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B. Government Publications

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Instructions of the Comptroller of the Currency Relative to the Organiza

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United States Congressional Globe. 25 Congress, 2 session, 1837-1838; 37 Congress, 2 and 3 sessions, 1861-1863; 38 Congress, 1 and 2 sessions, 1863-1865. United States Congressional Record. 48 Congress, 2 session, 1884-1885; 63 Congress, 2 session, 1913-1914; 64 Congress, 1 session, 1915-1916; 65 Congress, 3 session, 1918-1919; 66 Congress, 1 session, 1919; 67 Congress, 1 and 2 sessions, 1921-1922.

United States House of Representatives. Journal. 15 Congress, 2 session, 18181819.


Report No. 2111 (Power of the Comptroller of the Currency Over National Banks). 72 Congress, 2 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on an Amendment to Abolish the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency). 67 Congress, 1 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on the Extension of a Temporary Plan for Deposit Insurance.) ̄73 Congress, 2 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on the Banking Act of 1935). 74 Congress, 1 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on the Financial Institutions Act of 1957). Parts 1 and 2. 85 Congress, 1 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on the Conflict of Federal and State Banking Laws). 88 Congress, 1 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings to Eliminate Unsound Competion for Savings and Time Deposits). 89 Congress, 2 session.

Banking and Currency Committee, Subcommittee on Domestic Finance (Hearings to Amend the Bank Merger Act of 1960). 89 Congress, 1 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Subcommittee hearings on Legislation to Provide a Guaranty Fund for Depositors in Banks). 72 Congress, 1 session.

Newspapers and Periodicals

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Banking and Currency Committee and Subcommittee on Bank Supervision and Insurance (Hearings on the Consolidation of Bank Examining and Supervisory Functions). 89 Congress, 1


United States Senate. Document No. 186 (Administrative Procedure in Government Agencies). Parts 9 and 13. 76 Congress, 3 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on the Nomination of John Skelton Williams). Parts 1-3. 65 Congress, 3 session.

Banking and Currency Committee (Hearings on Operation of the National and Federal Reserve Banking Systems). Parts 1-5, 71 Congress, 3 session; Parts 1 and 2, 72 Congress, 1 session.

Summary of the Financial Institutions Act of 1957. 85 Congress, 1 session. United States Treasury. Annual Reports for 1790-1828, 1860-1863, 1897-1898, 1901, 1935-1936.

Documents and Statements Pertaining to the Banking Emergency. Part 1. Washington, 1933. United States Statutes at Large. The Statutes at Large, Treaties, and Proclamations of the United States of America. 37 Congress, 1861-1863; 38 Congress, 18631865; 39 Congress, 1865-1867; 41 Congress, 1869-1871; 43 Congress, 1873-1875; 45 Congress, 1877-1879; 49 Congress, 18851887; 56 Congress, 1899-1901; 73 Congress, 1933-1934.


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