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which look like water when they are shaken.†

The Ambrosian library is fa

The melancholy death of Er-and several pieces of amber, in wald was soon known, and he the middle whereof various sorts was borne to his grave 'midst of insects appear distinctly, There the tears of the whole village.-is also a piece of crystal, wherein The heart-broken Louise never re- a couple of drops are inclosed, gained her reason; but is often seen wandering upon the beach when the storm howls loudest, and the fishermen draw their mous for its curious manuscrips, boats higher on the sands-there particularly one of Josephus, in will she sit fancying she hears latin, and another of Leonardus the despairing voice of her lover Vincius. But, according to the in the moaning of the winds.- taste of the Italians, they seem to Her beautiful form is fast fading have laid out more money on picaway, and her pure spirit ere long tures than books. Here are the will join those of lovers in the re- heads of several learned men; agions of bliss. mong which is that of our countryman bishop Fisher, who was put to death by king Henry VIII. for not acknowledging his supre


An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from page 180.)

All strangers go to see the cabinet, which contains a large collection of natural and artificial rarities, and all sorts of antiquities. Among other things is a piece of

incombustible cloth, made of the Lapis Amianthus, or Asbestos*

The Asbestos is a kind of stone or mineral

substance, of a whitish silver colour, and

fibrous texture, endued with the wonderful


About two miles from Milan is a curiosity that deserves to be mentioned: it is a building, which produces such an echo as perhaps cannot be equalled in the world. Upon firing a pistol, we had the sound returned at least fifty times, though the air was not then in a state proper for making such experiment to the best advantage. The repetitions at first are very quick; but the intervals are greater and the sounds more distinct, in propor

tion as they decay. This is oc

property of resisting fire, and remaining un-casioned by two parallel walls of

consumed in the most intense heat. It is found in Tartary, Egypt, Siberia, Corsica, in the Isle of Anglesea, in the Shire of Aberdeen, in Scotland, and many other parts of the world. Of this the ancients had a method of making cloth and paper; and Pliny says, "that he had seen napkins thereof, which being taken foul from the table, were thrown into the fire, and by that means better cleaned than if they had been washed in water,

These drops are considered to be bubbles of air. Another rarity of this nature is shewn at Vendome in France, which they pretend is a tear that our Saviour shed over Lazarus, and was gathered up by an Angel, who put it into a little crystal vial, and made a present of it to Mary Magdalen,

a considerable length, which re-ence, well watered with rivers and verberate the sound to each other till the undulation is quite spent. Some useful hints might be taken from hence by a curious architect, with respect to the forming of artificial echoes.

lakes, and abounds with corn, wine, and the most delicious fruits. The climate is very agreeable, and the air fresh and healthful, which is owing to the neighbourhood of the Alps and Apennines.

Among the public buildings of this city, that best deserve our attention, is the cathedral, which is a magnificent edifice, and has a cupola exquisitely painted by a celebrated master, I think it was Corregio.

As the nobility and gentry of Milan love magnificence in their houses and furniture, so they affect to make a grand appearance abroad, as is evident from their clothes, their coaches, and their numerous retinues. In this city, as in several others of Italy, many The Duke's palace is an elegant people are inclined to imitate the structure, its gardens are very deFrench in their dress and deport-lightful, on account of the grottos, ment; but one may easily disco- cascades, fountains, statues, and ver the airs they give themselves other ornaments: but these are not to be natural: for indeed far from being its greatest beauthere is a vast difference in the ties; the theatre, and the gallery, manners of the two nations; the raise the admiration of all that see French are familiar and talkative, them, and perhaps are not inferior the Italians stiff and reserved; to any thing of that nature in gaiety and sprightliness distin- Italy. The theatre is very spaciguish the former, the latter affect to appear sober and sedate. The Italians have a great aversion to the French, which I suppose proceeds originally from the differ-ever so low; ence of their humours and inclinations.

ous, and so admirably contrived, that the remotest part of the audience can hear distinctly what is uttered on the stage, be the sound and let the actor raise his voice as high as he pleases, there is no echo to occasion the The trade of Milan is as great least confusion. It has no boxes, as can be expected, considering but benches rising gradually like its distance from the sea. Its those of an amphitheatre; and principal manufactures are those they have a method of filling the of silk-brocade, and other rich pit with water three feet deep, instuffs their works in crystal are to which they bring little gilded much admired, and their hard-boats, which, with the lights that wares are reckoned excellent. surround them, form a very agreeThe dutchy of Milan is about able scene. The gallery is hung three hundred miles in circumfer- with a great number of pictures,

all done by celebrated masters, dian, and shows the exact time of and on one side of it is a large noon or mid-day upon the line, room full of inlaid tables, cabin-and also the solstices and equiets, works in amber and crystal, noxes.

and other pieces, much admired At the church of Corpus Domifor the value of the materials, ni they shew an embalmed body' and the excellency of the work-of a nun, called Catherine de Vimanship. Adjoining to this is gri, which frequently works miraanother room furnished with a cles; she sits in a chair, dressed variety of antiquities, as busts, in a nun's habit, has a crown of idols, medals, inscriptions, &c. gold on her head, a crucifix in her right hand, and a book of her own composing in her left. They pretend that her hair and nails grow as when she was alive, and are often cut. She looks black and dry like a mummy, and indeed is a very frightful spectacle.

The inhabitants of Parma are polite, generous, and ingenious; but like most of the Italians, pretty much reserved, especially their nobility.

