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pointment; and may I have grace to continue a faithful missionary to the end of my life. Ever let me remember the words of Christ, "without me ye can do nothing."

"Sept. 9. Called on the viceroy to pay him my respects on his return from an expedition to Martaban. He and his family have always treated me with civility, on learning that I was a minister of religion.

"On my return, visited Mr. Babasheen, an aged Armenian in high office under government. The ideas of the Armenians on subjects of practical religion, are very similar to those of the Roman Catholicks. This gentleman supposes, that having been christened in infancy, having confessed to his priest at stated times, &c. he shall certainly be saved. I told him that unless a man be born again, he cannot enter into heaven. He inquired how a man could be born again? I related to him the conversation of Jesus and Nicodemus, which was all new to him. He called for his Armenian Bible, which was kept carefully wrapt up in cloth, and having read the chapter, said that I was right, and that our Bibles were the same. Then, holding out his hand, "Here," said he, pointing to his wrist, "is the root of the religion. This finger is the Armenian church, this the Roman Catholic, this the English, &c. All are the same."-I told him that the Bible was indeed the same, but that those only who adhered to it, would be saved; and as I knew that he placed great dependence on having been christened in infancy, I told him that was not in the Bible. He granted it was not. Now, said I, how can you expect fruit from observances which are not in the word of God?" Ah," said he, "you cannot speak the language fluently. I find it difficult to understand you. When you can talk better, come and see me often, and I shall get wisdom."--I was ready to reply, Poor man, ere that time comes you will probably be in the grave; but contented myself with lifting up my heart to God.

"Sept. 10. Lord's day-Had worship as usual with Mrs Judson, and partook of the Lord's supper. Two Portuguese servants attend, though they understand very little English. It is very seldom that we have any to join us in wor ship. Our family consists only of Mrs. Judson, myself, and a little girl of European extraction that we have taken as our own.

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Sept. 11.-We received an addition to our little family of a son, whom we call ROGER WILLIAMS, in regard to the first Baptist minister in America,


Sept. 30.-Had the following conversation with my teacher, as nearly as I can recollect it. This man has been with me about three months, and is the most sensible, learned, and candid men that I have ever found among the Burmans. He is forty-seven years of age, and his name is Oo OUNGMENG, I began by saying, Mr. Jis dead. Oo. I have heard so. J. His soul is lost, I think. Oo. Why so? J. He was not a disciple of Christ. Oo. How do you know that? You could not see his soul. J. How do you know whether the root of that mango tree is good? You cannot see it; but you can judge by the fruit on its branches. Thus I know that Mr. J- — was not a disciple of Christ, because his words and actions were not such as indicate a disciple. Oo. And so all who are not disciples of Christ are lost! J. Yes, all, whether Burmans or foreignOo. This is hard. J. Yes, it is hard, indeed; otherwise I should not have come all this way, and left parents and all to tell you of Christ. [He seemed to feel the force of this, and after stopping a little, he said,] How is it that the disciples of Christ are so fortunate above all men ? J. Are not all men sinners, and deserving of punishment in a future state? Oo. Yes, all must suffer in some future state for the sins they commit. The punishment follows the crime as surely as the wheel of the cart follows the footsteps of the ox. . Now, ac. cording to the Burman system, there is no escape. According to the Christian system there is. Jesus Christ has died in the place of sinners, has borne their sins, and now those who believe on him, and become his disciples, are released from the punishment they deserve. At death they are received into heaven, and are happy for ever. Oo. That I will never believe. My mind is very stiff' on this one point, namely, that all existence involves in itself principles of misery and destruction. The whole universe is only destruction and reproduction. It therefore becomes a wise man to raise his desires above all things that exist, and aspire to Nigban, the state where there is no existence. J. Teacher, there are two evil futurities, and one good. A miserable future existence is evil, and

