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Cinque Ports, Barons of the, their
treatment at the coronation of
George III., iii. 116.
Circumstance the life of oratory and
poetry, i. 393.

Homer the father of, i. 393.
Ciro Riconosciuto, Il, opera by Cocchi,
ii. 391, 396.

Dr. Burney's opinion of, ii. 391.
Clare College, founded by Elizabeth de
Burg, Countess Clare, i. 95.
Clare, Gilbert de, i. 42, 95.
Clarendon, Edward, Earl of, incorrect

edition published of the last seven
years of his life, ii. 372.
Life of, announced by the Duchess
of Queensberry from his MS., ii. 372.
reference to the Life of, iii. 2, 5.
Mr. Cambridge's premature criticism
of, iii. 2.

Clarke, Dr. John, M.D., of Epsom,
friend of Gray, ii. 63.

Gray writes him of his return to
Cambridge, iii. 60.
reference to, i. 125.

Clarke, Mrs. Jane, Epitaph on, i. 125.
first published, 1775, i. 100.
Clarke, Captain, his Military Institu-
tions of Vezetius, iii. 357.
Cleone, Dodsley's play of, ii. 391.
Clergy, satire on the. Its prevalence,
i. 406.

Addison unable to suppress it, i. 406.
Clerke, Dr. John, Dean of Salisbury,
ii. 317.

Cleveland, Duke of, his patronage of
C. Smart, ii. 179.

story of an attempt to inveigle him
in marriage, iii. 33.

Clifford, Hon. Mr., his park on the
banks of the Lune, i. 274.
Climate, its effect on nations, i. 118-119.
Clontarf, battle of, i. 52.

Coalheavers at Shadwell, affray of, iii.


Cobden, Rev. Dr., court chaplain, re-
ference to, ii. 327.
Cobham, Viscountess, her house at
Stoke, i. 83.

entertains Garrick at Stoke, ii. 323,

Gray visits her at Hampton for two
days, ii. 369.

dying at Stoke, iii. 14.
biographical note, iii. 16.

Cobham, Viscountess, Gray attends
her from Stoke to Hanover Square,
iii. 17.

dying of dropsy, iii. 17.

her death, leaves £30,000 to Miss
Speed, iii. 37.

leaves Gray £20 for a ring, iii. 65.
Cocchi, Dr., his opera of Il Ciro Rico-
nosciuto, ii. 391, 396.

reference to, and his music, ii. 127;
iii. 157.

Cogitandi, De Principiis, i. 185-193.
fragment sent to Richard West, ii. 104.
familiarly called "Master Tommy
Lucretius" by Gray, ii. 121.
editorial note, i. 185.

fragment of the fourth Book sent to
Horace Walpole, ii. 172.

Coke, Lady Mary, reference to and note
on, iii. 73.

Coke, Sir Edmund, his residence at
Stoke, i. 83.

Colin and Lucy, ballad by T. Tickell,
ii. 219.

Colin's Complaint, by Rowe, its origin,
ii. 367.

Colleger, vicissitudes of a, iii. 87.
Collins, William, his Odes on several
Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects,
iii. 159.

Colman, George, his Ode against Gray
and Mason, iii. 41, 53.
friend of Garrick's, iii. 41.

his interest in the estate of Lord
Bath, iii. 172.

Comédie Françoise, account of the, ii.


Comic Lines, i. 138.

editorial note on, i. 138.
Commerce changes nations, i. 120.
Commines, Philip de, ii. 128.
Common sense thrives better in prox-
imity to nonsense, ii. 339.
Conan, i. 130.

probably written in 1764, i. 129.
Conclave of Cardinals at Rome, and

election of Pope Benedict XIÍI., ii.
63, 67, 84, 93.

Condé, Princess of, Henri IV. and the,
ii. 281.

Congresso di Citéra of Algarotti, Gray
has read the, ii. 166.
Congreve, Pindaric form first intro-
duced by, ii. 263.

Contades' army entirely defeated, iii. 5.
Conti, the singer, reference to, ii. 125.
Conversazione, definition of a, ii. 64.
Conway, Francis, second Lord Conway

(Earl of Hertford), biographical
note, ii. 19.