They shew a manuscript of some books of the old testament,

After a few days stay at Parma, we continued our journey to Bologna, the second city in the ecclesiastical state, an archbishopric, and the most famous univer-which they pretend was written by sity in Italy. Ezra's own hand; but it is only a fine copy, like those the Jews use in their synagogues, and may perhaps be three or four hundred

The streets are broad, and have piazzas on each side; and though the houses are not lofty, yet they make a handsome appearance; years old. they have several fine squares with noble fountains, and surrounded with magnificent buildings. The wealth of Bologna appears in its stately palaces, churches, and convents, the riches of which are hardly to be imagined.

The church of St. Petronio is the largest in Bologna, but chiefly remarkable for a meridian-line, above two hundred feet in length, drawn in copper on the pavement by that curious astronomer Cassini. Over this line is a little hole in the roof, through which a ray of the sun enters when in the meri

To be continued.


By Crowquill the Younger. Come! spit that turkey, stir the fire too,

Or else those ribs of beef will never do.
Lard that young pheasant-John, just
hand those spices:
L-d bless my heart, I've quite forgot
the ices.-

Gourmand, page first and last. "Two o'clock," exclaimed I; "another hour and I shall be surrounded by a pretty

knot of my most particular friends. -I wish it would not rain so fast though, for it may deter some of

tle bit of the breast.-It struck half past two-I went up stairs, got the key of the cellar, and

them from coming. Its a very brought to the light a few bottles


of my very best. - The rich

acquainted that I had some difficulty in parting them-a knock at the door at this moment electrified me, and made me break the crust of my best port in my hurry-I waited a few moments-all was silent-I called to the servant to "The pot-boy,

queer day; but its my usual luck, I am sure to pitch upon a rainy scented port rose gratefully to my day for my parties. Yesterday nostrils as I drew the reluctant was a beautiful day, and I dare corks, for they had been so long say to-morrow will be the same: but hang it I wont grumble, let them only come. I'll pull down the blinds, light the candles, and I warrant we shall be able to drive the blue devils away."Thus I cogitated, at the same time tying the bow of my neckcloth, as know who it wasthe finishing touch to my adonis-Sir," replied she.-" Botheration ing; for, to tell the truth, I ex- take the pot-boy" said I, pettishpected a pretty girl or two to ly, "tell that fellow if he knocks grace my party, and I am just so loud at my door I'll pull his turned thirty and-but-mum !—ears."-I closed the door, arrangDown stairs I went, took a peeped my decanters on the table, and at the dining-room-the table pulled out my watch-a quarter to nicely laid out-silver forks glis-three-I began to fear they might tening in a goodly row, and pretty disappoint me, for the rain came white napkins rearing their heads down very heavy, and some of in all the varied forms that my them have a good distance to come. housekeeper's fancy could place I fidgetted about the room, arrangthem-I rubbed my hands, and ing things over and over again, descended into the kitchen-there merely to keep myself employed; was a clattering! nothing but another knock startled me; I popsauceboats, plates, dishes, and all ped my head out of the parlour the rest of kitchen paraphernalia, door to listen; no one came—at in the elegant disorder natural on last I called out again—and was such an occasion-my good old answered "the milk and cream housekeeper was putting down a come, Sir." I had hardly seated fine fish--the servant-maid, with a myself by the fire, tapping the face red as the sun in a fog, sat fender with my toe, and watching basting a turkey. I smacked my the large drops of rain chasing lips, at its luxuriant appearance, each other down the window panes, and fancied I could hear the sim- when another knock sounded upon pering misses all asking for a lit- my listening ear: I would not stir,

came in with another letter brought by a drunken porter. I blessed the fellow in my heart; broke open the letter only to be disappointed with another excuse. I threw the letter into the fire, finished my dinner-drank almost two


for I was determined not to be mouth when a knocking came at made a fool of again-the servant the door-Here they are at last, entered with a note crumpled be- thought I-I crammed my pie tween her smutty fingers-I into the beaufet, and almost choaksnatched it from her hand broke, ed myself in swallowing what I it open-it was an apology from had in my mouth-the servant Mrs. M. saying, "she was very sorry that she could not have the pleasure of waiting upon me, on account of the bad weather, her daughters and herself all having slight colds."-"There is four gone at all events," grumbled I; never mind, I shall have a good bottles of wine—found myself number now; but, zounds! I sleepy the whole evening-went would rather any one have stayed grumbling to bed at nine o'clock,' away but them; but it is my usual heartily tired out with vexation bad luck. I went down into the and anxiety. kitchen and ordered the things to be put a little back-my housekeeper looked as gloomy as the day at the idea of spoiling her cookery. I paraded every room in the house with all the nervous Walking on Stilts.-The shep-: irritability of expectation. I herds of the Landes, or deserts, in looked out of the window, but the the South of France, usually walk rain still came down in a regular on stilts. Landes lies between stream; the street was almost the mouths of the Adour and the deserted and silent, except now Gironde, along the sea-coast, and, and then a dripping carman came according to tradition, was once rattling by, whipping his drench- the bed of the sea itself. It is one ed beast into a gallop and looking vast wilderness of sand, flat in the the very picture of misery! Four strictest sense of the word, and ao'clock struck-the cook popped abounding with extensive pine her greasy face into the room, to woods. The principal road is know whether she should bring through the sand, unaltered by any thing up for my dinner-I art, except where it is so loose and ordered a cold pie, and sat down deep as to require the trunks of solo. I looked along the range fir trees to be laid across to give it of knives and forks and sighed firmness. The villages and hamwith disappointment. I had just lets stand on spots of fertile ground,; popped a bit of the pie into my scattered like islands among the

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