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by the presence of the great, he lashes with merited severity the vices and follies of the higher ranks.

never will be felt by him who has been terrified into virtue; who avoids evil, not because he dislikes it, but because he is fearful of the Mr. Irving is endowed by na-consequences. Into such a bosom ture with the qualities most essen- the sacred glow of virtuous emotial in the formation of an orator;tions has never entered: he is he unites the lofty imaginings of neither a favourite of God nor man. the poet with the resistless deduc- If then it be not the character of tions of a logician. Indefatigable the gospel to terrify us into virin his researches, he never leaves tue, if it loves to gain us over to a subject till he has exhausted it. it by dwelling on its milder or He traverses creation to its boun- ennobling attractions, what are daries, and brings back all its end-we to make of these terrific denunless variety in aid of the great ciations, of all that mysterious and cause to which he is devoted: he employs his intellect to bend opinion to the controul of religion and virtue, and labours to turn the stream of thought into a channel, where no error shall sully its purity and cause it to spread ruin and desolation, instead of beauty and fertility in its progress.

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fearful language in which Mr. Irving is said to clothe the sacred truths of the gospel? Is this the character of his eloquence or not; if it is, ought it to be his character? These are questions which we have not seen discussed by any of the numerous commentators who have either enthroned him on a height above all height, or sunk him into "the lowest deep."

We shall be happy to learn from some of our numerous correspon

And, although we do not wish to damp the character of a man so justly admired; yet here a question arises, and one of no small difficulty; whether it is the cha-dents, if possible, the true characracter of the gospel to terrify us ter of Mr. Irving's eloquence; and into virtue, or gain us over to its to point out at the same time, how mild dominion by unfolding its far his style, imagery, sentiments, charms, by displaying all the and general manners, are calcukinder emotions, fonder sympa-lated to promote the great end of thies, endearing affections, inspi- his apostolical labours.

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state of mind which never has and gloomy meditation, shuddering at

He seized the Baron's arm, and drew him away partly against his 'Reverend old man,' com

the conviction of his sister's infi-tear the wound once more open. delity, and in vain seeking any I will address him. I will prove means of vindication. For ever to him that I am well. acquainted. cursed then,' cried he at last, be with every particular. He will the whole hypocritical sex! What not acknowledge any thing, but look can be the look of innocence, his looks will betray him.' if Emilia's was not ?-Brother, be a man. Forget a woman unworthy of your love. Let no recol- will. lection of a faithless wife intrude menced the Count, whence the upon the joys of youth which beck- sorrow which I see pourtrayed on to you from every side. You upon your sallow cheek ?'-' It is have concealed this affair, you not sorrow, my Lord,' answered have thereby spared the honour of the priest; I stood upon the my family, for which I thank you; and now, from this moment, Emilia is dead, her name is for ever banished from our conversation.

brink of the grave, but it has pleased the Almighty that I should return to this world. I am better; and by order of my physician, have to-day, for the first time, stepped into the open air.'

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'I congratulate you,' said the Count, Do you know me ?— Undoubtedly, my Lord; I have the honour of speaking to Count Z**.' True, replied he, you are speak

Baron T― kept his promise. The name of the Countess never fell from his lips; and though a secret sorrow likewise preyed on him; although the wasted form of his once so much loved sister often floated in his sight, yet he assumed a cheerful look, and, to-ing to the unfortunate Count Z**, gether with his brother, rushed from one vortex of dissipation into another.


whose misery is alone to you no secret.'. -My Lord,' stammered Anselmo, pardon me, I do not understand you.' The Count cast a look of bitter scorn at him. You mean to say you must not understand me. Have you not been surprised that during these three

One day they happened to be sauntering in an open walk of the city, where noblemen and beggars, promiscuously paraded; suddenly the Count espied a priest, pale, emaciated, and supporting himself years you have not seen my wife with a stick. 'Heavens!' cried at the chair of absolution?'-' No, he, see, that is Emilia's confes- my Lord,' returned the priest, I have not been surprised. She proBaron T- started, looked bably has found a man more worfearfully towards him, and was si-thy of her confidence. It has hurt lent. Come, dear T———,' said me, I will not deny; for she is a Gustavus, after a pause, let us noble, excellent lady.'-' All is in


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vain, your secrecy is needless. your service, night be guilty of Know, that on that hateful eve of more irregularities.'

As if thunderstruck, tortured,

All Saints, I, I myself, was concealed in the church, and heard racked by every word which fell the vile transaction which Emilia from the lips of the confessor, stood confessed to you. I know the Count Z**, and trembled in every lovely youth, for six months, daily limb. He recollected that young visited our bed-chamber; I know that he each time escaped while we were at supper. You see, Sir, I know all. You have pardoned her in the name of God, but as I hope for pardon from God, I cannot.'

