, that they had conferred with her: she informed them it was her intention to go out with Mrs. Hough; and that after she had provided her outfit, expected to deposit in the funds about three hundred dollars: the report was accepted.

Meeting of the Board, May 3, 1816.-Resolved, that this Board adjourn to meet in New-York, the 19th of June next, at ten o'clock A.M.

Meeting of the Board in New-York, 19th June, 1816.-The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the Board since the rising of the Convention was called for, and had.

A communication was made by Dr. Baldwin to the Board, regretting that ow ing to the dangerous illness of his daughter, it was impossible that he could attend our session [His amiable daughter has since deceased.]

On motion, Resolved, that brethren Allison and Richards, be a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer.

A letter, covering 80 dollars, was forwarded by the Rev. Wm. White, from the Junior Mission Society of the 2d Baptist Church of Philadelphia, for the use of foreign missions. Resolved, that the thanks of the Board be presented to that society in a letter by the Corresponding Secretary.

Resolved, that brethren Staughton and Shields be a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of Mr. Rice with this Board.

June 20.-Resolved, that the itinerant services of our brother Luther Rice, as the agent of this Board within the United States, in exciting the public mind more generally to engage in missionary exertions, and assisting in the organization of auxiliary societies for carrying the missionary design into execution, have been crowned with the happiest success, and are satisfactory to this Board. Resolved, that the said Luther Rice be continued, until the sitting of the Convention, the agent of this Board in the same zealous and faithful exertions within the United States; under such general advice and direction as to the field of his itinerant duties, as from time to time shall be issued to him from this Board.

June 21.-Resolved, that an order be drawn on the Treasurer, in the usual form, to pay the sums due to Mr Rice, as per his accounts, as examined and approved by the committee appointed for that purpose.

Resolved, that brethren Bolles, Staughton, and Allison, be a committee to take the subject of a Western mission into consideration.

A communication from our missionary in India, the Rev. Adoniram Judson, was laid before the Board and read.

June 22.-Resolved, that the Corresponding Secretary write to the Rev. Dr. Carey, Dr. Marshman, and Mr. Ward, and request them to inform this Board what sum they consider an adequate salary for a missionary family in Burmah, and what sum they have been accustomed to allow Mr. Felix Carey, when he occupied the place now occupied by Mr. Judson.

Resolved, that a committee be appointed to confer with the Rev. Luther Rice, our agent for missionary purposes, and to report to this Board what will be the best field for his labours during the ensuing year; and that brethren Tallmadge, Bolles, and Staughton be that committee.

The committee appointed relative to the subject of a mission westward, and

beyond the Mississippi, beg leave to state, that in their opinion an effort of this kind deserves an early and zealous attention. They possess the persuasion that the ensuing Convention will take the measure into serious consideration, and give to it that attention which its importance demands. The report was accepted. Resolved, that the Corresponding Secretary be, and he is hereby requested to address a letter to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and also to the Baptist Missionary Society in England, inviting them respectively to a friendly and steady reciprocation of reports, publications, missionary information, and mutual good offices in aid of our united efforts for the glory of God, and the everlasting welfare of immortal souls.

Resolved, that the sum of 73 dollars, 3 cents, which has been received into the treasury of this Board for the special purpose of translating the Scriptures into heathen languages, and the further sum of $1000 out of the funds of this Board be, and the same hereby is, appropriated for that purpose, by presenting the same to the Rev. Messrs. Wm. Carey, Joshua Marshman and Wm. Ward, at Serampore, to be by them, and at their discretion, employed in the Scripture translations; and that the Treasurer of the Board be required to pay per order those several sums to the Rev. Wm. Staughton, to be by him transmitted to the aforesaid gentlemen at Serampore, without delay, pursuant to the object of this resolution. Resolved, that Dr. Allison and Dr. Rogers, be a committee to nominate suitable persons to preach the sermon before the Convention at their next meeting. The persons non,inated, and chosen, were Dr. Baldwin, and in case of failure, the Rev. O. B. Brown. The sermon to be delivered at Sansom-street Meetinghouse, Philadelphia.

Resolved, that having heard that an invitation has been presented to brother Rice, to accept the Presidency of the Transylvania University, Kentucky, and possessing evidence that from a principle of attachment to the missionary cause, he has declined accepting the appointment; this Board declare the pleasure they feel in the occurrence, and their conviction that the glorious Redeemer will abundantly compensate every privation incurred for the sake of His name. The committee appointed on the subject of conferring with brother Rice, as to the field of his labours during the current year, until the meeting of the next Baptist Convention for foreign missions, beg leave to state, that as soon as the Report is published, he proceed to Virginia, supply the associations with the Report, and attend the General Meeting of Correspondence in North-Carolina, the 1st of August, where he will enjoy facilities in supplying the associations in the latter state, and accomplishing those objects of importance which circumstances may encourage. Let him attend as many associations in the south and west as may be in his power, visiting, if possible, St. Louis and its vicinity; and spend the winter forming mission societies, collecting monies, and effectuating arrangements for keeping up a regular intercourse between the Board and all the associations and mission societies in the United States.

While these general instructions are offered, the committee conceive that confidence should be placed in our brother Rice in making such incidental variations as the providence of God may direct.

Resolved, that a Circular be issued by the Corresponding Secretary of the Board, addressed to the associations and mission societies, with a view of exciting their endeavours in the common cause, and facilitating their general unity with this Board.

Resolved, that Dr. Staughton, Mr. White and Mr. Shields, be a committee to prepare, publish, and circulate the Annual Report; and the committee are authorized by this Board to draw as usual on the Treasurer for the amount, as soon as ascertained; filing a bill or statement of such expenses under their several signatures.

Resolved, that 1000 dollars be forwarded to brethren Carey, Marshman, and Ward, at Serampore, for the use of our missionary brethren-Judson and Hough, and their families, at Rangoon.

While this Board have in grateful recollection the very liberal and kind manner in which we were received into the families of our christian brethren, at our meeting in Convention, at Philadelphia

Resolved, that we entertain a high sense of the christian affection, and libe

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