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That a system created by local laws, and by means of which the great mass of merchandize is made in the course of trade, to pass through the hands of a few men, who thereby acquire great wealth in a short time-is a monopoly inconsistent with the principles of our govern


wealth may purchase the privilege, or whose influence midst of the Great Pine Swamp. There is not, probably with a ruling party may procure it, while all others are in the whole extent of country, south of the lakes, and prohibited from selling their property in this manner-east of the Allegheny mountains, a place remaining so is an infringement of the liberties of the citizen. wild, secluded and romantic. On Thursday morning, July the 10th, I mounted my horse at Porter's excellent Hotel, in Wilkesbarre, and directed my way from the charming valley of Wyoming, through Solomon's Gap to Lowrytown. Attracted by the new merchant mill of Gen. Ross, stopped half an hour to examine it. The high perfection attained by American Millwrights, in the construction of machinery for the manufacture of flour, is a source of admiration and pride. The whole labour is done by machinery; the wheat carried into the loft, thoroughly cleansed, and conveyed to the hopper; the flour, by elevators, returned to the loft, stirred, cooled, boited, and with little labour packed in the bat rels ready for market. Pennsylvania abounds in fine mills. Perhaps there is not, in the world, so great a number, so perfect in machinery as in our state. The mill of Gen. Ross is among the noblest, neatest finished, and best it has been our lot to visit. A sufficient stream giving him a fall of thirty feet, affords him power, with two pair of burr, and one pair of country stones, for extensive operations. Bergstresser was his millwrighta German, distinguished for the neatness, accuracy and strength of his work, and for some valuable improve. ments in the arrangement of the cog.wheels, lessening essentially the friction. The cost of the mill was understood to be 13,000 dollars. From Wilkesbarre to Lowry. town, the road passes over rocky monntains, and deep glens of thick pine and hemlock woods.

That the profound secresy with which the vender is concealed, through the agency of auctions, encourages fraud in numberless forms, and the established time beyond which there is no redress, (limited to one day, or at most but three days,) secures generally to the deceivers the gain of any cheat which may be undetected in that short period. Fraudulent debtors, under cover of this system, securely practice the arts of the swindler. Stolen property is thus easily and safely converted into ready money; and the temptation has in frequent instances led the heedless youth to rob his employer, and thus raise the means of guilty indulgence. The smuggler finds this secret system, a ready avenue, by which to reap the profits of those frauds which he is practising upon the revenue.

That foreign speculators and manufacturers allured by the temptations of auctions, the long credits on duties, and frequent success in adventures, have poured their surplus goods into the United States, thereby creating such fluctuations in trade as to drive from it almost all but those who are under their own peculiar circum


That the American importer, being thereby removed from the trade, the profit arising from the importing business is transferred from the American citizen, and is deducted from the wealth of the nation; and all the prosperous industry which would arise from the diffusion of so great an amount through society, in the employment of mechanics, the renting of houses, the consumption of the products of the earth, &c. is lost.

That the credits on duties designed to encourage the American merchant, when industry, enterprise, and honesty formed his chief capital, have become a perpetual fund without interest, in the hands of the foreigner, to the manifest injury of those for whose benefit they were granted.

That the incessant fluctuations thus created are at once injurious to commerce, destructive to public morals, and ruinous to individuals-the monopolist alone being enriched amid the general calamity.

That the prices of merchandize are increased, inasmuch as the profits of the importer and auctioneer, together with the state duties, are added to the gains of the former importer, who still remains a necessary link in the trade of the country, and must be supported by a charge upon his sales. The price is also increased in the absence of the competition of many importers, the trade being in the hand of a few foreign agents, by whom in times of scarcity the most exorbitant profits are realized. Believing that the positions here assumed, can at the proper time be clearly proved, and that inferences from them deeply involving the interests of every class of the community are fairly deducible, we appeal to those to whom is entrusted the welfare of our common country, and pray that they may take such measures as shall in their judgment most effectually protect our citizens against the operations of a system, fatal alike to the virtue and prosperity of the community.


