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cascade, which resembles a river the finest marble, is above ten falling from a precipice. The yards wide, and is beautified with basons below it are adorned with admirable paintings and sculpgroupes of figures, and the gar-tures. The rooms of the grand dens afford a vast variety of pleas-apartment are very lofty, and exing objects. quisitely furnished, the very bed

We made but a short stay here, steads and tables being of massy being very impatient to proceed silver, or of materials equally vato Versailles. This town is situ-luable. Throughout this palace ated on a rising ground in the there is a vast variety of most midst of a valley, encompassed beautiful marble, brought from with little hills at an agreeable Italy, Greece, Egypt, and other distance. The Palace of Versailles remote countries. The cabinet is one of the finest we ever beheld, of rarities is of an octagonal figure, but according to a former Travel and receives its light from a dome it sustained considerable losses at or cupola. Here is a collection the time of the Revolution. To of innumerable curiosities in agate, shew its original beauty, we sub-crystal, jewels, medals, coins, and join the following extract respect- other reliques of antiquity; with ing it : several paintings by the greatest "Here is one of the most mag-masters. The front of the palace nificent palaces in the world. which looks towards the gardens There are three noble avenues to is the finest, and has a portico it, leading from so many several an hundred yards in length, paved towns, consisting each of three with marble, and supported by beautiful walks formed by rows pillars of the same stone. of elms, which terminate in a this side is the superb gallery, large void space at a proper dis- the admiration of all foreigners, tance from the buildings. The which is seventy-two yards long, inner court of this palace is paved and fourteen broad, and has a with black and white marble, and delightful prospect over the garhas a marble fountain and bason dens. Between the windows, in the middle, with statues of gilt which are seventy in number, are copper. This court is terminated pannels of looking-glass and by the Royal Palace; in the front marble pilasters, with a great of which is a noble portico with variety of busts and statues. The three iron doors richly gilt and painted. cieling represents the wrought, by which we enter the battles and principals actions of hall and saloons, adorned with Louis XIV. with other memorable marble pillars, and excellent sta- occurrences of his reign. tues and paintings. The principal stair-case, which consists of

To be continued in our next.


A DEAD MONK'S RE-ANIMATION. monk. He again saw the head Parturiunt montes; nascetur ridicu-move and nod at him. Away he ran, and declared, that all the

lus mus.

It is a well known fact, that saints in the calendar should not throughout all the monasteries in persuade him to go down again: Sicily, the dead bodies of the he was now so positive of the fact monks are dried and made to he had witnessed, that considerstand erect in niches placed roundable alarm prevailed in the cona kind of sepulchral chamber, vent. The monks were called where one of the brothers of the together, and eight or ten descendholy order takes it in turn to watched into the apartment with candles for two hours every night, to put and holy water. They were them in constant mind of the last brought opposite to the dead body awful change that every one is in question, but just as they drew destined to undergo, up, a nod of the head put them all A monk of Palermo was pass-to flight.-When the superior was ing part of the night in the man-informed of it, he was extremely ner above mentioned, when in the angry, and declared some English interval of devotional exercises, he heretic had got in and played fancied he heard every now and this trick, therefore went down then a very unusual noise; and himself with another party. As looking steadfastly at that part of they descended to the galleries, the room from which it proceeded, their courage in some degree ahe perceived one of the dead monks bated; and after advancing caunod to him; he held up his lamp tiously to the place, the superior and the head nodded again: he held up his lamp to the monk. It instantly hastened up stairs to the was no illusion, life had, indeed, convent, to acquaint the brethren once more entered this frail tenewith this fearful omen. The monks ment of mortality! At that very ́ ́ laughed at his fears, and persuad- moment the head shook violently, ed him it was a mere illusion of and fell from the body, when out the imagination; he, therefore, flew-not the soul of a monk, but summoned courage to return, but a living rat, which had made its took care to go to a different part nest in the scull.-This is a fact of these extensive galleries, where which happened some time ago, he remained a while in anxious and is well known and authentisuspence. Finding all, still and cated at Palermo. motionless, he began to think he must have been deceived by his imagination, and therefore he returned to his former station, and fixed his eyes on the same dead

J. W. D.

THE term dog is used in almost every possible sense: the wild rose is called the dog-rose; the scent

less violet, dog-violet. Jolly dog whereon was an inscription to sigis the highest convivial encomium nify that it should be his who which a man can receive from his could truly prove that he was percompanions; honest dog is when fectly contented. As there haphe superadds some good qualities pened to be several "very good to conviviality; sad dog is when sort of people" in the world who, he is a reprobate; you young dog naturally enough, thought the acis a word of endearment with an quisition of a neat piece of hortiEnglishman addressing a child; cultural earth, well laid out, no puppy is a term of contempt for a bad thing, many were ready to coxcomb. A flatterer is called a swear they were perfectly happy, spaniel, a ruffian a bull-dog, an though perhaps their beefsteak ill-looking fellow is an ugly might have been overdone the day hound; whelp, cur, and mongrel, before, or the barber a couple of are terms of contemptuous re- hours later than his appointment, proach to a young man; and if a which of course gave no small sayoung woman's nose unhappily tisfaction. Accordingly, as Obeturns upwards, she is certainly diah was taking his usual "matucalled pug. The travelling title tinal perambulation before the of the King of the Sandwich first repast," a gentleman adIsland is Tirahee Tirahee, which, vanced towards him with a brisk being translated, is Dog of Dogs. How her Majesty is designated is

not known.