annihilation or Nigban is an evil, a fearful evil. A happy future existence is alone good. Oo. I admit, that is best if it could be perpetual; but it cannot be. Whatever is, is liable to change, and misery, and destruction. Nigban is the only permanent good, and that good has been attained by Gaudama, the last deity. J. If there be no eternal being, you cannot account for any thing. Whence this world, and all that we see? Oo. Fate. J. Fate! The cause must always be equal to the effect. See, I raise this table; see also that ant under it: Suppose I were invisible; would a wise man say tlie ant raised it? Now fate is not even an ant. Fate is a word, that is all. It is not an agent, not a thing. What is fate? Oo. The fate of creatures is the influence which their good or bad deeds have on their future existence. J. If influence be exerted, there must be an exerter. If there be a determination, there must be a determiner. Oo. No: there is no determiner. There cannot be an eternal being. J. Consider this point. It is a main point of true wisdom. Whenever there is an execution of a purpose, there must be an agent. Oo. [after a little thought] I must say that my mind is very decided and hard, and unless you tell me something more to the purpose, I shall never believe. J. Well, teacher, I wish you to believe, not for my profit, but for yours. I daily pray the true God to give you light that you may believe. Whether you will ever believe in this world, I dont know: but when you die, I know you will believe what I now say. You will then appear before the God that you now deny. Oo. I dont know that. J. I have heard that one Burman many years ago embraced the Portuguese religion, and that he was your relation. Oo. He was a brother of my grandfather. J. At Ava, or here? Oo. At Ava he became a Portuguese; afterwards went to a ship-country with a ship-priest, and returned to Ava. J. I have heard he was put to death for his religion. Oo. No: he was imprisoned and tortured by order of the emperor. At last he escaped from their hands, fled to Rangoon, and afterwards to Bengal, where they say he died. J. Did any of his family join him? Oo. None. All forsook him; and he wandered about, despised and rejected by all. J. Do you think that he was a decided Christian, and had got a new mind? Oo. I think so; for when he was tortured hard, he held out. J. Did he ever talk with you about religion? Oo. Yes. J. Why did you not listen to him? Oo. I did not listen. J. Did you ever know any other Burman that changed his own for a foreign religion? Oo. I have heard that there is one now in Rangoon, who became a l'ortuguese; but he keeps himself concealed, and 1 have never seen him,

"October 4. Was called to attend the funeral of Capt. C. At the grave saw several persons present who could understand me in English, and accordingly gave them an exhortation before prayer. May the Lord grant his blessing.

Was accompanied home by an Englishman who has been in the place a few months, but with whom I became acquainted very lately. His mind has been seriously inclined for some time; his first permanent impressions having been produced by reading Hervey's Theron and Aspasio. I really hope that a work of grace has been begun in his soul. Having lately put into his hands several religious tracts, among others, one on baptism, he has been considering that subject, thong without my knowledge, until to-day, when he expressed his desire and determination of professing Christ in his appointed way.

"October 16. Mr. M, the gentleman above-mentioned, is about taking passage to Bengal. I shall give him letters to the brethren there, and hope to hear a good account of him. By him also I shall forward this. I know not whether to call it letter or journal. But something of this sort I propose continuing to be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; though it be not a journal in the strict acceptation of the word, that is, an account of every day. If a missionary, during his first years, should attempt to keep such an account, he might find little to insert under most of the dates but the number of pages read, new words acquired, and idle conversations with the natives-idle, indeed, in substance, but not in purpose, being indispensable to his thoroughly attaining the phraseology and pronunciation of the language.

"I am sometimes a little dispirited when I reflect, that for two or three years past, I have been drilling at A, B, C, and grammar. But I consider again, that the gift of tongues is not granted in these times; that some one must acquire this language by dint of application; must translate the Scriptures, and must

preach the gospel to the people in their own tongue, or how can they be saved! My views of the missionary object are, indeed, different from what they were, when I was first set on fire by Buchanan's "Star in the East," six years ago. But it does not always happen that a closer acquaintance with an object diminishes our attachment and preference. We sometimes discover beauties as well as deformities, which were overlooked on a superficial view; when some attractions lose their force, others more permanent are exerted; and when the glitter in which novelty invested the object, has passed away, more substantial excellencies have room to disclose their influence; and so it has been with me, I hope, in regard to the work of missions.