It was in July 1825, when I last visited Mauch Chunk. Having heard much of the improvements since made there, and especially of the rail-road, I determined to take the opportunity of my journey to Wilkesbarre, again to see this interesting place. Lowrytown, an appendage to the works at Mauch Chunk, is situate 15 miles further up the Lehigh river. Its location is in the

Two miles from Lowrytown, there is a large opening, apparently of some miles in extent; said to be an old Indian clearing, but is probably the effect of a windfall and repeated fires which have prevented the timber from growing. Evening was approaching and rabbits innumerable played and sported in my path for a long dis tance, so tame as scarcely to leave the road as I rode by them. At six I arrived at the upper houses in Lowrytown. Fifteen or twenty neat log buildings are erected on a piece of flat land on the top of Lehigh mountains; and are occupied by persons who are engaged in getting in logs for the saw mills. The purpose of the settlement and works at this place, is to prepare timber for boats to take coal from Mauch Chunk to Philadelphia. Having been so directed, I inquired for the habitation of Mr. Irish, superintendant of the works at this place, and turning to the right, descended a steep hill into a narrow glen, through which Laurel run finds its way to the Lehigh. The hills rise abruptly more than two hundred feet high, and it cannot much exceed that distance from the top of one hill to the top of the other. A place so wild and rude is rarely to be found even in the Great Swamp, which nature seems to have intended for an eternal solitude. But the enterprise of man has made even this place lively by his labour, and pleasant from the conviction of the public utility and private prosperity springing from the operations here carried on. A road between a row of houses and stables near the creek leads to two saw mills on the margin of the river. A stone mill and large store, containing goods to the value of more than 10,000 dollars, indicate the business transacted here. Provisions are brought from Luzerne county and notwithstanding the roughness of the road, a brisk trade is kept up between this place and Wilkesbarre. A wagon going in was taking barrels of mackerel from Lowrytown, the driver saying they could be obtained as cheap by that route as any other.

The accommodations at the house of Mr. Irish were very comfortable. The chamber and beds were so neat they would be in the best mansion in the city, a perfect luxury; and if I could give a receipt for the baked Indian pudding" we had for dinner, I am sure all good

Receipt.-Scald two quarts of skim milk, stir in one pint of Indian meal, or enough to make very thin mush, add a little salt-a tea-cup full of molasses,,a grest spoon.


housewives would thank me for learning them to make a dish so simple, economical, and truly excellent. There are four saw mills at this place, two of them running two saws each, and of the most powerful conOne set of hands work from 12 at night to 12 at noon-another, the other 12 hours, so that the mills run day and night. The mountains of the Lehigh are high and precipitous. Logs are hauled to the sun mit and projected in shutes or troughs to the river. To see the logs descend endwise 700 feet, passing with the rapidity of an arrow, plunging into the deep water, throwing aloft a volume of foain and spray-one log following another in quick succession, was a sight interesting; I might say, combined with the mountain scenery, the expanse and depth of forest, the shouts of the woods men, and the flight of the sacred eagle, was exciting and


The largest pine cut this season, was lying on the mountain brink. Its size exceeded that of any tree I recollect to have seen. There were three logs of seventeen feet each, before it reached the point where it separated into branches or prongs, and from each prong three logs were obtained of fifteen feet each, making nine logs. The butt measured four feet five inches one way, and four feet another way-not being exactly round. A calculation made on the spot, gave 9000 feet as the quantity of board's the tree would produce; so that in Philadelphia it would be worth, in sawed lumber more than one hundred dollars. See the effect of human labour, skill and internal navigation. The differ ence in the value of this single tree, in the forest and at market, speaks powerfully in favor of making the intercommunication between different parts of the country perfect as possible. Only open a way for the productions of the soil to market, and for every dollar expended, you add twenty to the public stock of wealth. I counted with what accuracy I could, the rings from the centre, marking the age of the old pine, and found them to be nearly 260, so that it must have commenced its growth with Shakspeare, about 1560 or 70, and lived in days of "Good Queen Bess."

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destruction in the market place, a large parcel of valu-
mounted a stall on which he had placed the box of
able china, &c. belonging to his deceased wife. He
began to break it piecemeal with a hammer, but was
ware; and when the people were gathered around him,
interrupted by the populace, who overthrew him and
his box to the ground, and scrambling for the sacrifice,
carried off as much of it as they could get. Several
would have purchased the china of him before he at-
tempted to destroy it, but he refused to take any price
for it.
Penn. Gaz. March 25, 1742.

At a celebration of the 4th of July in Meansville, Bradford county, Pa. the Declaration of Independence was read by Colonel Franklin, now about 80 years of age, in a strong and impressive manner-after which he delivered, extemporarily, the following short address: "Friends and fellow citizens:

who have faced the British cannon, and heard the still "You see before you a frail remnant of one of those more appalling yell of the painted savage at the horri ble massacre of Wyoming. We gained for you the li berty you have enjoyed for more than half a century. In all human probability this is the last time our faultering tongues will ever tell to you on an anniversary of freedom the story of our sufferings. May the Almighty strengthen you with virtue to defend your inheritance against foreign invasion, as well as against domestic in trigue and military usurpation.


