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with baskets on their arms and bought the family marketing, and was disgusted with Cincinnati women because they scrubbed floors, washed dishes, and performed all household duties of a like character.

books, issued about that period, written | Cincinnati men because they went out by travellers who had returned from the far Western country, and had "mounts and marvels" (but true ones) to tell of the wonderful fertility of the Ohio soil, the splendid rivers, the astonishing enlightenment of the citizens, the desirability of Ohio as a residence State for English people, and so forth. Among those who were touched by the contagion was Mrs. Frances Trollope, whose querulous castigation of the people of the whole country in a book entitled Domestic Manners of the Americans I have recently re-read. Her avowed and laudable object in going to Cincinnati was to secure a future for her son, the late well-known novelist Anthony Trollope. A dispassionate reviewer of the situation easily sees the rights and wrongs of Mrs. Trollope's story. She was a clever literary woman, who was at home in the salons of what is now called "Upper Bohemia," both in Paris and in London, a linguist, and a person of refinement. In Cincinnati of course she was in exile; she found herself surrounded by persons whose daily battle for bread left them no time for any thought of life's graces and adornments. Yet she absurdly brought these pioneers into comparison with the people whom she had left, and ridiculed

Poor lady! she probably had a very unpleasant experience of the West. The people were wholly uncongenial to her; she had nothing in common with them, and she felt herself to be isolated and disappointed. She effected a certain measure of retribution, however, on her own account, by inflicting a very painful building on the town, her "Trollope's Bazaar," -a dismal, ill-contrived edifice, with hideous windows, half Gothic, half Moresque in style, the whole now happily extinct and done away with. The homes built by some of her neighbors who came from Virginia are still standing in Cincinnati, and it is doubtful if modern architecture can much improve upon them. the oldest of these edifices, which was standing until quite recently, was the Lytle house, No. 66 Lawrence Street, which was built in 1814 by General William Lytle, and has always been occupied by his family and descendants. From beneath the portal of this noble old house

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General W. H. Lytle, the valiant grand- | semblance between its outline and that of son of the first owner, departed to the a familiar domestic utensil. The modern wars, and never thence returned. He fell residences of the wealthy are to be seen at Chickamauga, crowned with bays both on the hill-tops. The mansions of Mr. as poet and as soldier. In 1837 Andrew Probasco and Mr. Shoenberger, at Clifton, Jackson visited Cincinnati, and was en- are castellated structures. The residence tertained at the Lytle house. Rose Cot- of Mr. Longworth, on Longworth Hill, is tage, a small-windowed, two-storied log a beautiful house, whose quaint gables house, built during the pioneer period, and old-fashioned elbows would have dewhen men's huts were their only forts, lighted Hawthorne; and Mr. Longworth's was still standing within a year or two. pictures also are worth a long journey to Judge Symmes and Nicholas Longworth see. All these Cincinnati collectors are both lived in this house, but both left it to generous as the sunlight in respect of enter upon the occupancy of very elegant showing their treasures. And it is unand commodious residences indeed, and doubtedly the kindness in this wise of the which still adorn the city's streets. They great patrons of art in Cincinnati which are situated in the aristocratic East End, has kept ever warm that interest in art, a precinct which modern fashion has not that ambition for achievement in its many abandoned because it desires to go west, varied and beauteous paths, which so disbut which it can not enter because there tinguishes the population of Cincinnati. is no room. Broadway, Pike, Lawrence, and the east ends of Third and Fourth streets offer no building lots to new-comers, nor any space for those who desire extensive grounds attached to their houses. An interesting point in this part of the city is Flat-iron Square, so called from the re

The main business thoroughfare in Cincinnati is Fourth Street, though some parts of Main Street, of Vine Street, of Fifth Street, and of Third Street are very active competitors in the race for commercial supremacy. On the corner of Third and Vine is situated the Burnet House,