"I remain, Rev. and dear Sir, yours affectionately in the Lord,


"Cor. Sec. of the Baptist Board, &c."


The "letters" mentioned in the foregoing communication as written "Sept.6, and 7," have not yet come to hand. One, however, from Mrs. Judson has recently been received. See the following

Extracts of a letter from Mrs. Judson to Mrs. S.


"Rangoon, Oct. 8, 1816.

"Your kind and affectionate letter was too welcome, and productive of sensations too pleasing, not to deserve an immediate answer. I feel sensibly affected with the sympathy and regard which you are pleased to express for me in my lonely situation, and your wishes and exertions to make us comfortable in this land of strangers. For two years past we have been in the habit of considering ourselves entirely alone in the world. Cut off from all intercourse with our dear relatives and friends in our native country; deprived of all pecuniary assistance, on account of our change of sentiment, from those under whose patronage we came out; uncertain, as we were personally unacquainted, whether the baptists in our country would be excited to make any exertion for our support in a foreign mission; we felt we had none to whom we could look, or in whom we could confide, but our Heavenly Father, who has ever proved a faithful God in every extremity. Serampore was our only point of connexion with the christian world, and the brethren there kindly assured us they would ever afford us assistance while in their power. Under such circumstances you may easily imagine how very gratifying and encouraging was the intelligence we have recently received of the formation of Baptist Societies, and the eagerness which prevails among them to promote the conversion of the heathen. We feel our hands strengthened, and our hearts encouraged, not merely because we have the prospect of a temporal support,but because we feel that the prayers of thousands are daily ascending for a blessing to attend our exertions; and the miserable situation of the poor Burmans is had in daily remembrance by hundreds of our American churches. But we fear your faith and patience will be long and severely tried before you will reap the fruit of your exertions; and that many Jacobs must yet wrestle before they will prevail, and have their requests granted in the conversion of the Burmans. We should long since have been discouraged were it not for our hope in God, who we know can make these dry bones live; can raise up of these worshippers of Gaumada "an exceeding great army."

"We just begin to feel at home in the language, and Mr. Judson is making daily exertions in a still and quiet way to communicate divine truth. But the greatest prudence and caution are necessary under such a government. One imprudent step might at once destroy this infant mission, and cause our banishment from the country. At present we are entirely unconnected with the government, and wish to have as little to do with men in power as possible, though prudence and policy dictate our visiting sometimes at the government-house. Common people, and inferior members of government, knowing that we have at all times immediate access to the viceroy's family, dare not molest us, and treat us with much more respect than they would otherwise do. As I am the only foreign female here, I am treated with more attention than any other female in the country. The present viceroy and his wife are both members of the royal family, and they are never approached by any under their authority but with the most profound reverence.

"My voyage to Madras was very serviceable to my health, as I was there able to procure that medical assistance which I had so long needed. I was made the happy mother of a little son five weeks ago, and have felt more health and strength since his birth than for two years before. I had no physician, or attendant whatever at his birth except Mr. Judson. It is now seven or eight months since I dismissed my teacher, and gave up close application to the study of the language on account of ill health. But I feel it now so far restored, that I have procured another teacher, and am about commencing study again. I feel it my duty to make every thing bend to the acquisition of the language, without a thorough knowledge of which I cannot expect to be useful. None of the Burman females can read except those of rank. This circumstance has stimulated me in learning to read and write the language, as I shall have much more influence among them, and can gain a more thorough and accurate knowledge of their system of religion than I otherwise could.

"I am happy to hear of the formation of the Female Society you mention, and doubt not you will enjoy many happy hours in communion with the Saviour of sinners. I once enjoyed the same privilege of meeting with "sister spirits," but such seasons are past. I am alone, having none with whom I can converse on religious subjects, but Mr. Judson. I do not, however, despair of meeting, at some future time, with some of the tawny females of Burmah for the purpose of worshipping our heavenly Father. They have souls→→→ immortal souls, which must be saved or lost. They have mind's capable of expansion, capable of enjoying communion with the infi

nite God!