Wildman had lately married his wife's former servant, and acknowledged a child of some years old to be his own. The scales fell from his eyes; the mist dispersed ; he saw his beloved, suffering, innocent Emilia, and sunk senseless Anselmo raised his hands and against a tree. The Baron, almost eyes towards Heaven. Almighty as violently agitated, stood rooted Providence!' exclaimed he, now to the spot, and unable to speak. do I see why thou hast not hark- The pious priest immediately ened to my fervent prayer that I gave a signal to a hackney coachmight be allowed to depart to the man, and conducted the brothers habitations of peace! Oh! my to the Count's house. Lord, what have you done? Your

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Scarce had Gustavus recovered wife is innocent. You must re- his faculties, when he called aloud member young Wildman, the for horses. During the few mo◄ orphan, whom you educated, and for whom you three years since procured an office in the customs. An unlawful amour had taken place between him and your maid servant, and their meetings were in your chamber. Her Ladyship at length detected them. She dismissed the servant instantly, but concealed the whole from you, because she feared your hasty temper, and wished not to ruin the To me she disclosed

ments employed in preparing them, he ran to and fro, howling and wringing his hands. In vain did the Baron and Anselmo endeavour to console him; he saw them not. The horses arrived at the door; he rushed down the steps, threw himself upon one of them, and galloped away without looking behind him, or asking whether his brother would accompany him.

Baron T

followed him.

young man. the whole transaction, because Away they flew over hill and dale, her scrupulous conscience re-day and night, without resting a proached her with the idea that moment longer than was necessary the girl, after her dismissal from to change horses. At midnight,

after the second day, they knock-band, Where are my children?

ed at the gates of the castle.

Are they still alive? It must be now three years since I heard any thing of them.’

Emilia, stretched on her bed of straw, just started from a terrific dream; she heard the noise at the In repentant agony the Count gates; she heard them opened and again fell at her feet, and swore again barred. Hark! The foot- he was undeserving of her pardon, steps of many persons echoed The youngest child, a lovely girl, through the dark and lonesome was immediately brought from the gallery, which led to her prison. boor's wife. Emilia clasped it Hark! the key clinked in the lock in her arms, every maternal feelof the iron door; the bolt was ing awoke, and for the first time pushed aside; the door was open-tinged her pallid cheeks again ed: the glare of twenty torches with red.


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dazzled Emilia's eyes. See! a The next morning, shortly bewrithing man lay at her feet-she fore their departure the Count recognised her husband. See! a commanded the steward to destroy weeping youth lay in her arms the odious turret, and level it with she recognised her brother. Oh! the earth. No,' said Emilia,' who can describe the raptures smiling and throwing her arm of a guiltless soul, whose inno-round her husband's neck, the éence at length is manifest; of a tender heart which at once recovers all that is dear to it!

turret must remain as it now is, or where should I have any evidence against you? These fallen As yet the Count was stretched cheeks will rise again; these pal-' upon the earth, sobbing and ask-lid lips will regain their colour; ing whether she would ever for- these languid eyes will recover give him. She embraced him their former lustre; but the turforgave him-attempted to raise ret, let the turret remain as it him-in vain-he saw her wannow is let it be a warning to disfigured countenance, and bu- each traveller who passes on this ried his own in the dust. Emilia road, never to condemn his wife at last knelt at his side, clasped upon appearances,' him in her arms with heart-felt affection, and mixed her tears with his. Her brother, deeply moved,


surveyed in silence the affecting An Abridgment of the Travels of a


After the first storm had subsided, and the three happy people) had forsaken the dreary dungeon, Emilia, with tender anxiety, and

Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from Page 215.)
We come now to the Catacombs,

in a gentle tone said to her hus- as they are commonly called, or

square at the base, and eight at the top.

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an assemblage of subterraneous now lie buried in the rubbish. sepulchres in the neighbourhood The fairest Obelisk now in of Rome, where the Christians Rome stands in the Piazza before are supposed to have interred their St. Peter's church, whither it was martyrs in the times of persecu- brought from the Circus of Nero, tion, and which are accordingly in the ruins of which it had laid visited out of devotion, and relics buried a great number of years. taken from thence, and dispersed It is one entire piece of marble, throughout the catholic countries. seventy-two feet high, twelve feet These Catacombs consist of a vast number of narrow vaults, with a variety of windings and turnings, The Obelisk of St. John de Laby which the suburbs of ancient teran is the tallest in Rome, being Rome were in a manner under-a hundred and eight feet high mined. Each alley or passage is without the pedestal or cross. about three feet broad, and eight It is well known there were an or ten feet high; on the sides of abundance of theatres and amphi which are niches or graves, where-theatres in ancient Rome, but we in the dead bodies were deposited, only find the ruins of four now rewhich were laid lengthwise, three maining. Some small footsteps of or four rows one over another, the theatre of Pompey are to be parallel to the alley. Each of seen. these graves was just capable of receiving one body, and had its mouth closed with large thick tiles and sometimes pieces of marble, cemented together in a manner inimitable by the moderns. On some few of these tiles we find the name of the deceased person; and frequently a palm-tree engraven or painted.

In the Via Appia, a little way out of Rome, stands the tomb of Metella, the wife of Crassus, on which are carved the heads of oxen, in memory, I suppose, of the great number of those beasts that were sacrificed at the funeral of this lady..

There were a great number of Obelisks in ancient Rome, which

There were anciently no less than ten Circi in Rome, which were large structures, generally of an oblong or oval figure, built for the celebration of several sorts of games, or exercises; one of which was capable of containing 260,000 spectators.

We shall begin our description of the churches with that

of St. Peter, it being admired by all who see it, and deemed a mas-, ter-piece of modern architecture. The area which lies before this magnificent structure is of a circular form, and encompassed by a beautiful peristyle or colonnade, consisting of two hundred and, eighty-four marble pillars, of the Doric order. The two fine fountains

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