"At a Council at Philadelphia, February 1st, 1725, the Board being informed that Andrew Bradford, the printer, attended according to order, he was called in and examined concerning a late pamphlet entitled, 'Some remedies proposed for restoring the sunk credit of the Province of Pennsylvania.' Whereupon he declared that he knew nothing of the printing or publishBut the horn sounds. The rafts are about to set off Governor for publishing a certain paragraph in his newsing the said pamphlet; and being reprimanded by the down the river for Mauch Chunk. Having sent my horse paper called the American Weekly Mercury, of the 28 through the wilderness path by a boy hired for the pur- of January last, he said it was inserted by his journeypose, precisely at 1 o'clock P. M. we pushed from the shore at Lowrytown, two rafts being in company. The ledge, and that he was very sorry for it, and for which he men who composed the said paper, without his knowlever was moved, the gates of the dam descended, the humbly submitted himself, and asked pardon of the Gowater rushed through the sluice way, and we shot down vernor and the Board; Whereupon the Governor told the steep descent on the foaming billows, not without him, that he must not for the future presume to publish a deeper ducking than was altogether desirable by a any thing relating to or concerning the affairs of this gomere passenger. When ladies go down, a box is pre-vernment, or the government of any other of his Majespared to save them from the waves, On the artificial fresh we floated along finely, sometimes running ahead of it, and having to wait for it to come on. The scenery along the Lehigh is extremely wild. The hills the whole way rise steeply from the margin of the river several hundred feet and are crowned by forests of mighty pines shutting out the sun except at "high twelve." Deer are often seen on the banks-bear sometimes and rattle snakes are not unfrequently killed in the eddies swimming the river. At the Hatchel-teeth Falls, the fresh having been dissipated by the distance run, our raft ran upon a rock. The hardy raftmen spring in, the water coming waist high, pushed her off and went on without a murmur or an oath. Just at dusk the village of Mauch Chunk and its wonderful works opened to eye.--Vil. Rec.

ful of ginger-or a little of any other spice you like. Put it in a tin or earthen pan, and bake it in the oven three hours. It eats well without, but better with a lump of butter, and is a luxury superior to rice or custard.


On Monday about noon, being in the time of the general meeting of friends, Benjamin. Lay, the Pythagorian cynical Christian philosopher, bore a public testimony against the vanity of tea drinking, by devoting to

ty's Colonies, without the permission of the Governor or Secretary of this Province for the time being. And then he was dismissed."

[Minutes of Council.


A poplar tree was cut down in Berks county in 1827, near Lewis's ferry. It was 117 feet in height, and 64 from the butt to the first branch, and its greatest circumference 20 feet 7 inches-perfectly sound, and from the concentric circles at the end of the trunk, it was es timated to be 300 years old. Gave 22 cords of wood. Sat. Ev. Post April 7.

Printed every Saturday morning by William F. Geddes, No. 59 Locust street, Philadelphia; where, and at the Editor's residence, No. 51 Filbert street, subscriptions will be thankfully received. Price five dollars per of publication-and annually, thereafter, by subscribers annum-payable in six months after the commencement resident in or near the city-or where there is an agent. Other subscribers pay in advance.





VOL. II.-NO. 3.

The following document is interesting, as exhibiting the state of the finances of Pennsylvania at the commencement of the present government in 1790. It will serve by comparison with the statements of the present period, to mark the rapid progress of the State to its now flourishing financial condition.


NO. 31.

IV Of depreciation certificates, issued for the depre. ciation of the pay of the Pennsylvania line in the late federal army, of the officers of the hospital and medical department, and of the state navy.

V Of interest notes issued to pay one year's interest to citizens of Pennsylvania on certificates for cash lent, services performed, or supplies for the United States.

VI Of certificates of funded debt, given for debts due, where there was not money to discharge them, and for all demands against the state authorised by law and equity.

VII Of new loan certificates, issued for certificates of debts due by the United States to citizens of this state. VIII The certificates of depreciation and the funded debt under the foregoing heads bear an annual interest of six per cent. therefore cut of them arises another debt.