Conway, Francis, Walpole visits him in | Cowley, comparison of his talents with

Paris, ii. 19.

visits Gray in Paris, ii. 20.
at Rheims, ii. 29.

in Geneva, ii. 37.

Conway, General, to take part in a
secret military expedition, ii. 321.
Duke of Devonshire gives him a
legacy of £500, iii. 183.
Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour, Gray
visits him at Henley, iii. 60, 64.
Conway Papers, Gray engaged in de-
ciphering a heap of, iii. 12.
returned to Walpole's house in
Arlington Street, iii. 43.

Cook, Mr. (joint paymaster), iii. 293.
Cookery, Verral's Book of, enriched by
Gray, iii. 81.

Cornhill, destruction by fire of Gray's
house in, ii. 181-182.

rebuilding of Gray's house in, ii. 228.
asks Dr. Wharton to pay his fire
policy, ii. 263.

Mr. Ramsay, Gray's tenant in, iii.


Cornwallis, Sir William, his Essayes of

certaine Paradoxes, 1617, account
of, iii. 312.

Correggio, his works in the churches of
Parma, ii. 49.

his picture of Venus in the collection
of Sir William Hamilton, iii. 195.
his picture of Sigismonda in the col-
lection of Sir Luke Schaub, iii. 195.
Cors, Lambert li, his poem of the
Roman d'Alexandre, i. 357.
Corsini, Lorenzo (Pope Clement XII.),
ii. 63.

Corsola, Bishop of, Claudio Tolomei, i.

Coscia, Cardinal Niccolo, Archbishop
of Benevento, biographical note,
ii. 94.

Costume, Gray's Parisian, ii. 57.
Cotes, Humphrey, friend of Charles
Churchill, iii. 187.

Couplet about Birds, i. 139.
Couplet on Dining, i. 141.

Covent Garden, Gray obtains nosegays
from, ii. 399.

Coventry, Francis, Gray's friendship
with, ii. 163.

his comedy of Pompey the Little, ii.

Coventry, Lady, Elegy on her death

about to appear, iii. 65.

Gray's criticism of Mason's Elegy on,
ii. 358; iii. 73-75.

Cowley misquoted by Gray in the Pro-
gress of Poesy, and by Mitford, i. 32.

Dryden's, i. 32.

irregular stanzas introduced by, ii.

Cowper, Mr., residentiary at York, con-
gratulates Gray, iii. 329.

Cradock, Joseph, reports statement of
John, Earl of Sandwich, relative to
Gray, i. 131.

refers to Gray's use of the mountain
of Caer Caradoc, ii. 270.
Cranmer, Archbishop, his portrait in
Emanuel College, i. 310.
Craon, Prince of, entertains Gray, ii. 52.
visits Rome, ii. 85.
Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot de, his Lettres
de la Marquise, ii. 27.

Gray recommends the romances of,
ii. 107.

his Le Sopha, ii. 123.

his tragedy of Catalina, ii. 193.
Crescimbeni, Comenzarj del, references

to, i. 325, 327, 317, 365, 372, 374.
Creswick, Mr. (the Luke of Cleveland's
managing man) iii. 33.
Critical Review, article on Gray's Bard
in, ii. 327, 331.

Crofts, Mr., a candidate for the Uni
versity, iii. 390.

Croma, one of the poems of Ossian, iii.

Cromartie, Earl of, his trial for re-
bellion, ii. 140.

Cromartie, Lady, supplicates her hus-
band's life, ii. 140.
Crowland Abbey visited by Gray, ii.

Crowley, Robert, printer of Peirce
Plowman's Vision, i. 370.
Crusades, History of the, reference to,
ii. 229.

Cumberland, Duke of, his entry into
Edinburgh, i. 143.

his popularity, i. 145.
his illness, ii. 321.

attended by the surgeons of Marshall
d'Etrées, ii. 321.

his resignation after Closter-Seven,
ii. 343.

recovered of his paralytic attack, iii.

appears at Newmarket in his chaise,
iii. 66.

King George II.'s bequests to, iii. 70-


"in a very good way, 'tis strange if
he recovers," iii. 183.

his illness at Newmarket and story
concerning it, iii. 185.
date of his death, iii. 185.