the first of that long succession of palatial | for the yearly local postage business hotels which the country has seen erected amounts to $50,000, and some twenty-one during the past thirty odd years. The millions of letters, postal cards, and newsBurnet was built in 1849 by a joint-stock papers are annually delivered. As rapidcompany, and it was then considered the ly as is consistent with sound workmanmost splendid building ever erected for ship the government is erecting on the hotel purposes in any country. Even north side of Fifth Street, between Main now, with all the surprises and grandeur and Walnut, a massive structure in the of modern architecture, the Burnet is still Renaissance style, to which, when coman imposing edifice, with its great cupola, pleted, the post office, custom - house, its wide flight of granite steps reaching court-house, etc., will be removed. The from the street to the entrance hall, its dou- ground on which this splendid edifice ble wings, its extensive lateral fronts, etc. stands cost $700,000, and the structure The small but well-proportioned Ro- will not fall much short of an expense of man-Corinthian temple on the corner of five millions. Large as this building is, Fourth and Vine is Uncle Sam's Cincin- the annals of the past give reason for benati custom-house, Assistant-Treasurer's lief that another generation or so of Cinoffice, United States courts, and city post-cinnatians will find it too small for muWith only a frontage of 80 feet on nicipal requirements. In consequence of Fourth Street and 150 feet on Vine, it may this surmise, wise provision has been made well be imagined that all these govern- for the future by the purchase of contigument offices are very much cramped for ous ground, by means of which the govspace. Particularly is this the case with ernment buildings can be enlarged when the post-office, for the carrying trade in necessary. that line is heavy. People must write to each other a good deal in Cincinnati,

Returning to Fourth Street, where all the world and his wife are strolling,

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cast a glance at the St. Nicholas restaurant and hotel, a fine square edifice which used to be the town residence of the Groesbeck family, but which has long been abandoned by them for a locality of more aristocratic seclusion. The "St. Nick," as Cincinnatians are wont familiarly to call it, is one of those luxurious eatinghouses of the Delmonico order, which flourish well in our free-handed communities, where money comes rather easily, at least to a certain favored class, and where there are plenty of people of cosmopolitan taste who enjoy careful and scientific cookery. Such modest works of art as decorate the family dining-rooms at the St. Nick are, as I, a frequent eye-witness, can testify, of the most irreproachable description.

On the corner of Fourth and Race streets stands the Commercial building, the home of a newspaper whose reputation is national. The Cincinnati Commercial was founded in 1843 by Messrs. Curtis and Hastings, and ten years later (March 9, 1853) there was engaged upon its editorial staff a young writer whose fortunes have never since ceased to be identical with

those of this great Western daily newspaper. The name of Murat Halstead will be universally recognized as that of an accomplished man of letters; as that also of a keen and sparkling wit, a humorist whose satire daily stings hypocrisy and incompetency through the medium of his influential journal. Lately incorporated with the Commercial is the Gazette, one of the strongest of Western newspapers, established nearly seventy-five years ago, and long published in the handsome building on the corner of Vine and Sixth streets. Mr. Richard Smith, the proprietor, is one of the best known and most public spirited of the citizens of Cincinnati, and as a vigorous Ohio editor is known from one end of the country to the other. Last year he merged his interests with those of the Commercial, which now stands in the front rank of journalism, and reflects no little credit upon the cultivation and general progress of the community to which it belongs.

To go to the Enquirer office you must leave Fourth Street and walk to the west side of Vine Street, between Sixth and Seventh. In a tall, neat building of much

more extensive proportions than the façade indicates, by reason of its running back on a rear lot, is published this gay, dashing, and enterprising newspaper. The forte of the Enquirer is its voluminous correspondence, both by wire and mail. On assuming editorial control of the journal in 1877, Mr. John R. McLean at once proceeded to put in practice a change which he was convinced was a wise one. Believing that the majority of American newspaper readers have no time to bestow in the morning upon the perusal of long editorials on the topics of the day, Mr. McLean entirely abolished the system, filling the columns of his paper with bright correspondence sent from all quarters of the globe. Two Bullock presses and a Hoe perfecting press print the Enquirer. A glance at its columns furnishes evidence of the lavish generosity of the proprietors in expending large sums on telegraphed correspondence. To read the Enquirer

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seems to be an indispensable part of the daily duty or pleasure of the Cincinnatian, whatever the tone of his politics.

The Times-Star is a sprightly evening paper, and the Saturday Night a humorous weekly, through the medium of which Minor Griswold, "The Fat Contributor," sportively derides care for his fun-loving readers. Quite a score of religious papers are published every week in Cincinnati, the organs of various Churches. The German press in Cincinnati is very influential. The Volksblatt leads the van, under the able editorship of Mr. F. Hassaurek, while the Volksfreund, the Freie Presse, and the Abend Post have solid constituencies.

But here we are looking at the Fountain, the immortal Fountain, the wonderful Tyler Davidson Fountain in Probasco Square. The history of this magnificent work of art has been often told, yet it possesses elements of romance which can

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