Of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, till Oct. 1st, 1790.
On the commencement of the present government of
this commonwealth, bound in all the engagements of
the former, and by a fundamental article in our own
constitution, as well as in that of the Union, which in-
hibits laws to impair contracts; I beg leave to lay before
the legislature a state of the debts of the common
wealth, of their engagements for their discharge, whe-
ther of principal or interest, the means of discharge,
and the present appropriation of the revenues, together
with an enumeration of such as are not specially appro-ed in the continental army.
priated, as the present constitution directs that no mo-
ney shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence
of appropriations made by law.

Of the Debts of the State.

IX Of the pensions allowed by the state.

X Compensations for servants and apprentices enlist.

Under the second head is included all demands against the state which arose during the war, and which may be exhibited before the 1st of January next, together with such accounts already settled, as will not be discharged in money, the parties being, per act of April 1st 1784, and March 1785, entitled to receive such certificates and the interest thereof.

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When the arms of Great Britain were raised against this country, Pennsylvania, then a province, owed few debts to individuals. Only two have appeared and been settled; the amount of both is inconsiderable; one for By act of 21st November 1789, no claim against the £15 for repairing arms in 1773; the other for printing in state for articles or supplies of any kind furnished by 1761 to 1764, £3 15. She had unredeemed of sun-individuals during the late war between the United dry emissions of bills of credit which were struck, part States and the King of Great Britain, not preferred bethereof for the defence and other purposes of the late fore the 1st of January 1791, will be afterwards admitprovince, and part emitted on the faith of the province, ted or allowed by the state. and lent to certain useful public institutions. The amount of the bills unredeemed at the revolution, 1776, were £299633 15 0, By acts of March 23d, and May 25th, 1778, the holders of these bills were called upon to deliver them up within a limited time, now long since elapsed, and to receive other bills to the same amount in their stead. After the limited time was passed, the first mentioned bills were declared to be irredeemable for ever. Under these laws a great many were exchanged, but there remains unexchanged and escheated to the state the sum of £266439 8 3.

The debts due and which have accrued to the state since the commencement of her independence, have principally been incurred in the late war. They consist, I Of bills of credit emitted for carrying it on, or for paying the interest of debts due for advances, services and supplies therein, together with £50,000 emitted on loan. For pay and expenses of the militia and forces of the state in the service of the United States, either in the federal army in our defence against the British, or on the frontiers against the British, and savages; supplies for the federal army in men, money, clothing, military stores, provisions, and other purposes.

II of the grant to the late proprietaries in Pennsyl


There is another species of expense called claims, which cannot properly be arranged under the debts of the state, and which is uncertain in its amount, as it depends on the grants of the legislature at the time, and not on accounts adjusted upon fixed principles. The sum of £5000 annually is appropriated by act of March 26th and 28th September 1789, and is constituted as a fund for this purpose. It may be worthy the consideration of the legislature, whether such a fund is not likely to beget many improper applications, and whether, after the state hath, by an act of limitation, barred even unsettled claims which would have been legal, such an invitation should continue to be held out.

Besides the foregoing debts, there are the following expenses, viz:

XI The pay and contingent expenses necessary for the support of government.

XII The improvements undertaken for the advantage of the citizens, the advancement of learning, wealth, and population, in the commonwealth.

Having thus generally mentioned the debts and expenses of the commonwealth, I shall state more particu larly the nature and amount of each, the funds upon which they respectively rest, and the parts of the former which have been redeemed.

III Of certificates issued in 1780, for provisions for the army, per act June 1780, and for horses for the ar-lowing, viz. my.

I The bills of credit are of the several emissions, fol1st The resolve money emitted in 1775 and 1776, by sundry resolutions, viz: £35,000 per resolutions of asCertificates of funded debt, as per head II. were is-sembly, June 30th, 1775, for pay of associators in sersued for both of these. VOL. II.-7.

vice, and to put the city and province into a state of

defence, of November 30th, 1775, for £80,000 for the
then present exigencies, and per resolution April 6th,
1776, £85,000 for the same purpose, £200,000 0 0
2d. The commonwealth money, emitted
per act 20th March, 1777, for the defence of
the state,

Of these there hath been redeemed as follows: Counted and burnt by the committees of Assembly, from time to time,

Of the resolve money,
Of the commonwealth do
Of both kinds,

Balance outstanding

77461 1 1

91042 10 0

7934 2 5 223562 6 6

of one fourth of the principal and
interest of the arrears of purchase
money and interest due for lands
sold by the late proprietaries be-
fore the revolution, per acts April
200,000 0 0 9th, 1781,and March 29th, 1788,

and also funded on the arrears of
£400,000 0 0 state money taxes, viz: the five
shilling tax, per resolution of as-
sembly Sept. 21st, 1782; the moi-
ety of the effective supplies of
1781, per act June 21st, 1781;
the additional supplies of 1781,
per act June 25th 1781; the first
and second sinking fund taxes,
per acts 19th December, 1780,
and January 31st, 1783; and the
arrears of continental money tax
es, receivable at one for 75 pe
act of April 13th, 1782, 15,71 17 11