[blocks in formation]

sador at the Hague, iii. 50.
D'Alembert, M., Gray comments on
his Mélanges de Littérature et de
Philosophie, iii. 46.
Dalston's, Sir W., house at Acorn
Bank, i. 250.

Daniel, Arnauld, his decasyllabic verse,
i. 334.

his invention of the Sestine, i. 350.
Daniskiold, Count, hereditary Admiral
of Denmark, ii. 194.

Dante, Translation of Canto 33, Dell'
Inferno, i. viii. 157-160.
now first printed from MS. belong-
ing to Lord Houghton, i. 157.
his esteem of the Canzone species of
poetry, i. 352.

ascribes the origin of the old prose
romances to the French, i. 365.
D'Arcy, Right Hon. Sir Conyers, re-
ference to, and biographical note,
ii. 367.

Mason visits, ii. 373.

D'Arezzo, Fra Guittone, inventor of
the Sonnet, i. 349.

Darlington, Lady, reference to, iii. 33.
Darradar Liod, an Icelandic poem; see
The Fatal Sisters, i. 52.

Darwin, Erasmus, his verses on death
of Frederick, Prince of Wales, ii.


D'Aubenton, his Histoire du Cabinet du

Roi, commended by Gray, ii. 199.
D'Auvergne, Cardinal, attends a con-
clave at Rome, ii. 67.
Davanzati, his translation of Tacitus,
ii. 111.

Davenport, Mr., friend of Rousseau
and Dr. T. Wharton, iii. 243.
David, C. Smart's Song to, ii. 161.
Davie, Mr., reference to, ii. 146, 147.
Davis, Mrs., an English nun in Calais,
ii. 17.

Dawson Turner, his collection


Graiana, the gift of Mr. Mathias,
and now owned by Mr. John
Morris, iv. 339.
Dayrolles, Mr., intimate friend of Lord
Chesterfield's, ii. 353.

Mason christens his child, ii. 353.

Dayrolles, Mr., his daughter elopes
with Leonidas Glover's son, ii. 354.
his relation with Mr. Stanhope at the
Hague, ii. 354.

De Grey, Lord Chief Justice of Common
Pleas, iii. 390.

De Guerchy and the Chevalier D'Eon,
iii. 181.

De Honestis Veterum Dictis by Marcellus
Nonius, ii. 113.

De la Lande's Voyage through Italy, 8

vols., pretty good to read, iii. 344.
Delap, Dr., referred to by Gray, ii. 309.
author of Hecuba and The Captives,
ii. 309.

biographical note, ii. 309.
Gray proposes, through Mason, that
a comment should be written on
The Odes by, ii. 329.

did he write "Melpomene'? ii. 338.
leaves Mason's curacy, ii. 368.
returned to Trinity, iii. 128, 131.
his Hecuba and Mrs. Pritchard, iii.128.
and Kitty Hunter, unfounded report
of their marriage, iii. 186.
references to, ii. 311, 318.
Delaval, Edward, his tuition, ii. 155.
his disgrace at Cambridge, ii. 159.
a Fellow-Commoner, ii. 203.
Fellow of Pembroke and of the Royal
Society, iii. 137.

his skill in playing water-glasses, iii.
31, 124.

attends regularly on the Wilkes case,
iii. 39.

visits Gray in Jermyn Street, iii. 182.
his frankness, iii. 320.

his illness, iii. 335.

criticised Gray, iii. 338.
references to, iii. 122, 137, 186.
Delaval, Sir Francis Blake, asks the

post of Modern History for E.
Delaval, iii. 140.

Delaval, Sir T., reference to a love
affair, iii. 256.

Demofoonte, a drama in which Mingotti
excelled, ii. 282.

Denbigh, Lady, at Stoke House, ii. 382.
Denmark, Mallet's Introduction to the
History of, ii. 352.

Denmark, King of, visits Cambridge,

his personal appearance, iii. 329.
references to, iii. 327, 330.
Denny, Sir Anthony, old picture sup-
posed to be his portrait, iii. 227.
D'Eon, Chevalier, and Mons. Du Vergy
and De Guerchy, iii. 181.


Principiis Cogitandi, a didactic
poem of Gray's, see Cogitandi, ii.