"Nov. 20. This letter, as you perceive, I began some time ago. Ill health prevented my finishing it in time to send by the same opportunity by which Mr. J. wrote to Dr. Staughton. My health is now perfectly restored. As a vessel sails to-morrow for Bengal, I close, and need not add that your letters will ever be joyfully received by your affectionate


The determination of the Board to send out brother Hough and his wife to the assistance of brother and sister Judson, was announced in their Report last year. Shortly after its publication, Mrs. Charlotte H. White solicited permission and patronage to attach herself to the mission. Extracts from her letter, making application to this effect, follow, to wit:

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"Philadelphia, June 13, 1815.


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Having suggested to Mr. Hough my wish to join him and Mrs. Hough in going to India, he has advised me to adopt this method in stating my views to the Board, on whose approbation or disapprobation, will depend my future con duct respecting it

"The Board will naturally inquire into my motives and expectations. Permit me to represent them. It is now about ten years since I was led to search the Scriptures in order to find assurance that Jesus Christ is the son of God; in doing which, I was blessed with a desire to be converted from darknes to light; the Holy Spirit rousing me to repent, and enabling me to confess Christ as my Lord and Saviour. A farther search after the path of duty to be pursued in openly avowing my hope in Christ, led me to adopt believer's baptism as the scriptural mode of initiation into the visible church. In 1807 I was baptised by the Rev. William Batchelder, of Haverhill, Mass. and received into full communion with the baptist church in that place: a testimonial of which, by a transfer of my standing, is, I believe, on the records of the Sansom-street church in this city, in which I now stand as a regular member. Since the date of my conversion, I humbly hope my desire has been to do good, and glorify my Redeemer: and especially since missionary endeavours have come within my know. ledge I have felt myself deeply interested in them; and their success has been the constant subject of my prayers. Hitherto I have been excluded from ren dering any service to the mission; but I now rejoice that God has opened a way, and directed my mind to missionary exertions. On the coming of Mr. and Mrs. Hough to this city, and my being made acquainted with them and their missionary views, my ardour has been revived, and a desire produced to accompany them to India; and I now wait for the Board to approbate my design. My wishes are to reside in their family in the character of a sister to Mrs. Hough and a sister in the Lord;-with them to pursue such studies as are requisite to the discharge of missionary duties;-with them to suffer the hardships of such an undertaking, and with them to enjoy in common the favours of that God whom we would jointly serve to be to them, as the Lord may enable me, a sympathetic friend in all conditions, and to solicit and look for the same from them to apply what talents I possess wholly to the service of the mission, either in taking the management of a school, or to hold private meetings, should there be opportunity, with native females, to instruct them in the principles of the gospel, hoping, by the blessing of God, that some of them will be raised from their degraded and miserable condition, to participate in the riches of salvation.

"Having found no period of life exempt from trials, I do not expect to leave them on leaving my native land, but rather to add to their weight and number. I have in some measure experienced that the manifestation of God's love under trials, cannot only soften their poignancy, but render them welcome to the mind: which rather than relinquish at the exclusion of his love, it would prefer to retain. Trusting in the goodness of God, and resting upon his promises, I feel encouraged to go forward, in view of difficulties, dangers, and new privations. "With regard to my feelings in the prospect of going to India: it was with much trembling and contending desire, that I yielded to the first inward impressions of accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Hough; I dared not determine to go in my own strength; but having waited before the throne of grace, and obser ved the opening events of Divine Providence in favour of it, I feel complacency in the plan, together with much consoling quietude of mind.

"That the Lord may influence the decision of the Board concerning me, and strengthen and enlighten me with his Holy Spirit, that I may be enabled to submit to his will, is the humble prayer of yours in christian love,


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