£400,000 00

In an act passed 4th December 1789, it is stated, that by act of the 7th of April 1781, all the above bills of credit, not then redeemed, were directed to be exchanged for the bills of credit emitted by the said act of April 7th 1781, and the said act of December 4th 1789 declares, that all of the said bills not brought in and exchanged as aforesaid, on or before the 1st of January 1791, shall be thenceforth irredeemable.

3d. The island money, or emission of bills of credit on interest at five per cent. per annum, emitted per act March 25th 1780, for procuring provisions for the army,

£100,000 0 0

Of this there hath been redeemed

as follows, viz:

Counted and burnt by commit

tees of assembly,

£486,500 0 0

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£99273 5 0

In the treasury, Balance outstanding, to be redeemed,

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57 9 3

669 5 9

in part, till Nov. 1789,
Principal do. of loan-office mo-
£100,000 0 0 ney, from Nov. 1787 till Novem-
ber, 1789,

The holders of these are entitled by law to payment of principal and interest till the time of redemption, at the treasury, per act aforesaid. The fund, specially appropriated to that use, is the sales of the State Islands and city lots.

4th. The dollar money, or bills of credit emitted per act of June 1st, 1780, guaranteed by Congress per resolution of March 18th 1780, upon a contingent event which did not take place, four tenths of which were had immediately by Congress, the remaining six tenths by the state, to be applied for the public service,

Of this there hath been redeemed as follows, viz:

Counted and burnt by committees of

In the treasury
The property of the state, in
the possession of Thomas Smith,

Balance outstanding, to be redeemed, and for which the £150,000 loan office, principal and interest, is appropriated per act of 17th March 1786,




In the hands of Christian Fe-
biger, Esq. of the loan-office mo-
ney, punched,

In the treasury, of
taxes and imposts, 6755 6 2
Out of which there
is due to the late trea-
surer, which he was
in advance for the
state, about

5732 7 6

5600 0 0

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II. The grant to the late proprietaries of Pennsylvania per act 27th November, 1779, amounts to l. 130,000 sterling, to be paid them per the said act, and per laws of 9th Febru ary and March 16th, 1785, in annual instal$1,495,000 00 ments of 1.15,000 sterling; the first payment to be made September 3d, 1784, with interest on those several instalments, per act March 28th, 1787, from the time they respectively become due until paid. Seven in£486,500 0 0 stalments, equal to 1.105,000 sterling, were payable the 3d of September, 1790. £120,000 sterling will be due and payable Sept. 3d next; and the remainder, 7.10,000 sterling, will become payable September 3d, 1792.

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which is generally paid up till April 10th, 1790; the remainder, about 1.23,271 13 2, generally called Unfunded depreciation certificates, are on interest at six per cent. from the 10th April 1781, allowed in payment in the funds appropriated for their redemption. The funds for sinking the alienated part of this debt are, the Land office, in common with other certificates for lands taken 3090 17 1 up since July 1784, except in the late purchase, per acts April 1st 1784, and October 3d 1788; for city lots, per act April 8th 1786, exclusively, with the funded part of this debt; for forfeited estates, per act 18th Dec. 1780, and in the same manner for lands northwest of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers, and south of the donation lands in this state, appropriated for redemption of the depreciation certificates per act March 12th 1783. The funds for redemption of the principal of the Funded depreciation certificates £1649 13 2 are all the above, in common with the unfunded; and in addition, they are receivable, in common with the Certificates of funded debt, for a proportion of threefourths of the arrears of purchase £400 0 0 money and interest of lands sold before the opening of the land office in July 1784, per act March 29th 1788, and for lands in last Indian purchase, per act October 3d, 1788 242,271 13 2

213,575 16 3

£216,666 13 4

1249 13 2

£1,649 13 2

£627,585 11 4

V. According to act of Assembly March 21st 1783, 300,000 dollars were directed to be prepared, to pay the interest on certificate of debts of the United States to citizens of this state

Of this there was not perfected or issued, but burnt by a com£627,585 11 4 mittee of Assembly

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133,428 50 Sum paid out in interest, as directed by law 166,571 50

$300,000 00

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