De Quincey's invective against Gras- |
mere coach road, i. 266.
De Regimine Principum, Chaucer's por-
trait by Occleve in the book, i. 305.
Destouches, Néricault, French drama-
tist, his comedy of Philosophe Marié,
ii. 23.

note on, ii. 23.

Devil, History of the, lost fragment of
Gray's, i. 142.

Devonshire, Duke of, Head of the
Treasury, ii. 292.

appoints Rev. W. Mason Chaplain in
Ordinary to George IL, ii. 326.
gives a dinner to gentlemen attend-
ing coronation of George III., iii.

his seat at Chatsworth, iii. 134-136.
death of William, 4th Duke, and the
cause, iii. 176, 184.

value of his estate and his bequests,
iii. 183, 184.

Diamantina, La, violinist, ii. 76.
Dickens, Dr., reference to, ii. 118.
Dillon, Mr. John, possessed and added

to the Dawson - Turner MSS. of
Gray, iv. 339.

Dining, Couplet on, i. 141.
Doctor of Laws, Gray's attachment to
Cambridge induces him to decline,
from the University of Aberdeen,
the honorary degree of, ii. 219-220.
Dodsley, Robert, prints the Elegy
written in a Country Churchyard,
ii. 211.

the printing of Gray's Odes, ii. 218.
prints a collection of Miscellaneous
Poems, including Gray, ii. 219.
Gray offers to Horace Walpole some
Odes for insertion in the Miscel-
laneous Poems, ii. 226, 364.
prints the Elegy with Bentley's de-
signs, ii. 234.

references to, ii. 235, 339.

his conscience settled by Soame
Jenyns work on Evil, ii. 310.
how many copies of the Odes has he
disposed of, out of the 2000? ii.


directed to distribute Gray's poems
to certain persons, ii. 344.
his play of Cleone, ii. 391.
printing an edition of Gray contem-
porary with the Glasgow edition
of Foulis, iii. 286-287, 290.
glutted the town with two editions,
one of 1500 copies and one of 750,
iii. 325.
Dodwell, assists in the Chronological
table of ancient authors, ii. 158.

Doncaster, aspect of the country near,
ii. 247.

Doria, Andrea, reference to, ii. 48.
Dorset, Ann, Countess of, Gray's ex-

tempore Epitaph on, see Pem-
broke, i. 140.

MS. sketch of her life by Mr. Sedg-
wick, i. 279.

Dorset, Duke of, his distress on the
misfortunes of Lord G. Sackville,

iii. 34.

Douaniers, dragons of Turin, ii. 43.
Douglas, a tragedy by John Home, ii.


Douglas, Bishop, reference to his Pro-
logue to the 8th Eneid, i. 341.
Dovedale and the Peak, visited by Gray
and Dr. Brown, iii. 273.
Doyly, Thomas, Fellow of St. John's,
iii. 190.

Dragon, the red, device of Cadwal-
lader, i. 70.

Druidical mythology, iii. 351.
Druidicarum, Historia Vettm. Acade-

marium Gallæ, reference to, ii. 294.
Druidis, Commentatio de, by Frickius,
ii. 293.

Drummond, appointed Archbishop of
York, iii. 105.

Drury Lane Theatre, Dr. Johnson's

prologue for the opening of, ii. 220.
Dryden, John, compared with Cowley,

as a writer of sublime Odes, i. 36.
his license of language in poetry, in-
stances of, ii. 108.

his character disgraceful to the post
of poet laureate, ii. 345.
his poems recommended by Gray to
Dr. Beattie, iii. 222.

Duclos's Memoires, reference to, ii. 291.
Dufresne, Abraham Alexis Quinault, a

member of the Comedie Françoise,
ii. 23.

Dunbar, Lord, in attendance on The
Pretender at Rome, ii. 85.
Dunciad, The New, Gray's opinion of,
ii. 105.

Duncombe, Harry, friend of Rev. Nor.
ton Nicholls, iii. 240.
Dupplin, Thomas Henry Viscount,
Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 354.
Durham, Dr. Richard Trevor, Bishop
of, ii. 241.

Dr. Joseph Butler, Bishop of, ii. 241.
fever in, ii. 245.

Durell, Commodore, reference to, iii. 9.
D'Urry's edition of Chaucer's works, i.
306, 325.

describes a portrait of Chaucer at
Chastleton, i. 306.