To the Editor of the Oxford Entertaining Miscellany.


If you think the fol

and sprightly air, and saluted him. What wouldest thou with me, friend? calmly enquired the Old Quaker. The Gentleman erecting himself somewhat above his customary height, and assuming a most placid smile, answered, that he was come, according to the in

lowing worthy a place in your en-vitation over the gate, to take tertaining Miscellany, you will possession of the garden, for that oblige me by inserting it as it may no person was more satisfied in the amuse some of your readers. whole world. Friend, coolly retortYour's &c. ed Broadbrim, thy speech betrayS. J. eth thee: for, wert thou so perA Quaker having retired into fectly satisfied as thou sayest, thou the country for the sake of enjoy- wouldest not vainly wish for the ing otium cum dignitate, and be-possesion of this garden. The ing somewhat of a wit, after be- gentleman, upon this sneaked off, coming the purchaser of a house finding, as he afterwards expresswith a very fine garden adjoining, ed himself, "the old fool more put up a board over the latter, than a match for him,"


Good Motto.-Mr. Davenport, a tailor, who had acquired a large



never set her foot out of her own country. On this the invalid gravely observed, “Why, Cookey, that's very extraordinary, as they tell me above stairs that been several times all over fortune, asked Foote for a motto Grease."-" They may say what for his coach. Latin or English, they please above stairs or below asked the wit. "Pooh! English stairs (replied the cook), but I to be sure; 1 don't want to set up was never ten miles from Dover in for a scholar." "Then I've got one all my life."-"nay, now, that from Hamlet, that will match you must be a fib (said Foote) for I to a button-hole.-'List! list! oh, have myself seen you at Spithead." The other servants by this time took the joke, and a roar of laughter followed.-The wag however never reached France. The very next morning he was seized with shivering fits; and he expired in the course of the day, (Oct. 21, 1777,) in the 57th year of his age. His body was con


Dean Swift was once invited by a rich miser with a large party to dine: being requested by the host to return thanks at the removal of the cloth, uttered the following grace:

Thanks for this miracle this is no veyed to London, and buried in


Than to eat manna in the wilderness. Where raging hunger reign'd we've found relief,

And seen that wond'rous thing, a piece of beef.

Here chimneys smoke, that never smok'd before,

And we've all eat, where we shall eat no more!

Foote's last Joke-When Foote was on his way to France for a change of air, he went into the kitchen of the inn at Dover, to order a particular dish for dinner. The true English cook, disposed

Westminster by torch-light.



Recited in the Theatre, at Oxford,
on Wednesday, June 30th, 1824,
by the Author, Mr. J. T. HOPE,
of Christ Church.
Lives there no trophy of the hero's

No proud memorial to record his name,
Whose vengeful sword o'er Israel's
fated land

perhaps to smoke the traveller, Stamp'd iron bondage with a con

boasted that for her part she had

queror's hand?

Beneath yon sacred hill's imperial | Lo! Judah's swarthy sons before the mound,* With ruin'd shrines and fallen columns The wither'd remnant of disease and


Where Rome's dread Genius guards each mouldering stone,



Rebellious passions light their faded cheek,

'The cradle of her empire, and her And all the bitter pangs they dare not


throne; Titus, thy Arch proclaims the peaceful And shall these trophies from His


temple torn, Of taste, ennobling Triumph's proudest The living God,




some idol shrine

Survives, the Forum's grandeur to re- Shall we, shall Aaron's sons no more call, And weeps, deserted, o'er its country's Nor breath yon tramp with Conquest's fall. silver voice, || Though dimm'd the outline now, not From Salem's holy mountain heard time o'erthrows


Th' unrivall'd grace which in each In days of festal gladness and of war? Is then the seven-branch lustre sunk

fragment glows;

And Genius beaming through each

ruin'd part,

Displays the glories of immortal Art,

in night,

Which shed o'er Israel's fate mysterious light?

With mingling beauties crown'dt the Or shall its golden lamps with heathen

[blocks in formation]

Yet linger not! within the circling Th' unfaded crown of David's glory

[blocks in formation]

The building is of the Composite order, and one of the most ancient and beautiful specimens Fears with exulting heart th' applaud- The two winged figures, apparently represent

ing Fame.

ing throng; With sparkling eye surveys the sacred The triumphal procession of Titus is sculp. tured on the walls in the interior. spoil, Among the sacred ornaments are still to be And feels one hour o'erpay long years seen, the golden candlestick, the silver trumpets,

of toil.

xc. Vid. Numb. x. 8, 9, 10,

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