Dutch, probable settlement with, and |
no war, ii. 392.

Du Vergy, the adventurer, in jail for
debt, iii. 181.

Dyce, Rev. A., MS. copy of Gray's

Epitaph on a Child, i. 126.

MS. note as to the destruction of the
autograph of The Characters of the
Christ-Cross-Row, i. 210.

note on the cause of Richard West's

death, ii. 113.

Dyer, John, author of Grongar Hill,|
reference to, ii. 220.

author of The Fleece, ii. 345.

EAGLES on Snowdon, i. 43.

Ease, the mother of fine art, i. 119.
Eckardt, J. G., H. Walpole's Epistle
to, ii. 221.

his portrait of Gray, ii. 234.
Edmondes, Sir T., State Papers of, ii.

Edouard III., Gresset's tragedy of, ii.


Education, thoughts on, i. 120.
Education and Government, The Alliance
of, a fragment, i. 113-117.
editorial note on, i. 113.
first published, 1775, i. 100.
commentary by Gray, i. 117-119.
its duties, i. 119.

Gray sends a copy to T. Wharton, ii.


Edward VI., his restrictions on dress,
i. 318.

Effingham, Thomas Harcourt, Earl of,
his part in the coronation of George
III., iii. 115.
Egmont, Lord, rumour that he will be
Secretary of State, iii. 237.
Egremont, Lord, his hanging woods
near Ulleswater, i. 254.
Egypt, Travels in, by Captain Norden,
ii. 194.

translated by Templeman, iii. 1.
Egyptian architecture, Dr. Pococke's
prints on, ii. 255.
Ekkehardus, monk of St. Gall, early

authority on Latin rhyme, i. 379.
Election time, letters apt to be opened
at the offices during, ii. 249.
Electress Palatine, Dowager, receives
H. Walpole at Florence, ii. 54.
Elegy in the Garden of a Friend, by
Mason. Gray requests it for criti-
cism, ii. 339.

Gray's criticism, ii. 357.

Elegy written in a Country Church-yard,
text of the edition of 1768, i. 71-80.

[ocr errors]

Elegy, text of the first edition, i. 219-223.
Pembroke text, i. 227-232.
editorial note on, i. 72.
satirical criticism

Young, i. 208.

by Professor

advertisement to Dodsley's first
edition, i. 217.

bibliographical note by Gray, i. 227.
submitted to H. Walpole, ii. 209.
H. Walpole requested to ask Dodsley
to print it, ii. 210.

Magazine of Magazines and its pub-
lication, ii. 210-211.

printed by Dodsley, with a preface
by H. Walpole, ii. 211.
errors of the text, ii. 213.

design by Bentley for, ii. 234; en-
graved by J. S. Müller and Charles
Grignion, ii. 234; the original
drawings offered for sale in 1882,
ii. 234.

Robert Lloyd publishes a Latin
translation, iii. 128.

Eifrida, a drama by Mason, ii. 212,
213; iii. 148.

Elisi, singer and actor, illness of, iii. 77.
excellence of his singing, and his
personal appearance, iii. 80.
Elizabeth, Queen, her deportment on
receiving Dzialinski of Poland, i. 49.
Elizabethan State Papers, by William
Murdin, ii. 396.

Ely visited by Gray, ii. 366.
Emanuel College, portraits in, i. 309-


Emile, Rousseau's, Gray's praise of, iii.


Encyclopedia, see French.
English language too diffuse, ii. 111.
Engravings, recommends their produc-

tion in Italy and France, those of
England are woeful, iii. 165.
Entail, The, a fable by H. Walpole, ii.


Enthusiast, The, by J. Warton, ii. 121.
Epicurus, ruinous effect of his doc-
trine to society, i. 120.
Epigram on the company at Cambridge
University, 1768, iii. 296.
Epitaph on a Child, i. viii. 126.
Errol, Earl of, his appearance at the

coronation of George III., iii. 113.
Erse Poems, publication of the, i. 311.
testimony in favour of their authen-
ticity, i. 311.

Gray charmed with two specimens of,
iii. 45.

enquires of Walpole if the authors
are known, and whether any more
are to be had, iii. 45.

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